872 research outputs found

    Agro-ecological zonation, characterization and optimization of rice-based cropping systems : proceedings of the SARP applications workshop on the application programs 'Agro-ecological zonation and characterzation' and 'Crop rotation optimization', held at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines, 18 April - 6 May, 1994

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    In this volume of the SARP research proceedings two 'Application Programs' are introduced. Five papers are presented on agro-ecological zonation and characterization, dealing with rainfall mapping, GIS and soil data base investigation. Nine papers are presented on crop rotation optimization, having crop rotation of rice-peanut and barley-rice as subject

    GIS: a window on tropical agriculture and natural resources

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    An operational approach to high resolution agro-ecological zoning in West-Africa

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    Research ArticleThe objective of this work is to develop a simple methodology for high resolution crop suitability analysis under current and future climate, easily applicable and useful in Least Developed Countries. The approach addresses both regional planning in the context of climate change projections and pre-emptive short-term rural extension interventions based on same-year agricultural season forecasts, while implemented with off-the-shelf resources. The developed tools are applied operationally in a case-study developed in three regions of Guinea-Bissau and the obtained results, as well as the advantages and limitations of methods applied, are discussed. In this paper we show how a simple approach can easily generate information on climate vulnerability and how it can be operationally used in rural extension servicesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Land resource assessment for agricultural development in Seoni district (Madhya Pradesh), India

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    The objective of land resource assessment for rainfed agridevelopment in tribal dominated Seoni ditrict, Madhya Pradesh was to assess the suitability of thrity soil mapping units for sorghum-cotton based systems in relation to fertility constraints and for enhancing crop productivity. The arability and suitability analysis showed that fifty six per cent of arable land is suitable for eleven land use systems. The twenty two per cent of arable basaltic lands in northen plateaus were evaluated as suitable for for citrus, sorghum and soybean cropping systems with limitations of low available nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc whereas in southern precipitous zone , fifteen per cent of granitic lands were evaluated as suitable for sorghum and cotton with limitations of stoniness, low water holding capacity, low status of available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and zinc and eighteen per cent of area in sagar and hirvi river valleys for rice, citrus, maize, sunflower and vegetables. Out of 44.6 per cent of nonarable land, thirty seven per cent of land was evaluated as suitable for forestry / grazing and 6.8 per cent for wild life.The study advocates agroecological zonation for maximum utilization of land resources for potential cropping systems in improving produvtivity and fertility management


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    Pertambahan penduduk sejatinya harus juga dibarengi dengan pertambahan jumlah produksi untuk menjaga agar kebutuhan pangan masyarakat tetap terjaga. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan maksud untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian lahan serta menentukan alternatif perencanaan penggunaan lahan untuk pengembangan tanaman jagung, ubi kayu dan kacang tanah di Kecamatan Poleang Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei bebas didasarkan pada unit lahan. Prosedur pelaksanaan survei tanah dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahap meliputi tahap persiapan, tahap operasi lapangan dan tahap analisis sampel di laboratorium. Perencanaan penggunaan lahan dilakukan berdasarkan evaluasi kemampuan lahan dan besarnya bahaya erosi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan tanaman pangan di Kecamatan Poleang Timur Kabupaten Bombana sesuai untuk dikembangkan khususnya jagung seluas 5271,29 ha (78,04%), ubi kayu seluas 4872,34 ha (72,14%) dan kacang tanah seluas 5020,77 ha (74,33%). Alternatif arahan pengelolaan lahan untuk pengembangan tanaman pangan khususnya jagung, ubi kayu dan kacang tanah di Kecamatan Poleang Timur Kabupaten Bombana dilakukan pada tingkat sedang berupa pemupukan untuk faktor penghambat  ketersediaan hara, penambahan bahan organik dan pengapuran untuk perbaikan faktor penghambat retensi hara, bahaya erosi diatasi dengan usaha konservasi tanah seperti penanaman sesuai kontur, pembuatan teras dan penanaman tanaman penutup tanah, pembuatan saluran irigasi/pengairan untuk penghambat ketersediaan air. Diharapkan dengan adanya penelitian ini mampu memberikan sumbangsih pemikiran dan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk pemerintah daerah setempat dalam hal penyusunan kebijakan serta untuk masyarakat dalam usaha pengembangan tanaman pangan

    Computer-Based Forage Management Tools: Historical, Current, and Future Applications

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    Forage management has been an important human activity since the beginning of civilization. By comparison, the personal computer has been available only in the immediate past. The software developed to deal with the complexity of climate, soil, plant, animal, and socioeconomic factors has seen huge changes in a few decades. Mainframe computers facilitated numerical calculations for exploring relationships among dozens of variables. Personal computers opened the door for more individual scientist creativity and routine communication. Web-based communication globalised the option for multidisciplinary teams to tackle problems. Forage-related computer applications abound, allowing farmers, ranchers, and others to more effectively manage the land. This paper describes historical, current, and future computer-based applications that improve understanding and efficiency leading to more economically and environmentally sustainable forage-livestock systems
