328 research outputs found

    Iris segmentation

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    The quality of eye image data become degraded particularly when the image is taken in the non-cooperative acquisition environment such as under visible wavelength illumination. Consequently, this environmental condition may lead to noisy eye images, incorrect localization of limbic and pupillary boundaries and eventually degrade the performance of iris recognition system. Hence, this study has compared several segmentation methods to address the abovementioned issues. The results show that Circular Hough transform method is the best segmentation method with the best overall accuracy, error rate and decidability index that more tolerant to ‘noise’ such as reflection

    Tactile sensing chips with POSFET array and integrated interface electronics

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    This work presents the advanced version of novel POSFET (Piezoelectric Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) devices based tactile sensing chip. The new version of the tactile sensing chip presented here comprises of a 4 x 4 array of POSFET touch sensing devices and integrated interface electronics (i.e. multiplexers, high compliance current sinks and voltage output buffers). The chip also includes four temperature diodes for the measurement of contact temperature. Various components on the chip have been characterized systematically and the overall operation of the tactile sensing system has been evaluated. With new design the POSFET devices have improved performance (i.e. linear response in the dynamic contact forces range of 0.01–3N and sensitivity (without amplification) of 102.4 mV/N), which is more than twice the performance of their previous implementations. The integrated interface electronics result in reduced interconnections which otherwise would be needed to connect the POSFET array with off-chip interface electronic circuitry. This research paves the way for CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) implementation of full on-chip tactile sensing systems based on POSFETs

    Synthetic and bio-artificial tactile sensing: a review

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of artificial tactile sensing, with a particular focus on bio-hybrid and fully-biological approaches. To this aim, the study of physiology of the human sense of touch and of the coding mechanisms of tactile information is a significant starting point, which is briefly explored in this review. Then, the progress towards the development of an artificial sense of touch are investigated. Artificial tactile sensing is analysed with respect to the possible approaches to fabricate the outer interface layer: synthetic skin versus bio-artificial skin. With particular respect to the synthetic skin approach, a brief overview is provided on various technologies and transduction principles that can be integrated beneath the skin layer. Then, the main focus moves to approaches characterized by the use of bio-artificial skin as an outer layer of the artificial sensory system. Within this design solution for the skin, bio-hybrid and fully-biological tactile sensing systems are thoroughly presented: while significant results have been reported for the development of tissue engineered skins, the development of mechanotransduction units and their integration is a recent trend that is still lagging behind, therefore requiring research efforts and investments. In the last part of the paper, application domains and perspectives of the reviewed tactile sensing technologies are discussed

    Online Resources in MEMS Technology for Professional and Educational Development

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    Over the last twenty years, the National Science Foundation (NSF) through its Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program has funded many ATE centers across the United State of America to advance the technician level work force in the Country. One of these centers is the Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) located at the University of New Mexico. The SCME offers educational materials and professional development at no cost.  These materials and professional development opportunities include sponsored conferences, downloadable written materials for instructors and students, YouTube channels providing lectures, animations and videos, hands-on kits for the classroom, micro and nano films, webinars, online distance learning courses and mentoring opportunities for educators.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijere.v3i1.584

    Parylene BioMEMS

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    This paper describes parylene as an emerging bioMEMS material. Parylene has the unique feature of room-temperature, pinhole-free conformal CVD deposition. It is chemically inert and biocompatible. More interestingly, it is found that parylene thin film usually possesses a tensile intrinsic stress, controlled by the last thermal steps. These features allow free-standing parylene MEMS structures in many designs. Parylene MEMS is also a suitable technology for post-CMOS integration. As a result, multi-layer parylene MEMS technology has been developed, especially for bioMEMS applications. This paper also gives examples of integrated parylene microfluidics and HPLC on-a-chip

    Information management and psm evaluation system

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    Information Management and PSM Evaluation System is a system developed to replace the existing system at the Faculty of Computing. The existing system at the Faculty of Computing is a manual system in which all the evaluation process still utilises paper forms. PSM is divided into two phases; PSM1 and PSM2 and each phase has a different form for evaluation. This process is seen to be less systematic and imposes much time on the evaluator, coordinator and supervisor who are also lecturers. Information Management and PSM Evaluation System is designed to automate information management and evaluation of PSM to keep the information in the database. The scope of these systems focuses on admin, supervisor, evaluator and coordinator bound to PSM1 and PSM2. Some of the functions that can be operated on the system are evaluation, updating PSM students’ information and generating reports. The chosen methodology is an Evolutionary Prototype which needs are taken care of the system during modifications. Requirements established during the interview is employed to form a common structure with the essential basic functions of the system. Therefore, Information Management and PSM Evaluation System was developed to automate the manual system to increase efficiency. The system was developed using ASP.net technology and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and has been successfully completed within the specified time

    Bioinspired NEMS-Prospective of Collaboration with Nature

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    The fields of micro- and nanomechanics are strongly interconnected with the development of micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) and nano-electro-mechanical (NEMS) devices, their fabrication and applications. This article highlights the biomimetic concept of designing new nanodevices for advanced materials and sensing applications

    Микроэлектромеханические системы в медицине

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    Представлен обзор МЭМС и биоМЭМС, областей их применения, конструкций, разработок микрозеркал, а также результаты аналитического расчета и расчета в программе Comsol Multiphysics микрозеркала с тепловым приводом.Представлено огляд МЕМС і біоМЕМС, областей їх застосування, конструкцій, розробок мікродзеркал, а також результати аналітичного розрахунку і розрахунку в програмі COMSOL Multiphysics мікродзеркала з тепловим приводом.An overview of MEMS and bioMEMS, their applications, designs, development of micromirrors, and the results of analytical calculation and calculation in the program COMSOL Multiphysics,micromirror with thermal actuatoris given

    National MEMS Technology Roadmap - Markets, Applications and Devices

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    MEMS teknologiaa on jo pitkään käytetty lukuisien eri laitteiden valmistamiseen. Osa näistä laitteista on ollut markkinoilla jo useita vuosia, kun taas osa on vasta kehitysvaiheessa. Jotta tutkimus ja kehitystyötä osattaisiin jatkossa kohdistaa oikeille painopistealueille, on tärkeää tietää mihin suuntaan kehitys on menossa. Tämä työ on osa kansallista MEMS teknologioiden tiekartta -projektia ja sen tavoitteena oli selvittää MEMS laitteiden kehityksen suuntaa. Työ toteutettiin laajana kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Lisäksi tulosten tueksi haastateltiin asiantuntijoita Suomen MEMS teollisuudesta. Työssä tarkasteltiin lukuisia jo markkinoilta löytyviä ja vasta kehitteillä olevia MEMS laitteita ja analysoitiin niitä sekä teknisestä että kaupallisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen perusteella kävi ilmi, että MEMS markkinat ovat pitkään muodostuneet vakiintuneista laitteista kuten mustesuihkupäistä, kiihtyvyysantureista, paineantureista sekä RF suotimista. Lisäksi mikrofonit, gyroskoopit ja optiset laitteet ovat olleet kaupallisesti saatavilla jo pitkään. Markkinat ovat hiljattain alkaneet tehdä tilaa myös uusille MEMS laitteille, joita tulee ulos nopeaa vauhtia. Viimeisimpänä markkinoille tulleita laitteita ovat erilaiset mikrofluidistiikka laitteet, mikrobolometrit sekä yhdistelmäanturit. Pian kaupallisesti saatavia laitteita ovat magnetometrit, automaattitarkennuslaitteet sekä MEMS oskillaattorit. Näiden laitteiden lisäksi kehitteillä on monia uusia MEMS laitteita, jotka saattavat tarjota merkittäviä mahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa. Kehitteillä olevia laitteita ovat erilaiset lääketieteelliset laitteet, atomikellot, mikrojäähdyttimet, mikrokaiuttimet, energiantuottolaitteet sekä RFID-laitteet. Kaikki kehitteillä olevista laitteista eivät välttämättä tule menestymään kaupallisesti, mutta jatkuva tutkimustyö osoittaa, että monilla MEMS laitteilla on potentiaalia useissa eri sovelluksissa. Markkinanäkökulmasta tarkasteltuna suurin potentiaali piilee kuluttajaelektroniikka markkinoilla. Muita tulevaisuuden kannalta potentiaalisia markkinoita ovat lääketieteelliset ja teollisuusmarkkinat. Tutkimus osoitti että MEMS laitteiden tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen liittyy monia potentiaalisia painopistealueita tulevaisuudessa. Käyttömahdollisuuksien parantamiseksi monet jo vakiintuneet laitteet kaipaavat vielä parannuksia. Toisaalta, jo olemassa olevia laitteita voidaan hyödyntää uusissa sovelluksissa. Lisäksi monet uusista ja kehitteillä olevista MEMS laitteista vaativat vielä kehitystyötä.MEMS technology has long been applied to the fabrication of various devices from which some have already been in use for several years, whereas others are still under development. In order to find future focus areas in research and development activities in the industry, it is important to know where the development is going. This thesis was conducted as a part of National MEMS technology roadmap, and it aimed for determining the evolution of MEMS devices. The work was conducted as an extensive literature review. In addition, experts from the Finnish MEMS industry were interviewed in order obtain a broader insight to the results. In this thesis various existing and emerging MEMS devices were reviewed and analyzed from technological and commercial perspectives. The study showed that the MEMS market has long been composed of established devices, such as inkjet print-heads, pressure sensors, accelerometers and RF filters. Also gyroscopes, microphones and optical MEMS devices have already been on the market for a long time. Lately, many new devices have started to find their place in the markets. The most recently introduced commercial devices include microfluidic devices, micro bolometers, and combo sensors. There are also a few devices including magnetometers, MEMS oscillators, and auto-focus devices that are currently crossing the gap from R&D to commercialization. In addition to the already available devices, many new MEMS devices are under development, and might offer significant opportunities in the future. These emerging devices include various bioMEMS devices, atomic clocks, micro-coolers, micro speakers, power MEMS devices, and RFID devices. All of the emerging devices might not find commercial success, but the constant stream shows, that there are numerous applications, where MEMS devices could be applied in. From a market point of view, the greatest potential in the future lies in consumer electronics market. Other highly potential markets include medical and industrial markets. The results of the thesis indicate that there are many potential focus areas in the future related to MEMS devices, including improvements of the existing devices in order to gain better utilization, application of the existing devices in new areas, and development work among the emerging devices

    Design, fabrication and characterization of monolithic embedded parylene microchannels in silicon substrate

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    This paper presents a novel channel fabrication technology of bulk-micromachined monolithic embedded polymer channels in silicon substrate. The fabrication process favorably obviates the need for sacrifical materials in surface-micromachined channels and wafer-bonding in conventional bulk-micromachined channels. Single-layer-deposited parylene C (poly-para-xylylene C) is selected as a structural material in the microfabricated channels/columns to conduct life science research. High pressure capacity can be obtained in these channels by the assistance of silicon substrate support to meet the needs of high-pressure loading conditions in microfluidic applications. The fabrication technology is completely compatible with further lithographic CMOS/MEMS processes, which enables the fabricated embedded structures to be totally integrated with on-chip micro/nano-sensors/actuators/structures for miniaturized lab-on-a-chip systems. An exemplary process was described to show the feasibility of combining bulk micromachining and surface micromachining techniques in process integration. Embedded channels in versatile cross-section profile designs have been fabricated and characterized to demonstrate their capabilities for various applications. A quasi-hemi-circular-shaped embedded parylene channel has been fabricated and verified to withstand inner pressure loadings higher than 1000 psi without failure for micro-high performance liquid chromatography (µHPLC) analysis. Fabrication of a high-aspect-ratio (internal channel height/internal channel width, greater than 20) quasi-rectangular-shaped embedded parylene channel has also been presented and characterized. Its implementation in a single-mask spiral parylene column longer than 1.1 m in a 3.3 mm × 3.3 mm square size on a chip has been demonstrated for prospective micro-gas chromatography (µGC) and high-density, high-efficiency separations. This proposed monolithic embedded channel technology can be extensively implemented to fabricate microchannels/columns in high-pressure microfludics and high-performance/high-throughput chip-based micro total analysis systems (µTAS)