6 research outputs found

    Numerische Modellierung von Mikrostrukturen in Eis

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    Accurate modelling of ice mechanical behaviour under natural conditions is important for climate reconstruction and prediction, as well as for other scientific questions. It influences estimates of sea level changes and interpretation of past climate variations or signals recorded in ice cores. Better insight into the behaviour and constitutive equations of ice is imperative to improve modelling of glaciers and ice sheets. The aim of this thesis was to develop numerical models to simulate the microstructural behaviour of ice, as observed in nature and experiments. Numerical simulations were carried out with the numerical modelling platform "Elle", for which many new routines and algorithms were developed and implemented in this project. In a first series of models static grain growth and simultaneous grain-size reduction by rotational recrystallization was investigated. Well-established theory for static grain growth predicts a linear increase of the grain area with time for ice. The growth rate is then determined by the growth parameter k, which is commonly assumed to be a temperature and material-dependent constant. However, the simulations show that k also depends on the microstructure and can thus vary as the microstructure evolves. Experiments that start with non-equilibrium microstructures potentially yield growth parameters (k and the growth exponent, n) larger or smaller than theory predicts for equilibrium foam textures. As the microstructure evolves k also changes until a steady state is reached. This has an impact on the estimation of the growth exponent n in experiments and therefore the implied rate controlling process. In the second series of simulations, a second phase was added to the system. The most common second phase in ice are air bubbles and small dust particles. In the upper part of ice sheets bubbles are abundant and simulations show that depending on their size, amount and distribution they have a major impact on the growth behaviour of the ice crystals. This in turn affects the growth parameter k and potentially n. Results revealed three distinct growth regimes. In the first regime most grain boundaries are bubble-free and can grow unhindered and similar to those in pure ice. That is followed by the transitional regime where more and more boundaries start to get in contact with the air bubbles and growth slows down. Finally a steady state is reached where most boundaries are affected by bubbles. As a final project crystal-plastic deformation was included in the system to simulate flow of ice. Additional strain energy introduced by deformation-induced dislocations adds another driving force for recrystallization, resulting in recovery and enhanced grain-boundary migration. The Full-Field Theory (FFT) was used to simulate crystal-plastic deformation of polycrystalline ice. Controls on the microstructure were investigated by comparing results of simulations with different relative rates of recovery and grain-boundary migration. Recovery-free simulations are only comparable to experiments for very small amounts of strain. Applying more deformation to the system makes it necessary to add processes which dissipate internal energy from the system. Grain-boundary migration is one effective process since the boundaries sweep dislocations from the system and give rise to a recrystallized, undeformed lattice. Recovery is another important process since dislocations can also move, accumulate in sub-grain boundaries and annihilate themselves by combining with their counterparts. The simulations show that realistic grain-scale simulations can only be achieved when all grain-scale processes are included.FĂŒr Klimarekonstruktionen, -hochrechnungen und andere wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen ist es von enormer Wichtigkeit in der Lage zu sein prĂ€zise Modelle fĂŒr das Verhalten von Eis unter natĂŒrlichen Bedingungen aufstellen zu können. Diese beeinflussen zum Beispiel Aussagen ĂŒber Meeresspiegelschwankungen und Interpretationen von Klimasignalen oder -verĂ€nderungen und deren Auswirkung auf die Eisschilde. Besseres VerstĂ€ndnis und erweiterte Formeln sind nötig um die Modellierung von Gletschern und Eisschilden zu verbessern. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, numerische Modelle zu entwickeln die in der Lage sind Mikrostrukturen zu simulieren wie sie in Experimenten und der Natur beobachtet wurden. Nachdem viele neue Funktionen und Algorithmen fĂŒr die Modellierplattform „Elle“ entwickelt wurden, konnten die numerischen Experimente damit durchgefĂŒhrt werden. In der ersten Experimentserie wurden die Auswirkungen von statischem Kornwachstum mit gleichzeitig ablaufender KorngrĂ¶ĂŸenverkleinerung durch dynamische Rekristallisation untersucht. Ein linearer Anstieg der KornflĂ€che wird von der etablierten Theorie fĂŒr statisches Kornwachstum prognostiziert. Der Parameter k legt die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit fest. FĂŒr k wird oft ein konstanter Wert eingesetzt welcher material- und temperaturabhĂ€ngig ist. Die Simulationen zeigen jedoch, dass k von der Mikrostruktur abhĂ€ngt und variieren kann wĂ€hrend dieselbe sich entwickelt. Experimente die mit Ungleichgewichtsstrukturen starten liefern möglicherweise Wachstumsparameter (k und n, dem Wachstumsexponent), die grĂ¶ĂŸer oder kleiner sind als die, durch die Theorie, fĂŒr Gleichgewichtsstrukturen prognostizierten. Mit der Mikrostruktur entwickelt sich auch k bis ein Gleichgewicht erreicht ist. Dadurch ergeben sich Auswirkungen auf die Bestimmung von n und damit auf den bestimmten, vorherrschenden Wachstumsprozess. In der zweiten Experimentserie wurde eine zweite Phase dem System hinzugefĂŒgt. Die in Eis am hĂ€ufigsten vorkommenden SekundĂ€rphasen sind Luftblasen und Staubpartikel. In den oberen Schichten der Eisschilde sind Luftblasen sehr hĂ€ufig. Die Simulationen zeigen, dass sie abhĂ€ngig von ihrer Verteilung, GrĂ¶ĂŸe und HĂ€ufigkeit eine deutliche Auswirkung auf das Wachstumsverhalten der Eiskristalle haben. Dies wiederrum beeinflusst den Wachstumsparameter k und möglicherweise auch n. Durch die Ergebnisse konnten drei unterschiedliche Wachstumsregimes festgelegt werden. Im ersten Regime sind die meisten Korngrenzen noch blasenfrei und können ungehindert, Ă€hnlich dem reinen Eis, wachsen. Im darauf folgenden, zweiten Regime werden mehr und mehr Korngrenzen von Blasen beeinflusst und das Wachstum verlangsamt sich. Im dritten und letzten Regime ist der Gleichgewichtszustand erreicht und die meisten Korngrenzen stehen im Kontakt mit Luftblasen. In der letzten Experimentserie wurde visko-plastische Deformation dem System hinzugefĂŒgt, um das Fließen des Eises zu simulieren. Um die plastische Kristalldeformation des polykristallinen Aggregats zu simulieren kam die „Full-Field Theorie (FFT) zur Anwendung. Durch Dislokationen, die durch die Deformation hervorgerufen wurden, gelangte zusĂ€tzliche Verformungsenergie ins System. Diese zusĂ€tzliche, treibende Kraft bewirkt ein verstĂ€rktes Kornwachstum sowie eine Regeneration des Kristallgitters. Durch sequenzielle Experimente mit unterschiedlicher StĂ€rke dieser Effekte wurde der Einfluss derselben auf die Mikrostruktur bestimmt. Simulationen ohne Regenerationseffekte sind nur fĂŒr sehr kleine Verformungen mit Experimenten vergleichbar. Um die Simulationen stĂ€rker zu deformieren ist es notwendig weitere Prozesse dem System hinzuzufĂŒgen welche die angestaute Energie wieder abbauen. Korngrenzmigration ist ein sehr effektiver. Durch ĂŒberwachsen der hochenergetischen Bereiche werden Dislokationen aus dem System entfernt und ein neues, undeformiertes Kristallgitter geschaffen. Dislokationen bewegen sich auch von selbst und formen dabei entweder neue Korngrenzen durch Akkumulation vieler Dislokationen oder gegensĂ€tzliche Dislokationen löschen sich wieder aus. Dadurch regeneriert sich das Kristallgitter zum Teil. Die Experimente zeigen, dass realistische Simulationen auf dem Maßstab von Kristallkörnern nur durchgefĂŒhrt werden können, wenn wirklich alle bedeutenden Prozesse mitwirken

    Applications of Crystal Plasticity in Forming Technologies

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    In this Special Issue, we have gathered work on simulations of polycrystalline metals and alloys at various length scales to model multiscale localization phenomena such as slip bands, cracks, and twins. The series highlights innovative techniques that combine simulation and experiments to capture material production and guide the development of forming theories. The published work helps to understand the effect of microstructure characteristics on deformation and damage behavior under multiaxial load conditions. Furthermore, these models and the studies can be used with machine learning technologies to optimize microstructure functions for materials application and process paths

    Multiscale Biomechanics and Tribology of Inorganic and Organic Systems

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    This open access book gathers authoritative contributions concerning multiscale problems in biomechanics, geomechanics, materials science and tribology. It is written in memory of Sergey Grigorievich Psakhie to feature various aspects of his multifaceted research interests, ranging from theoretical physics, computer modeling of materials and material characterization at the atomic scale, to applications in space industry, medicine and geotectonics, and including organizational, psychological and philosophical aspects of scientific research and teaching as well. This book covers new advances relating to orthopedic implants, concerning the physiological, tribological and materials aspects of their behavior; medical and geological applications of permeable fluid-saturated materials; earthquake dynamics together with aspects relating to their managed and gentle release; lubrication, wear and material transfer in natural and artificial joints; material research in manufacturing processes; hard-soft matter interaction, including adhesive and capillary effects; using nanostructures for influencing living cells and for cancer treatment; manufacturing of surfaces with desired properties; self-organization of hierarchical structures during plastic deformation and thermal treatment; mechanics of composites and coatings; and many more. Covering established knowledge as well as new models and methods, this book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the field, yet also with extensive details on each single topic

    Multiscale biomechanics and tribology of inorganic and organic systems : In memory of Professor Sergey Psakhie

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    This open access book gathers authoritative contributions concerning multiscale problems in biomechanics, geomechanics, materials science and tribology. It is written in memory of Sergey Grigorievich Psakhie to feature various aspects of his multifaceted research interests, ranging from theoretical physics, computer modeling of materials and material characterization at the atomic scale, to applications in space industry, medicine and geotectonics, and including organizational, psychological and philosophical aspects of scientific research and teaching as well. This book covers new advances relating to orthopedic implants, concerning the physiological, tribological and materials aspects of their behavior; medical and geological applications of permeable fluid-saturated materials; earthquake dynamics together with aspects relating to their managed and gentle release; lubrication, wear and material transfer in natural and artificial joints; material research in manufacturing processes; hard-soft matter interaction, including adhesive and capillary effects; using nanostructures for influencing living cells and for cancer treatment; manufacturing of surfaces with desired properties; self-organization of hierarchical structures during plastic deformation and thermal treatment; mechanics of composites and coatings; and many more. Covering established knowledge as well as new models and methods, this book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the field, yet also with extensive details on each single topic.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 289)

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    This bibliography lists 792 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in Mar. 1993. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment, and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics