563 research outputs found

    Group Decision Making for a Fuzzy Software Quality Assessment Model to Evaluate User Satisfaction

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    Information techniques have brought us tremendous benefit, whereas people are increasingly depended on lots of information systems. Therefore, how to establish an assessment model to choose a better software quality suitable for end-users is an important issue. This study is to present an algorithm of the group decision makers with crisp or fuzzy weights to tackle the integrated software quality for evaluating user satisfaction using fuzzy set theory, where the grades of quality and the grade of importance of quality items are assessed by linguistic values represented by triangular fuzzy numbers. The proposed algorithm is more flexible and useful than the ones that have presented before, since the weights against decision makers are considered

    A Fuzzy Selection Model of Microwave System Procurement

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    In order to cope with the coming of future digital television broadcasting, terrestrial broadcast companies have started to upgrade their program transmission relay devices from analog to digital. Although well-defined specifications can be referenced from all manufactures, with all the intricate factors such as functionalities, features, pricing, operation cost, and after service, it becomes a heavy burden as far as how to choose the most appropriate equipment in the procurement of digital microwave relay system. The goal of this report is to set up all kinds of evaluation items utilizing hierarchical structure model, and to choose the most appropriate digital microwave equipment using fuzzy assessment method

    Hierarchical risk assessment of water supply systems

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    Water supply systems are usually designed, constructed, operated, and managed in an open environment, thus they are inevitably exposed to varied uncertain threats and conditions. In order to evaluate the reliability of water supply systems under threatened conditions, risk assessment has been recognised as a useful tool to identify threats, analyse vulnerabilities and risks, and select proper mitigation measures. However, due to the complexity and uncertainty of water supply systems and risks, consistent and effective assessments are hard to accomplish by using available risk techniques. With respect to this, the current study develops a new method to assess the risks in complex water supply systems by reconsidering the organisation of risk information and risk mechanism based on the concepts of object-oriented approach. Then hierarchical assessments are conducted to evaluate the risks of components and the water supply system. The current study firstly adopts object-oriented approach, a natural and straightforward mechanism of organising information of the real world systems, to represent the water supply system at both component and system levels. At the component level, components of a water supply system are viewed as different and functional objects. Associated with each object, there are states transition diagrams that explicitly describe the risk relationships between hazards/threats, possible failure states, and negative consequences. At the system level, the water supply system is viewed as a network composed of interconnected objects. Objectoriented structures of the system represent the whole/part relationships and interconnections between components. Then based on the object states transition diagrams and object-oriented structures, this study develops two types of frameworks for risk assessment, i.e., framework of aggregative risk assessment and framework of fault tree analysis. Aggregative risk assessment is to evaluate the risk levels of components, subsystems, and the overall water supply system. While fault trees are to represent the cause-effect relationships for a specific risk in the system. Assessments of these two frameworks can help decision makers to prioritise their maintenance and management strategies in water supply systems. In order to quantitatively evaluate the framework of aggregative risk, this thesis uses a fuzzy evidential reasoning method to determine the risk levels associated with components, subsystems, and the overall water supply system. Fuzzy sets theory is used to evaluate the likelihood, severity, and risk levels associated with each hazard. Dempster-Shafer theory, a typical evidential reasoning method, is adopted to aggregate the risk levels of multiple hazards along the hierarchy of aggregative risk assessment to generate risk levels of components, subsystems, and the overall water supply system. Although fuzzy sets theory and Dempster-Shafer theory have been extensively applied to various problems, their potential of conducting aggregative risk assessments is originally explored in this thesis. Finally, in order to quantitatively evaluate the cause-effect relationships in a water supply system, fuzzy fault tree analysis is adopted in this study. Results of this analysis are likelihood of the occurrence for a specific event and importance measures of the possible contributing events. These results can help risk analysts to plan their mitigation measures to effectively control risks in the water supply system.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A fuzzy outranking approach in risk analysis of web service security

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    Risk analysis is considered as an important process to identify the known and potential vulnerabilities and threats in the web services security. It is quite difficult for users to collect adequate events to estimate the full vulnerabilities and probability of threats in the Web, due to the rapid change of the malicious attacks and the new computer’s vulnerabilities. In this paper, a fuzzy risk assessment model is developed in order to evaluate the risk of web services in a situation where complete information is not available. The proposed model extends Pseudo-Order Preference Model (POPM) to estimate the imprecise risk based on richness of information and to determine their ranking using a weighted additive rule. A case study of a number of web services is presented in order to test the proposed approach

    Advanced Quantitative Risk Assessment of Offshore Gas Pipeline Systems

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    This research has reviewed the current status of offshore and marine safety. The major problems identified in the research are associated with risk modelling under circumstances where the lack of data or high level of uncertainty exists. This PhD research adopts an object-oriented approach, a natural and straightforward mechanism of organising information of the real world systems, to represent the Offshore Gas Supply Systems (OGSSs) at both the component and system levels. Then based on the object-oriented approach, frameworks of aggregative risk assessment and fault tree analysis are developed. Aggregative risk assessment is to evaluate the risk levels of components, subsystems, and the overall OGSS. Fault trees are then used to represent the cause-effect relationships for a specific risk in the system. Use of these two assessment frameworks can help decision makers to obtain comprehensive view of risks in the OGSS. In order to quantitatively evaluate the framework of aggregative risk, this thesis uses a fuzzy aggregative risk assessment method to determine the risk levels associated with components, subsystems, and the overall OGSS. The fuzzy aggregative risk assessment method is tailored to quantify the risk levels of components, subsystems, and the OGSS. The proposed method is able to identify the most critical subsystem in the OGSS. As soon as, the most critical subsystem is identified, Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis (FFTA) is employed to quantitatively evaluate the cause-effect relationships for specific undesired event. These results can help risk analysts to select Risk Control Options (RCOs) for mitigating risks in an OGSS. It is not financially possible to employ all the selected RCOs. Therefore, it is necessary to rank and select the best RCO. A decision making method using the Fuzzy TOPSIS (FTOPSIS) is proposed to demonstrate the selection of the best RCOs to control the existing risks in the system. The developed models and frameworks can be integrated to formulate a platform which enables to facilitate risk assessment and safety management of OGSSs without jeopardising the efficiency of OGSSs operations in various situations where traditional risk assessment and safety management techniques cannot be effectively applied

    Прогнозирование экологических рисков с использованием анализа иерархий и теории нечетких множеств

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    Розроблено методологію оцінки складеного ризику різної екологічної діяльності і джерел забруднення. Оцінка ризику обчислюється як добуток ступеня ризику r і ступені значущості i. Обидва фактори r і i виражені багаторівневим масштабом якості, який визначений в трикутних нечітких числах (TFN). Для угрупування елементів ризику була розроблена модель складеного ризику триступінчатої ієрархічної структури. Для угрупування використовувався метод аналізу ієрархії (МАІ). Розроблена методологія застосовується у дослідженні складеного екологічного ризику виробництва сірчаної кислоти. Запропонований підхід реалізований в пакеті Fuzzy Logic Toolbox середовищі MatLab.Разработана методология оценки составного риска различной экологической деятельности и источников загрязнения. Оценка риска вычисляется как произведение степени риска r и степени значимости i. Оба фактора r и i выражены 11-уровневым масштабом качества, который определен в треугольных нечетких числах (TFN). Для группировки элементов риска была разработана модель составного риска трехступенчатой иерархической структуры. Для группировки использовался метод анализа иерархии (МАИ). Разработанная методология применяется к исследованию составного экологического риска производства серной кислоты. Предложенный подход реализован в пакете Fuzzy Logic Toolbox среды MatLab.Methodology for estimating of aggregated risk of various ecological activities and pollution sources was developed. The rate of risk is calculated as a product of risk level r and grade of significance level i. Both factors r and i are expressed by the 11-level scale of quality, which is defined in triangular of fuzzy numbers (TFN). A model of aggregated risk of three-stage hierarchical structure was developed for grouping of risk elements. The method of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was used to group them. The developed methodology is applied to study of aggregative ecological risk of manufacture of sulphuric acid. Proposed approach was implemented in program system by means the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox of MatLab

    Food security risk level assessment : a fuzzy logic-based approach

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    A fuzzy logic (FL)-based food security risk level assessment system is designed and is presented in this article. Three inputs—yield, production, and economic growth—are used to predict the level of risk associated with food supply. A number of previous studies have related food supply with risk assessment for particular types of food, but none of the work was specifically concerned with how the wider food chain might be affected. The system we describe here uses the Mamdani method. The resulting system can assess risk level against three grades: severe, acceptable, and good. The method is tested with UK (United Kingdom) cereal data for the period from 1988 to 2008. The approach is discussed on the basis that it could be used as a starting point in developing tools that may either assess current food security risk or predict periods or regions of impending pressure on food supply

    A possibilistic approach to latent structure analysis for symmetric fuzzy data.

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    In many situations the available amount of data is huge and can be intractable. When the data set is single valued, latent structure models are recognized techniques, which provide a useful compression of the information. This is done by considering a regression model between observed and unobserved (latent) fuzzy variables. In this paper, an extension of latent structure analysis to deal with fuzzy data is proposed. Our extension follows the possibilistic approach, widely used both in the cluster and regression frameworks. In this case, the possibilistic approach involves the formulation of a latent structure analysis for fuzzy data by optimization. Specifically, a non-linear programming problem in which the fuzziness of the model is minimized is introduced. In order to show how our model works, the results of two applications are given.Latent structure analysis, symmetric fuzzy data set, possibilistic approach.