257 research outputs found

    Opinion Analysis for Emotional Classification on Emoji Tweets using the Naïve Bayes Algorithm

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    Opinion Analysis is a research study needed to social media, since the content could become a trending topic and has a significant impact on social life. One of the social media that have a big contribution to cyberspace and information development is Twitter. In the Twitter application, users can insert images that represent emotions, facial expressions, or icons. Emoji is a graphic symbol in the form of an image to express a thing, with the Emoji, a text can be read and understood according to its meaning because the image represents it. Of the several things that have been mentioned then, the researchers conducted research on the classification of tweet content based on the use of Emojis. This study aims to determine the emotional uses of Twitter in one period. Every tweet on the Twitter timeline, which contains both text and Emojis, will be classified according to several categories. The algorithm used was Naïve Bayes. It calculated the probability of Emoji tweet to obtain the text classification with Emojis. The results of the classification of emotions are grouped with three categories, namely "angry," "joy," and "sad," it showed that the category "joy" had become the emotional trend of Twitter users where Emojis (x1f60a) dominate the most. Meanwhile, the accuracy of the algorithm used to reach 90% with a 70:30 holdout technique

    A New Method to Bridge New Materialism and Emotional Mapping: Spatio-Emotional Experiences in Disaster-Affected Brazilian Favelas

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    Within the field of emotional mapping, and mapping more broadly, nonhuman things are often understood as mere instruments - they have utility but not agency to shape meaning-making. In this paper we experiment with a new method that aims to challenge the dualism between human and non-human things by bridging new materialism and participatory emotional mapping. We experimented with this “new materialist methodology” during a one-day workshop to explore residents’ spatio-emotional experiences in a disaster-affected favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Reflecting on this one-day workshop, we argue that materials with diverse colors, textures, shapes, densities, weights, and smells are key collaborators in emotional mapping. Materials have agency to invoke and evoke diverse emotions with past, present, and future temporalities, and which fall within and beyond the positive-negative emotion binary. Materials can facilitate conviviality and discussion amongst mapping participants, which enables participants to speak about their emotional-spatial experiences with more nuance and complexity

    May I have your attention, please? An eye tracking study on emotional social media comments

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    Emotions are essential in today's complex information environments, as they catch readers' attention and impact the depth of information processing. In online interactions - such as user comments on social media platforms - emotions are increasingly present. We performed a preregistered eye-tracking study to understand the effects of emotional user comments on attention. Participants (N = 155) in our study read a series of user comments with different emotional tones. We measured the effects of emotions on information processing and visual attention by comparing the dwell times of participants of two experimental groups: a heuristic processing group and a systematic processing group. Our results revealed differences in visual attention towards comments with a negative versus positive valence and between the discrete emotions of anger and fear. These findings led to a discussion about emotions' role in information processing when individuals read user comments on social media

    Outdoor sports brands’ strategies for building Instagram brand community

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    Over 56% of the world’s population now live with social media (“Digital in 2019,” n.d.). Most direct-to-consumer brands are now using social media as a market tool to communicate with consumers, and the outdoor industry is no exception. Instagram, as the second most popular social networking medium globally, is a popular place to share photos and videos within the online brand community. Most outdoor brands maintain Instagram accounts as a part of their online brand community to interact with followers. This research examines 957 Instagram posts from three leading outdoor sports brands, namely, Arc’teryx, Patagonia, and Salomon via content analysis. The purpose of this study is to investigate post orientations and sports types across the three target brands, and gain insights into their Instagram practices by examining visual elements, textual attributes, and technical factors. Results suggest that outdoor brands with different followers took diverse strategies to build either a transactional or relationship Instagram brand community. Findings from this study offer important implications for researchers as well as practitioners in the domain of social media brand management

    Mapeamento participativo com emojis: uma estratégia de ensino de áreas sujeitas a alagamento e inundações

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    Maps are essential for understanding geographic space, but are usually presented ready-made for students, without allowing data entry. In view of this, the objective of this work was to carry out a participatory mapping identifying points subject to flooding. Instead of just locating, students used emojis to represent emotions. The work is qualitative and presents the results of a workshop applied to the 8th grade class of a school located in Santa Maria (RS). Regarding the concepts used in the workshop, the students reported that they only know about floods, as this phenomenon is part of their daily lives, as none indicated that they lived in flooding areas. The first group mapped 16 points, six of them with the angry emoji, as they reported that on rainy days they wet their shoes while going to school, especially in areas close to the train tracks. While the second group mapped 12 points, three of which referred to the front of the school, representing anger, sadness and fury, as it was raining and the entire entrance was flooded, soaking their shoes. In summary, the interaction in the workshop fell short of expectations, since students are probably not used to active methodologies. It is noteworthy that other emotions such as violence and pollution were mentioned in the emojis, which confirms the possibilities of applying the methodology to other urban issues. While the second group mapped 12 points, three of which referred to the front of the school, representing anger, sadness and fury, as it was raining and the entire entrance was flooded, soaking their shoes. In summary, the interaction in the workshop fell short of expectations, since students are probably not used to active methodologies. It is noteworthy that other emotions such as violence and pollution were mentioned in the emojis, which confirms the possibilities of applying the methodology to other urban issues. While the second group mapped 12 points, three of which referred to the front of the school, representing anger, sadness and fury, as it was raining and the entire entrance was flooded, soaking their shoes. In summary, the interaction in the workshop fell short of expectations, since students are probably not used to active methodologies. It is noteworthy that other emotions such as violence and pollution were mentioned in the emojis, which confirms the possibilities of applying the methodology to other urban issues. as students are probably not used to active methodologies. It is noteworthy that other emotions such as violence and pollution were mentioned in the emojis, which confirms the possibilities of applying the methodology to other urban issues. as students are probably not used to active methodologies. It is noteworthy that other emotions such as violence and pollution were mentioned in the emojis, which confirms the possibilities of applying the methodology to other urban issues.Los mapas son esenciales para comprender el espacio geográfico, pero generalmente se presentan listos para los estudiantes, sin permitir la entrada de datos. Ante esto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un mapeo participativo identificando puntos sujetos a inundaciones. En lugar de solo ubicar, los estudiantes usaron emojis para representar emociones. El trabajo es cualitativo y presenta los resultados de un taller aplicado a la clase de 8º grado de una escuela ubicada en Santa Maria (RS). En cuanto a los conceptos utilizados en el taller, los estudiantes informaron que solo conocen sobre inundaciones, ya que este fenómeno forma parte de su vida cotidiana, ya que ninguno indicó vivir en zonas inundables. El primer grupo mapeó 16 puntos, seis de ellos con el emoji enojado, pues informaron que en los días de lluvia mojaban sus zapatos mientras iban a la escuela, especialmente en las zonas cercanas a las vías del tren. Mientras que el segundo grupo mapeó 12 puntos, tres de los cuales se referían al frente de la escuela, representando enojo, tristeza y furia, ya que estaba lloviendo y toda la entrada estaba inundada, empapando sus zapatos. En resumen, la interacción en el taller no cumplió con las expectativas, ya que probablemente los estudiantes no estén acostumbrados a las metodologías activas. Cabe destacar que en los emojis se mencionaron otras emociones como la violencia y la contaminación, lo que confirma las posibilidades de aplicar la metodología a otros temas urbanos. Mientras que el segundo grupo mapeó 12 puntos, tres de los cuales se referían al frente de la escuela, representando enojo, tristeza y furia, ya que estaba lloviendo y toda la entrada estaba inundada, empapando sus zapatos. En resumen, la interacción en el taller no cumplió con las expectativas, ya que probablemente los estudiantes no estén acostumbrados a las metodologías activas. Cabe destacar que en los emojis se mencionaron otras emociones como la violencia y la contaminación, lo que confirma las posibilidades de aplicar la metodología a otros temas urbanos. Mientras que el segundo grupo mapeó 12 puntos, tres de los cuales se referían al frente de la escuela, representando enojo, tristeza y furia, ya que estaba lloviendo y toda la entrada estaba inundada, empapando sus zapatos. En resumen, la interacción en el taller no cumplió con las expectativas, ya que probablemente los estudiantes no estén acostumbrados a las metodologías activas. Cabe destacar que en los emojis se mencionaron otras emociones como la violencia y la contaminación, lo que confirma las posibilidades de aplicar la metodología a otros temas urbanos. ya que los estudiantes probablemente no estén acostumbrados a las metodologías activas. Cabe destacar que en los emojis se mencionaron otras emociones como la violencia y la contaminación, lo que confirma las posibilidades de aplicar la metodología a otros temas urbanos. ya que los estudiantes probablemente no estén acostumbrados a las metodologías activas. Cabe destacar que en los emojis se mencionaron otras emociones como la violencia y la contaminación, lo que confirma las posibilidades de aplicar la metodología a otros temas urbanos.Os mapas são fundamentais para entender o espaço geográfico, contudo comumente são apresentados prontos para os(as) alunos(as) não permitindo qualquer inserção de dados. À vista disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um mapeamento participativo identificando pontos sujeitos a alagamento e inundações. Ao invés de somente localizar, os(as) alunos(as) usaram emojis para representar as emoções. O trabalho detém um caráter qualitativo e apresenta os resultados de uma oficina aplicada na turma de 8º ano de uma escola localizada em Santa Maria (RS). Em relação aos conceitos usados na oficina, os alunos(as) relataram que conheciam somente o de alagamento, pois este fenômeno faz parte de seu cotidiano, já que nenhum deles indicou que vive em pontos de inundação. O primeiro grupo mapeou 16 pontos, sendo que seis foram com o emoji de raiva,pois relataram que em dia de chuva molhavam os tênis indo para a escola, principalmente nas áreas próximas aos trilhos de trem. Ao passo que o segundo grupo mapeou 12 pontos, sendo que três se referiam à frente da escola, representando raiva, tristeza e fúria, pois estava chovendo e toda entrada estava alagada, fazendo com que molhassem seus calçados. Em síntese, a interação na oficina foi abaixo da esperada, pois provavelmente os alunos não estão acostumados com metodologias ativas. Destaca-se que outras emoções foram citadas nos emojis como a violência e poluição, confirmando possibilidades de aplicação da metodologia com outras temáticas urbanas.sendo que três se referiam à frente da escola, representando raiva, tristeza e fúria, pois estava chovendo e toda entrada estava alagada, fazendo com que molhassem seus calçados. Em síntese, a interação na oficina foi abaixo da esperada, pois provavelmente os alunos não estão acostumados com metodologias ativas. Destaca-se que outras emoções foram citadas nos emojis como a violência e poluição, confirmando possibilidades de aplicação da metodologia com outras temáticas urbanas.sendo que três se referiam à frente da escola, representando raiva, tristeza e fúria, pois estava chovendo e toda entrada estava alagada, fazendo com que molhassem seus calçados. Em síntese, a interação na oficina foi abaixo da esperada, pois provavelmente os alunos não estão acostumados com metodologias ativas. Destaca-se que outras emoções foram citadas nos emojis como a violência e poluição, confirmando possibilidades de aplicação da metodologia com outras temáticas urbanas.confirmando possibilidades de aplicação da metodologia com outras temáticas urbanas.confirmando possibilidades de aplicação da metodologia com outras temáticas urbanas

    A Content Analysis of the Dallas Farmers Market Instagram

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    The local food movement, consumers’ desire to be connected to food and its origin, and emergence of Instagram as a source for creating B2C relationships through visual imagery contribute to the need of determining image content that connects with consumers. A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of 144 images from the Dallas Farmers Market (DFM) Instagram account were conducted to determine images with highest and lowest engagement. In this study the variables that made up engagement were likes and comments. Images with natural fresh-food products made up 34% of all images and had higher consumer engagement. Low engagement categories included farm photo and user-generated content. Qualitative analysis showed no relationship between likes and comments, but users’ opinions and engagement influenced each other. Therefore, future research recommendations from this study include exploring purchase intention and approach behavior as a result of positive consumer engagement. Recommendations for education are to use Instagram as a means to educate students about agricultural products and practices without leaving the classroom. Consumer engagement was highest with natural-fresh food product images on the Dallas Farmers Market Instagram, suggesting that farmers markets should incorporate these images into their social media strategies to generate consumer engagement. This study offered insights to what type of images on Instagram generate consumer engagement for farmers markets. Conclusions are that farmers markets should incorporate natural-fresh food products into their social media strategies to generate consumer engagement

    The Language of League: Making Sense of Multimodal Meaning in Twitch Live Streams

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    Though there has been a good deal of research on digital discourse and online gaming, there has been relatively little research on 1) the social structure of specific groups within the large online gaming community, 2) the multimodal structure of the online gaming live stream, and 3) the impact that these structures have on the final communicative event. One noteworthy component of the social characteristics of online streams is the streamer gender and size of the stream’s audience. In addition, one difference that sets the live stream apart from other online communications is its intense technological complexity. This study then, will examine both of these social and technological characteristics, in an effort to understand how the participants themselves influence language use and how that language use is further impacted by the availability of multiple mediums, each of which houses multiple modes for communication. The data for this study consists of a corpus of 32,397 messages posted in the public chat area of 12 League of Legends live streamers, collected between July and September of 2019. Once collected, however, there was no prior convention in place for organizing and transcribed the data for analytical purposes. Therefore, this study also examines multiple transcription vi protocols and outlines the model developed by Graham and Arendall for an online gaming digital corpus. For this study, I take an interactional approach to explore the communicative strategies employed by participants in a complex multimedium-based multimodal event. Using quantitative analysis, I examine patterns of communicative strategies as related to streamer gender and stream size (participant population). In addition, I examine the qualitative characteristics of those patterns, as well as the influences that multiple available mediums and modes have on those patterns. The results of this analysis indicate that both social and technological characteristics of the live stream heavily impact the communicative strategies employed by participants and is often tailored to the specific needs of each community, especially where the use of graphic images is concerned. These results have implications for the further study of online gaming, live streams, and visual communications within multimediumbased multimodal events

    Emotional cartography : data collection and visualisation in the contexto of urban mobility

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Silvana Philippi CamboimCoorientador: Prof. Dr. João Vitor Meza BravoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Terra, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Geodésicas. Defesa : Curitiba, 20/12/2021Inclui referênciasResumo: O mapa, enquanto representação simbolizada da realidade geográfica, pode incluir não apenas elementos observáveis ou tangíveis, mas também englobando elementos intangíveis, como as experiências humanas. Deste modo a Cartografia Emocional investiga os vínculos emocionais dos indivíduos com relação ao espaço geográfico, também estudados pela Topofilia de Tuan. Os mapas que representam a relação entre as emoções e o ambiente são gerados para diferentes finalidades, como por exemplo para o planejamento urbano, voltado à mobilidade urbana. Além disso, os dados podem ser coletados de diversas fontes, como por biossensores, entrevistas, crowdsourcing, redes sociais e dados abertos. Apesar da diversidade de fontes de dados e finalidades dos mapeamentos emocionais, não é conhecido um método alinhado ao conceito de Open Science para coleta, tratamento e representação de dados referente às emoções derivadas do espaço geográfico utilizando uma linguagem não verbal, como por exemplo, os emojis. Logo, esta pesquisa explora métodos para criação e representação de dados geográficos emocionais, por meio de emojis, no contexto da mobilidade urbana da cidade de Curitiba - Brasil, e está dividida em três experimentos. O primeiro experimento apresenta um framework para coleta das emoções dos indivíduos através dos emojis, em diferentes meios de transportes em um desafio intermodal. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um caderno Jupyter para consulta e visualização dos mapas emocionais. O segundo experimento teve como objetivo analisar semanticamente os emojis utilizados no experimento um, visto que, o significado de cada emoji pode variar de acordo com o perfil individual de cada pessoa, fatores culturais e devido a diferentes plataformas. Assim, o resultado do experimento dois foi uma lista de vinte emojis adequados semanticamente ao contexto pesquisado. Por fim, o terceiro experimento apresenta um framework para coleta de dados geográficos emocionais utilizando plataformas digitais de forma remota. Ao fim, foi desenvolvido um dashboard para a visualização e consulta dos mapas emocionais. O conjunto dos três experimentos com usuários resultou em uma solução completa para proporcionar à sociedade uma forma para considerar a distribuição espacial das emoções dos cidadãos na pesquisa, planejamento e gestão da mobilidade urbana nas cidades.Abstract: As a symbolized representation of geographical reality, the map may include not only observable or tangible elements but also encompassing intangible elements, such as human experiences. In this way, Emotional Cartography investigates the emotional bonds of individuals concerning geographic space, also studied by Tuan's Topophilia. The maps representing the relationship between emotions and the environment are generated for different purposes, such as urban planning, focused on urban mobility. Moreover, data can be collected from different sources, such as biosensors, interviews, crowdsourcing, social networks, and open data. However, despite the diversity of data sources and purposes of emotion mappings, there is no known method aligned with the concept of the Open Science method for collecting, processing and representing data regarding emotions derived from geographic space using a non-verbal language, such as emojis. Therefore, this research explores methods for creating and representing emotional geographic data, through emojis, in the context of urban mobility in the city of Curitiba - Brazil and is divided into three experiments. The first experiment presents a framework for collecting the emotions of individuals through emojis in different transport modes in an intermodal challenge. Besides, a Jupyter notebook was developed to query and visualize the emotion maps. The second experiment aimed to semantically analyze the emojis used in experiment one since the meaning of each emoji m ayvary according to the individual profile of each person, cultural factors and different platforms. Thus, the result of experiment two was a list of twenty emojis semantically suitable to the researched context. Finally, the third experiment presents a framework for remotely collecting geographic emotional data using digital platforms. Finally, a dashboard was developed to visualise and consult the emotional maps. The set of the three experiments with users resulted in a complete solution to provide society with a way to consider the spatial distribution of citizens' emotions in research, planning and management of urban mobility in cities

    Towards an articulation of the material and visual turn in organization studies

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    International audienceContemporary organizations increasingly rely on images, logos, videos, building materials, graphic andproduct design, and a range of other material and visual artifacts to compete, communicate, form identityand organize their activities. This Special Issue focuses on materiality and visuality in the course of objectifyingand reacting to novel ideas, and, more broadly, contributes to organizational theory by articulating theemergent contours of a material and visual turn in the study of organizations. In this Introduction, weprovide an overview of research on materiality and visuality. Drawing on the articles in the special issue, wefurther explore the affordances and limits of the material and visual dimensions of organizing in relation tonovelty. We conclude by pointing out theoretical avenues for advancing multimodal research, and discusssome of the ethical, pragmatic and identity-related challenges that a material and visual turn could pose fororganizational research