220 research outputs found

    HDR Video Reconstruction with a Large Dynamic Dataset in Raw and sRGB Domains

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    High dynamic range (HDR) video reconstruction is attracting more and more attention due to the superior visual quality compared with those of low dynamic range (LDR) videos. The availability of LDR-HDR training pairs is essential for the HDR reconstruction quality. However, there are still no real LDR-HDR pairs for dynamic scenes due to the difficulty in capturing LDR-HDR frames simultaneously. In this work, we propose to utilize a staggered sensor to capture two alternate exposure images simultaneously, which are then fused into an HDR frame in both raw and sRGB domains. In this way, we build a large scale LDR-HDR video dataset with 85 scenes and each scene contains 60 frames. Based on this dataset, we further propose a Raw-HDRNet, which utilizes the raw LDR frames as inputs. We propose a pyramid flow-guided deformation convolution to align neighboring frames. Experimental results demonstrate that 1) the proposed dataset can improve the HDR reconstruction performance on real scenes for three benchmark networks; 2) Compared with sRGB inputs, utilizing raw inputs can further improve the reconstruction quality and our proposed Raw-HDRNet is a strong baseline for raw HDR reconstruction. Our dataset and code will be released after the acceptance of this paper

    Perceptual Quality Assessment of NeRF and Neural View Synthesis Methods for Front-Facing Views

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    Neural view synthesis (NVS) is one of the most successful techniques for synthesizing free viewpoint videos, capable of achieving high fidelity from only a sparse set of captured images. This success has led to many variants of the techniques, each evaluated on a set of test views typically using image quality metrics such as PSNR, SSIM, or LPIPS. There has been a lack of research on how NVS methods perform with respect to perceived video quality. We present the first study on perceptual evaluation of NVS and NeRF variants. For this study, we collected two datasets of scenes captured in a controlled lab environment as well as in-the-wild. In contrast to existing datasets, these scenes come with reference video sequences, allowing us to test for temporal artifacts and subtle distortions that are easily overlooked when viewing only static images. We measured the quality of videos synthesized by several NVS methods in a well-controlled perceptual quality assessment experiment as well as with many existing state-of-the-art image/video quality metrics. We present a detailed analysis of the results and recommendations for dataset and metric selection for NVS evaluation

    Aleth-NeRF: Low-light Condition View Synthesis with Concealing Fields

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    Common capture low-light scenes are challenging for most computer vision techniques, including Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Vanilla NeRF is viewer-centred that simplifies the rendering process only as light emission from 3D locations in the viewing direction, thus failing to model the low-illumination induced darkness. Inspired by emission theory of ancient Greek that visual perception is accomplished by rays casting from eyes, we make slight modifications on vanilla NeRF to train on multiple views of low-light scene, we can thus render out the well-lit scene in an unsupervised manner. We introduce a surrogate concept, Concealing Fields, that reduce the transport of light during the volume rendering stage. Specifically, our proposed method, Aleth-NeRF, directly learns from the dark image to understand volumetric object representation and concealing field under priors. By simply eliminating Concealing Fields, we can render a single or multi-view well-lit image(s) and gain superior performance over other 2D low light enhancement methods. Additionally, we collect the first paired LOw-light and normal-light Multi-view (LOM) datasets for future research.Comment: website page: https://cuiziteng.github.io/Aleth_NeRF_web

    Suitability of ground-based SfM-MVS for monitoring glacial and periglacial processes

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    Photo-based surface reconstruction is rapidly emerging as an alternative survey technique to lidar (light detection and ranging) in many fields of geoscience fostered by the recent development of computer vision algorithms such as structure from motion (SfM) and dense image matching such as multi-view stereo (MVS). The objectives of this work are to test the suitability of the ground-based SfM-MVS approach for calculating the geodetic mass balance of a 2.1km2 glacier and for detecting the surface displacement of a neighbouring active rock glacier located in the eastern Italian Alps. The photos were acquired in 2013 and 2014 using a digital consumer-grade camera during single-day field surveys. Airborne laser scanning (ALS, otherwise known as airborne lidar) data were used as benchmarks to estimate the accuracy of the photogrammetric digital elevation models (DEMs) and the reliability of the method. The SfM-MVS approach enabled the reconstruction of high-quality DEMs, which provided estimates of glacial and periglacial processes similar to those achievable using ALS. In stable bedrock areas outside the glacier, the mean and the standard deviation of the elevation difference between the SfM-MVS DEM and the ALS DEM was-0.42 \ub1 1.72 and 0.03 \ub1 0.74 m in 2013 and 2014, respectively. The overall pattern of elevation loss and gain on the glacier were similar with both methods, ranging between-5.53 and + 3.48 m. In the rock glacier area, the elevation difference between the SfM-MVS DEM and the ALS DEM was 0.02 \ub1 0.17 m. The SfM-MVS was able to reproduce the patterns and the magnitudes of displacement of the rock glacier observed by the ALS, ranging between 0.00 and 0.48 m per year. The use of natural targets as ground control points, the occurrence of shadowed and low-contrast areas, and in particular the suboptimal camera network geometry imposed by the morphology of the study area were the main factors affecting the accuracy of photogrammetric DEMs negatively. Technical improvements such as using an aerial platform and/or placing artificial targets could significantly improve the results but run the risk of being more demanding in terms of costs and logistics

    Correspondence problems in computer vision : novel models, numerics, and applications

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    Correspondence problems like optic flow belong to the fundamental problems in computer vision. Here, one aims at finding correspondences between the pixels in two (or more) images. The correspondences are described by a displacement vector field that is often found by minimising an energy (cost) function. In this thesis, we present several contributions to the energy-based solution of correspondence problems: (i) We start by developing a robust data term with a high degree of invariance under illumination changes. Then, we design an anisotropic smoothness term that works complementary to the data term, thereby avoiding undesirable interference. Additionally, we propose a simple method for determining the optimal balance between the two terms. (ii) When discretising image derivatives that occur in our continuous models, we show that adapting one-sided upwind discretisations from the field of hyperbolic differential equations can be beneficial. To ensure a fast solution of the nonlinear system of equations that arises when minimising the energy, we use the recent fast explicit diffusion (FED) solver in an explicit gradient descent scheme. (iii) Finally, we present a novel application of modern optic flow methods where we align exposure series used in high dynamic range (HDR) imaging. Furthermore, we show how the alignment information can be used in a joint super-resolution and HDR method.Korrespondenzprobleme wie der optische Fluß, gehören zu den fundamentalen Problemen im Bereich des maschinellen Sehens (Computer Vision). Hierbei ist das Ziel, Korrespondenzen zwischen den Pixeln in zwei (oder mehreren) Bildern zu finden. Die Korrespondenzen werden durch ein Verschiebungsvektorfeld beschrieben, welches oft durch Minimierung einer Energiefunktion (Kostenfunktion) gefunden wird. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir mehrere Beiträge zur energiebasierten Lösung von Korrespondenzproblemen vor: (i) Wir beginnen mit der Entwicklung eines robusten Datenterms, der ein hohes Maß an Invarianz unter Beleuchtungsänderungen aufweißt. Danach entwickeln wir einen anisotropen Glattheitsterm, der komplementär zu dem Datenterm wirkt und deshalb keine unerwünschten Interferenzen erzeugt. Zusätzlich schlagen wir eine einfache Methode vor, die es erlaubt die optimale Balance zwischen den beiden Termen zu bestimmen. (ii) Im Zuge der Diskretisierung von Bildableitungen, die in unseren kontinuierlichen Modellen auftauchen, zeigen wir dass es hilfreich sein kann, einseitige upwind Diskretisierungen aus dem Bereich hyperbolischer Differentialgleichungen zu übernehmen. Um eine schnelle Lösung des nichtlinearen Gleichungssystems, dass bei der Minimierung der Energie auftaucht, zu gewährleisten, nutzen wir den kürzlich vorgestellten fast explicit diffusion (FED) Löser im Rahmen eines expliziten Gradientenabstiegsschemas. (iii) Schließlich stellen wir eine neue Anwendung von modernen optischen Flußmethoden vor, bei der Belichtungsreihen für high dynamic range (HDR) Bildgebung registriert werden. Außerdem zeigen wir, wie diese Registrierungsinformation in einer kombinierten super-resolution und HDR Methode genutzt werden kann

    High quality high dynamic range imaging

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    Focal Spot, Fall/Winter 2003/2004

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