22 research outputs found

    Deep Learning-Based Speech Emotion Recognition Using Librosa

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    Speech Emotion Recognition is a challenge of computational paralinguistic and speech processing that tries to identify and classify the emotions expressed in spoken language. The objective is to infer from a speaker's speech patterns, such as prosody, pitch, and rhythm, their emotional state, such as happiness, rage, sadness, or frustration. In the modern world, one of the most crucial marketing tactics is emotion detection. For a person, you might tailor several things in order to best fit their interests. Due to this, we made the decision to work on a project where we could identify a person's emotions based just on their speech, allowing us to handle a variety of AI-related applications. Examples include the ability of call centers to play music during tense exchanges. Another example might be a smart automobile that slows down when someone is scared or furious. In Python, we processed and extracted features from the audio files using the Librosa module. A Python library for audio and music analysis is called Librosa. It offers the fundamental components required to develop systems for retrieving music-related information. Because of this, there is a lot of potential for this kind of application in the market that would help businesses and ensure customer safety

    Emotion Recognition in Spontaneous and Acted Dialogues

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    Abstract鈥擨n this work, we compare emotion recognition on two types of speech: spontaneous and acted dialogues. Experi-ments were conducted on the AVEC2012 database of spontaneous dialogues and the IEMOCAP database of acted dialogues. We studied the performance of two types of acoustic features for emotion recognition: knowledge-inspired disfluency and non-verbal vocalisation (DIS-NV) features, and statistical Low-Level Descriptor (LLD) based features. Both Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Net-works (LSTM-RNN) were built using each feature set on each emotional database. Our work aims to identify aspects of the data that constrain the effectiveness of models and features. Our results show that the performance of different types of features and models is influenced by the type of dialogue and the amount of training data. Because DIS-NVs are less frequent in acted dialogues than in spontaneous dialogues, the DIS-NV features perform better than the LLD features when recognizing emotions in spontaneous dialogues, but not in acted dialogues. The LSTM-RNN model gives better performance than the SVM model when there is enough training data, but the complex structure of a LSTM-RNN model may limit its performance when there is less training data available, and may also risk over-fitting. Additionally, we find that long distance contexts may be more useful when performing emotion recognition at the word level than at the utterance level. Keywords鈥攅motion recognition, disfluency, LSTM, dialogue I

    Recognizing emotions in spoken dialogue with acoustic and lexical cues

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    Automatic emotion recognition has long been a focus of Affective Computing. It has become increasingly apparent that awareness of human emotions in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is crucial for advancing related technologies, such as dialogue systems. However, performance of current automatic emotion recognition is disappointing compared to human performance. Current research on emotion recognition in spoken dialogue focuses on identifying better feature representations and recognition models from a data-driven point of view. The goal of this thesis is to explore how incorporating prior knowledge of human emotion recognition in the automatic model can improve state-of-the-art performance of automatic emotion recognition in spoken dialogue. Specifically, we study this by proposing knowledge-inspired features representing occurrences of disfluency and non-verbal vocalisation in speech, and by building a multimodal recognition model that combines acoustic and lexical features in a knowledge-inspired hierarchical structure. In our study, emotions are represented with the Arousal, Expectancy, Power, and Valence emotion dimensions. We build unimodal and multimodal emotion recognition models to study the proposed features and modelling approach, and perform emotion recognition on both spontaneous and acted dialogue. Psycholinguistic studies have suggested that DISfluency and Non-verbal Vocalisation (DIS-NV) in dialogue is related to emotions. However, these affective cues in spoken dialogue are overlooked by current automatic emotion recognition research. Thus, we propose features for recognizing emotions in spoken dialogue which describe five types of DIS-NV in utterances, namely filled pause, filler, stutter, laughter, and audible breath. Our experiments show that this small set of features is predictive of emotions. Our DIS-NV features achieve better performance than benchmark acoustic and lexical features for recognizing all emotion dimensions in spontaneous dialogue. Consistent with Psycholinguistic studies, the DIS-NV features are especially predictive of the Expectancy dimension of emotion, which relates to speaker uncertainty. Our study illustrates the relationship between DIS-NVs and emotions in dialogue, which contributes to Psycholinguistic understanding of them as well. Note that our DIS-NV features are based on manual annotations, yet our long-term goal is to apply our emotion recognition model to HCI systems. Thus, we conduct preliminary experiments on automatic detection of DIS-NVs, and on using automatically detected DIS-NV features for emotion recognition. Our results show that DIS-NVs can be automatically detected from speech with stable accuracy, and auto-detected DIS-NV features remain predictive of emotions in spontaneous dialogue. This suggests that our emotion recognition model can be applied to a fully automatic system in the future, and holds the potential to improve the quality of emotional interaction in current HCI systems. To study the robustness of the DIS-NV features, we conduct cross-corpora experiments on both spontaneous and acted dialogue. We identify how dialogue type influences the performance of DIS-NV features and emotion recognition models. DIS-NVs contain additional information beyond acoustic characteristics or lexical contents. Thus, we study the gain of modality fusion for emotion recognition with the DIS-NV features. Previous work combines different feature sets by fusing modalities at the same level using two types of fusion strategies: Feature-Level (FL) fusion, which concatenates feature sets before recognition; and Decision-Level (DL) fusion, which makes the final decision based on outputs of all unimodal models. However, features from different modalities may describe data at different time scales or levels of abstraction. Moreover, Cognitive Science research indicates that when perceiving emotions, humans make use of information from different modalities at different cognitive levels and time steps. Therefore, we propose a HierarchicaL (HL) fusion strategy for multimodal emotion recognition, which incorporates features that describe data at a longer time interval or which are more abstract at higher levels of its knowledge-inspired hierarchy. Compared to FL and DL fusion, HL fusion incorporates both inter- and intra-modality differences. Our experiments show that HL fusion consistently outperforms FL and DL fusion on multimodal emotion recognition in both spontaneous and acted dialogue. The HL model combining our DIS-NV features with benchmark acoustic and lexical features improves current performance of multimodal emotion recognition in spoken dialogue. To study how other emotion-related tasks of spoken dialogue can benefit from the proposed approaches, we apply the DIS-NV features and the HL fusion strategy to recognize movie-induced emotions. Our experiments show that although designed for recognizing emotions in spoken dialogue, DIS-NV features and HL fusion remain effective for recognizing movie-induced emotions. This suggests that other emotion-related tasks can also benefit from the proposed features and model structure

    Continuous Emotion Prediction from Speech: Modelling Ambiguity in Emotion

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    There is growing interest in emotion research to model perceived emotion labelled as intensities along the affect dimensions such as arousal and valence. These labels are typically obtained from multiple annotators who would have their individualistic perceptions of emotional speech. Consequently, emotion prediction models that incorporate variation in individual perceptions as ambiguity in the emotional state would be more realistic. This thesis develops the modelling framework necessary to achieve continuous prediction of ambiguous emotional states from speech. Besides, emotion labels, feature space distribution and encoding are an integral part of the prediction system. The first part of this thesis examines the limitations of current low-level feature distributions and their minimalistic statistical descriptions. Specifically, front-end paralinguistic acoustic features are reflective of speech production mechanisms. However, discriminatively learnt features have frequently outperformed acoustic features in emotion prediction tasks, but provide no insights into the physical significance of these features. One of the contributions of this thesis is the development of a framework that can modify the acoustic feature representation based on emotion label information. Another investigation in this thesis indicates that emotion perception is language-dependent and in turn, helped develop a framework for cross-language emotion prediction. Furthermore, this investigation supported the hypothesis that emotion perception is highly individualistic and is better modelled as a distribution rather than a point estimate to encode information about the ambiguity in the perceived emotion. Following this observation, the thesis proposes measures to quantify the appropriateness of distribution types in modelling ambiguity in dimensional emotion labels which are then employed to compare well-known bounded parametric distributions. These analyses led to the conclusion that the beta distribution was the most appropriate parametric model of ambiguity in emotion labels. Finally, the thesis focuses on developing a deep learning framework for continuous emotion prediction as a temporal series of beta distributions, examining various parameterizations of the beta distributions as well as loss functions. Furthermore, distribution over the parameter spaces is examined and priors from kernel density estimation are employed to shape the posteriors over the parameter space which significantly improved valence ambiguity predictions. The proposed frameworks and methods have been extensively evaluated on multiple state of-the-art databases and the results demonstrate both the viability of predicting ambiguous emotion states and the validity of the proposed systems

    Towards Video Transformers for Automatic Human Analysis

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    [eng] With the aim of creating artificial systems capable of mirroring the nuanced understanding and interpretative powers inherent to human cognition, this thesis embarks on an exploration of the intersection between human analysis and Video Transformers. The objective is to harness the potential of Transformers, a promising architectural paradigm, to comprehend the intricacies of human interaction, thus paving the way for the development of empathetic and context-aware intelligent systems. In order to do so, we explore the whole Computer Vision pipeline, from data gathering, to deeply analyzing recent developments, through model design and experimentation. Central to this study is the creation of UDIVA, an expansive multi-modal, multi-view dataset capturing dyadic face-to-face human interactions. Comprising 147 participants across 188 sessions, UDIVA integrates audio-visual recordings, heart-rate measurements, personality assessments, socio- demographic metadata, and conversational transcripts, establishing itself as the largest dataset for dyadic human interaction analysis up to this date. This dataset provides a rich context for probing the capabilities of Transformers within complex environments. In order to validate its utility, as well as to elucidate Transformers' ability to assimilate diverse contextual cues, we focus on addressing the challenge of personality regression within interaction scenarios. We first adapt an existing Video Transformer to handle multiple contextual sources and conduct rigorous experimentation. We empirically observe a progressive enhancement in model performance as more context is added, reinforcing the potential of Transformers to decode intricate human dynamics. Building upon these findings, the Dyadformer emerges as a novel architecture, adept at long-range modeling of dyadic interactions. By jointly modeling both participants in the interaction, as well as embedding multi- modal integration into the model itself, the Dyadformer surpasses the baseline and other concurrent approaches, underscoring Transformers' aptitude in deciphering multifaceted, noisy, and challenging tasks such as the analysis of human personality in interaction. Nonetheless, these experiments unveil the ubiquitous challenges when training Transformers, particularly in managing overfitting due to their demand for extensive datasets. Consequently, we conclude this thesis with a comprehensive investigation into Video Transformers, analyzing topics ranging from architectural designs and training strategies, to input embedding and tokenization, traversing through multi-modality and specific applications. Across these, we highlight trends which optimally harness spatio-temporal representations that handle video redundancy and high dimensionality. A culminating performance comparison is conducted in the realm of video action classification, spotlighting strategies that exhibit superior efficacy, even compared to traditional CNN-based methods.[cat] Aquesta tesi busca crear sistemes artificials que reflecteixin les habilitats de comprensi贸 i interpretaci贸 humanes a trav茅s de l'煤s de Transformers per a v铆deo. L'objectiu 茅s utilitzar aquestes arquitectures per comprendre millor la interacci贸 humana i desenvolupar sistemes intel路ligents i conscients de l'entorn. Aix貌 implica explorar 脿mplies 脿rees de la Visi贸 per Computador, des de la recopilaci贸 de dades fins a l'an脿lisi de l'estat de l'art i la prova experimental d'aquests models. Una part essencial d'aquest estudi 茅s la creaci贸 d'UDIVA, un ampli conjunt de dades multimodal i multivista que enregistra interaccions humanes cara a cara. Amb 147 participants i 188 sessions, UDIVA inclou contingut audiovisual, freq眉猫ncia card铆aca, perfils de personalitat, dades sociodemogr脿fiques i transcripcions de les converses. 脡s el conjunt de dades m茅s gran conegut per a l'an脿lisi de la interacci贸 humana di脿dica i proporciona un context ric per a l'estudi de les capacitats dels Transformers en entorns complexos. Per tal de validar la seva utilitat i les habilitats dels Transformers, ens centrem en la regressi贸 de la personalitat. Inicialment, adaptem un Transformer de v铆deo per integrar diverses fonts de context. Mitjan莽ant experiments exhaustius, observem millores progressives en els resultats amb la inclusi贸 de m茅s context, confirmant la capacitat dels Transformers. Motivats per aquests resultats, desenvolupem el Dyadformer, una arquitectura per interaccions di脿diques de llarga duraci贸. Aquesta nova arquitectura considera simult脿niament els dos participants en la interacci贸 i incorpora la multimodalitat en un sol model. El Dyadformer supera la nostra proposta inicial i altres treballs similars, destacant la capacitat dels Transformers per abordar tasques complexes. No obstant aix貌, aquestos experiments revelen reptes d'entrenament dels Transformers, com el sobreajustament, per la seva necessitat de grans conjunts de dades. La tesi conclou amb una an脿lisi profunda dels Transformers per a v铆deo, incloent dissenys arquitect貌nics, estrat猫gies d'entrenament, preprocessament de v铆deos, tokenitzaci贸 i multimodalitat. S'identifiquen tend猫ncies per gestionar la redund脿ncia i alta dimensionalitat de v铆deos i es realitza una comparaci贸 de rendiment en la classificaci贸 d'accions a v铆deo, destacant estrat猫gies d'efic脿cia superior als m猫todes tradicionals basats en convolucions

    Emotion Recognition by Video: A review

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    Video emotion recognition is an important branch of affective computing, and its solutions can be applied in different fields such as human-computer interaction (HCI) and intelligent medical treatment. Although the number of papers published in the field of emotion recognition is increasing, there are few comprehensive literature reviews covering related research on video emotion recognition. Therefore, this paper selects articles published from 2015 to 2023 to systematize the existing trends in video emotion recognition in related studies. In this paper, we first talk about two typical emotion models, then we talk about databases that are frequently utilized for video emotion recognition, including unimodal databases and multimodal databases. Next, we look at and classify the specific structure and performance of modern unimodal and multimodal video emotion recognition methods, talk about the benefits and drawbacks of each, and then we compare them in detail in the tables. Further, we sum up the primary difficulties right now looked by video emotion recognition undertakings and point out probably the most encouraging future headings, such as establishing an open benchmark database and better multimodal fusion strategys. The essential objective of this paper is to assist scholarly and modern scientists with keeping up to date with the most recent advances and new improvements in this speedy, high-influence field of video emotion recognition

    Representation Analysis Methods to Model Context for Speech Technology

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    Speech technology has developed to levels equivalent with human parity through the use of deep neural networks. However, it is unclear how the learned dependencies within these networks can be attributed to metrics such as recognition performance. This research focuses on strategies to interpret and exploit these learned context dependencies to improve speech recognition models. Context dependency analysis had not yet been explored for speech recognition networks. In order to highlight and observe dependent representations within speech recognition models, a novel analysis framework is proposed. This analysis framework uses statistical correlation indexes to compute the coefficiency between neural representations. By comparing the coefficiency of neural representations between models using different approaches, it is possible to observe specific context dependencies within network layers. By providing insights on context dependencies it is then possible to adapt modelling approaches to become more computationally efficient and improve recognition performance. Here the performance of End-to-End speech recognition models are analysed, providing insights on the acoustic and language modelling context dependencies. The modelling approach for a speaker recognition task is adapted to exploit acoustic context dependencies and reach comparable performance with the state-of-the-art methods, reaching 2.89% equal error rate using the Voxceleb1 training and test sets with 50% of the parameters. Furthermore, empirical analysis of the role of acoustic context for speech emotion recognition modelling revealed that emotion cues are presented as a distributed event. These analyses and results for speech recognition applications aim to provide objective direction for future development of automatic speech recognition systems