1,299 research outputs found

    Building blocks of e-commerce

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    This article examines the architecture of e-commerce as a set of layers, each supporting the one above it. The layers have clean interfaces, that is, they can be designed independently. We present an architecture with six layers. The lowest layer consists of a physical communication network such as local area network or public switched telephone networks. The next higher layer is the logical layer which describes the protocol used to interconnect communication systems to create internet, intranet and extranet. The services provided over the internet infrastructure, namely, e-mail, world wide web etc., are described in what is called network services layer. It is essential to ensure security of messages, documents etc., which are transmitted using network services. The messaging layer is thus concerned with encryption methods, both private and public key encryption and their applications. We call the layer above this the middleman service, which is concerned with value-added services offered by intermediaries to enable payment for services received, certify digital signatures, safely transmit documents and provide information on behalf of companies. The topmost layer is the application layer which users see. The major applications are customer-to-business (C2B) e-commerce, business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce, customer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce etc. We briefly explain these modes

    CPA\u27s handbook of fraud and commercial crime prevention

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    CPA\u27s handbook of fraud and commercial crime prevention

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    CPA\u27s handbook of fraud and commercial crime prevention

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    I Did Not Accept That: Demonstrating Consent in Online Collection of Personal Data

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    Privacy in online collection of personal data is currently a much debated topic considering, amongst other reasons, the incidents with well known digital organisations, such as social networks and, in Europe, the recent EU/GDPR regulation. Among other required practices, explicit and simply worded consent from individuals must be obtained before collecting and using personal information. Further, individuals must also be given detailed information about what, how and what for data is collected. Consent is typically obtained at the collection point and, at a single point in time (ignoring updates), associated with Privacy Policies or End-User Agreements. At any moment, both the user and the organization should be able to produce evidence of this consent. This proof should not be disputable which leads us to strong cryptographic properties. The problem we discuss is how to robustly demonstrate such consent was given. We adapt fair-exchange protocols to this particular problem and, upon an exchange of personal data, we are able to produce a cryptographic receipt of acceptance that any party can use to prove consent and elicit non-repudiation. We discuss two broad strategies: a pure peerto-peer scheme and the use of a Trusted Third Party

    Modelling Business Processes on a Blockchain Eco-System (BPMN)

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    Plokiahela tehnoloogiat on järjest enam vaadeldud kui paljutõotavat tehnoloogiat äriprotsesside muutmiseks. Selle potentsiaal on äratanud paljude ettevõtete tähelepanu uurimaks, kuidas plokiahel saab ettevõtetele kasuks olla. Sellist kasu saab siiski saavutada ainult äriprotsesse uuendades, mitte lihtsalt olemasolevat tehnoloogiat asendades. Protsessimudelid mängivad olulist rolli äriprotsesside uuendamisel, kuna nad analüüsivad neid protsesse ja vajadusel kujundavad ümber. Selles lõputöös uuritakse, kuidas plokiahelale orienteeritud protsesse saab modelleerida BPMN tegevuskeskse modelleerimise paradigma abil. Selle saavutamiseks viiakse läbi uurimistöö mittetulundusühingute auditeerimisprotsesside ümberkujundamise kohta. Äriprotsesse modelleeritakse praeguses vormis ja kujundatakse BPMN abil ümber. Lõputöös uuritakse BPMN sobivust, võttes arvesse harjumuspäraselt esinevaid plokiahela spetsiifilisi mustreid. Lõputöö näitab, et plokiahelale orienteeritud protsesse saab BPMN-iga piisavalt modelleerida. Siiski, BPMN-il puuduvad teatud elemendid, mis võiksid täpsemini kajastada korduma kippuvaid mustreid.Blockchain technology is more and more positioned as a promising technology for changing business processes. This potential has attracted companies to investigate how blockchain can be enable significant benefit gains for companies. However, such gains can only be realized by innovating business processes and not by merely replacing existing technology. Process models play an important role when engaged in innovating business processes because of process analysis and process redesign. This thesis investigates how blockchain-oriented processes can be modelled with the activity-centric modeling paradigm of BPMN. To achieve this, a case study on redesigning the auditing process of a non-profit organization is conducted. The business process is modelled as-is and redesigned by using BPMN. The thesis examines the suitability of BPMN by considering commonly occurring blockchain specific patterns. The thesis shows that blockchain-oriented processes can sufficiently be modeled with BPMN. However, BPMN lack certain elements that could represent commonly occurring patterns more accurately

    Towards a model for ensuring optimal interoperability between the security systems of trading partners in a business-to-business e-commerce context

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    A vast range of controls/countermeasures exists for implementing security on information systems connected to the Internet. For the practitioner attempting to implement an integrated solution between trading partners operating across the Internet, this has serious implications in respect of interoperability between the security systems of the trading partners. The problem is exacerbated by the range of specification options within each control. This research is an attempt to find a set of relevant controls and specifications towards a framework for ensuring optimal interoperability between trading partners in this context. Since a policy-based, layered approach is advocated, which allows each trading partner to address localized risks independently, no exhaustive risk analysis is attempted. The focus is on infrastructure that is simultaneously optimally secure and provides optimal interoperability. It should also be scalable, allowing for additional security controls to be added whenever deemed necessary.ComputingM. Sc. (Information Systems

    A Review of Blockchain Technology Based Techniques to Preserve Privacy and to Secure for Electronic Health Records

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    Research has been done to broaden the block chain’s use cases outside of finance since Bitcoin introduced it. One sector where block chain is anticipated to have a big influence is healthcare. Researchers and practitioners in health informatics constantly struggle to keep up with the advancement of this field's new but quickly expanding body of research. This paper provides a thorough analysis of recent studies looking into the application of block chain based technology within the healthcare sector. Electronic health records (EHRs) are becoming a crucial tool for health care practitioners in achieving these objectives and providing high-quality treatment. Technology and regulatory barriers, such as concerns about results and privacy issues, make it difficult to use these technologies. Despite the fact that a variety of efforts have been introduced to focus on the specific privacy and security needs of future applications with functional parameters, there is still a need for research into the application, security and privacy complexities, and requirements of block chain based healthcare applications, as well as possible security threats and countermeasures. The primary objective of this article is to determine how to safeguard electronic health records (EHRs) using block chain technology in healthcare applications. It discusses contemporary HyperLedgerfabrics techniques, Interplanar file storage systems with block chain capabilities, privacy preservation techniques for EHRs, and recommender systems

    Electronic Commerce and the Communication of Information

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    Electronic Commerce is a relatively new phenomenon in today\u27s market place. Commerce or the buying and selling of goods and services can take many forms. In the early years of computerization. commercial activities revolved around the exchange of financial data between businesses and banks (Electronic Funds Transfer). Then businesses began exploring the transfer of data in an electronic format between individual businesses in the form of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Over time much broader types of business transactions began occurring. Data exchange included inventory items, marketing. sales materials, product design. Items which were sent via mail took on an electronic format speeding the exchange of data from one business to another. As data began moving electronically a network or series of communication lines developed. The development of internal network lines expanded the use of forms of electronic communication to include E-mail, EDl, EFT, file transfers of text, graphics and sound. Internal business and external network applications grew. Most internal networks allowed for the increasing productivity of internal workers in sharing ideas and completing projects. The use of the computer attached to an internal network made workers more productive. Likewise the external network which was used primarily for research by the military and universities called the Internet also grew in popularity. The shift of business transactions moving from a an internal application to and external application on the Internet lead the way for the development of Electronic Commerce. Electronic Commerce is currently one of the newest, hottest technological achievements of our time. Businesses are rapidly developing applications in which to buy, sell or trade services using the Internet. Th.is paper explores some of the challenges faced by electronic commerce and the communication of information. Reviewing past and current technical writer\u27s works in the field of computer technology, an overview demonstrates how computers are changing the way humans are adapting this new technology. Electronic commerce changes many processes currently used in business transactions and produces a new form of commercial activity. As future developments progress in this type of technology people will see many adaptations of electronic commerce in daily life