6,206 research outputs found

    FAST: FAST Analysis of Sequences Toolbox.

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    FAST (FAST Analysis of Sequences Toolbox) provides simple, powerful open source command-line tools to filter, transform, annotate and analyze biological sequence data. Modeled after the GNU (GNU's Not Unix) Textutils such as grep, cut, and tr, FAST tools such as fasgrep, fascut, and fastr make it easy to rapidly prototype expressive bioinformatic workflows in a compact and generic command vocabulary. Compact combinatorial encoding of data workflows with FAST commands can simplify the documentation and reproducibility of bioinformatic protocols, supporting better transparency in biological data science. Interface self-consistency and conformity with conventions of GNU, Matlab, Perl, BioPerl, R, and GenBank help make FAST easy and rewarding to learn. FAST automates numerical, taxonomic, and text-based sorting, selection and transformation of sequence records and alignment sites based on content, index ranges, descriptive tags, annotated features, and in-line calculated analytics, including composition and codon usage. Automated content- and feature-based extraction of sites and support for molecular population genetic statistics make FAST useful for molecular evolutionary analysis. FAST is portable, easy to install and secure thanks to the relative maturity of its Perl and BioPerl foundations, with stable releases posted to CPAN. Development as well as a publicly accessible Cookbook and Wiki are available on the FAST GitHub repository at https://github.com/tlawrence3/FAST. The default data exchange format in FAST is Multi-FastA (specifically, a restriction of BioPerl FastA format). Sanger and Illumina 1.8+ FastQ formatted files are also supported. FAST makes it easier for non-programmer biologists to interactively investigate and control biological data at the speed of thought

    The Evolution of myExperiment

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    The myExperiment social website for sharing scientific workflows, designed according to Web 2.0 principles, has grown to be the largest public repository of its kind. It is distinctive for its focus on sharing methods, its researcher-centric design and its facility to aggregate content into sharable 'research objects'. This evolution of myExperiment has occurred hand in hand with its users. myExperiment now supports Linked Data as a step toward our vision of the future research environment, which we categorise here as '3rd generation e-Research'

    Challenges in Bridging Social Semantics and Formal Semantics on the Web

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    This paper describes several results of Wimmics, a research lab which names stands for: web-instrumented man-machine interactions, communities, and semantics. The approaches introduced here rely on graph-oriented knowledge representation, reasoning and operationalization to model and support actors, actions and interactions in web-based epistemic communities. The re-search results are applied to support and foster interactions in online communities and manage their resources

    Accelerating Science: A Computing Research Agenda

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    The emergence of "big data" offers unprecedented opportunities for not only accelerating scientific advances but also enabling new modes of discovery. Scientific progress in many disciplines is increasingly enabled by our ability to examine natural phenomena through the computational lens, i.e., using algorithmic or information processing abstractions of the underlying processes; and our ability to acquire, share, integrate and analyze disparate types of data. However, there is a huge gap between our ability to acquire, store, and process data and our ability to make effective use of the data to advance discovery. Despite successful automation of routine aspects of data management and analytics, most elements of the scientific process currently require considerable human expertise and effort. Accelerating science to keep pace with the rate of data acquisition and data processing calls for the development of algorithmic or information processing abstractions, coupled with formal methods and tools for modeling and simulation of natural processes as well as major innovations in cognitive tools for scientists, i.e., computational tools that leverage and extend the reach of human intellect, and partner with humans on a broad range of tasks in scientific discovery (e.g., identifying, prioritizing formulating questions, designing, prioritizing and executing experiments designed to answer a chosen question, drawing inferences and evaluating the results, and formulating new questions, in a closed-loop fashion). This calls for concerted research agenda aimed at: Development, analysis, integration, sharing, and simulation of algorithmic or information processing abstractions of natural processes, coupled with formal methods and tools for their analyses and simulation; Innovations in cognitive tools that augment and extend human intellect and partner with humans in all aspects of science.Comment: Computing Community Consortium (CCC) white paper, 17 page

    The Research Object Suite of Ontologies: Sharing and Exchanging Research Data and Methods on the Open Web

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    Research in life sciences is increasingly being conducted in a digital and online environment. In particular, life scientists have been pioneers in embracing new computational tools to conduct their investigations. To support the sharing of digital objects produced during such research investigations, we have witnessed in the last few years the emergence of specialized repositories, e.g., DataVerse and FigShare. Such repositories provide users with the means to share and publish datasets that were used or generated in research investigations. While these repositories have proven their usefulness, interpreting and reusing evidence for most research results is a challenging task. Additional contextual descriptions are needed to understand how those results were generated and/or the circumstances under which they were concluded. Because of this, scientists are calling for models that go beyond the publication of datasets to systematically capture the life cycle of scientific investigations and provide a single entry point to access the information about the hypothesis investigated, the datasets used, the experiments carried out, the results of the experiments, the people involved in the research, etc. In this paper we present the Research Object (RO) suite of ontologies, which provide a structured container to encapsulate research data and methods along with essential metadata descriptions. Research Objects are portable units that enable the sharing, preservation, interpretation and reuse of research investigation results. The ontologies we present have been designed in the light of requirements that we gathered from life scientists. They have been built upon existing popular vocabularies to facilitate interoperability. Furthermore, we have developed tools to support the creation and sharing of Research Objects, thereby promoting and facilitating their adoption.Comment: 20 page

    Event-Cloud Platform to Support Decision- Making in Emergency Management

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    The challenge of this paper is to underline the capability of an Event-Cloud Platform to support efficiently an emergency situation. We chose to focus on a nuclear crisis use case. The proposed approach consists in modeling the business processes of crisis response on the one hand, and in supporting the orchestration and execution of these processes by using an Event-Cloud Platform on the other hand. This paper shows how the use of Event-Cloud techniques can support crisis management stakeholders by automatizing non-value added tasks and by directing decision- makers on what really requires their capabilities of choice. If Event-Cloud technology is a very interesting and topical subject, very few research works have considered this to improve emergency management. This paper tries to fill this gap by considering and applying these technologies on a nuclear crisis use-case

    Developing a comprehensive framework for multimodal feature extraction

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    Feature extraction is a critical component of many applied data science workflows. In recent years, rapid advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have led to an explosion of feature extraction tools and services that allow data scientists to cheaply and effectively annotate their data along a vast array of dimensions---ranging from detecting faces in images to analyzing the sentiment expressed in coherent text. Unfortunately, the proliferation of powerful feature extraction services has been mirrored by a corresponding expansion in the number of distinct interfaces to feature extraction services. In a world where nearly every new service has its own API, documentation, and/or client library, data scientists who need to combine diverse features obtained from multiple sources are often forced to write and maintain ever more elaborate feature extraction pipelines. To address this challenge, we introduce a new open-source framework for comprehensive multimodal feature extraction. Pliers is an open-source Python package that supports standardized annotation of diverse data types (video, images, audio, and text), and is expressly with both ease-of-use and extensibility in mind. Users can apply a wide range of pre-existing feature extraction tools to their data in just a few lines of Python code, and can also easily add their own custom extractors by writing modular classes. A graph-based API enables rapid development of complex feature extraction pipelines that output results in a single, standardized format. We describe the package's architecture, detail its major advantages over previous feature extraction toolboxes, and use a sample application to a large functional MRI dataset to illustrate how pliers can significantly reduce the time and effort required to construct sophisticated feature extraction workflows while increasing code clarity and maintainability

    CrossData: Leveraging Text-Data Connections for Authoring Data Documents

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    Data documents play a central role in recording, presenting, and disseminating data. Despite the proliferation of applications and systems designed to support the analysis, visualization, and communication of data, writing data documents remains a laborious process, requiring a constant back-and-forth between data processing and writing tools. Interviews with eight professionals revealed that their workflows contained numerous tedious, repetitive, and error-prone operations. The key issue that we identified is the lack of persistent connection between text and data. Thus, we developed CrossData, a prototype that treats text-data connections as persistent, interactive, first-class objects. By automatically identifying, establishing, and leveraging text-data connections, CrossData enables rich interactions to assist in the authoring of data documents. An expert evaluation with eight users demonstrated the usefulness of CrossData, showing that it not only reduced the manual effort in writing data documents but also opened new possibilities to bridge the gap between data exploration and writing

    Semantically defined Analytics for Industrial Equipment Diagnostics

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    In this age of digitalization, industries everywhere accumulate massive amount of data such that it has become the lifeblood of the global economy. This data may come from various heterogeneous systems, equipment, components, sensors, systems and applications in many varieties (diversity of sources), velocities (high rate of changes) and volumes (sheer data size). Despite significant advances in the ability to collect, store, manage and filter data, the real value lies in the analytics. Raw data is meaningless, unless it is properly processed to actionable (business) insights. Those that know how to harness data effectively, have a decisive competitive advantage, through raising performance by making faster and smart decisions, improving short and long-term strategic planning, offering more user-centric products and services and fostering innovation. Two distinct paradigms in practice can be discerned within the field of analytics: semantic-driven (deductive) and data-driven (inductive). The first emphasizes logic as a way of representing the domain knowledge encoded in rules or ontologies and are often carefully curated and maintained. However, these models are often highly complex, and require intensive knowledge processing capabilities. Data-driven analytics employ machine learning (ML) to directly learn a model from the data with minimal human intervention. However, these models are tuned to trained data and context, making it difficult to adapt. Industries today that want to create value from data must master these paradigms in combination. However, there is great need in data analytics to seamlessly combine semantic-driven and data-driven processing techniques in an efficient and scalable architecture that allows extracting actionable insights from an extreme variety of data. In this thesis, we address these needs by providing: • A unified representation of domain-specific and analytical semantics, in form of ontology models called TechOnto Ontology Stack. It is highly expressive, platform-independent formalism to capture conceptual semantics of industrial systems such as technical system hierarchies, component partonomies etc and its analytical functional semantics. • A new ontology language Semantically defined Analytical Language (SAL) on top of the ontology model that extends existing DatalogMTL (a Horn fragment of Metric Temporal Logic) with analytical functions as first class citizens. • A method to generate semantic workflows using our SAL language. It helps in authoring, reusing and maintaining complex analytical tasks and workflows in an abstract fashion. • A multi-layer architecture that fuses knowledge- and data-driven analytics into a federated and distributed solution. To our knowledge, the work in this thesis is one of the first works to introduce and investigate the use of the semantically defined analytics in an ontology-based data access setting for industrial analytical applications. The reason behind focusing our work and evaluation on industrial data is due to (i) the adoption of semantic technology by the industries in general, and (ii) the common need in literature and in practice to allow domain expertise to drive the data analytics on semantically interoperable sources, while still harnessing the power of analytics to enable real-time data insights. Given the evaluation results of three use-case studies, our approach surpass state-of-the-art approaches for most application scenarios.Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung sammeln die Industrien überall massive Daten-mengen, die zum Lebenselixier der Weltwirtschaft geworden sind. Diese Daten können aus verschiedenen heterogenen Systemen, Geräten, Komponenten, Sensoren, Systemen und Anwendungen in vielen Varianten (Vielfalt der Quellen), Geschwindigkeiten (hohe Änderungsrate) und Volumina (reine Datengröße) stammen. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte in der Fähigkeit, Daten zu sammeln, zu speichern, zu verwalten und zu filtern, liegt der eigentliche Wert in der Analytik. Rohdaten sind bedeutungslos, es sei denn, sie werden ordnungsgemäß zu verwertbaren (Geschäfts-)Erkenntnissen verarbeitet. Wer weiß, wie man Daten effektiv nutzt, hat einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil, indem er die Leistung steigert, indem er schnellere und intelligentere Entscheidungen trifft, die kurz- und langfristige strategische Planung verbessert, mehr benutzerorientierte Produkte und Dienstleistungen anbietet und Innovationen fördert. In der Praxis lassen sich im Bereich der Analytik zwei unterschiedliche Paradigmen unterscheiden: semantisch (deduktiv) und Daten getrieben (induktiv). Die erste betont die Logik als eine Möglichkeit, das in Regeln oder Ontologien kodierte Domänen-wissen darzustellen, und wird oft sorgfältig kuratiert und gepflegt. Diese Modelle sind jedoch oft sehr komplex und erfordern eine intensive Wissensverarbeitung. Datengesteuerte Analysen verwenden maschinelles Lernen (ML), um mit minimalem menschlichen Eingriff direkt ein Modell aus den Daten zu lernen. Diese Modelle sind jedoch auf trainierte Daten und Kontext abgestimmt, was die Anpassung erschwert. Branchen, die heute Wert aus Daten schaffen wollen, müssen diese Paradigmen in Kombination meistern. Es besteht jedoch ein großer Bedarf in der Daten-analytik, semantisch und datengesteuerte Verarbeitungstechniken nahtlos in einer effizienten und skalierbaren Architektur zu kombinieren, die es ermöglicht, aus einer extremen Datenvielfalt verwertbare Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. In dieser Arbeit, die wir auf diese Bedürfnisse durch die Bereitstellung: • Eine einheitliche Darstellung der Domänen-spezifischen und analytischen Semantik in Form von Ontologie Modellen, genannt TechOnto Ontology Stack. Es ist ein hoch-expressiver, plattformunabhängiger Formalismus, die konzeptionelle Semantik industrieller Systeme wie technischer Systemhierarchien, Komponenten-partonomien usw. und deren analytische funktionale Semantik zu erfassen. • Eine neue Ontologie-Sprache Semantically defined Analytical Language (SAL) auf Basis des Ontologie-Modells das bestehende DatalogMTL (ein Horn fragment der metrischen temporären Logik) um analytische Funktionen als erstklassige Bürger erweitert. • Eine Methode zur Erzeugung semantischer workflows mit unserer SAL-Sprache. Es hilft bei der Erstellung, Wiederverwendung und Wartung komplexer analytischer Aufgaben und workflows auf abstrakte Weise. • Eine mehrschichtige Architektur, die Wissens- und datengesteuerte Analysen zu einer föderierten und verteilten Lösung verschmilzt. Nach unserem Wissen, die Arbeit in dieser Arbeit ist eines der ersten Werke zur Einführung und Untersuchung der Verwendung der semantisch definierten Analytik in einer Ontologie-basierten Datenzugriff Einstellung für industrielle analytische Anwendungen. Der Grund für die Fokussierung unserer Arbeit und Evaluierung auf industrielle Daten ist auf (i) die Übernahme semantischer Technologien durch die Industrie im Allgemeinen und (ii) den gemeinsamen Bedarf in der Literatur und in der Praxis zurückzuführen, der es der Fachkompetenz ermöglicht, die Datenanalyse auf semantisch inter-operablen Quellen voranzutreiben, und nutzen gleichzeitig die Leistungsfähigkeit der Analytik, um Echtzeit-Daten-einblicke zu ermöglichen. Aufgrund der Evaluierungsergebnisse von drei Anwendungsfällen Übertritt unser Ansatz für die meisten Anwendungsszenarien Modernste Ansätze
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