70 research outputs found

    Music feature extraction and analysis through Python

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    En l'era digital, plataformes com Spotify s'han convertit en els principals canals de consum de música, ampliant les possibilitats per analitzar i entendre la música a través de les dades. Aquest projecte es centra en un examen exhaustiu d'un conjunt de dades obtingut de Spotify, utilitzant Python com a eina per a l'extracció i anàlisi de dades. L'objectiu principal es centra en la creació d'aquest conjunt de dades, emfatitzant una àmplia varietat de cançons de diversos subgèneres. La intenció és representar tant el panorama musical més tendenciós i popular com els nínxols, alineant-se amb el concepte de distribució de Cua Llarga, terme popularitzat com a "Long Tail" en anglès, que destaca el potencial de mercat de productes de nínxols amb menor popularitat. A través de l'anàlisi, es posen de manifest patrons en l'evolució de les característiques musicals al llarg de les dècades passades. Canvis en característiques com l'energia, el volum, la capacitat de ball, el positivisme que desprèn una cançó i la seva correlació amb la popularitat sorgeixen del conjunt de dades. Paral·lelament a aquesta anàlisi, es concep un sistema de recomanació musical basat en el contingut del conjunt de dades creat. L'objectiu és connectar cançons, especialment les menys conegudes, amb possibles oients. Aquest projecte ofereix perspectives beneficioses per a entusiastes de la música, científics de dades i professionals de la indústria. Les metodologies implementades i l'anàlisi realitzat presenten un punt de convergència de la ciència de dades i la indústria de la música en el context digital actualEn la era digital, plataformas como Spotify se han convertido en los principales canales de consumo de música, ampliando las posibilidades para analizar y entender la música a través de los datos. Este proyecto se centra en un examen exhaustivo de un conjunto de datos obtenido de Spotify, utilizando Python como herramienta para la extracción y análisis de datos. El objetivo principal se centra en la creación de este conjunto de datos, enfatizando una amplia variedad de canciones de diversos subgéneros. La intención es representar tanto el panorama musical más tendencioso y popular como los nichos, alineándose con el concepto de distribución de Cola Larga, término popularizado como Long Tail en inglés, que destaca el potencial de mercado de productos de nichos con menor popularidad. A través del análisis, se evidencian patrones en la evolución de las características musicales a lo largo de las décadas pasadas. Cambios en características como la energía, el volumen, la capacidad de baile, el positivismo que desprende una canción y su correlación con la popularidad surgen del conjunto de datos. Paralelamente a este análisis, se concibe un sistema de recomendación musical basado en el contenido del conjunto de datos creado. El objetivo es conectar canciones, especialmente las menos conocidas, con posibles oyentes. Este proyecto ofrece perspectivas beneficiosas para entusiastas de la música, científicos de datos y profesionales de la industria. Las metodologías implementadas y el análisis realizado presentan un punto de convergencia de la ciencia de datos y la industria de la música en el contexto digital actualIn the digital era, platforms like Spotify have become the primary channels of music consumption, broadening the possibilities for analyzing and understanding music through data. This project focuses on a comprehensive examination of a dataset sourced from Spotify, with Python as the tool for data extraction and analysis. The primary objective centers around the creation of this dataset, emphasizing a diverse range of songs from various subgenres. The intention is to represent both mainstream and niche musical landscapes, aligning with the Long Tail distribution concept, which highlights the market potential of less popular niche products. Through analysis, patterns in the evolution of musical features over past decades become evident. Shifts in features such as energy, loudness, danceability, and valence and their correlation with popularity emerge from the dataset. Parallel to this analysis is the conceptualization of a music recommendation system based on the content of the data set. The aim is to connect tracks, especially lesser-known ones, with potential listeners. This project provides insights beneficial for music enthusiasts, data scientists, and industry professionals. The methodologies and analyses present a convergence of data science and the music industry in today's digital contex

    Application of the internet technology and client/server paradigm for the implementation of REPI

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    There are many problems associated with Requirements Engineering such as defining the system scope, developing understanding among the communities involved in the system to be built, volatility of requirements etc. These problems may lead to poor requirements and therefore cancellation of the system development, or else the development of a system that is unsatisfactory, has high maintenance cost or is unacceptable. By improving Requirements Elicitation, the Requirements Engineering can be improved, leading to a better requirements specification and eventually a better product. Requirements Elicitation requires effective communication among the team members, as communication is the key factor. Easing communications between stakeholders and developers makes the process of Requirements Elicitation easier. REPI guides team members through the elicitation phase using the SEI\u27s framework. REPI forces stakeholders to explicitly describe the requirements resulting in reduced chances of misunderstood requirements, leading to better requirements specification

    Evaluating the use of mobile technologies for language learning purposes

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Esta tesis se centra en tres tecnologías móviles: podcasting, aplicaciones móviles y Twitter, y evalúa su potencial para el aprendizaje de idiomas basándose en una serie de estudios con distintos tipos de participantes, incluyendo estudiantes de enseñanza formal, de contextos informales de aprendizaje, y profesores. El objetivo general de los diferentes estudios de investigación es evaluar las tres tecnologías a través de procesos para a) identificar el potencial de esas tecnologías, b) investigar cómo las utilizan los aprendices y los profesores, y c) analizar si la forma de utilizarlas cumple con el potencial identificado y es propicio para el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. La introducción presenta los antecedentes de la investigación realizada y seis conceptos que afectan nuestra comprensión del aprendizaje de idiomas a través de estas tecnologías: el concepto de enseñar a personas desconocidas, el desarrollo de capacidades digitales, la micro-credencialización, el aumento de la atención parcial continua, la ansiedad por el idioma extranjero y la normalización. El capítulo dos es un compendio de los nueve trabajos publicados y se divide en tres secciones. La primera sección trata sobre el uso de podcasting como herramienta de aprendizaje de idiomas. La primera publicación proporciona una taxonomía de recursos de podcasts, revisa los materiales de podcasting a la luz de las teorías de adquisición de segundas lenguas, aboga por un mejor diseño y sugiere direcciones para futuras investigaciones. Esta investigación se presenta en las publicaciones dos y tres. La sección dos del capítulo dos se enfoca en el uso de aplicaciones móviles para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de idiomas. La publicación cuatro revisa la investigación actual sobre el potencial para el aprendizaje de idiomas de las aplicaciones y presenta una taxonomía de las aplicaciones disponibles y su uso para ello. El artículo también presenta un marco que consta de cuatro categorías para evaluar aplicaciones de aprendizaje de idiomas (tecnología, pedagogía, experiencia del usuario y aprendizaje de idiomas). La publicación concluye con una propuesta de áreas de investigación adicional, incluido el uso por parte del aprendiz en contextos formales e informales. Estas áreas de investigación se investigan en las publicaciones cinco y seis. La sección tres se centra en la tercera tecnología: Twitter como herramienta de enseñanza y aprendizaje de idiomas. La publicación siete destaca el potencial de Twitter como herramienta de aprendizaje de idiomas. La publicación ocho muestra cómo un grupo de profesores de idiomas utiliza Twitter como herramienta para el desarrollo profesional continuo y evalúa el impacto de su red de Twitter en sus prácticas docentes. Por último, la publicación nueve presenta un estudio a gran escala de aprendices autónomos de idiomas que utilizan Twitter. Los resultados de estos estudios se discuten en el capítulo tres. El capítulo cuatro vuelve a los principales temas y conceptos presentados en la introducción y proporciona algunas consideraciones basadas en los resultados de la investigación realizada. A continuación, propone que puede ser necesario reenfocar la agenda de investigación de MALL y sugiere posibles áreas de desarrollo. La investigación presentada en esta tesis contribuye a los campos de CALL y MALL de varias maneras. Primero, proporciona perfiles de usuario de los aprendices que utilizan estas tecnologías. En segundo lugar, proporciona evidencia de cómo esos usuarios utilizan las tecnologías y evalúan su experiencia de aprendizaje. En tercer lugar, presenta una nueva taxonomía de recursos MALL. En cuarto lugar, describe un proceso para evaluar el uso de tecnologías móviles para el aprendizaje de idiomas, con un nuevo marco teórico de evaluación basado en cinco criterios: tecnología, experiencia del usuario, aprendizaje de idiomas, interacción y pedago[CA] Aquesta tesi se centra en tres tecnologies mòbils: podcasting, aplicacions mòbils i Twitter, i avalua el seu potencial per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes basant-se en una sèrie d'estudis amb diferents tipus de participants, incloent estudiants d'ensenyament formal, de contextos informals d'aprenentatge, i professors. L'objectiu general dels diferents estudis d'investigació és avaluar les tres tecnologies a través de processos per a) identificar el potencial d'aqueixes tecnologies, b) investigar com les utilitzen els aprenents i els professors, i c) analitzar si la manera d'utilitzar-les compleix amb el potencial identificat i és propici per a l'aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres. La introducció presenta els antecedents de la investigació realitzada i sis conceptes que afecten la nostra comprensió de l'aprenentatge d'idiomes a través d'aquestes tecnologies: el concepte d'ensenyar a persones desconegudes, el desenvolupament de capacitats digitals, la micro-credencialització, l'augment de l'atenció parcial contínua, l'ansietat per l'idioma estranger i la normalització. El capítol dos és un compendi dels nou treballs publicats i es divideix en tres seccions. La primera secció tracta sobre l'ús de podcasting com a eina d'aprenentatge d'idiomes. La primera publicació proporciona una taxonomia de recursos de podcasts, revisa els materials de podcasting a la llum de les teories d'adquisició de segones llengües, advoca per un millor disseny i suggereix direccions per a futures investigacions. Aquesta investigació es presenta en les publicacions dues i tres. La secció dues del capítol dos s'enfoca cap a l'ús d'aplicacions mòbils per a l'aprenentatge i l'ensenyament d'idiomes. La publicació quatre revisa la investigació actual sobre el potencial per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes de les aplicacions i presenta una taxonomia de les aplicacions disponibles i el seu ús per a això. L'article també presenta un marc que consta de quatre categories per a avaluar aplicacions d'aprenentatge d'idiomes (tecnologia, pedagogia, experiència de l'usuari i aprenentatge d'idiomes). La publicació conclou amb una proposta d'àrees d'investigació addicional, inclòs l'ús per part de l'aprenent en contextos formals i informals. Aquestes àrees d'investigació s'investiguen en les publicacions cinc i sis. La secció tres se centra en la tercera tecnologia: Twitter com a eina d'ensenyament i aprenentatge d'idiomes. La publicació huit mostra com un grup de professors d'idiomes utilitza Twitter com a eina per al desenvolupament professional continu i avalua l'impacte de la seua xarxa de Twitter en les seues pràctiques docents. Finalment, la publicació nou presenta un estudi a gran escala d'aprenents autònoms d'idiomes que utilitzen Twitter. Els resultats d'aquests estudis es discuteixen en el capítol tres. El capítol quatre torna als principals temes i conceptes presentats en la introducció i proporciona algunes consideracions basades en els resultats de la investigació realitzada. A continuació, proposa que pot ser necessari reenfocar l'agenda d'investigació de MALL i suggereix possibles àrees de desenvolupament. La investigació presentada en aquesta tesi contribueix als camps de CALL i MALL de diverses maneres. Primer, proporciona perfils d'usuari dels aprenents que utilitzen aquestes tecnologies. En segon lloc, proporciona evidència de com aqueixos usuaris utilitzen les tecnologies i avaluen la seua experiència d'aprenentatge. En tercer lloc, presenta una nova taxonomia de recursos MALL. En quart lloc, descriu un procés per a avaluar l'ús de tecnologies mòbils per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes, amb un nou marc teòric d'avaluació basat en cinc criteris: tecnologia, experiència de l'usuari, aprenentatge d'idiomes, interacció i pedagogia.[EN] This thesis focuses on three mobile technologies: podcasting, mobile apps, and Twitter, and evaluates their potential for language learning purposes based on a series of studies with a range of users including formal learners, informal learners, and teachers. The overarching aim of the different research studies is to evaluate the three technologies through a process of a) identifying the potential of those technologies, b) investigating how they are used by learners and (where applicable) teachers, and c) analysing whether the way they are used meets the identified potential and is conducive to language learning. The introduction presents the background to the research carried out. This is followed by the introduction of six concepts that shape our understanding of language learning through these technologies: the concept of teaching strangers, the development of digital capabilities, micro-credentialing, the rise in continuous partial attention, foreign language anxiety, and normalisation. Chapter two is a compendium of the nine published works that explore the potential of the three technologies and evaluate them. It is separated into three sections. Section one deals with the use of podcasting as a language learning tool. The first publication provides a taxonomy of podcast resources, reviews podcasting materials in the light of Second Language Acquisition theories, argues for better design, and outlines directions for future research. This research is presented in publications two and three. Section two of Chapter two concerns the use of mobile apps for language learning and teaching. Publication four reviews current research about the potential of apps for language learning and presents a taxonomy of available apps and their use for language learning. The paper also presents a framework consisting of four categories for evaluating language learning apps (technology, pedagogy, user experience, and language learning). The publication concludes with a proposal for areas for further research, including learner use in formal and informal contexts. These research areas are investigated in publications five and six. Section three focuses on the third technology: Twitter as a language learning and teaching tool. Publication seven highlights the identified potential of Twitter as a language learning tool. Publication eight shows how a group of language teachers use Twitter as a tool for continuous professional development through a hashtag and evaluates the impact of their Twitter network on their teaching practices. Finally, publication nine reports on a large-scale study of autonomous language learners who use Twitter. The results from these studies are discussed in chapter three, which also showcases the impact the research has had on the fields of CALL and MALL. Chapter four returns to the main topics and concepts presented in the introduction and provides some considerations based on the results of the research carried out. It then proposes that there may be a need to refocus the MALL research agenda and suggests directions that future developments may take. The research presented in this thesis contributes to the fields of CALL and MALL in a number of ways. First, it provides user profiles of the learners who use the three technologies. Second, it provides evidence of how those users utilise the technologies and evaluates their learning experience. Third, it presents a new taxonomy of MALL resources. Fourth, it outlines a process for evaluating the use of mobile technologies for language learning purposes, including a new evaluation framework with five criteria: technology, user experience, language learning, interaction and pedagogy.Rosell Aguilar, F. (2021). Evaluating the use of mobile technologies for language learning purposes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/163675TESISCompendi

    “design And New Media”: Towards An Analysis Of New Media Culture Through Design Perspective

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007Çalışmanın genel çerçevesini, yeni medya ve ürün tasarımı alanlarının güncel tüketim kültürü yapısındaki kültürel ve işlevsel birlikteliklerinin araştırılması oluşturmaktadır. Yeni medya kavramının olası tanım ve açılımları – etkileşimli medya araçları, sanal mekânlar ve bilgisayar destekli iletişim ortamları– araştırılmaya çalışılacak; böylece, somut meta olarak ‘tasarım ürünü’ ile (burada ele alınan şekliyle) bu ürünlerin sanal uzantıları olarak görülen dijital içeriğin ilişkilendirmesi amaçlanacaktır. Teorik bağlamda öne sürülen tartışmaların sonuçlandırılması için geliştirilen bir diğer kavramsal çerçeve de, tez içerisinde detaylandırılacağı şekliyle, ‘nesne-kullanıcı-tüketim’ modeli olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu üç kavramın temel kategoriler olarak belirlenmesindeki amaç, yeni medya nesnelerinin, tüketici deneyimlerinin ve bunlar üzerinden tüketim kalıplarının incelenebilmesi için tutarlı bir teorik temel belirlenmesidir. Bu sınıflandırma üzerinden yapılacak olan yeni medya incelemelerinden sonra, çalışmanın son bölümü olarak, belirli bir örnek ürün üzerinde teoriler sınanacak ve gözlemlenecektir. Bu bağlamda seçilen ürünün temel nitelikleri arasında, fiziksel kullanıcı-ürün etkileşimine ek olarak, yeni medya tabanlı etkileşim ortamlarını içermesi aranmıştır. Sonuç olarak, bu tez bağlamında özetlenen çıkarım ve tartışmalar, okuyucuya konu hakkında kapsamlı bilgi ve görüş sağlamayı hedeflemekte; bu amaçla çalışma, öncelikle yeni medya ve ürün tasarımı hakkındaki kuramsal ilişkileri özetlemekte, devamında bu kuramsal altyapıyı sanal içeriğe sahip güncel bir örnek-ürün üzerinden kullanıcı deneyimlerini inceleyerek desteklemektedir.The general aims and theoretical framework of this study is constituted by the cultural and functional associations between new media applications and profession of industrial design in contemporary consumer culture. By investigating the possible definitions and expansions of new media with reference to interactive media appliances, virtual environments and computer-mediated-communication (CMC) mediums, this study seeks major points of relevance between designed product (as physical commodity) and its virtual extensions (as digital content). Another major framework of the theoretical part, through which the arguments will be concluded, is the ‘object-user-consumption’ model that is categorized as such to provide a discursive base for an examination of new media objects, user experiences and their exclusive consumption patterns in contemporary societies. Consequent to the contextual analysis of new media within this categorization, the final part of the study focuses on a specified case study; a product which essentially involves new media content as an interaction component, in addition to physical man-machine- interaction features. Ultimately, the intended conclusions of this thesis would provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter by outlining the significant theoretical associations between new media and product design, and by combining these arguments with the observation of practical cases and user experiences through the intersection of virtual worlds and designed products.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Ontic Communities: Speculative Fiction, Ontology, and the Digital Design Community

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    This dissertation is about the digital design community, those who build cultural and artistic works primarily using digital media. This dissertation, however, is also centered around a larger argument, of which the digital arts and design community serves as a case study. In short, the larger argument is a call to examine more closely the social relationships of material objects (including, but not limited to, humans and things) and idea objects (including, but not limited to, broad cultural and social forces) that constitute the world. This dissertation forwards three major arguments: 1.) That it is often the case, particularly in the social sciences, that scholars look not at non-human objects, but instead at the ways those objects are perceived and labeled by humans/society. Scholars of materiality, then, often miss the mark, and study the conceptualizations of objects at the expense of the objects in of themselves. 2.) That it is theoretically and empirically possible to examine objects in of themselves, and that it is important to do so, as both material and non-material objects contain causal powers that impact history and society independent of the human recognition or conceptualization of these powers. 3.) That objects are also subjects, and engage in intersubjective meaning-making both with humans and other objects. Objects, then, should not be theorized as having various mechanical impacts upon human communities that they interact with, but should instead be theorized as members of the community in of themselves. Non-human entities, in other words, are themselves social beings.Ph.D., Communication, Culture, and Media -- Drexel University, 201

    The Evolution of Pre-Service Teachers TPACK After Completing an Undergraduate Technology Integration Course

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    The steady momentum of emerging technology tools continues to impact the educational environment, generating dramatic changes over the past five years (Spalding, 2016). According to the 2016 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP), educational institutions that prepare educators often fail to give teachers the technology skills required to do their job well. Many teacher preparation programs claimed technology was integrated throughout the courses within the program; however, the comfort level with technology for pre-service teachers entering the teaching field remained low (Moore-Hayes, 2011; Giles & Kent, 2016; NETP, 2016; Niess & Gillow-Wiles, 2016). As members of the educational learning community, teacher preparation programs must remain focused in supporting pre-service teachers as technology integration has become an integral part of the teaching process. This case study focuses on the experiences of two pre-service teachers as they address teaching requirements during their practicum, working to seamlessly integrate technology into their students’ learning experiences. Both teachers participated in the ITEC 3100 stand-alone course at the beginning of their Junior year. The course extended the learning experience beyond basic skill development to include an overview of various technology frameworks. Using both the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2007) and the Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi) Model (Moersch, 2013), the course design focuses on identifying specific tools and strategies that best support pre-service teachers as they develop the necessary skills to integrate technology into the learning environment ultimately enhancing the learning experiences for the students

    Apple Computer's design project '96 showcases virtual communities

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    Exploring preservice teachers' technology integration repertoire: A mixed methods study

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    The purpose of this convergent mixed methods study was to explore how an undergraduate educational technology course impacts preservice teachers' TPACK knowledge and how it affects the development of their technology integration repertoire. A total of 14 preservice teachers enrolled in a face-to-face section of an educational technology course in Fall 2021 participated in the study. Quantitative findings indicate the growth of participants' TPACK (self-perceptions and application) over the course of the semester. The qualitative findings suggest that the technology integration repertoire of the participants developed from a tool-based approach to the learner first and then the tool approach that confirms the growth of the TPK. This study is significant to teacher educators by providing an overview of the preservice teachers' decision-making process for using technologies in their lesson plans and their overall growth in technology integration during an educational technology course. The findings of this study could inform teacher preparation programs about the instructional activities that are the most beneficial for preservice teachers to experience for TPACK development