11 research outputs found

    Artificial general intelligence: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2009, Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 6-9, 2009

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    Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) research focuses on the original and ultimate goal of AI – to create broad human-like and transhuman intelligence, by exploring all available paths, including theoretical and experimental computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, and innovative interdisciplinary methodologies. Due to the difficulty of this task, for the last few decades the majority of AI researchers have focused on what has been called narrow AI – the production of AI systems displaying intelligence regarding specific, highly constrained tasks. In recent years, however, more and more researchers have recognized the necessity – and feasibility – of returning to the original goals of the field. Increasingly, there is a call for a transition back to confronting the more difficult issues of human level intelligence and more broadly artificial general intelligence

    KitBit: A New AI Model for Solving Intelligence Tests and Numerical Series

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    The resolution of intelligence tests, in particular numerical sequences, has been of great interest in the evaluation of AI systems. We present a new computational model called KitBit that uses a reduced set of algorithms and their combinations to build a predictive model that finds the underlying pattern in numerical sequences, such as those included in IQ tests and others of much greater complexity. We present the fundamentals of the model and its application in different cases. First, the system is tested on a set of number series used in IQ tests collected from various sources. Next, our model is successfully applied on the sequences used to evaluate the models reported in the literature. In both cases, the system is capable of solving these types of problems in less than a second using standard computing power. Finally, KitBit's algorithms have been applied for the first time to the complete set of entire sequences of the well-known OEIS database. We find a pattern in the form of a list of algorithms and predict the following terms in the largest number of series to date. These results demonstrate the potential of KitBit to solve complex problems that could be represented numerically.Comment: 11 page

    Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming (AAIP 2009)

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    Inductive programming is concerned with the automated construction of declarative, often functional, recursive programs from incomplete specifications such as input/output examples. The inferred program must be correct with respect to the provided examples in a generalising sense: it should be neither equivalent to them, nor inconsistent. Inductive programming algorithms are guided explicitly or implicitly by a language bias (the class of programs that can be induced) and a search bias (determining which generalised program is constructed first). Induction strategies are either generate-and-test or example-driven. In generate-and-test approaches, hypotheses about candidate programs are generated independently from the given specifications. Program candidates are tested against the given specification and one or more of the best evaluated candidates are developed further. In analytical approaches, candidate programs are constructed in an example-driven way. While generate-and-test approaches can -- in principle -- construct any kind of program, analytical approaches have a more limited scope. On the other hand, efficiency of induction is much higher in analytical approaches. Inductive programming is still mainly a topic of basic research, exploring how the intellectual ability of humans to infer generalised recursive procedures from incomplete evidence can be captured in the form of synthesis methods. Intended applications are mainly in the domain of programming assistance -- either to relieve professional programmers from routine tasks or to enable non-programmers to some limited form of end-user programming. Furthermore, in the future, inductive programming techniques might be applied to further areas such as supporting the inference of lemmata in theorem proving or learning grammar rules. Inductive automated program construction has been originally addressed by researchers in artificial intelligence and machine learning. During the last years, some work on exploiting induction techniques has been started also in the functional programming community. Therefore, the third workshop on |Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming| took place for the first time in conjunction with the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2009). The first and second workshop were associated with the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2005) and the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML 2007). AAIPÂŽ09 aimed to bring together researchers from the functional programming and the artificial intelligence communities, working in the field of inductive functional programming, and advance fruitful interactions between these communities with respect to programming techniques for inductive programming algorithms, the identification of challenge problems and potential applications. For everybody interested in inductive programming we recommend to visit the website: www.inductive-programming.org

    Program Synthesis With Types

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    Program synthesis, the automatic generation of programs from specification, promises to fundamentally change the way that we build software. By using synthesis tools, we can greatly speed up the time it takes to build complex software artifacts as well as construct programs that are automatically correct by virtue of the synthesis process. Studied since the 70s, researchers have applied techniques from many different sub-fields of computer science to solve the program synthesis problem in a variety of domains and contexts. However, one domain that has been less explored than others is the domain of typed, functional programs. This is unfortunate because programs in richly-typed languages like OCaml and Haskell are known for ``writing themselves\u27\u27 once the programmer gets the types correct. In light of this observation, can we use type theory to build more expressive and efficient type-directed synthesis systems for this domain of programs? This dissertation answers this question in the affirmative by building novel type-theoretic foundations for program synthesis. By using type theory as the basis of study for program synthesis, we are able to build core synthesis calculi for typed, functional programs, analyze the calculi\u27s meta-theoretic properties, and extend these calculi to handle increasingly richer types and language features. In addition to these foundations, we also present an implementation of these synthesis systems, Myth, that demonstrates the effectiveness of program synthesis with types on real-world code

    Schemagesteuerte Induktive Funktionale Programmsynthese durch Automatische Erkennung von Typmorphismen

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    Inductive functional programming systems can be characterised by two diametric approaches: Either they apply exhaustive program enumeration which uses input/output examples (IO) as test cases, or they perform an analytical, data-driven structural generalisation of the IO examples. Enumerative approaches ignore the structural information provided with the IO examples, but use type information to guide and restrict the search. They use higher-order functions which capture recursion schemes during their enumeration, but apply them randomly in a uninformed manner. Analytical approaches on the other side heavily exploit this structural information, but have ignored the benefits of a strong type system so far and use only recursion schemes either fixed and built in, or selected by an expert user. In category theory universal constructs, such as natural transformations or type morphisms, describe recursion schemes which can be defined on any inductively defined data type. They can be characterised by specific universal properties. Those type morphisms and related concepts provide a categorical approach to functional programming, which is often called categorical programming. This work shows how categorical programming can be applied to Inductive Programming and how universal constructs, such as catamorphisms, paramorphisms, and type functors, can be used as recursive program schemes for inductive functional programming. The use of program schemes for Inductive Programming is not new. The special appeal and novelty of this work is that, contrary to previous approaches, the program schemes are neither fixed, nor selected by an expert user: The applicability of those recursion schemes can be automatically detected in the given IO examples of a target function by checking the universal properties of the corresponding type morphisms. Applying this to the analytical system Igor2, both the capabilities and the expressiveness can be extended without a decrease in efficiency. An extension of the analytical functional inductive programming system Igor2 is proposed and its algorithms described. An empirical evaluation demonstrates the improvements with respect to efficiency and effectiveness that can be achieved by the use of type morphisms for Igor2 due to a reduction in search space complexity.Systeme zur induktiven Programmsynthese können bezĂŒglich zweier gegensĂ€tzlicher AnsĂ€tze beschrieben werden: Enumerative Systeme zĂ€hlen Programme vollstĂ€ndig auf und verwenden Eingabe/Ausgabe Beispiele (E/A) lediglich zum Testen; analytische, datengetriebene Systeme hingegegen generieren ein Programm durch strukturelle Generalisierung der E/A Beispiele. AufzĂ€hlende AnsĂ€tze ignorieren die in den E/A Beispielen enthaltene strukturelle Information völlig, benutzen aber Typinformation, um den Suchraum zu beschrĂ€nken und die Suche zu steuern. Sie verwenden Funktionen höherer Ordnung als rekursive Programmschemata wĂ€hrend der AufzĂ€hlung, wenden diese aber beliebig und nicht zielgerichtet an. Analytische AnsĂ€tze hingegen nutzen extensiv die strukturelle Information der E/A Beispiele, vernachlĂ€ssigen aber die VorzĂŒge eines starken Typsystems. Programmschemata verwenden sie lediglich starr und fest codiert oder durch Auswahl eines Experten. In der Kategorientheorie beschreiben universelle Konstrukte wie zum Beispiel natĂŒrliche Transformationen und Typmorphismen Rekursionsschemata auf beliebigen, induktiv definierten Datentypen. Diese Konstrukte zeichnen sich durch spezifische, universelle Eigenschaften aus. Derartige Typmorphismen bieten einen kategorientheoretischen Zugang zur funktionalen Programmierung. Diese Arbeit zeigt, wie Catamorphismen, Paramorphismen und Typfunktoren als universelle Konstrukte in der induktiven Programmsynthese als rekursive Programmschemata verwendet werden können. Die Verwendung von Schemata in der induktiven Programmierung ist an sich nichts Neues, die Innovation liegt jedoch in der Art und Weise der EinfĂŒhrung der Schemata. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen AnsĂ€tzen wird weder ein festes Schema verwendet, noch wĂ€hlt ein Experte ein Schema aus. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass die Anwendbarkeit eines bestimmten Schemas sich aus den E/A Beispielen einer konkreten Zielfunktion ableiten lĂ€sst, wenn man die universellen Eigenschaften das dem Programmschema entsprechenden Typmorphismus in den Beispielen erfĂŒllen kann. Im Folgenden wird eine Erweiterung des funktionalen, induktiven Programmsynthesesystems Igor2 vorgestellt und der neue Algorithmus beschrieben. Ein empirischer Vergleich untermauert die VorzĂŒge der Erweiterung und macht die Steigerung der Effizienz und der EffektivitĂ€t, die durch die Verwendung von Typmorphismen durch KomplexitĂ€tsreduktion des Suchraums erzielt werden kann, deutlich

    Interactive Code Generation

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    This thesis presents two approaches to code generation (synthesis) along with a discussion of other related and influential works, their ideas and relations to these approaches. The common goal of these approaches is to efficiently and effectively assist developers in software development by synthesizing code for them and save their efforts. The two presented approaches differ in the nature of the synthesis problem they try to solve. They are targeted to be useful in different scenarios, apply different set of techniques and can even be complementary. The first approach to code synthesis relies on typing information of a program to define and drive the synthesis process. The main requirement imposes that synthesized solutions have the desired type. This can aid developers in many scenarios of modern software development which typically involves composing functionality from existing libraries which expose a rich API. Our observation is that the developer usually does not know the right combination for composing API calls but knows the type of the desired expression. With the basis being the well-known type inhabitation problem we introduce a succinct representation for type judgements that significantly speed up the search for type inhabitants. Our method finds multiple solutions and ranks them before offering them to the developer. We implemented this approach as a plugin for the Eclipse IDE for Scala. From the evaluation we concluded that this approach goes beyond available related techniques and can be very useful in practical software development. In the second approach, synthesis of code is driven by explicit specification of code in terms of (formal) specification. The goal is to allow the developer to specify a program, by giving formal description of its behavior, rather than writing the code - the actual implementation is synthesized automatically. The practical value of such synthesis is immediately clear since this problem is generally hard. The approach solves this problem by combining existing tools for code generation, verification and testing within the synthesis process, and applies techniques for speeding it up. Interesting modifications to the synthesis driven by types were made to allow synthesizing expressions lazily, on demand, by searching for solutions in an incremental fashion. Results of the evaluation on several examples show that the implementation can be effective and useful in practice, while the approach still offers a lot of room for improvements

    Improving differential evolution using inductive programming

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