336 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Different Trust Metrics of User-User Trust-Based Recommendation System

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    Information overload is the biggest challenge nowadays for any website, especially e-commerce websites. However, this challenge arises for the fast growth of information on the web (WWW) with easy access to the internet. Collaborative filtering based recommender system is the most useful application to solve the information overload problem by filtering relevant information for the users according to their interests. But, the existing system faces some significant limitations such as data sparsity, low accuracy, cold-start, and malicious attacks. To alleviate the mentioned issues, the relationship of trust incorporates in the system where it can be between the users or items, and such system is known as the trust-based recommender system (TBRS). From the user perspective, the motive of the TBRS is to utilize the reliability between the users to generate more accurate and trusted recommendations. However, the study aims to present a comparative analysis of different trust metrics in the context of the type of trust definition of TBRS. Also, the study accomplishes twenty-four trust metrics in terms of the methodology, trust properties \& measurement, validation approaches, and the experimented dataset

    Analyzing recommender systems for health promotion using a multidisciplinary taxonomy: A scoping review

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    Background: Recommender systems are information retrieval systems that provide users with relevant items (e.g., through messages). Despite their extensive use in the e-commerce and leisure domains, their application in healthcare is still in its infancy. These systems may be used to create tailored health interventions, thus reducing the cost of healthcare and fostering a healthier lifestyle in the population. Objective: This paper identifies, categorizes, and analyzes the existing knowledge in terms of the literature published over the past 10 years on the use of health recommender systems for patient interventions. The aim of this study is to understand the scientific evidence generated about health recommender systems, to identify any gaps in this field to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) (namely, “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”), and to suggest possible reasons for these gaps as well as to propose some solutions. Methods: We conducted a scoping review, which consisted of a keyword search of the literature related to health recommender systems for patients in the following databases: ScienceDirect, PsycInfo, Association for Computing Machinery, IEEExplore, and Pubmed. Further, we limited our search to consider only English-lan-guage journal articles published in the last 10 years. The reviewing process comprised three researchers who filtered the results simultaneously. The quantitative synthesis was conducted in parallel by two researchers, who classified each paper in terms of four aspects—the domain, the methodological and procedural aspects, the health promotion theoretical factors and behavior change theories, and the technical aspects—using a new multidisciplinary taxonomy. Results: Nineteen papers met the inclusion criteria and were included in the data analysis, for which thirty-three features were assessed. The nine features associated with the health promotion theoretical factors and behavior change theories were not observed in any of the selected studies, did not use principles of tailoring, and did not assess (cost)-effectiveness. Discussion: Health recommender systems may be further improved by using relevant behavior change strategies and by implementing essential characteristics of tailored interventions. In addition, many of the features required to assess each of the domain aspects, the methodological and procedural aspects, and technical aspects were not reported in the studies. Conclusions: The studies analyzed presented few evidence in support of the positive effects of using health recommender systems in terms of cost-effectiveness and patient health outcomes. This is why future studies should ensure that all the proposed features are covered in our multidisciplinary taxonomy, including integration with electronic health records and the incorporation of health promotion theoretical factors and behavior change theories. This will render those studies more useful for policymakers since they will cover all aspects needed to determine their impact toward meeting SDG3.European Union's Horizon 2020 No 68112

    Explanation Retrieval in Semantic Networks : Understanding Spreading Activation based Recommendations

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    Spreading Activation is a well-known semantic search technique to determine the relevance of nodes in a semantic network. When used for decision support, meaningful explanations of semantic search results are crucial for the user’s acceptance and trust. Usually, explanations are generated based on the original network. Indeed, the data accumulated during the spreading activation process contains semantically extremely valuable information. Therefore, our approach exploits the so-called spread graph, a specific data structure that comprises the spreading progress data. In this paper, we present a three-step explanation retrieval method based on spread graphs. We show how to retrieve the most relevant parts of a network by minimization and extraction techniques and formulate meaningful explanations. The evaluation of the approach is then performed with a prototypical decision support system for automotive safety analyses

    RecMem: Time Aware Recommender Systems Based on Memetic Evolutionary Clustering Algorithm

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    Nowadays, the recommendation is an important task in the decision-making process about the selection of items especially when item space is large, diverse, and constantly updating. As a challenge in the recent systems, the preference and interest of users change over time, and existing recommender systems do not evolve optimal clustering with sufficient accuracy over time. Moreover, the behavior history of the users is determined by their neighbours. The purpose of the time parameter for this system is to extend the time-based priority. This paper has been carried out a time-aware recommender systems based on memetic evolutionary clustering algorithm called RecMem for recommendations. In this system, clusters that evolve over time using the memetic evolutionary algorithm and extract the best clusters at every timestamp, and improve the memetic algorithm using the chaos criterion. The system provides appropriate suggestions to the user based on optimum clustering. The system uses optimal evolutionary clustering using item attributes for the cold-start item problem and demographic information for the cold start user problem. The results show that the proposed method has an accuracy of approximately 0.95, which is more effective than existing systems

    Clustering in Recommendation Systems Using Swarm Intelligence

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    Ένα σύστημα συστάσεων είναι μία εφαρμογή που εκμεταλλεύεται πληροφορίες για να βοηθήσει τους χρήστες στη λήψη αποφάσεων προτείνοντας αντικείμενα που μπορεί να τους αρέσουν. Ένα σύστημα συστάσεων που βασίζεται στην τεχνική του συνεργατικού φιλτραρίσματος (collaborative filtering) δημιουργεί συστάσεις στους χρήστες με βάση τις προτιμήσεις παρόμοιων χρηστών. Ωστόσο, αυτός ο τύπος συστήματος συστάσεων δεν είναι τόσο αποτελεσματικός όταν τα δεδομένα αυξάνονται σε μεγάλο βαθμό (scalability) ή όταν δεν υπάρχει αρκετή πληροφορία (sparsity), καθώς δεν ομαδοποιούνται σωστά οι παρόμοιοι χρήστες. Αυτή η διπλωματική εργασία προτείνει τρείς υβριδικούς αλγορίθμους που ο καθένας συνδυάζει τον αλγόριθμο k-means με έναν αλγόριθμο ευφυΐας σμήνους για να βελτιώσει την ομαδοποίηση των χρηστών, και κατ’ επέκταση την ποιότητα των συστάσεων. Οι αλγόριθμοι ευφυΐας σμήνους που χρησιμοποιούνται είναι o αλγόριθμος τεχνητής κοινωνίας μελισσών (artificial bee colony), ο αλγόριθμος βελτιστοποίησης αναζήτησης κούκων (cuckoo search optimization) και ο αλγόριθμος βελτιστοποίησης γκρίζων λύκων (grey-wolf optimization). Οι προτεινόμενες μέθοδοι αξιολογήθηκαν χρησιμοποιώντας ένα σύνολο δεδομένων του MovieLens. Η αξιολόγηση δείχνει πως τα προτεινόμενα συστήματα συστάσεων αποδίδουν καλύτερα σε σύγκριση με τις ήδη υπάρχουσες τεχνικές όσον αφορά τις μετρικές του μέσου απόλυτου σφάλματος (mean absolute error - MAE), της ακρίβειας (precision), του αθροίσματος των τετραγωνικών σφαλμάτων (sum of squared errors - SSE) και της ανάκλησης (recall). Επιπλέον, τα αποτελέσματα της αξιολόγησης δείχνουν πως ο υβριδικός αλγόριθμος που χρησιμοποιεί την μέθοδο της τεχνητής κοινωνίας μελισσών αποδίδει ελαφρώς καλύτερα από τους άλλους δύο προτεινόμενους αλγορίθμους.A recommender system (RS) is an application that exploits information to help users in decision making by suggesting items they might like. A collaborative recommender system generates recommendations to users based on their similar neighbor’s preferences. However, this type of recommender system faces the data sparsity and scalability problems making the neighborhood selection a challenging task. This thesis proposes three hybrid collaborative recommender systems that each one combines the k-means algorithm with a different bio-inspired technique to enhance the clustering task, and therefore to improve the recommendation quality. The used bio-inspired techniques are artificial bee colony (ABC), cuckoo search optimization (CSO), and grey-wolf optimizer (GWO). The proposed approaches were evaluated over a MovieLens dataset. The evaluation shows that the proposed recommender systems perform better compared to already existing techniques in terms of mean absolute error (MAE), precision, sum of squared errors (SSE), and recall. Moreover, the experimental results indicate that the hybrid recommender system that uses the ABC method performs slightly better than the other two proposed hybrid algorithms

    Panorama of Recommender Systems to Support Learning

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    This chapter presents an analysis of recommender systems in TechnologyEnhanced Learning along their 15 years existence (2000-2014). All recommender systems considered for the review aim to support educational stakeholders by personalising the learning process. In this meta-review 82 recommender systems from 35 different countries have been investigated and categorised according to a given classification framework. The reviewed systems have been classified into 7 clusters according to their characteristics and analysed for their contribution to the evolution of the RecSysTEL research field. Current challenges have been identified to lead the work of the forthcoming years.Hendrik Drachsler has been partly supported by the FP7 EU Project LACE (619424). Katrien Verbert is a post-doctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). Olga C. Santos would like to acknowledge that her contributions to this work have been carried out within the project Multimodal approaches for Affective Modelling in Inclusive Personalized Educational scenarios in intelligent Contexts (MAMIPEC -TIN2011-29221-C03-01). Nikos Manouselis has been partially supported with funding CIP-PSP Open Discovery Space (297229