179 research outputs found

    Air Force Institute of Technology Contributions to Air Force Research and Development, Calendar Year 1987

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    From the introduction:The primary mission of the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) is education, but research and consulting are essential integral elements in the process. This report highlights AFIT\u27s contributions to Air Force research and development activities [in 1987]

    Strategi Penentuan Harga Dalam Sistem Dual Channel Supply Chain Dengan Pertimbangan Pelayanan Garansi

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    Perkembangan e-commerce yang cukup pesat mendorong pelaku usaha untuk memperluas jaringan penjualan hingga sampai ke tangan konsumen. Dengan adanya penambahan channel dalam sistem Supply Chain yang ada menimbulkan fungsi komplementer dan juga subtitusi. Fungsi komplementer dapat memperluas market shares usaha yang dijalankan, sedangkan fungsi subtitusi dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas Supply Chain. Sementara itu, dalam beberapa kasus hal ini tidak selamanya memberikan dampak positif, karena masing-masing channel bisa saja mengasumsikan channel lainnya sebagai kompetitor mereka. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi efek sensitivitas konsumen terhadap harga dan pelayanan garansi yang ditawarkan terhadap perlakuan konsumen dalam menentukan channel tertentu untuk membeli produk yang sama. Dengan pertimbangan efek dari adanya channel tambahan dalam channel penjualan, adanya perpindahan konsumen dari satu channel ke channel lain sangat dimungkinkan yang akhirnya menyebabkan adanya kompetisi yang tidak fair dalam sistem Supply Chain yang sama. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model Dual Channel Supply Chain yang sebelumnya hanya mempertimbangkan sensitivitas konsumen terhadap harga, ditambahkan dengan adanya sensitivitas konsumen terhadap pelayanan garansi. Output dari penelitian ini adalah penentuan harga yang optimal dan usulan lama periode garansi yang ditawarkan untuk masing-masing channel ======================================================================================================== Rapid development of e-commerce had made manufacturers expand their market channels. The additional channel has both complementary and substitution functions. The complementary function is able to widen business market shares, while substitution function is able to increase supply chain flexibility. However, in some case this condition is not always giving a beneficial outcome, since each channel is able to assume that the other channel is its competitor. This research is trying to evaluate the effect of pricing and warranty length sensitivity into customer behavior in selecting a channel to buy a product. Considering the effect of additional channel into a company sales channels, customer shifting between channels may resulting unfair competition under the same supply chain system. In this research a dual-channel supply chain model will be developed to estimate the demand for each channel by considering pricing and warranty length sensitivity, and at the end of the research optimum product prices and acceptable warranty length are suggested based on numerical test experiments. Determining optimum product prices is generated from dual-channel supply chain model developed by the help of Matlab software and nonlinear programming approach, while defining best strategy to set acceptable warranty length is using the help of Gambit software and game theory approac

    A Direct to Ground Architecture for Supporting Communications for the International Space Station

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    The deployment of the International Space Station (ISS) has opened new opportunities for research in space, providing a unique platform for tele-science, microgravity experiments, human physiology studies, and earth observation. In order to control, gain data from, and interact with these activities from the ground, a communications system that can support this broad range of applications needs to be established. In this thesis, three communications architectures for the ISS are discussed: 1) using NASA Tracking Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS), 2) using emerging broadband commercial satellite systems to relay data to the ground, and 3) communicating directly to the ground ("DTG"). The thesis will focus on the latter option, DTG, and establish a methodology for determining the optimum placement of ground terminals for this type of service. A simulation model is developed for a large image file download application, and a detailed coverage analysis of the ISS communicating directly to these ground facilities is performed. In addition, a bottom-up cost estimate of this architecture is developed and compared to the costs of the other two architectures. The results show that the direct to ground architecture cost is competitive with that of the other architectures, and offers scalability for non-real-time applications. Coverage provided by commercial Ka-band satellite systems is about the same as that achieved by direct to ground, but its services will likely not be tailored to the needs of the ISS. The TDRS system provides complete coverage, and is therefore good for real-time applications such as videoconferencing

    Application of demand response strategies for the management of natural gas systems under the smart grid configuration: development of a methodology for technical, economic and environmental evaluation

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    Energy systems are evolving into structures in which the role of the consumer is more and more significant. Consumers are no longer the passive entities that in the past had to be supplied in an unidirectional way (from the network to the customer), but can also supply power to the grid through renewable resources, storage capacity through the batteries of their electric vehicles or operating services through the use of their flexibility. However, when discussing on smart grids, electricity supply and consump-tion are the only considered side on many occasions, neglecting other dimensions such as natural gas, sanitary hot water or transport. In this context, this dissertation represents a novel approach to the role of consumers in the natural gas sector. While it is true that electricity consumers have been involved for years in different operation services related to the use of their flexibility (especial-ly in countries such as the United States and more recently in the European Union), the use of demand response resources in the gas sector has been so far non-existent. However, the success of demand response initiatives in electricity systems and their similarity to the gas sector, where their regulatory and technological development has been carried out in parallel in recent years, allows us to expect similar successful re-sults when implementing equivalent programs to gas networks. This dissertation highlights the huge potential that remains unexplored on the demand side of natural gas, which could be used by gas network operators for the solution of technical constraints, balance services or optimization of programming of under-ground storage. This potential is especially interesting at the moment, when the mas-sive installation of smart gas meters has started in some European countries, an infra-structure that would facilitate the use of demand response resources for the better op-eration of gas networks. The dissertation presents, firstly, an exhaustive analysis of the demand response pro-grams currently used in electrical systems around the world, identifying those services that could be equally applicable to the gas sector. The traditional structure based on which gas systems have been developed in different countries is analyzed below. In order to make better use of resources and to optimize its operation, an architecture based on the concept of smart grid is then proposed, identifying the agents that would participate in this structure and emphasizing the role that consumers would play, not only as energy demanders, but also as providers of network services. This active role of demand requires the use of adequate measurement, control and communication technologies, aspect that is also properly analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis mentioned above, this thesis proposes a new meth-odology for the development and evaluation of demand response mechanisms that allow a greater participation of gas consumers in the provision of operating services to the manager of the network, increasing the joint efficiency of the system and reducing the costs associated with such services. The proposed methodology has been successfully applied to the gas network in Italy, where the analyzed operation services have been evaluated in a town of 16,000 inhab-itants located in the central north-Italian area. In that town, consumers have been grouped by end-use, sector and size, which evidences the need to enhance the role of the aggregator for the proper use of the potential of smaller consumers, whether they receive a gas supply directly or through a distributed heat network. The results presented in this dissertation should encourage regulators to empower the use of the consumers' flexibility in order to increase the efficiency of the natural gas system, as it reduces operating costs while favoring the participation of customers in a more dynamic energy structure.Los sistemas energéticos están evolucionando hacia estructuras en las que el papel desempeñado por el consumidor es cada vez más importante. Hoy en día, los consumidores ya no son los entes pasivos de antaño a los que había que suministrar energía de forma unidireccional (de la red al cliente), sino que también pueden suministrar energía a la red a través de recursos renovables, capacidad de almacenamiento mediante las baterías de sus vehículos eléctricos o servicios de operación a través de la utilización de su flexibilidad. Sin embargo, al hablar de redes inteligentes, en muchas ocasiones se sobreentiende únicamente lo relativo al suministro y consumo de electricidad, obviando otras dimensiones como pueden ser el gas natural, el agua caliente sanitaria o el transporte. En este marco, esta tesis supone un enfoque novedoso en lo que se refiere al papel de los consumidores en el sector del gas natural. Si bien es cierto que los consumidores de electricidad han participado desde hace años en diferentes servicios relacionados con el uso de su flexibilidad, la utilización de la respuesta de la demanda en el sector gasista ha sido hasta ahora inexistente. Sin embargo, el éxito de iniciativas de respuesta de la demanda en los sistemas eléctricos y su similitud con el sector gasista, cuyo desarrollo normativo y tecnológico se ha realizado en paralelo en los últimos años, permite esperar resultados igualmente exitosos al aplicar programas equivalentes a las redes de gas. Esta tesis pone de manifiesto el enorme potencial que permanece inexplorado en el lado de la demanda de gas natural, el cual podría ser utilizado para la solución de restricciones técnicas, servicios de balance u optimización de la programación de los almacenamientos subterráneos. Este potencial resulta especialmente interesante en estos momentos, cuando en algunos países europeos se ha comenzado la instalación masiva de contadores inteligentes de gas. La tesis presenta un análisis exhaustivo de los programas de respuesta de la demanda utilizados en la actualidad en sistemas eléctricos alrededor del mundo, identificándose aquellos servicios que podrían ser aplicables al sector gasista. A continuación se analiza la estructura tradicional en base a la que los sistemas gasistas se han desarrollado en diversos países, proponiéndose a continuación una arquitectura basada en el concepto de red inteligente, donde se identifican los agentes que participarían en esta estructura y se enfatiza el rol que los consumidores desempeñarían no sólo como demandantes de energía, sino también como proveedores de servicios de red. Este papel activo de la demanda necesita de la utilización de tecnologías de medición, control y comunicación adecuadas, aspecto que también se analiza en detalle. En base a los resultados del análisis mencionado, esta tesis propone una nueva metodología para el desarrollo y evaluación de mecanismos de respuesta de la demanda que permitan una mayor participación de los consumidores de gas en la provisión de servicios de operación al gestor de la red, aumentando la eficiencia conjunta del sistema y reduciendo los costes asociados a dichos servicios. La metodología propuesta ha sido aplicada con éxito a la red gasista de Italia, donde los servicios de operación analizados han sido evaluados en una ciudad de 16.000 habitantes, donde los consumidores han sido agrupados por uso final, sector y tamaño. Esto ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de potenciar el papel del agregador para valorizar el potencial de los consumidores más pequeños, tanto si reciben un suministro de gas directo o a través de una red de calor distribuido. Los resultados expuestos en esta tesis deberían impulsar a los reguladores a incentivar la utilización de la flexibilidad de los consumidores a fin de incrementar la eficiencia del sistema de gas natural, ya que reduce los costes de operación al tiempo que favorece la participEls sistemes energètics estan evolucionant cap a estructures en què el paper exercit pel consumidor és cada vegada més important. Avui dia, els consumidors ja no són els ens passius d'antany als quals calia subministrar energia de forma unidireccional (de la xarxa al client), sinó que també poden subministrar energia a la xarxa a través de recursos renovables, capacitat d'emmagatzematge mitjançant les bateries dels seus vehicles elèctrics o serveis d'operació a través de la utilització de la seva flexibilitat. No obstant això, en parlar de xarxes intel·ligents, en moltes ocasions se sobreentén únicament quant al subministrament i consum d'electricitat, obviant altres dimensions com poden ser el gas natural, l'aigua calenta sanitària o el transport. En aquest marc, aquesta tesi suposa un enfocament nou pel que fa al paper dels consumidors en el sector del gas natural. Si bé és cert que els consumidors d'electricitat han participat des de fa anys en diferents serveis d'operació relacionats amb l'ús de la seva flexibilitat, la utilització de la resposta de la demanda en el sector gasista ha estat fins ara inexistent. No obstant això, l'èxit d'iniciatives de resposta de la demanda en els sistemes elèctrics i la seva similitud amb el sector gasista, el desenvolupament normatiu i tecnològic s'ha realitzat en paral·lel en els últims anys, permet esperar resultats igualment reeixits en aplicar programes equivalents a les xarxes de gas. Aquesta tesi posa de manifest l'enorme potencial que roman inexplorat en el costat de la demanda de gas natural, el qual podria ser utilitzat per a la solució de restriccions tècniques, serveis de balanç o optimització de la programació dels emmagatzematges subterranis. Aquest potencial és especialment interessant en aquests moments, quan en alguns països europeus s'ha començat la instal·lació massiva de comptadors intel·ligents de gas. La tesi presenta una anàlisi exhaustiva dels programes de resposta de la demanda utilitzats en l'actualitat en sistemes elèctrics voltant del món, identificant-se aquells serveis que podrien ser aplicables al sector gasista. A continuació s'analitza l'estructura tradicional sobre la base de la qual els sistemes gasistes s'han desenvolupat en diversos països, proposant-se a continuació una arquitectura basada en el concepte de xarxa intel·ligent, on s'identifiquen els agents que participarien en aquesta estructura i s'emfatitza el paper que els consumidors exercirien no només com a demandants d'energia, sinó també com a proveïdors de serveis de xarxa. Aquest paper actiu de la demanda necessita de la utilització de tecnologies de mesurament, control i comunicació adequades, aspecte que també s'analitza en detall. En base als resultats de l'anàlisi esmentat, aquesta tesi proposa una nova metodologia per al desenvolupament i avaluació de mecanismes de resposta de la demanda que permetin una major participació dels consumidors de gas a la provisió de serveis d'operació al gestor de la xarxa, augmentant l'eficiència conjunta del sistema i reduint els costos associats a aquests serveis. La metodologia proposada ha estat aplicada amb èxit a la xarxa gasista d'Itàlia, on els serveis d'operació analitzats han estat avaluats en una ciutat de 16.000 habitants, on els consumidors han estat agrupats per ús final, sector i grandària. Això ha posat de manifest la necessitat de potenciar el paper de l'agregador per valoritzar el potencial dels consumidors més petits, tant si reben un subministrament de gas directe o mitjançant una xarxa de calor distribuïda. Els resultats exposats en aquesta tesi haurien d'impulsar els reguladors a incentivar la utilització de la flexibilitat dels consumidors a fi d'incrementar l'eficiència del sistema de gas natural, ja que redueix els costos d'operació i alhora afavoreix la participació dels clients en una estructura més dinàmica.Montuori, L. (2017). Application of demand response strategies for the management of natural gas systems under the smart grid configuration: development of a methodology for technical, economic and environmental evaluation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90407TESI

    Proceedings of the Third International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1993)

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    Satellite-based mobile communications systems provide voice and data communications to users over a vast geographic area. The users may communicate via mobile or hand-held terminals, which may also provide access to terrestrial cellular communications services. While the first and second International Mobile Satellite Conferences (IMSC) mostly concentrated on technical advances, this Third IMSC also focuses on the increasing worldwide commercial activities in Mobile Satellite Services. Because of the large service areas provided by such systems, it is important to consider political and regulatory issues in addition to technical and user requirements issues. Topics covered include: the direct broadcast of audio programming from satellites; spacecraft technology; regulatory and policy considerations; advanced system concepts and analysis; propagation; and user requirements and applications

    Interference analysis of broadband space and terrestrial fixed radio communications systems in the frequency range 12 to 30 GHz

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    This thesis presents research into the principles of spectrum sharing analysis methods developed for investigating implications of interference from Nongeostationary Fixed Satellite Service (NGSO FSS) systems into Geostationary Fixed Satellite Service (GSO FSS) systems and Fixed Service (FS) terrestrial radio systems operating or planned for operation in the 12 to 30 GHz frequency range. Spectrum sharing is an effective way of allowing new services to operate without cancelling the existing allocations in the same part of the spectrum. The use of spectrum sharing results in re-use of the available spectrum among different services and, therefore, increases the efficient use of the radio frequencies. However, it is necessary to carry out extensive feasibility studies into technical or operational compatibility between the services involved. Often, sharing constraints are placed on systems, such as the power of emissions and the transmitter and receiver antenna pointings to reduce the interference into negligible levels. Traditionally, radio spectrum allocated to GSO FSS has been shared with FS. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of low Earth orbits and a number of NGSO FSS constellations has been designed to provide broadband data services. This has led to the allocation of certain bands used by the FS and GSO FSS systems to NGSO FSS. In line with the new allocations, NGSO FSS, GSO FSS and FS systems are required to co-exist in parts of the 12 to 30 GHz frequency range. The primary objectives of this research were to identify principal factors affecting the feasibility of spectrum sharing and to develop spectrum sharing analysis methodologies to examine the implications of these factors with a view to identifying sharing constraints that would give rise to an acceptable sharing environment

    Air Force Institute of Technology Contributions to Air Force Research and Development, Calendar Year 1986

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    This report highlights AFIT\u27s contributions to Air Force research and development activities in 1986

    Rice market liberalization and poverty in Viet Nam:

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    Market liberalization, though an important element in economic reforms in developing countries in the past two decades, has been accused of harming the poor through higher food prices, layoffs in formerly state-owned enterprises, and the erosion of social safety net programs. Since the 1980s Viet Nam has relaxed a number of government controls over rice production and marketing, stimulating large increases in rice production. Yet the government retains control over rice exports and internal rice trade. Rice Market Liberalization and Poverty in Viet Nam, Research Report 114, analyzes whether further loosening of state controls in Viet Nam's rice markets would help or hurt the poor and draws lessons for other countries.Rice trade Vietnam., Poor Vietnam., Vietnam Economic policy., poverty, Production Economics, Trade liberalization., Vietnam, Viet Nam,

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 1997

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology\u27s Graduate School of Engineering and the Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; list student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedure for contacting either school