740 research outputs found

    Peirce's sign theory as an open-source R package.

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    Throughout Peirce’s writing, we witness his developing vision of a machine that scientists will eventually be able to create. Nadin (2010) raised the question:Why do computer scientists continue to ignore Peirce’s sign theory? A review of the literature on Peirce’s theory and the semiotics machine reveals that many authors discussed the machine;however, they donot differentiate between a physical computer machine and its software. This paper discusses the problematic issues involved in converting Peirce’s theory into a programming language, machine and software application. We demonstrate this challenge by introducing Peirce’s sign theory as a software application that runs under an open-source R environmen

    DFKI publications : the first four years ; 1990 - 1993

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    Neuere Entwicklungen der deklarativen KI-Programmierung : proceedings

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    The field of declarative AI programming is briefly characterized. Its recent developments in Germany are reflected by a workshop as part of the scientific congress KI-93 at the Berlin Humboldt University. Three tutorials introduce to the state of the art in deductive databases, the programming language Gödel, and the evolution of knowledge bases. Eleven contributed papers treat knowledge revision/program transformation, types, constraints, and type-constraint combinations

    Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Knowledge Organization WissOrg'17 of theGerman Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO),30th November - 1st December 2017, Freie Universität Berlin

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    Wissensorganisation is the name of a series of biennial conferences / workshops with a long tradition, organized by the German chapter of the International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO). The 15th conference in this series, held at Freie Universität Berlin, focused on knowledge organization for the digital humanities. Structuring, and interacting with, large data collections has become a major issue in the digital humanities. In these proceedings, various aspects of knowledge organization in the digital humanities are discussed, and the authors of the papers show how projects in the digital humanities deal with knowledge organization.Wissensorganisation ist der Name einer Konferenzreihe mit einer langjährigen Tradition, die von der Deutschen Sektion der International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO) organisiert wird. Die 15. Konferenz dieser Reihe, die an der Freien Universität Berlin stattfand, hatte ihren Schwerpunkt im Bereich Wissensorganisation und Digital Humanities. Die Strukturierung von und die Interaktion mit großen Datenmengen ist ein zentrales Thema in den Digital Humanities. In diesem Konferenzband werden verschiedene Aspekte der Wissensorganisation in den Digital Humanities diskutiert, und die Autoren der einzelnen Beiträge zeigen, wie die Digital Humanities mit Wissensorganisation umgehen

    Towards a linguistic worldview for artificial languages

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    Wydział NeofilologiiCelem rozprawy była ocena możliwości zastosowania teorii oraz badań empirycznych formułowanych w ramach metodologii tzw. Lubelskiej Szkoły Etnolingwistycznej do lingwistycznej analizy języków sztucznych oraz zaprezentowanie ograniczeń wynikających z takiego podejścia. W części końcowej rozprawy zostały sformułowane następujące wnioski z badań: 1. Języki sztuczne nie stanowią jednolitej grupy, a ich różnorodne cechy wymuszają różne perspektywy przy próbie zastosowania paradygmatu lubelskiego. 2. Obalony został binarny podział na języki sztuczne i naturalne; zaproponowana została skala naturalności/sztuczności. 3. Językiem, który może w ramach Lubelskiej Szkoły Etnolingwistycznej być traktowany jako naturalny jest bez wątpienia esperanto. 4. Wszelkie badania języków sztucznych w ramach paradygmatu lubelskiego wymagają uwzględnienia transferu z innych języków znanych respondentom a także wpływów kulturowych. Wykazano również istnienie JOS typowego dla esperanta i konsekwentnie prezentowanego w następujących obszarach: • koncepty kulturowe związane z Ruchem; • stereotyp esperantysty.The main objective of the present dissertation was to evaluate the applicability of the theory and practice developed within the methodological framework of the so-called Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin to the linguistic analysis of artificial languages and to present the limitations of such an approach. The following research conclusions were formulated: 1. Artificial languages are not a homogeneous group, and their various characteristics necessitate different perspectives in the application of the Lublin paradigm. 2. The binary division between artificial and natural languages is disproved; a scale of naturalness/artificiality is proposed. 3. The language which may be treated as natural within the Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin is undoubtedly Esperanto. 4. Any study of artificial languages within this paradigm needs to take into account a transfer from other languages known to the respondents as well as cultural influences. The existence of a linguistic worldview typical of Esperanto and presented consistently in the following areas was proved: • cultural concepts related to the Movement • stereotype of an Esperantis

    Inventing languages, inventing worlds. Towards a linguistic worldview for artificial languages

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    The present book evaluates the applicability of the linguistic worldview framework to the analysis of artificial languages and presents the limitations of such an approach. The following research conclusions were formulated: 1. Artificial languages are not a homogeneous group, and their various characteristics necessitate different perspectives in the application of the framework. 2. The binary division between artificial and natural languages is disproved; a scale of naturalness/artificiality is proposed. 3. The language which may be treated as natural is undoubtedly Esperanto. 4. Any study of artificial languages within this framework needs to take into account transfer from other languages known to the respondents as well as cultural influences. The existence of a linguistic worldview typical of Esperanto and presented consistently in the following areas was proved: cultural concepts related to the Movement and stereotype of an Esperantist

    Modeling for policy: Challenges for technology assessment from new prognostic methods

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