97,467 research outputs found

    "Vom Menschen" - historische, pÀdagogische und andere Perspektiven einer "Anthropologie" der Erziehung. Eine Sammelbesprechung neuerer Literatur

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    Rezension von: PĂ€dagogische Anthropologie; Historische Anthropologie; Anhalt, Elmar: Bildsamkeit und Selbstorganisation; Dienelt, Karl: PĂ€dagogische Anthropologie; Hargasser, Franz: Was uns zum Menschsein befĂ€higt; MĂŒller, Hans RĂŒdiger: Ästhesiologie der Bildung; Menschenbilder; Vom Mensche

    Die Frage nach der IdentitĂ€t. Überlegungen zu einer hermeneutischen Anthropologie

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    Im folgenden Beitrag möchte ich einige Überlegungen zu einer hermeneutischen Vorgehensweise in der Anthropologie anstellen, die das Paradigma der “klassischen” philosophischen Anthropologie in der Perspektive der Postmoderne ĂŒberdenken. Ich plĂ€diere fĂŒr ein anthropologisches Projekt, das die Tradition der Lebensphilosophie fortsetzt, insbesondere den Anspruch von Otto Friedrich Bollnow auf eine bildlose Anthropologie. Ich versuche, plausibel zu machen, dass die Anthropologie nicht die Natur des Menschen und seine Stellung im Kosmos untersuchen, sondern IdentitĂ€ten im praktischen Sinn beschreiben sollte. Einen hermeneutische Anthropologie hat dann eine doppelte Aufgabe: Sie arbeitet an den Bildlichkeiten, die IdentitĂ€ten bilden, sowohl auf der sozialen als auch auf der persönlichen Ebene; zur gleichen Zeit spielt sie eine praktische Rolle, indem sie an Verantwortung fĂŒr die Lebensgestaltung appelliert. Die mythologische Gestalt des Hermes, der SeelenfĂŒhrer und BeschĂŒtzer der ÜbergĂ€nge, passt dann perfekt zu dieser Doppelrolle einer hermeneutischen Anthropologie, die nicht nur Theorie macht, sondern auch Bewusstsein und neue Möglichkeiten des menschlichen Fortschritts schafft

    Moving images

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    Zur Standardkritik an Max Schelers Anthropologie und ihren Grenzen

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    Die Annahme von ontologischen Stufenmodellen bildet einen Grundzug der modernen philosophischen Anthropologie. Die Standardkritik an derartigen Modellen ist exemplarisch von Ernst Cassirer und Martin Heidegger mit Blick auf Max Schelers Anthropologie formuliert worden. Im RĂŒckgriff auf Nicolai Hartmanns Kategorienlehre lĂ€sst sich jedoch zeigen, dass diese Kritik unbegrĂŒndet ist. Es ist daher an der Zeit, deren Problemlösungspotential fĂŒr die gegenwĂ€rtige philosophische Anthropologie neu auszuloten

    Road blocks on paleogenomes - polymerase extension profiling reveals the frequency of blocking lesions in ancient DNA

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    Although the last few years have seen great progress in DNA sequence retrieval from fossil specimens, some of the characteristics of ancient DNA remain poorly understood. This is particularly true for blocking lesions, i.e. chemical alterations that cannot be bypassed by DNA polymerases and thus prevent amplification and subsequent sequencing of affected molecules. Some studies have concluded that the vast majority of ancient DNA molecules carry blocking lesions, suggesting that the removal, repair or bypass of blocking lesions might dramatically increase both the time depth and geographical range of specimens available for ancient DNA analysis. However, previous studies used very indirect detection methods that did not provide conclusive estimates on the frequency of blocking lesions in endogenous ancient DNA. We developed a new method, polymerase extension profiling (PEP), that directly reveals occurrences of polymerase stalling on DNA templates. By sequencing thousands of single primer extension products using PEP methodology, we have for the first time directly identified blocking lesions in ancient DNA on a single molecule level. Although we found clear evidence for blocking lesions in three out of four ancient samples, no more than 40% of the molecules were affected in any of the samples, indicating that such modifications are far less frequent in ancient DNA than previously thought


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    National audienceCe texte développe une réflexion sur l'usage des archives en anthropologie, et développe une anthropologie de l'archive. Une typologie est proposée : de l'archive-document à l'archive-monument

    The case of Heinrich Wilhelm Poll (1877-1939): A German-Jewish geneticist, eugenicist, twin researcher, and victim of the Nazis

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    This paper uses a reconstruction of the life and career of Heinrich Poll as a window into developments and professional relationships in the biological sciences in Germany in the period from the beginning of the twentieth century to the Nazi seizure of power in 1933. Poll's intellectual work involved an early transition from morphometric physical anthropology to comparative evolutionary studies, and also found expression in twin research - a field in which he was an acknowledged early pioneer. His advocacy of eugenics led to participation in state-sponsored committees convened to advise on social policy, one of which debated sterilisation and made recommendations that led eventually to the establishment of the notorious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. However, his status as a prominent geneticist and, in particular, as a eugenicist had an ironic and ultimately tragic dimension. Heinrich Poll was of Jewish birth, and this resulted in his career being destroyed by an application of the population policies he had helped put in place

    The origin of human chromosome 2 analyzed by comparative chromosome mapping with a DNA microlibrary

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    Fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH) of microlibraries established from distinct chromosome subregions can test the evolutionary conservation of chromosome bands as well as chromosomal rearrangements that occurred during primate evolution and will help to clarify phylogenetic relationships. We used a DNA library established by microdissection and microcloning from the entire long arm of human chromosome 2 for fluorescencein situ hybridization and comparative mapping of the chromosomes of human, great apes (Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, Gorilla gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus) and Old World monkeys (Macaca fuscata andCercopithecus aethiops). Inversions were found in the pericentric region of the primate chromosome 2p homologs in great apes, and the hybridization pattern demonstrates the known phylogenetically derived telomere fusion in the line that leads to human chromosome 2. The hybridization of the 2q microlibrary to chromosomes of Old World monkeys gave a different pattern from that in the gorilla and the orang-utan, but a pattern similar to that of chimpanzees. This suggests convergence of chromosomal rearrangements in different phylogenetic lines

    “Pre-columbian moulages”. Huacos, mummies and photographs in the controversy over precolumbian diseases, 1894-1910

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    By the late nineteenth century an international controversy arose referred to the probable existence of certain diseases such as leprosy, syphilis and lupus in pre-Columbian America. Led by the American physician Albert Sidney Ashmead (1850-1911), it brought together scholars from Europe and the Americas. In this context, certain types of Peruvian archaeological pottery and mummies, along with series of photographs illustrating the effects of these diseases in contemporary patients, met a prominent role as comparative evidence. In this article we analyze how this type of collections were used as evidence in the debates about pathologies of the past, an issue that from a historical standpoint have received considerably little attention.Fil: Farro, MĂĄximo Ezequiel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Archivo HistĂłrico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Podgorny, Irina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Archivo HistĂłrico; Argentina. UniversitĂ  degli studi di Roma ; Itali
