1,800 research outputs found

    Scaling Monte Carlo Tree Search on Intel Xeon Phi

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    Many algorithms have been parallelized successfully on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, especially those with regular, balanced, and predictable data access patterns and instruction flows. Irregular and unbalanced algorithms are harder to parallelize efficiently. They are, for instance, present in artificial intelligence search algorithms such as Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). In this paper we study the scaling behavior of MCTS, on a highly optimized real-world application, on real hardware. The Intel Xeon Phi allows shared memory scaling studies up to 61 cores and 244 hardware threads. We compare work-stealing (Cilk Plus and TBB) and work-sharing (FIFO scheduling) approaches. Interestingly, we find that a straightforward thread pool with a work-sharing FIFO queue shows the best performance. A crucial element for this high performance is the controlling of the grain size, an approach that we call Grain Size Controlled Parallel MCTS. Our subsequent comparing with the Xeon CPUs shows an even more comprehensible distinction in performance between different threading libraries. We achieve, to the best of our knowledge, the fastest implementation of a parallel MCTS on the 61 core Intel Xeon Phi using a real application (47 relative to a sequential run).Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Configuration of Distributed Message Converter Systems using Performance Modeling

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    To find a configuration of a distributed system satisfying performance goals is a complex search problem that involves many design parameters, like hardware selection, job distribution and process configuration. Performance models are a powerful tools to analyse potential system configurations, however, their evaluation is expensive, such that only a limited number of possible configurations can be evaluated. In this paper we present a systematic method to find a satisfactory configuration with feasible effort, based on a two-step approach. First, using performance estimates a hardware configuration is determined and then the software configuration is incrementally optimized evaluating Layered Queueing Network models. We applied this method to the design of performant EDI converter systems in the financial domain, where increasing message volumes need to be handled due to the increasing importance of B2B interaction

    The OTree: multidimensional indexing with efficient data sampling for HPC

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    Spatial big data is considered an essential trend in future scientific and business applications. Indeed, research instruments, medical devices, and social networks generate hundreds of petabytes of spatial data per year. However, many authors have pointed out that the lack of specialized frameworks for multidimensional Big Data is limiting possible applications and precluding many scientific breakthroughs. Paramount in achieving High-Performance Data Analytics is to optimize and reduce the I/O operations required to analyze large data sets. To do so, we need to organize and index the data according to its multidimensional attributes. At the same time, to enable fast and interactive exploratory analysis, it is vital to generate approximate representations of large datasets efficiently. In this paper, we propose the Outlook Tree (or OTree), a novel Multidimensional Indexing with efficient data Sampling (MIS) algorithm. The OTree enables exploratory analysis of large multidimensional datasets with arbitrary precision, a vital missing feature in current distributed data management solutions. Our algorithm reduces the indexing overhead and achieves high performance even for write-intensive HPC applications. Indeed, we use the OTree to store the scientific results of a study on the efficiency of drug inhalers. Then we compare the OTree implementation on Apache Cassandra, named Qbeast, with PostgreSQL and plain storage. Lastly, we demonstrate that our proposal delivers better performance and scalability.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Best practices for HPM-assisted performance engineering on modern multicore processors

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    Many tools and libraries employ hardware performance monitoring (HPM) on modern processors, and using this data for performance assessment and as a starting point for code optimizations is very popular. However, such data is only useful if it is interpreted with care, and if the right metrics are chosen for the right purpose. We demonstrate the sensible use of hardware performance counters in the context of a structured performance engineering approach for applications in computational science. Typical performance patterns and their respective metric signatures are defined, and some of them are illustrated using case studies. Although these generic concepts do not depend on specific tools or environments, we restrict ourselves to modern x86-based multicore processors and use the likwid-perfctr tool under the Linux OS.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    GPU Accelerated Particle Visualization with Splotch

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    Splotch is a rendering algorithm for exploration and visual discovery in particle-based datasets coming from astronomical observations or numerical simulations. The strengths of the approach are production of high quality imagery and support for very large-scale datasets through an effective mix of the OpenMP and MPI parallel programming paradigms. This article reports our experiences in re-designing Splotch for exploiting emerging HPC architectures nowadays increasingly populated with GPUs. A performance model is introduced for data transfers, computations and memory access, to guide our re-factoring of Splotch. A number of parallelization issues are discussed, in particular relating to race conditions and workload balancing, towards achieving optimal performances. Our implementation was accomplished by using the CUDA programming paradigm. Our strategy is founded on novel schemes achieving optimized data organisation and classification of particles. We deploy a reference simulation to present performance results on acceleration gains and scalability. We finally outline our vision for future work developments including possibilities for further optimisations and exploitation of emerging technologies.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Astronomy and Computing (2014

    Performance evaluation of the parallel polytree approximation distribution algorithm on three network technologies

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    This paper proposes two parallel variants of an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) that represents the probability distribution by means of a single connected graphical model based on a polytree structure. The main goal is to design a new and more effi cient EDA. Our algorithm is based on the master/slave model that allows to perform the estimation of the probability distribution (the most time-consuming phase in EDAs) in a parallel way. The aim of our experimental studies is manifold. Firstly, we show that our parallel versions achieve a notable reduction of the total execution time with respect to existing algorithms. Secondly, we study the behavior of the algorithm from the numerical point of view, analyzing the different versions. Finally, our methods are evaluated over three interconnection networks (Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and Myrinet) and a study on the infl uence of the parallel platform in the communication is performed.VII Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Dynamic Multiple Work Stealing Strategy for Flexible Load Balancing

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    Lazy-task creation is an efficient method of overcoming the overhead of the grain-size problem in parallel computing. Work stealing is an effective load balancing strategy for parallel computing. In this paper, we present dynamic work stealing strategies in a lazy-task creation technique for efficient fine-grain task scheduling. The basic idea is to control load balancing granularity depending on the number of task parents in a stack. The dynamic-length strategy of work stealing uses run-time information, which is information on the load of the victim, to determine the number of tasks that a thief is allowed to steal. We compare it with the bottommost first work stealing strategy used in StackThread/MP, and the fixed-length strategy of work stealing, where a thief requests to steal a fixed number of tasks, as well as other multithreaded frameworks such as Cilk and OpenMP task implementations. The experiments show that the dynamic-length strategy of work stealing performs well in irregular workloads such as in UTS benchmarks, as well as in regular workloads such as Fibonacci, Strassen\u27s matrix multiplication, FFT, and Sparse-LU factorization. The dynamic-length strategy works better than the fixed-length strategy because it is more flexible than the latter; this strategy can avoid load imbalance due to overstealing

    Towards an auto-tuned and task-based SpMV (LASs Library)

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    We present a novel approach to parallelize the SpMV kernel included in LASs (Linear Algebra routines on OmpSs) library, after a deep review and analysis of several well-known approaches. LASs is based on OmpSs, a task-based runtime that extends OpenMP directives, providing more flexibility to apply new strategies. Based on tasking and nesting, with the aim of improving the workload imbalance inherent to the SpMV operation, we present a strategy especially useful for highly imbalanced input matrices. In this approach, the number of created tasks is dynamically decided in order to maximize the use of the resources of the platform. Throughout this paper, SpMV behavior depending on the selected strategy (state of the art and proposed strategies) is deeply analyzed, setting in this way the base for a future auto-tunable code that is able to select the most suitable approach depending on the input matrix. The experiments of this work were carried out for a set of 12 matrices from the Suite Sparse Matrix Collection, all of them with different characteristics regarding their sparsity. The experiments of this work were performed on a node of Marenostrum 4 supercomputer (with two sockets Intel Xeon, 24 cores each) and on a node of Dibona cluster (using one ARM ThunderX2 socket with 32 cores). Our tests show that, for Intel Xeon, the best parallelization strategy reduces the execution time of the reference MKL multi-threaded version up to 67%. On ARM ThunderX2, the reduction is up to 56% with respect to the OmpSs parallel reference.This project has received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project Computación de Altas Prestaciones VII (TIN2015- 65316-P), the Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d’Execució Parallels (2014-SGR-1051), and the Juan de la Cierva Grant Agreement No IJCI-2017- 33511, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the project Heterogeneidad y especialización en la era post-Moore (RTI2018-093684-BI00). We also acknowledge the funding provided by Fujitsu under the BSC-Fujitsu joint project: Math Libraries Migration and OptimizationPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Parallel and Scalable Short-Read Alignment on Multi-Core Clusters Using UPC++

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    [Abstract]: The growth of next-generation sequencing (NGS) datasets poses a challenge to the alignment of reads to reference genomes in terms of alignment quality and execution speed. Some available aligners have been shown to obtain high quality mappings at the expense of long execution times. Finding fast yet accurate software solutions is of high importance to research, since availability and size of NGS datasets continue to increase. In this work we present an efficient parallelization approach for NGS short-read alignment on multi-core clusters. Our approach takes advantage of a distributed shared memory programming model based on the new UPC++ language. Experimental results using the CUSHAW3 aligner show that our implementation based on dynamic scheduling obtains good scalability on multi-core clusters. Through our evaluation, we are able to complete the single-end and paired-end alignments of 246 million reads of length 150 base-pairs in 11.54 and 16.64 minutes, respectively, using 32 nodes with four AMD Opteron 6272 16-core CPUs per node. In contrast, the multi-threaded original tool needs 2.77 and 5.54 hours to perform the same alignments on the 64 cores of one node. The source code of our parallel implementation is publicly available at the CUSHAW3 homepage (http://cushaw3.sourceforge.net).[Resumen]: El crecimiento de los conjuntos de datos de "secuenciamiento de próxima generación" (NGS por sus siglas en inglés) es un reto respecto a la calidad y a la velocidad de alineamientos de secuencias a genomas de referencia. Algunos alineadores disponibles obtienen mapeados de alta calidad a expensas de largos tiempos de ejecución. Desarrollar software rápido y preciso es muy importante para la investigación, ya que la disponibilidad y tamaño de los conjuntos NGS continua creciendo. En este trabajo presentamos una paralelización eficiente para el alineamiento de secuencias cortas de NGS en sistemas con nodos de múltiples núcleos de computación. Nuestra aproximación se aprovecha de un modelo de programación distribuida-compartida basado en el nuevo lenguaje UPC++. Los resultados experimentales usando el alineador CUSHAW3 muestran que nuestra implementación basada en reparto dinámico de trabajo obtiene buena escalabilidad. En nuestra evaluación somos capaces de completar alineamientos sencillos y en parejas de 246 millones de secuencias de longitud 150 en 11.54 y 16.64 minutos, respectivamente, usando 32 nodos con cuatro AMD Opteron 6272 y 16 núcleos de CPU cada uno. Sin embargo, la herramienta multi-hilo original necesita 2.77 y 5.54 horas para completar los mismos alineamientos en los 64 núcleos de un nodo. El código fuente de nuestra implementación paralela está disponible públicamente en la web de CUSHAW3 (http://cushaw3.sourceforge.net).[Resumo]: O medre dos conxuntos de datos de "secuenzamento de próxima xeración" (NGS polas súas siglas en inglés) é un reto respecto á calidade e á velocidade dos aliñamentos de secuencias a xenomas de referencia. Algúns aliñadores disponibles obteñen mapeados de alta calidade a expensas de largos tempos de execución. Desenvolver software rápido e preciso é moi importante para a investigación, xa que a disponibilidade e tamaño dos conxuntos NGS continua a medrar. Neste traballo presentamos unha paralelización eficiente para o aliñamiento de secuencias cortas de NGS en sistemas con nodos de múltiples núcleos de computación. A nosa aproximación aproveitase dun modelo de programación distribuida-compartida basado na nova linguaxe UPC++. Os resultados experimentais que fan uso do aliñador CUSHAW3 mostran que a nosa implementación baseada en reparto dinámico de traballo obtén boa escalabilidade. Na nosa avaliación somos capaces de completar aliñamentos sinxelos e en parellas de 246 millóns de secuencias de lonxitude 150 en 11.54 e 16.64 minutos, respectivamente, empregando 32 nodos con catro AMD Opteron 6272 e 16 núcleos de CPU cada un. Sen embargo, a ferramenta multi-fío oxiginal necesita 2.77 e 5.54 horas para completar os mesmos aliñamientos nos 64 núcleos dun nodo. O código fonte da nosa implementación paralela está disponible públicamente na web de CUSHAW3 (http://cushaw3.sourceforge.net)