728 research outputs found

    Statistical Review Evaluation of 5G Antenna Design Models from a Pragmatic Perspective under Multi-Domain Application Scenarios

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    Antenna design for the 5G spectrum requires analysis of contextual frequency bands, design of miniaturization techniques, gain improvement models, polarization techniques, standard radiation pattern designs, metamaterial integration, and substrate selection. Most of these models also vary in terms of qualitative & and quantitative parameters, which include forward gain levels, reverse gain, frequency response, substrate types, antenna shape, feeding levels, etc. Due to such a wide variety in performance, it is ambiguous for researchers to identify the optimum models for their application-specific use cases. This ambiguity results in validating these models on multiple simulation tools, which increases design delays and the cost of deployments. To reduce this ambiguity, a survey of recently proposed antenna design models is discussed in this text. This discussion recommended that polarization optimization and gain maximization are the major impact factors that must be considered while designing antennas. It is also recommended that collocated microstrip slot antennas, fully planar dual-polarized broadband antennas, and real-time deployments of combined slot antenna pairs with wide-band decoupling are very advantageous. Based on this discussion, researchers will be able to identify optimal performance-specific models for different applications. This discussion also compares underlying models in terms of their quantitative parameters, which include forward gain levels, bandwidth, complexity of deployment, scalability, and cost metrics. Upon referring to this comparison, researchers will be able to identify the optimum models for their performance-specific use cases. This review also formulates a novel Antenna Design Rank Metric (ADRM) that combines the evaluated parameters, thereby allowing readers to identify antenna design models that are optimized for multiple parameters and can be used for large-scale 5G communication scenarios

    Ball Grid Array Module with Integrated Shaped Lens for 5G Backhaul/Fronthaul Communications in F-Band

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    In this paper, we propose a ball grid array (BGA) module with an integrated 3-D-printed plastic lens antenna for application in a dedicated 130 GHz OOK transceiver that targets the area of 5G backhaul/fronthaul systems. The main design goal was the full integration of a small footprint antenna with an energy-efficient transceiver. The antenna system must be compact and cost effective while delivering an approximately 30 dBi gain in the working band, defined as 120 to 140 GHz. Accordingly, a 2×2 array of aperture-coupled patch antennas was designed in the 7×7×0.362 mm3 BGA module as the feed antenna of the lens. This achieved a 7.8 dBi realized gain, broadside polarization purity above 20 dB, and over 55% total efficiency from 110 to 140 GHz (20% bandwidth). A plastic elliptical lens 40 mm in diameter and 42.3 mm in height was placed on top of the BGA module. The antenna achieved a return loss better than ?10 dB and a 28 dBi realized gain from 114 to 140 GHz. Finally, active measurements demonstrated a >12 Gbps Tx/Rx link at 5 m with bit error rate (BER) < 10?6 at 1.6 pJ/b/m. These results pave the way for future cost-effective, energy-efficient, high-data rate backhaul/fronthaul systems for 5G communications.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Additively Manufactured RF Components, Packaging, Modules, and Flexible Modular Phased Arrays Enabling Widespread Massively Scalable mmWave/5G Applications

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    The 5G era is here and with it comes many challenges, particularily facing the high frequency mmWave adoption. This is because of the cost to implement such dense networks is much greater due to the high propagation losses of signals that range from 26 GHz to 40 GHz. Therefore there needs to be a way to utilize a method of fabrication that can change with the various environments that 5G will be deployed in, be it dense urban areas or suburban sprawl. In this research, the focus is on making these RF components utilized for 5G at low cost and modular with a focus on additive manufacturing. Since additive manufacturing is a rapid prototyping technique, the technology can be quickly adjusted and altered to meet certain specifications with negligible overhead. Several areas of research will be explored. Firstly, various RF passive components such as additively manufactured antennas and couplers with a combination hybrid inkjet and 3D printing will be discussed. Passive components are critical for evaluating the process of additive manufacturing for high frequency operation. Secondly, various structures will be evaluated specifically for packaging mmWave ICs, including interconnects, smart packaging and encapsulants for use in single or multichip modules. Thirdly, various antenna fabrication techniques will be explored which enables fully integrated ICs with antennas, called System on Antenna (SoA) which utilizes both inkjet and 3D printing to combine antennas and ICs into modules. These modules, can then be built into arrays in a modular fashion, allowing for large or smaller arrays to be assembled on the fly. Finally, a method of calibrating the arrays is introduced, utilizing inkjet printed sensors. This allows the sensor to actively detect bends and deformations in the array and restore optimal antenna array performance. Built for flexible phased arrays, the sensor is designed for implementation for ubiquitous use, meaning that its can be placed on any surface, which enables widespread use of 5G technologies.Ph.D

    Development of interconnections for mm-wave antenna module package

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    Abstract. The increase in mobile network data usage has led to interests in mm-wave frequencies (for example 26.5–29.5 GHz) on becoming fifth generation (5G) networks in addition to previously used sub-6 GHz frequencies. The advantage of mm-wave frequencies is larger bandwidth, leading to larger throughput with a tradeoff of smaller coverage due to shorter wavelength. The coverage issue can be compensated by using antenna arrays instead of one antenna. There have been some studies about stacking antenna module package vertically on motherboard, and in more advanced approach, the RFIC is integrated into the bottom of the antenna module package. This thesis concentrates on developing the interconnection between two PWBs on mm-wave frequency (26.5–29.5 GHz) between the antenna module and motherboard. More accurately, creating interconnection around via structure, carrying RF-signal from antenna module to motherboard by applying vertical stacking. This method may reduce the overall price of the system, while increasing the level of integration in the system. The overall aim of this thesis was to provide a functional and optimized interconnection method with measurement results and limitations of Nokia Factory. The interconnection can be created by using electromagnetic coupling or galvanic connection. The galvanic connection was chosen for many reasons and different interconnection methods applying galvanic connection were introduced. These methods include LGA and BGA soldering, traditional RF-connector and antenna array connector with 16-ports. After considering the options and Nokia Factory limitations, the most suitable interconnection method turned out to be LGA soldering. The research work includes partial design of antenna module and motherboard, and the optimization for connection. Prototypes were created based on the design, and the measurement results and conclusions of interconnection functionality were provided as well. Six prototypes were made, from which prototypes 3–6 were functional in terms of solder height. The measurement results show that there was variation in matching between different prototypes and between simulation and measurement results. By doing x-ray and failure analysis, a few reasons were found to explain the variation. One reason can be found from voids in signal soldering, which widens the soldering horizontally, leading to decreased matching due to changed solder diameter and asymmetric grounding. However, by utilizing the solder bumping method, the appearance and diameter of voids can be minimized. The conclusion with prototypes was that the system functions well, but improvements are recommended, and simulations should be re-done with modifications from failure analysis. Overall, the aim of the thesis was reached.Antennimoduulipaketin liitäntöjen kehittäminen millimetriaalto taajuuksille. Tiivistelmä. Datankäytön jatkuvan kasvun takia viidennen sukupolven (5G) matkapuhelinteknologian kehitys on keskittynyt aiemmin käytettyjen alle 6 GHz taajuuksien lisäksi uusille, korkeammille, millimetriaaltojen (esim. 26.5–29.5 GHz) taajuuskaistalle. Korkeammat taajuudet tarjoavat mahdollisuuden käyttää suurempia kaistanleveyksiä kasvattaen läpikulkevan datan määrää, mutta sen hintana on signaalin kantomatkan pienentyminen aallonpituuden pienentymisen takia. Kantomatkan lyhenemistä voidaan kuitenkin kompensoida käyttämällä antenniryhmiä yksittäisten antennien asemasta. Antenniryhmien integroinnista systeemiin on tehty erilaisia tutkimuksia, joita ovat esimerkiksi vertikaalinen pinoaminen, jossa antennilevy juotetaan toiselle piirilevylle. Edistyksellisemmässä versiossa kyseisen antennilevyn pohjaan on liitetty RFIC piiri. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin kahden piirilevyn välistä liityntäkohtaa vertikaalisella pinoamisella. Liityntäkohta kuljettaa millimetriaaltotaajuista RF-signaalia (26.5–29.5 GHz) antennilevyltä äitilevylle. Kyseisellä rakenteella voidaan saada pienennettyä mahdollisen tuotteen kustannuksia, samalla pienentäen myös sen fyysistä kokoa. Työn tarkoituksena on tarjota Nokialle valmiiksi optimoitu liitäntäratkaisu mittaustuloksineen ja tuotannon rajoitteineen dokumentoituna. Tutkittu liityntäkohta voidaan muodostaa sähkömagneettisella kytkeytymisellä tai galvaanisesti, joista jälkimmäinen on huomattavasti järkevämpi ja tässä työssä on esitetty sille erilaisia vaihtoehtoja, joita on vertailtu toisiinsa. Näihin vaihtoehtoihin sisältyy koneellinen juottaminen LGA tai BGA tavalla, RF-liittimien käyttö ja antenniryhmää varten kehitetty 16 porttinen liitin. Kyseisistä liitäntä vaihtoehdoista parhaaksi ja soveltuvimmaksi osoittautui LGA juotos. Tutkimustyö sisältää antennilevyn ja äitilevyn osittaisen suunnittelun ja optimoinnin, ja sen perusteella tehdyn prototyypin, mittaustulokset ja päätelmät liitynnän toimivuudesta. Prototyyppejä tehtiin kaikkiaan kuusi, joista viimeiset 3–6 olivat onnistuneita juotospaksuuden perusteella. Mittausten perusteella sovituksessa on paljon vaihtelua, jolle löydettiin muutamia syitä röntgen tarkastuksessa ja virheanalyysissa. Näihin syihin sisältyy juotoksesta löytyneet kaasukuplat, jotka johtavat juotoksen laajenemiseen horisontaalisesti, mikä taas heikentää maadoitusta ja täten sovitusta. Juotoksen kaasukuplat voidaan kuitenkin välttää niin kutsutulla juotoksen pallottamisella (Engl. Solder Bumping), jossa kaasukuplia ilmeni huomattavasti vähemmän ja ne olivat pienempiä. Lopputulemana todettiin, että työ on onnistunnut ja prototyyppi on toimiva, mutta tarjotut kehitysideat kannattaa huomioida mahdollisessa jatkokehityksessä ja simuloinnit tulisi tehdä uudelleen virheanalyysistä saaduilla arvoilla ja tiedoilla

    Review of LTCC technology for millimeter waves and photonics

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    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. has developed and utilized Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technology for about 25 years. This paper presents our activities related to photonics and millimetre-waves, including also a relevant literature survey. First a short summary of the technology is given. Especially, the unique features of LTCC technology are described in more details. In addition, several examples have been given to show the validity of LTCC technology in these high-performance fields

    Review of LTCC Technology for Millimeter Waves and Photonics

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    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. has developed and utilized Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technology for about 25 years. This paper presents our activities related to photonics and millimetre-waves, including also a relevant literature survey. First a short summary of the technology is given. Especially, the unique features of LTCC technology are described in more details. In addition, several examples have been given to show the validity of LTCC technology in these high-performance fields