12 research outputs found

    Metaheuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Loading Constraints

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    We consider a combination of the capacitated vehicle routing problem and a class of additional loading constraints involving a parallel machine scheduling problem. The work is motivated by a real-world transportation problem occurring to a wood-products retailer, which delivers its products to a number of customers in a specific region. We solve the problem by means of two different metaheuristics algorithms: a Tabu Search and an Ant Colony Optimization. Extensive computational results are given for both algorithms, on instances derived from the vehicle routing literature and on real-world instances

    Virtual Machine Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers Using ACO Metaheuristic

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    In this paper, we propose the AVVMC VM consolidation scheme that focuses on balanced resource utilization of servers across different computing resources (CPU, memory, and network I/O) with the goal of minimizing power consumption and resource wastage. Since the VM consolidation problem is strictly NP-hard and computationally infeasible for large data centers, we propose adaptation and integration of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic with balanced usage of computing resources based on vector algebra. Our simulation results show that AVVMC outperforms existing methods and achieves improvement in both energy consumption and resource wastage reduction

    A Firefly Colony and Its Fuzzy Approach for Server Consolidation and Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Datacenters

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    Managing cloud datacenters is the most prevailing challenging task ahead for the IT industries. The data centers are considered to be the main source for resource provisioning to the cloud users. Managing these resources to handle large number of virtual machine requests has created the need for heuristic optimization algorithms to provide the optimal placement strategies satisfying the objectives and constraints formulated. In this paper, we propose to apply firefly colony and fuzzy firefly colony optimization algorithms to solve two key issues of datacenters, namely, server consolidation and multiobjective virtual machine placement problem. The server consolidation aims to minimize the count of physical machines used and the virtual machine placement problem is to obtain optimal placement strategy with both minimum power consumption and resource wastage. The proposed techniques exhibit better performance than the heuristics and metaheuristic approaches considered in terms of server consolidation and finding optimal placement strategy

    Solving the two-dimensional bin packing problem

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    Das ”two-dimensional bin packing” Problem mit orientierten Elementen und freiem Schneiden (2BP|O|F) wurde in dieser Arbeit diskutiert. Für dieses Problem müssen ein Set kleiner, rechteckiger Elemente in ein unbegrenztes Set von einheitlichen großen Objekten gepackt werden. Orientiert heißt, dass die Elemente nicht gedreht werden dürfen und freies Schneiden heißt, dass die Elemente überall im großen Objekt platziert werden können, solange sie innerhalb von diesem platziert werden und sich dabei nicht überlappen. Es gibt eine große Anzahl an Variationen für das Problem, wie zum Beispiel eine unterschiedliche Dimensionalität, unterschiedlich große Objekte, unregelmäßig geformte Elemente, rotierbare Elemente oder dass nur Guillotineschnitte vorgenommen werden können. Für diese Arbeit wurde ein neues ILP Modell entwickelt. Weiters wurde eine bereits existierende Heuristik (LGFi) verbessert, indem ein auf Wahrscheinlichkeiten basierender Ansatz verwendet wurde. Die Heuristik besteht aus einem Vorverarbeitungsschritt und einem zweiten Schritt in dem die Elemente gepackt werden. Das Ziel des Vorverarbeitungsschrittes ist es die Elemente zu sortieren und das Ziel des zweiten Schrittes ist es die sortierten Elemente zu packen. Was verändert wurde ist, dass die Elemente nicht mehr auf eine deterministische Weise sortiert werden sondern basierend auf Wahrscheinlichkeiten. Diese verbesserte Heuristik wurde mit Hilfe von drei verschiedenen Ansätzen auf 500 Instanzen, die von der Literatur zur Verfügung gestellt wurden, angewendet. Diese drei sind ein multi-start Ansatz, Beam Search und Variable Neighborhood Search. Alle drei übertreffen die bisher dagewesenen Ansätze, wobei Beam Search die schlechteste ist und der multi-start Ansatz und Variable Neighborhood Search am besten und etwa gleich gut sind. Außerdem wurden drei neue beste Lösungen für die 500 Instanzen gefunden

    Vehicle routing with multi-dimensional loading constraints

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    Zwei der wichtigsten Problemstellungen in der Transportlogistik behandeln einerseits das Verladen von Produkten auf LKWs und andererseits die ressourceneffiziente Belieferung der Kunden auf dem gegebenen Straßennetz. Bis dato wurden diese zwei Probleme mit Hilfe von kombinatorischer Optimierung getrennt von einander behandelt und es existieren zahlreiche Publikationen zu beiden Themen in den einschlägigen Fachzeitschriften. Erst in den letzten drei Jahren wurde einem integrierten Ansatz, der beide Problemstellungen zu einem Optimierungsproblem vereint betrachtet. Somit werden die Bestellungen einzelner Kunden nicht bloß über ihre Gewichte, sondern auch über ihre Abmessungen definiert. Der klare Vorteil dieses Ansatzes liegt darin, dass die einzelnen LKW Routen auch tatsächlich so gefahren werden können, da die tatsächliche Beladung auch berücksichtigt wurde. Andererseits steigt die kombinatorische Komplexität drastisch, weil das kapazitierte Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) mit Bin Packing Problemen (BPP) kombiniert wird und beide Probleme für sich alleine NP schwer sind. Diese Dissertation präsentiert drei verschiedene Probleme, die sich neben der Frage welches Fahrzeug beliefert welchen Kunden auch der Frage widmet, wie die bestellten Produkte auf den LKW geladen werden können. - Das Multi-Pile Vehicle Routing Problem (MP-VRP) bindet in das klassische CVRP eine Beladekomponente ein, die zwischen eindimensionalem und zweidimensionalem Bin Packing Problem angesiedelt ist. Die Problemstellungen wurden durch einen österreichischen Holzzulieferer motiviert. - Beim kapazitierten Vehicle Routing Problem mit zweidimensionalen Beladenebenbedingungen (2L-CVRP) bestellt jeder Kunden rechteckige Objekte, welche auf der rechteckigen Beladefläche des LKWs untergebracht werden müssen. - Das allgemeinste Beladeproblem stellt das dreidimensionale Bin Packing Problem dar. Hier bestellt jeder Kunde dreidimensionale Objekte, welche auf dem dreidimensionalen Laderaum des LKWs untergebracht werden müssen. Das klassische dreidimensionale Bin Packing Problem wird durch zusätzliche Beladenebenbedingungen erweitert. Momentan gibt es zu diesen kombinierten Problemen nur wenige Publikationen. Exakte Ansätze gibt es momentan nur zwei, einen für das MP-VRP (hier können Probleme bis zu 50 Kunden gelöst werden) und für das 2L-CVRP (hier können Probleme bis zu 30 Kunden exakt gelöst werden). Für Realweltanwendungen müssen jedoch Heuristiken gefunden werden, welche größere Probleminstanzen lösen können. In dieser Arbeit wird für alle drei Problemstellungen ein Ameisenalgorithmus verwendet und mit bestehenden Lösungsansätzen aus dem Bereich der Tabu-Suche (TS) verglichen. Es wird gezeigt, dass der präsentierte Ameisenansatz für die zur Verfügung stehenden Benchmarkinstanzen die besten Ergebnisse liefert. Darüber hinaus wird der Einfluss verschiedener Beladenebenbedingungen auf die Lösungsgüte untersucht, was eine wichtige Entscheidungsgrundlage für Unternehmen darstellt.Two of the most important problems in distribution logistics concern the loading of the freight into the vehicles, and the successive routing of the vehicles along the road network, with the aim of satisfying the demands of the clients. In the combinatorial optimization field, these two loading and routing problems have been studied intensively but separately yielding a large number of publications either for routing or packing problems. Only in recent years some attention has been brought to their combined optimization. The obvious advantage is that, by considering the information on the freight to be loaded, one can construct more appropriate routes for the vehicles. The counterpart is that the combinatorial difficulty of the problem increases consistently. One must not forget that both the vehicle routing problem and the bin packing problem are NP hard problems! This thesis presents three different problems concerning the combination of routing and loading (packing) problems. - The Multi-Pile Vehicle Routing Problem (MP-VRP) incorporates an interesting loading problem situated between one dimensional and two dimensional bin packing. This problem has been inspired by a real world application of an Austrian wood distributing company. - The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Two-Dimensional Loading Constraints (2L-CVRP) augments the classical Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem by requiring the satisfaction of general two dimensional loading constraints. This means that customers order items represented by rectangles that have to be feasibly placed on the rectangular shaped loading surface of the used vehicles. - The most general packing problem to be integrated is the Three Dimensional Bin Packing Problem (3DBPP) resulting in the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Three-Dimensional Loading Constraints (3L-CVRP). Here the order of each customer consists of cuboid shaped items that have to be feasibly placed on the loading space of the vehicle. A feasible placement is influenced by additional constraints that extend the classical 3DBPP. Concerning the literature solving these problems with exact methods it becomes clear that this is only possible to some very limited extent (e.g.: the MP-VRP can be solved up to 50, the 2L-CVRP can be solved exact up to 30 customers, for the 3L-CVRP no exact approach exists). Nevertheless for real world applications the problem instances are much larger which justifies the use of (meta-)heuristics. The rank-based Ant System was modified and extended to solve the combined problem by integrating different packing routines. The designed methods outperform the existing techniques for the three different problem classes. The influence of different loading constraints on the objective value is investigated/is intensively studied to support the decision makers of companies facing similar problems

    Block-based Outpatient Clinic Appointments Scheduling Under Open-access Policy

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    Outpatient clinic appointment scheduling is an important topic in OR/IE studies. Open-access policy shows its strength in improving patient access and satisfaction, as well as reducing no-show rate. The traditional far-in-advance scheduling plays an important role in handling chronic and follow-up care. This dissertation discusses a hybrid policy under which a clinic deals with three types of patients. The first type of patients are those who request their appointments before the visit day. The second type of patients schedule their appointment on the visit day. The third type of patients are walk-in patients who go to the clinic without appointments and wait to see the physician in turn. In this dissertation, the online scheduling policy is addressed for the Type 2 and Type 3 patients, and the offline scheduling policy is used for the Type 1 patients. For the online scheduling policy, two stochastic integer programming (SIP) models are built under two different sets of assumptions. The first set of assumptions ignores the endogenous uncertainty in the problem. An aggregate assigning method is proposed with the deterministic equivalent problem (DEP) model. This method is demonstrated to be better than the traditional one-at-a-time assignment through both overestimation and underestimation numerical examples. The DEP formulations are solved using the proposed bound-based sampling method, which provides approximated solutions and reasonable sample size with the least gap between lower and upper bound of the original objective value. On the basis of the first set of assumptions and the SIP model, the second set of assumptions considers patient no-shows, preference, cancellations and lateness, which introduce endogenous uncertainty into the SIP model. A modified L-shaped method and aggregated multicut L-shaped method are designed to handle the model with decision dependent distribution parameter. Distinctive optimality cut generation schemes are proposed for three types of distribution for linked random variables. Computational experiments are conducted to compare performance and outputs of different methods. An alternative formulation of the problem with simple recourse function is provided, based on which, a mixed integer programming model is established as a convenient complementary method to evaluate results with expected value. The offline scheduling aims at assigning a certain number of Type 1 patients with deterministic service time and individual preferences into a limited number of blocks, where the sum of patients’ service time in a block does not exceed the block length. This problem is associated with bin packing problem with restrictions. Heuristic and metaheuristic methods are designed to adapt the added restrictions to the bin packing problem. Zigzag sorting is proposed for the algorithm and is shown to improve the performance significantly. A clique based construction method is designed for the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure and Simulated Annealing. The proposed methods show higher efficiency than traditional ones. This dissertation offers a series of new and practical resolutions for the clinic scheduling problem. These methods can facilitate the clinic administrators who are practicing the open-access policy to handle different types of patients with deterministic or nondeterministic arrival pattern and system efficiency. The resolutions range from operations level to management level. From the operations aspect, the block-wise assignment and aggregated assignment with SIP model can be used for the same-day request scheduling. From the management level, better coordination of the assignment of the Type 1 patients and the same-day request patients will benefit the cost-saving control

    Evolutionary algorithms and hyper-heuristics for orthogonal packing problems

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    This thesis investigates two major classes of Evolutionary Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Evolution Strategies (ESs), and their application to the Orthogonal Packing Problems (OPP). OPP are canonical models for NP-hard problems, the class of problems widely conceived to be unsolvable on a polynomial deterministic Turing machine, although they underlie many optimisation problems in the real world. With the increasing power of modern computers, GAs and ESs have been developed in the past decades to provide high quality solutions for a wide range of optimisation and learning problems. These algorithms are inspired by Darwinian nature selection mechanism that iteratively select better solutions in populations derived from recombining and mutating existing solutions. The algorithms have gained huge success in many areas, however, being stochastic processes, the algorithms' behaviour on different problems is still far from being fully understood. The work of this thesis provides insights to better understand both the algorithms and the problems. The thesis begins with an investigation of hyper-heuristics as a more general search paradigm based on standard EAs. Hyper-heuristics are shown to be able to overcome the difficulty of many standard approaches which only search in partial solution space. The thesis also looks into the fundamental theory of GAs, the schemata theorem and the building block hypothesis, by developing the Grouping Genetic Algorithms (GGA) for high dimensional problems and providing supportive yet qualified empirical evidences for the hypothesis. Realising the difficulties of genetic encoding over combinatorial search domains, the thesis proposes a phenotype representation together with Evolution Strategies that operates on such representation. ESs were previously applied mainly to continuous numerical optimisation, therefore being less understood when searching in combinatorial domains. The work in this thesis develops highly competent ES algorithms for OPP and opens the door for future research in this area

    Planification et affectation de ressources dans les réseaux de soin : analogie avec le problème du bin packing, proposition de méthodes approchées

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    The presented work is about optimization of the hospital system. An existing solution is the pooling of resources within the same territory. This may involve different forms of cooperation between several hospitals. Various problems are defined at the decision level : strategic, tactical or operational ; and at the modeling level : macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic. Problems of sizing, planning and scheduling may be considered. We define the problem of activities planning with resource allocation. Several cases are dissociated : either human resources are under infinite capacity, or they are under limited capacity and their assignment on a place is given, or they are under limited capacity and their assignment is a variable. These problems are specified and mathematically formalized. All thes problems are compared to a bin packing problem : the classical problem of bin packing is used for the problem where human resources are under infinite capacity, the bin packing problem with interdependencies is used in the two other cases. The bin packing problem with incompatibilities is defined. Many resolution methods have been proposed for the bin packing problem. We make several propositions including a hierarchical coupling between heuristic and metaheuristic. Single based metaheuristics and a population based metaheuristic, the particle swarm optimization, are used. This proposition requires a new encoding inspired by permutation problems. This method gives very good results to solve instances of the bin packing problem. It is easy to apply : it combines already known methods. With the proposed coupling, the new constraints to be considered need to be integrated only on the heuristic level. The running of the metaheuristic is the same. Thus, our method is easily adaptable to the problem of activities planning with resource allocation. For big instances, the solver used as a reference returns only an interval of solutions. The results of our method are once again very promising : the obtained solutions are better than the upper limit returned by the solver. It is possible to adapt our method on more complex issues through integration into the heuristic of the new constraints to consider. It would be particularly interesting to test these methods on real hospital authorities to assess their significance.Les travaux de thèse présentés s’intéressent à l’optimisation des systèmes hospitaliers. Une solution existante est la mutualisation de ressources au sein d’un même territoire. Cela peut passer par différentes formes de coopération dont la Communauté Hospitalière de Territoire. Différents problèmes sont définis en fonction du niveau de décision : stratégique, tactique ou opérationnel ; et du niveau de modélisation : macroscopique, mesoscopique et microscopique. Des problèmes de dimensionnement, de planification et d’ordonnancement peuvent être considérés. Nous définissons notamment le problème de planification d’activités avec affectation de ressources. Plusieurs cas sont dissociés : soit les ressources humaines sont à capacité infinie, soit elles sont à capacité limitée et leur affectation sur site est une donnée, soit elles sont à capacité limitée et leur affectation sur site est une variable. Ces problèmes sont spécifiés et formalisés mathématiquement. Tous ces problèmes sont comparés à un problème de bin packing : le problème du bin packing de base pour le problème où les ressources humaines sont à capacité infinie, le problème du bin packing avec interdépendances dans les deux autres cas. Le problème du bin packing avec incompatibilités est ainsi défini. De nombreuses méthodes de résolution ont déjà été proposées pour le problème du bin packing. Nous faisons plusieurs propositions dont un couplage hiérarchique entre une heuristique et une métaheuristique. Des métaheuristiques basées individu et une métaheuristique basée population, l’optimisation par essaim particulaire, sont utilisées. Cette proposition nécessite un nouveau codage inspiré des problèmes de permutation d’ordonnancement. Cette méthode donne de très bons résultats sur les instances du problème du bin packing. Elle est simple à appliquer : elle couple des méthodes déjà connues. Grâce au couplage proposé, les nouvelles contraintes à considérer nécessitent d’être intégrées uniquement au niveau de l’heuristique. Le fonctionnement de la métaheuristique reste le même. Ainsi, notre méthode est facilement adaptable au problème de planification d’activités avec affectation de ressources. Pour les instances de grande taille, le solveur utilisé comme référence ne donne qu’un intervalle de solutions. Les résultats de notre méthode sont une fois encore très prometteurs : les solutions obtenues sont meilleures que la borne supérieure retournée par le solveur. Il est envisageable d’adapter notre méthode sur d’autres problèmes plus complexes par intégration dans l’heuristique des nouvelles contraintes à considérer. Il serait notamment intéressant de tester ces méthodes sur de réelles instances hospitalières afin d’évaluer leur portée

    Evolutionary algorithms and hyper-heuristics for orthogonal packing problems

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    This thesis investigates two major classes of Evolutionary Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Evolution Strategies (ESs), and their application to the Orthogonal Packing Problems (OPP). OPP are canonical models for NP-hard problems, the class of problems widely conceived to be unsolvable on a polynomial deterministic Turing machine, although they underlie many optimisation problems in the real world. With the increasing power of modern computers, GAs and ESs have been developed in the past decades to provide high quality solutions for a wide range of optimisation and learning problems. These algorithms are inspired by Darwinian nature selection mechanism that iteratively select better solutions in populations derived from recombining and mutating existing solutions. The algorithms have gained huge success in many areas, however, being stochastic processes, the algorithms' behaviour on different problems is still far from being fully understood. The work of this thesis provides insights to better understand both the algorithms and the problems. The thesis begins with an investigation of hyper-heuristics as a more general search paradigm based on standard EAs. Hyper-heuristics are shown to be able to overcome the difficulty of many standard approaches which only search in partial solution space. The thesis also looks into the fundamental theory of GAs, the schemata theorem and the building block hypothesis, by developing the Grouping Genetic Algorithms (GGA) for high dimensional problems and providing supportive yet qualified empirical evidences for the hypothesis. Realising the difficulties of genetic encoding over combinatorial search domains, the thesis proposes a phenotype representation together with Evolution Strategies that operates on such representation. ESs were previously applied mainly to continuous numerical optimisation, therefore being less understood when searching in combinatorial domains. The work in this thesis develops highly competent ES algorithms for OPP and opens the door for future research in this area