20 research outputs found

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    Delay Tolerant Networks for Efficient Information Harvesting and Distribution in Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    [EN] Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) can make transportation safer, more efficient, and more sustainable by applying various information and communication technologies. One of these technologies are \acfp{VN}. \acp{VN} combine different communication solutions such as cellular networks, \acfp{VANET}, or IEEE 802.11 technologies to provide connectivity among vehicles, and between vehicles and road infrastructure. This thesis focuses on VNs, and considers that the high speed of the nodes and the presence of obstacles like buildings, produces a highly variable network topology, as well as more frequent partitions in the network. Therefore, classical \ac{MANET} protocols do not adapt well to VANETs. Under these conditions, \ac{DTN} have been proposed as an alternative able to cope with these adverse characteristics. In DTN, when a message cannot be routed to its destination, it is not immediately dropped but it is instead stored and carried until a new route becomes available. The combination of VN and DTN is called \acp{VDTN}. In this thesis, we propose a new VDTN protocol designed to collect information from vehicular sensors. Our proposal, called \ac{MSDP}, combines information about the localization obtained from a GNSS system with the actual street/road layout obtained from a Navigation System (NS) to define a new routing metric. Both analytical and simulation results prove that MSDP outperforms previous proposals. Concerning the deployment of VNs and VANET technologies, technology already left behind the innovation and the standardization phases, and it is about time it reach the first early adopters in the market. However, most car manufacturers have decided to implement VN devices in the form of On Board Units (OBUs), which are expensive, heavily manufacturer dependent, and difficult to upgrade. These facts are delaying the deployment of VN. To boost this process, we have developed the GRCBox architecture. This architecture is based on low-cost devices and enables the establishment of V2X, \emph{i.e.} V2I and V2V, communications while integrating users by easing the use of general purpose devices like smartphones, tablets or laptops. To demonstrate the viability of the GRCBox architecture, we combined it with a DTN platform called Scampi to obtain actual results over a real VDTN scenario. We also present several GRCBox-aware applications that illustrate how developers can create applications that bring the potential of VN to user devices.[ES] Los sistemas de transporte inteligente (ITS) son el soporte para el establecimiento de un transporte más seguro, más eficiente y más sostenible mediante el uso de tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Una de estas tecnologías son las redes vehiculares (VNs). Las VNs combinan diferentes tecnologías de comunicación como las redes celulares, las redes ad-hoc vehiculares (VANETs) o las redes 802.11p para proporcionar conectividad entre vehículos, y entre vehículos y la infraestructura de carreteras. Esta tesis se centra en las VNs, en las cuales la alta velocidad de los nodos y la presencia de obstáculos como edificios producen una topología de red altamente variable, así como frecuentes particiones en la red. Debido a estas características, los protocolos para redes móviles ad-hoc (MANETs) no se adaptan bien a las VANETs. En estas condiciones, las redes tolerantes a retardos (DTNs) se han propuesto como una alternativa capaz de hacer frente a estos problemas. En DTN, cuando un mensaje no puede ser encaminado hacia su destino, no es inmediatamente descartado sino es almacenado hasta que una nueva ruta esta disponible. Cuando las VNs y las DTNs se combinan surgen las redes vehiculares tolerantes a retardos (VDTN). En esta tesis proponemos un nuevo protocolo para VDTNs diseñado para recolectar la información generada por sensores vehiculares. Nuestra propuesta, llamada MSDP, combina la información obtenida del servicio de información geográfica (GIS) con el mapa real de las calles obtenido del sistema de navegación (NS) para definir una nueva métrica de encaminamiento. Resultados analíticos y mediante simulaciones prueban que MSDP mejora el rendimiento de propuestas anteriores. En relación con el despliegue de las VNs y las tecnologías VANET, la tecnología ha dejado atrás las fases de innovación y estandarización, ahora es el momento de alcanzar a los primeros usuarios del mercado. Sin embargo, la mayoría de fabricantes han decidido implementar los dispositivos para VN como unidades de a bordo (OBU), las cuales son caras y difíciles de actualizar. Además, las OBUs son muy dependientes del fabricante original. Todo esto esta retrasando el despliegue de las VNs. Para acelerar la adopción de las VNs, hemos desarrollado la arquitectura GRCBox. La arquitectura GRCBox esta basada en un dispositivo de bajo coste que permite a los usuarios usar comunicaciones V2X (V2V y V2I) mientras utilizan dispositivos de propósito general como teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas o portátiles. Las pruebas incluidas en esta tesis demuestran la viabilidad de la arquitectura GRCBox. Mediante la combinación de nuestra GRCBox y una plataforma de DTN llamada Scampi hemos diseñado y probado un escenario VDTN real. También presentamos como los desarrolladores pueden crear nuevas aplicaciones GRCBox para llevar el potencial de las VN a los dispositivos de usuario.[CA] Els sistemes de transport intel·ligent (ITS) poden crear un transport més segur, més eficient i més sostenible mitjançant l'ús de tecnologies de la informació i les comunicacions aplicades al transport. Una d'aquestes tecnologies són les xarxes vehiculars (VN). Les VN combinen diferents tecnologies de comunicació, com ara les xarxes cel·lulars, les xarxes ad-hoc vehiculars (VANET) o les xarxes 802.11p, per a proporcionar comunicació entre vehicles, i entre vehicles i la infraestructura de carreteres. Aquesta tesi se centra en les VANET, en les quals l'alta velocitat dels nodes i la presència d'obstacles, com els edificis, produeixen una topologia de xarxa altament variable, i també freqüents particions en la xarxa. Per aquest motiu, els protocols per a xarxes mòbils ad-hoc (MANET) no s'adapten bé. En aquestes condicions, les xarxes tolerants a retards (DTN) s'han proposat com una alternativa capaç de fer front a aquests problemes. En DTN, quan un missatge no pot ser encaminat cap a la seua destinació, no és immediatament descartat sinó que és emmagatzemat fins que apareix una ruta nova. Quan les VN i les DTN es combinen sorgeixen les xarxes vehicular tolerants a retards (VDTN). En aquesta tesi proposem un nou protocol per a VDTN dissenyat per a recol·lectar la informació generada per sensors vehiculars. La nostra proposta, anomenada MSDP, combina la informació obtinguda del servei d'informació geogràfica (GIS) amb el mapa real dels carrers obtingut del sistema de navegació (NS) per a definir una nova mètrica d'encaminament. Resultats analítics i mitjançant simulacions proven que MSDP millora el rendiment de propostes prèvies. En relació amb el desplegament de les VN i les tecnologies VANET, la tecnologia ha deixat arrere les fases d'innovació i estandardització, ara és temps d'aconseguir als primers usuaris del mercat. No obstant això, la majoria de fabricants han decidit implementar els dispositius per a VN com a unitats de bord (OBU), les quals són cares i difícils d'actualitzar. A més, les OBU són molt dependents del fabricant original. Tot això està retardant el desplegament de les VN. Per a accelerar l'adopció de les VN, hem desenvolupat l'arquitectura GRCBox. L'arquitectura GRCBox està basada en un dispositiu de baix cost que permet als usuaris usar comunicacions V2V mentre usen dispositius de propòsit general, com ara telèfons intel·ligents, tauletes o portàtils. Les proves incloses en aquesta tesi demostren la viabilitat de l'arquitectura GRCBox. Mitjançant la combinació de la nostra GRCBox i la plataforma de DTN Scampi, hem dissenyat i provat un escenari VDTN pràctic. També presentem com els desenvolupadors poden crear noves aplicacions GRCBox per a portar el potencial de les VN als dispositius d'usuari.Martínez Tornell, S. (2016). Delay Tolerant Networks for Efficient Information Harvesting and Distribution in Intelligent Transportation Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68486TESI

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    A survey of flooding, gossip routing, and related schemes for wireless multi- hop networks

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    Flooding is an essential and critical service in computer networks that is used by many routing protocols to send packets from a source to all nodes in the network. As the packets are forwarded once by each receiving node, many copies of the same packet traverse the network which leads to high redundancy and unnecessary usage of the sparse capacity of the transmission medium. Gossip routing is a well-known approach to improve the flooding in wireless multi-hop networks. Each node has a forwarding probability p that is either statically per-configured or determined by information that is available at runtime, e.g, the node degree. When a packet is received, the node selects a random number r. If the number r is below p, the packet is forwarded and otherwise, in the most simple gossip routing protocol, dropped. With this approach the redundancy can be reduced while at the same time the reachability is preserved if the value of the parameter p (and others) is chosen with consideration of the network topology. This technical report gives an overview of the relevant publications in the research domain of gossip routing and gives an insight in the improvements that can be achieved. We discuss the simulation setups and results of gossip routing protocols as well as further improved flooding schemes. The three most important metrics in this application domain are elaborated: reachability, redundancy, and management overhead. The published studies used simulation environments for their research and thus the assumptions, models, and parameters of the simulations are discussed and the feasibility of an application for real world wireless networks are highlighted. Wireless mesh networks based on IEEE 802.11 are the focus of this survey but publications about other network types and technologies are also included. As percolation theory, epidemiological models, and delay tolerant networks are often referred as foundation, inspiration, or application of gossip routing in wireless networks, a brief introduction to each research domain is included and the applicability of the particular models for the gossip routing is discussed

    Data Gathering and Dissemination over Flying Ad-hoc Networks in Smart Environments

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    The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has laid the foundations for new possibilities in our life. The ability to communicate with any electronic device has become a fascinating opportunity. Particularly interesting are UAVs (Unmanned Airborne Vehicles), autonomous or remotely controlled flying devices able to operate in many contexts thanks to their mobility, sensors, and communication capabilities. Recently, the use of UAVs has become an important asset in many critical and common scenarios; thereby, various research groups have started to consider UAVs’ potentiality applied on smart environments. UAVs can communicate with each other forming a Flying Ad-hoc Network (FANET), in order to provide complex services that requires the coordination of several UAVs; yet, this also generates challenging communication issues. This dissertation starts from this standpoint, firstly focusing on networking issues and potential solutions already present in the state-of-the-art. To this aim, the peculiar issues of routing in mobile, 3D shaped ad-hoc networks have been investigated through a set of simulations to compare different ad-hoc routing protocols and understand their limits. From this knowledge, our work takes into consideration the differences between classic MANETs and FANETs, highlighting the specific communication performance of UAVs and their specific mobility models. Based on these assumptions, we propose refinements and improvements of routing protocols, as well as their linkage with actual UAV-based applications to support smart services. Particular consideration is devoted to Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs), characterized by long packet delays and intermittent connectivity, a critical aspect when UAVs are involved. The goal is to leverage on context-aware strategies in order to design more efficient routing solutions. The outcome of this work includes the design and analysis of new routing protocols supporting efficient UAVs’ communication with heterogeneous smart objects in smart environments. Finally, we discuss about how the presence of UAV swarms may affect the perception of population, providing a critical analysis of how the consideration of these aspects could change a FANET communication infrastructure

    Reliable Data Transmission in Challenging Vehicular Network using Delay Tolerant Network

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    In the 21st century, there has been an increasing tendency toward the wide adoption of wireless networks and technologies due to their significant advantages such as flexibility, mobility, accessibility, and low cost. Wireless technologies have therefore become essential factors in the improvement of intra-vehicle road safety in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET), which potentially reduce road traffic accidents by enabling efficient exchange of information between vehicles in the early stages. However, due to the inherent high mobility and rapid change of topology, there are numerous challenges in VANET. Hence, different software packages have been combined in this project to create the VANET environment, whereby the Objective Modular Network Testbed (OMNeT++) and the Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO), along with Vehicles in Network Simulation (VEINS) are integrated to model the VANET environment. Also, Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) are implemented in the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator, where the Store-Carry-Forward technique is used to route traffic. When network resources are not limited, a high delivery ratio is possible. However, when network resources are scarce, these protocols will have a low delivery ratio and high overhead. Due to these limitations, in this research, an extensive performance evaluation of various routing protocols for DTN with different buffer management policies, giving insight into the impact of these policies on DTN routing protocol performance has been conducted. The empirical study gave insight into the strengths and limitations of the existing protocols thus enabling the selection of the benchmark protocols utilized in evaluating a new Enhanced Message Replication Technique (EMRT) proposed in this thesis. The main contribution of this thesis is the design, implementation, and evaluation of a novel EMRT that dynamically adjusts the number of message replicas based on a node's ability to quickly disseminate the message and maximize the delivery ratio. EMRT is evaluated using three different quota protocols: Spray&Wait, Encounter Based Routing (EBR), and Destination Based Routing Protocol (DBRP). Simulation results show that applying EMRT to these protocols improves the delivery ratio while reducing overhead ratio and latency average. For example, when combined with Spray&Wait, EBR, and DBRP, the delivery probability is improved by 13%, 8%, and 10%, respectively, while the latency average is reduced by 51%, 14%, and 13%, respectively

    Vers une amélioration de la diffusion des informations dans les réseaux sans-fils

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    Dans les systèmes d'alertes publiques, l étude de la diffusion des informations dans le réseau est essentielle. Les systèmes de diffusion des messages d'alertes doivent atteindre beaucoup de nœuds en peu de temps. Dans les réseaux de communication basés sur les interactions device to device , on s'est récemment beaucoup intéressé à la diffusion des informations et le besoin d'auto-organisation a été mis en évidence. L'auto-organisation conduit à des comportements locaux et des interactions qui ont un effet sur le réseau global et présentent un avantage de scalabilité. Ces réseaux auto-organisés peuvent être autonomes et utiliser peu d'espace mémoire. On peut développer des caractères auto-organisés dans les réseaux de communication en utilisant des idées venant de phénomènes naturels. Il semble intéressant de chercher à obtenir les propriétés des small world pour améliorer la diffusion des informations dans le réseau. Dans les modèles de small world on réalise un recâblage des liens dans le réseau en changeant la taille et la direction des liens existants. Dans un environnement sans-fils autonome une organisation de ce type peut être créée en utilisant le flocking, l'inhibition latérale et le beamforming . Dans ce but, l'auteur utilise d'abord l'analogie avec l'inhibition latérale, le flocking et le beamforming pour montrer comment la diffusion des informations peut être améliorée. L'analogue de l'inhibition latérale est utilisé pour créer des régions virtuelles dans le réseau. Puis en utilisant l'analogie avec les règles du flocking, on caractérise les propriétés des faisceaux permettant aux nœuds de communiquer dans les régions. Nous prouvons que les propriétés des small world sont vérifiées en utilisant la mesure des moyennes des longueurs des chemins. Cependant l'algorithme proposé est valable pour les réseaux statiques alors que dans les cas introduisant de la mobilité, les concepts d'inhibition latérale et de flocking nécessiteraient beaucoup plus de temps. Dans le cas d'un réseau mobile la structure du réseau change fréquemment. Certaines connexions intermittentes impactent fortement la diffusion des informations. L'auteur utilise le concept de stabilité avec le beamforming pour montrer comment on peut améliorer la diffusion des informations. Dans son algorithme il prévoit d'abord la stabilité du nœud en utilisant des informations locales et il utilise ce résultat pour identifier les nœuds qui réaliseront du beamforming. Dans l'algorithme, les nœuds de stabilité faible sont autorisés à faire du beamforming vers les nœuds de forte stabilité. La frontière entre forte et faible stabilité est fixée par un seuil. Cet algorithme ne nécessite pas une connaissance globale du réseau, mais utilise des données locales. Les résultats sont validés en étudiant le temps au bout duquel plus de nœuds reçoivent l'information et en comparant avec d'autres algorithmes de la littérature. Cependant, dans les réseaux réels, les changements de structure ne sont pas dus qu'à la mobilité, mais également à des changements de la densité des nœuds à un moment donné. Pour tenir compte de l'influence de tels événements sur la diffusion des informations concernant la sécurité publique, l'auteur utilise les concepts de modèle de métapopulation, épidémiologiques, beamforming et mobilité géographique obtenu à partir de données D4D. L'auteur propose la création de trois états latents qu'il ajoute au modèle épidémiologique connu: SIR. L'auteur étudie les états transitoires en analysant l'évolution du nombre de postes ayant reçu les informations et compare les résultats concernant ce nombre dans les différents cas. L'auteur démontre ainsi que le scenario qu'il propose permet d'améliorer le processus de diffusion des informations. Il montre aussi les effets de différents paramètres comme le nombre de sources, le nombre de paquets, les paramètres de mobilité et ceux qui caractérisent les antennes sur la diffusion des informationsIn public warning message systems, information dissemination across the network is a critical aspect that has to be addressed. Dissemination of warning messages should be such that it reaches as many nodes in the network in a short time. In communication networks those based on device to device interactions, dissemination of the information has lately picked up lot of interest and the need for self organization of the network has been brought up. Self organization leads to local behaviors and interactions that have global effects and helps in addressing scaling issues. The use of self organized features allows autonomous behavior with low memory usage. Some examples of self organization phenomenon that are observed in nature are Lateral Inhibition and Flocking. In order to provide self organized features to communication networks, insights from such naturally occurring phenomenon is used. Achieving small world properties is an attractive way to enhance information dissemination across the network. In small world model rewiring of links in the network is performed by altering the length and the direction of the existing links. In an autonomous wireless environment such organization can be achieved using self organized phenomenon like Lateral inhibition and Flocking and beamforming (a concept in communication). Towards this, we first use Lateral Inhibition, analogy to Flocking behavior and beamforming to show how dissemination of information can be enhanced. Lateral Inhibition is used to create virtual regions in the network. Then using the analogy of Flocking rules, beam properties of the nodes in the regions are set. We then prove that small world properties are achieved using average path length metric. However, the proposed algorithm is applicable to static networks and Flocking and Lateral Inhibition concepts, if used in a mobile scenario, will be highly complex in terms of computation and memory. In a mobile scenario such as human mobility aided networks, the network structure changes frequently. In such conditions dissemination of information is highly impacted as new connections are made and old ones are broken. We thus use stability concept in mobile networks with beamforming to show how information dissemination process can be enhanced. In the algorithm, we first predict the stability of a node in the mobile network using locally available information and then uses it to identify beamforming nodes. In the algorithm, the low stability nodes are allowed to beamform towards the nodes with high stability. The difference between high and low stability nodes is based on threshold value. The algorithm is developed such that it does not require any global knowledge about the network and works using only local information. The results are validated using how quickly more number of nodes receive the information and different state of the art algorithms. We also show the effect of various parameters such as number of sources, number of packets, mobility parameters and antenna parameters etc. on the information dissemination process in the network. In realistic scenarios however, the dynamicity in the network is not only related to mobility. Dynamic conditions also arise due to change in density of nodes at a given time. To address effect of such scenario on the dissemination of information related to public safety in a metapopulation, we use the concepts of epidemic model, beamforming and the countrywide mobility pattern extracted from the D4DD4D dataset. Here, we also propose the addition of three latent states to the existing epidemic model (SIRSIR model). We study the transient states towards the evolution of the number of devices having the information and the difference in the number of devices having the information when compared with different cases to evaluate the results. Through the results we show that enhancements in the dissemination process can be achieved in the addressed scenarioEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Enabled Wireless Communications and Networking

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    The emerging massive density of human-held and machine-type nodes implies larger traffic deviatiolns in the future than we are facing today. In the future, the network will be characterized by a high degree of flexibility, allowing it to adapt smoothly, autonomously, and efficiently to the quickly changing traffic demands both in time and space. This flexibility cannot be achieved when the network’s infrastructure remains static. To this end, the topic of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) have enabled wireless communications, and networking has received increased attention. As mentioned above, the network must serve a massive density of nodes that can be either human-held (user devices) or machine-type nodes (sensors). If we wish to properly serve these nodes and optimize their data, a proper wireless connection is fundamental. This can be achieved by using UAV-enabled communication and networks. This Special Issue addresses the many existing issues that still exist to allow UAV-enabled wireless communications and networking to be properly rolled out

    Mission-based mobility models for UAV networks

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    Las redes UAV han atraído la atención de los investigadores durante la última década. Las numerosas posibilidades que ofrecen los sistemas single-UAV aumentan considerablemente al usar múltiples UAV. Sin embargo, el gran potencial del sistema multi-UAV viene con un precio: la complejidad de controlar todos los aspectos necesarios para garantizar que los UAVs cumplen la misión que se les ha asignado. Ha habido numerosas investigaciones dedicadas a los sistemas multi-UAV en el campo de la robótica en las cuales se han utilizado grupos de UAVs para diferentes aplicaciones. Sin embargo, los aspectos relacionados con la red que forman estos sistemas han comenzado a reclamar un lugar entre la comunidad de investigación y han hecho que las redes de UAVs se consideren como un nuevo paradigma entre las redes multi-salto. La investigación de redes de UAVs, de manera similar a otras redes multi-salto, se divide principalmente en dos categorías: i) modelos de movilidad que capturan la movilidad de la red, y ii) algoritmos de enrutamiento. Ambas categorías han heredado muchos algoritmos que pertenecían a las redes MANET, que fueron el primer paradigma de redes multi-salto que atrajo la atención de los investigadores. Aunque hay esfuerzos de investigación en curso que proponen soluciones para ambas categorías, el número de modelos de movilidad y algoritmos de enrutamiento específicos para redes UAV es limitado. Además, en el caso de los modelos de movilidad, las soluciones existentes propuestas son simplistas y apenas representan la movilidad real de un equipo de UAVs, los cuales se utilizan principalmente en operaciones orientadas a misiones, en la que cada UAV tiene asignados movimientos específicos. Esta tesis propone dos modelos de movilidad basados en misiones para una red de UAVs que realiza dos operaciones diferentes. El escenario elegido en el que se desarrollan las misiones corresponde con una región en la que ha ocurrido, por ejemplo, un desastre natural. La elección de este tipo de escenario se debe a que en zonas de desastre, la infraestructura de comunicaciones comúnmente está dañada o totalmente destruida. En este tipo de situaciones, una red de UAVs ofrece la posibilidad de desplegar rápidamente una red de comunicaciones. El primer modelo de movilidad, llamado dPSO-U, ha sido diseñado para capturar la movilidad de una red UAV en una misión con dos objetivos principales: i) explorar el área del escenario para descubrir las ubicaciones de los nodos terrestres, y ii) hacer que los UAVs converjan de manera autónoma a los grupos en los que se organizan los nodos terrestres (también conocidos como clusters). El modelo de movilidad dPSO-U se basa en el conocido algoritmo particle swarm optimization (PSO), considerando los UAV como las partículas del algoritmo, y también utilizando el concepto de valores dinámicos para la inercia, el local best y el neighbour best de manera que el modelo de movilidad tenga ambas capacidades: la de exploración y la de convergencia. El segundo modelo, denominado modelo de movilidad Jaccard-based, captura la movilidad de una red UAV que tiene asignada la misión de proporcionar servicios de comunicación inalámbrica en un escenario de mediano tamaño. En este modelo de movilidad se ha utilizado una combinación del virtual forces algorithm (VFA), de la distancia Jaccard entre cada par de UAVs y metaheurísticas como hill climbing y simulated annealing, para cumplir los dos objetivos de la misión: i) maximizar el número de nodos terrestres (víctimas) que se encuentran bajo el área de cobertura inalámbrica de la red UAV, y ii) mantener la red UAV como una red conectada, es decir, evitando las desconexiones entre UAV. Se han realizado simulaciones exhaustivas con herramientas software específicamente desarrolladas para los modelos de movilidad propuestos. También se ha definido un conjunto de métricas para cada modelo de movilidad. Estas métricas se han utilizado para validar la capacidad de los modelos de movilidad propuestos de emular los movimientos de una red UAV en cada misión.UAV networks have attracted the attention of the research community in the last decade. The numerous capabilities of single-UAV systems increase considerably by using multiple UAVs. The great potential of a multi-UAV system comes with a price though: the complexity of controlling all the aspects required to guarantee that the UAV team accomplish the mission that it has been assigned. There have been numerous research works devoted to multi-UAV systems in the field of robotics using UAV teams for different applications. However, the networking aspects of multi-UAV systems started to claim a place among the research community and have made UAV networks to be considered as a new paradigm among the multihop ad hoc networks. UAV networks research, in a similar manner to other multihop ad hoc networks, is mainly divided into two categories: i) mobility models that capture the network mobility, and ii) routing algorithms. Both categories have inherited previous algorithms mechanisms that originally belong to MANETs, being these the first multihop networking paradigm attracting the attention of researchers. Although there are ongoing research efforts proposing solutions for the aforementioned categories, the number of UAV networks-specific mobility models and routing algorithms is limited. In addition, in the case of the mobility models, the existing solutions proposed are simplistic and barely represent the real mobility of a UAV team, which are mainly used in missions-oriented operations. This thesis proposes two mission-based mobility models for a UAV network carrying out two different operations over a disaster-like scenario. The reason for selecting a disaster scenario is because, usually, the common communication infrastructure is malfunctioning or completely destroyed. In these cases, a UAV network allows building a support communication network which is rapidly deployed. The first mobility model, called dPSO-U, has been designed for capturing the mobility of a UAV network in a mission with two main objectives: i) exploring the scenario area for discovering the location of ground nodes, and ii) making the UAVs to autonomously converge to the groups in which the nodes are organized (also referred to as clusters). The dPSO-U mobility model is based on the well-known particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), considering the UAVs as the particles of the algorithm, and also using the concept of dynamic inertia, local best and neighbour best weights so the mobility model can have both abilities: exploration and convergence. The second one, called Jaccard-based mobility model, captures the mobility of a UAV network that has been assigned with the mission of providing wireless communication services in a medium-scale scenario. A combination of the virtual forces algorithm (VFA), the Jaccard distance between each pair of UAVs and metaheuristics such as hill climbing or simulated annealing have been used in this mobility model in order to meet the two mission objectives: i) to maximize the number of ground nodes (i.e. victims) under the UAV network wireless coverage area, and ii) to maintain the UAV network as a connected network, i.e. avoiding UAV disconnections. Extensive simulations have been performed with software tools that have been specifically developed for the proposed mobility models. Also, a set of metrics have been defined and measured for each mobility model. These metrics have been used for validating the ability of the proposed mobility models to emulate the movements of a UAV network in each mission