114 research outputs found

    Code Injection Attacks on HTML5-based Mobile Apps

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    HTML5-based mobile apps become more and more popular, mostly because they are much easier to be ported across different mobile platforms than native apps. HTML5-based apps are implemented using the standard web technologies, including HTML5, JavaScript and CSS; they depend on some middlewares, such as PhoneGap, to interact with the underlying OS. Knowing that JavaScript is subject to code injection attacks, we have conducted a systematic study on HTML5-based mobile apps, trying to evaluate whether it is safe to rely on the web technologies for mobile app development. Our discoveries are quite surprising. We found out that if HTML5-based mobile apps become popular--it seems to go that direction based on the current projection--many of the things that we normally do today may become dangerous, including reading from 2D barcodes, scanning Wi-Fi access points, playing MP4 videos, pairing with Bluetooth devices, etc. This paper describes how HTML5-based apps can become vulnerable, how attackers can exploit their vulnerabilities through a variety of channels, and what damage can be achieved by the attackers. In addition to demonstrating the attacks through example apps, we have studied 186 PhoneGap plugins, used by apps to achieve a variety of functionalities, and we found that 11 are vulnerable. We also found two real HTML5-based apps that are vulnerable to the attacks.Comment: In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) 2014 (http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.6674

    09141 Abstracts Collection -- Web Application Security

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    From 29th March to 3rd April 2009 the Dagstuhl Seminar 09141 Web Application Security was held in Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar are put together in this paper. Links to full papers (if available) are provided in the corresponding seminar summary document

    Detecting runtime anomalies in AJAX applications through trace analysis

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    AJAX applications are prone to security vulnerabilities due to the ease of inadvertently entrusting the client with security-critical logic. We characterize exploits of such vulnerabilities as violations of a protocol implicitly defined in the client-side code, and we introduce a method to detect and prevent these protocol violations in middleware, without having to modify the original application. We accomplish this by instrumenting the client code to send fragments of execution traces to the server, allowing the server to efficiently prove that the incoming message complies with the protocol. By combining replay execution and constraint solving, our method exploits the componentized structure of applications to minimize the server computing power and network bandwidth required to monitor them. A prototype running on the Google Web Toolkit platform demonstrates our method

    Security Aspects in Modern Web Applications

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    World Wide Webin taustalla olevat tekniikat kehitettiin alun perin helpottamaan tiedon jakamista. Tämä jaettu tieto oli aluksi muuttumatonta tai harvoin muuttuvaa, mutta webin yleistyminen muutti tilanteen. Yleistyminen teki web-selaimesta nopeasti yleismaailmallisen ohjelmiston sovellusten tuottamiselle ja käyttäjälle välittämiselle. Vaikka nämä web-sovelluksiksi kutsuttavat ohjelmistot olivat alkujaan työpöytäsovelluksia monin tavoin huonompia, muuttui tilanne nopeasti. Web-sovelluksissa käytettävät tekniikat, kuten JavaScript ja CSS, sekä webselainten moninaisuus muodostavat yhdessä erin aisten kysymysten sekamelskan, jota vastaavaa ei työpöytäsovelluksissa ole. Eräs tärkeä kysymys on, miten sovellusten käyttäjien lähettämä ja käyttämä tieto turvataan. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan ja kuvaterään web-sovelluksen tietoturvallisuutta ja tietoturvaratkaisuja. Arvioiminen vaatii tiet astä sekä yleisistä tietoturvallisuuskysymyksistä että erityisesti web-sovelluksiin liittyvistä kysymyksistä. Ensimmäisenä tutustutaan tietoturvallisuuden peruskysymyksiin ja käsitteisiin, joiden ymmärtäminen on välttämätöntä. Perusteiden jälkeen käsillään pääsynhallintaa ja sovellusohjelmistojen tietoturvallisuutta. Ensimmäinen osa päättyy web-sovellusten ja niihin liittyvien tietoturvallisuuskysymysten esittelyyn. Jälkimmäinen osa diplomity tä soveltaa käsiteltyjä teorioita ja menetelmiä erään web-sovelluksen tapaustutkimuksessa. Tapaustutkimuksessa kuvataan ja arvioidaan sovelluksen tietoturvallisuutta sekä lopuksi esitellään löydettyjä haavoittuvuuksia ja ratkaisuja näihin haavoittuvuuksiin. Vaikka joidenkin ohjelmistojen tietoturvallisuuden arviointimenetelmien soveltamisessa olikin ongelmia, saatiin tapaustutkimuksen tuloksena tärkeää tietoa heikkouksista ohjelmiston tietoturvallisuudessa ja hyviä esityksiä näiden heikkouksien poistamiseksi. Esitykset toteuttamalla parannettiin sekä nykyistä tietoturvallisuutta että vakuututtiin siitä, että heikkouksia esintyy jatkossa vähemmän.Technologies behind the World Wide Web were created initially to ease sharing of static data in form of web pages. Popularity of the Web grew rapidly and led to adoption of web browser as a universal client for application delivery. Though initially inferior to desktop applications, these applications have caught up with their desktop counterparts in features and usability. These applications, called web applications, use multiple web technologies such as JavaScript and CSS and this multiplicity of web technologies combined with multiplicity of web browsers creates a unique brew of issues not found on the desktop. One of these issues is how data send and used by the applications' users is protected. In this thesis, security in one mature web application is described and assessed. Such an assessment requires knowledge of information security aspects both in the broader sense concerning all information systems and in the sense of aspects specific to web applications. Therefore, first introduced are the fundamental concepts of information security, building blocks for all the other sections. The fundamentals are followed by discussion of access control and security aspects in applications. The background part is concluded by discussion of web applications in general and of security questions specific to them. The latter part explores and applies these theories and methods in a case study of a mature web application. The case study first describes, then evaluates the subject and its security and concludes with discussion of some of the found vulnerabilities and solutions to them. Although there were some problems in application of security assessment methods, assessment results provided valuable information on the application's weaknesses and improvement proposals. Implementation of the proposals both improved current security and also gave assurance of fewer weaknesses in the future

    Cyber Security aboard Micro Aerial Vehicles: An OpenTitan-based Visual Communication Use Case

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    Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), with a form factor of 10cm in diameter, are an emerging technology thanks to the broad applicability enabled by their onboard intelligence. However, these platforms are strongly limited in the onboard power envelope for processing, i.e., less than a few hundred mW, which confines the onboard processors to the class of simple microcontroller units (MCUs). These MCUs lack advanced security features opening the way to a wide range of cyber security vulnerabilities, from the communication between agents of the same fleet to the onboard execution of malicious code. This work presents an open source System on Chip (SoC) design that integrates a 64 bit Linux capable host processor accelerated by an 8 core 32 bit parallel programmable accelerator. The heterogeneous system architecture is coupled with a security enclave based on an open source OpenTitan root of trust. To demonstrate our design, we propose a use case where OpenTitan detects a security breach on the SoC aboard the MAV and drives its exclusive GPIOs to start a LED blinking routine. This procedure embodies an unconventional visual communication between two palm sized MAVs: the receiver MAV classifies the LED state of the sender (on or off) with an onboard convolutional neural network running on the parallel accelerator. Then, it reconstructs a high-level message in 1.3s, 2.3 times faster than current commercial solutions

    SQL Injection Vulnerability Detection Using Deep Learning: A Feature-based Approach

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    SQL injection (SQLi), a well-known exploitation technique, is a serious risk factor for database-driven web applications that are used to manage the core business functions of organizations. SQLi enables an unauthorized user to get access to sensitive information of the database, and subsequently, to the application’s administrative privileges. Therefore, the detection of SQLi is crucial for businesses to prevent financial losses. There are different rules and learning-based solutions to help with detection, and pattern recognition through support vector machines (SVMs) and random forest (RF) have recently become popular in detecting SQLi. However, these classifiers ensure 97.33% accuracy with our dataset. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based solution for detecting SQLi in web applications. The solution employs both correlation and chi-squared methods to rank the features from the dataset. Feed-forward network approach has been applied not only in feature selection but also in the detection process. Our solution provides 98.04% accuracy over 1,850+ recorded datasets, where it proves its superior efficiency among other existing machine learning solutions

    Investigating the Impacts of Sea Level Rise-induced High Groundwater Table on Florida Flexible Pavement Structural Performance

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    This thesis evaluates the impacts of sea-level rise-induced high groundwater table on the structural performance of typical Florida interstate, arterial, and local flexible pavements. Pavement longevity was determined under rising groundwater table level conditions using two analytical methods; the mechanistic-empirical (ME) analysis software and the current Florida empirical analysis practice. Moreover, ABAQUS and KENLAYER software were utilized to analyze the impacts of stress-dependent material nonlinearity on pavement structural performance. Analysis results estimated that the pavement service life in Florida was reduced by as much as 77 percent with the effects of rising groundwater levels. The empirical method predicted higher rates of pavement deterioration than the ME method. The predominant pavement failure mode was found to be rutting, and higher class roads (interstate and arterial) were found to face more structural capacity loss than local roads. The effects of nonlinear material behavior were found to be insignificant