156 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of lead position vs. correction of electrical dyssynchrony in an experimental model of LBBB/CRT

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    International audienceCardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a recommended treatment in patients with electrical dyssynchrony such as left bundle branch block (LBBB). The determination of the optimal leads position, and the quantification of the changes in electrical activation are two current major challenges. In this paper, we investigate these aspects through electroanatomical data from a controlled experimental protocol, which studied pigs with no structural disease under LBBB and CRT conditions. We propose to use a quasi-conformal mapping technique to standardize electroanatomical maps of endo- and epi-cardial walls of both ventricles to a common reference geometry, in which simple quantitative indices can be computed. Then, we investigate the relation between leads and simple surrogates of the recovery of the electrical activation based either on total activation times or on the spatial distribution of the patterns. Our methodology allows a better understanding of the complex electrical activation patterns in LBBB and CRT, and confirms hypotheses about the optimal leads position from previous studies

    Contribution to the improvement of electrical therapies and to the comprehension of electrophysiological mechanisms in heart failure and acute ischemia using computational simulation

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    [ES] Una mejor comprensión de los mecanismos subyacentes a las arritmias ventriculares, así como una mejora de las terapias eléctricas y farmacológicas asociadas, son un factor clave para prevenir la muerte súbita cardíaca en pacientes con cardiopatías estructurales y eléctricas. Una miocardiopatía importante que puede provocar arritmias ventriculares potencialmente mortales es la insuficiencia cardíaca (HF). Los pacientes con HF a menudo sufren también de bloqueo de rama izquierda (LBBB) que deteriora su condición. Actualmente, el tratamiento más eficaz para estos pacientes es la terapia de resincronización cardíaca (CRT). Sin embargo, no se alcanza una respuesta positiva en todos los casos, por lo que es necesario un mayor estudio para mejorar este tratamiento. Una segunda patología cardíaca que también produce arritmias letales es la isquemia miocárdica. Evidencia experimental ha demostrado que las alteraciones electrofisiológicas en el miocardio ventricular constituyen un sustrato para la generación de arritmias durante la fase aguda de isquemia. Estas alteraciones son inducidas por los tres componentes isquémicos principales: hipercalemia, hipoxia y acidosis. Sin embargo, la influencia de cada componente en los mecanismos de inicio y mantenimiento de las arritmias no se comprende aún con claridad. Una primera parte de esta tesis doctoral, se centra en la optimización de la CRT durante su aplicación en un corazón que padece HF y LBBB. Para esto, se modificó el modelo de potencial de acción (AP) de O'Hara para simular una velocidad de conducción realista tanto en condiciones sanas como patológicas. Además, se estimó e incorporó un sistema de His-Purkinje (HPS) dentro de un modelo biventricular/torso humano 3D para simular un LBBB realista. A continuación, se desarrolló un conjunto de simulaciones computacionales para diferentes configuraciones de la CRT a fin de determinar la posición y el instante de estimulación óptimo que conducen a la duración más corta del QRS. Posteriormente, los resultados se compararon con otros criterios de optimización. Los principales hallazgos de este estudio mostraron la necesidad de definir criterios de optimización mejores o complementarios, como un índice basado en el tiempo hasta alcanzar el 90% del área del QRS sugerido en este trabajo, para alcanzar la mejor sincronía eléctrica ventricular durante la aplicación de la CRT. Además, nuestros resultados también muestran que el septo superior cercano al tracto de salida es un sitio alternativo para la estimulación del ventrículo derecho, lo cual evita los problemas de perforación de la pared apical durante el procedimiento típico de la CRT. Por último, para obtener mejores resultados de la CRT se deben considerar protocolos de estimulación endocárdica en el ventrículo izquierdo. En la segunda parte de esta tesis se investigó los efectos de los tres componentes principales de la isquemia sobre la vulnerabilidad a una reentrada, así como el papel del HPS y sus mecanismos de acción en la generación y mantenimiento de arritmias ventriculares. Para lograr este objetivo, en primer lugar, se modificó el modelo AP ventricular para simular de forma realista las principales alteraciones provocadas por la isquemia miocárdica aguda. Las simulaciones se realizaron en un modelo biventricular humano 3D, acoplado en un torso virtual, que incluye una geometría realista de las zonas isquémicas central y de borde, así como un HPS detallado. Se simularon cuatro escenarios de severidad isquémica correspondientes a diferentes minutos de oclusión de la arteria coronaria para evaluar los efectos de la evolución de la isquemia en el tiempo. Luego, se evaluó la influencia individual de la hipercalemia, hipoxia y acidosis en el ancho de la ventana vulnerable (VW) a reentradas durante siete escenarios de isquemia aguda. Finalmente, se repitió este último conjunto de simulaciones isquémicas utilizando el modelo anatómico sin el HPS para evaluar el efecto de este último en la VW. Los resultados muestran que una condición isquémica moderada es el peor escenario para la generación de una reentrada. La hipoxia es el componente isquémico con el efecto más significativo en el ancho de la VW. Además, el flujo de corriente retrógrado desde el miocardio hacia el HPS en la región isquémica, los bloqueos de conducción en secciones discretas del HPS y el grado de hiperkalemia que afecta a las células de Purkinje, son sugeridos como mecanismos que podrían favorecer la aparición de arritmias ventriculares.[EN] A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying ventricular arrhythmias, as well as an improvement of the associated electrical and pharmacological therapies, are a key factor to prevent sudden cardiac death in patients with structural and electrical heart diseases. An important cardiomyopathy that can lead to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias is heart failure (HF). Patients with HF also often suffer from left bundle branch block (LBBB), which worsens their condition. Currently, the most effective treatment to these patients is cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). However, many patients are non-responders, so further studies are needed to improve this treatment. A second cardiac pathology that also produces lethal arrhythmias is myocardial ischemia. Substantial experimental evidence has shown that electrophysiological alterations in the ventricular myocardium constitute a substrate for the generation of arrhythmias during the acute phase of ischemia. These alterations are induced by the three main ischemic components: hyperkalemia, hypoxia and acidosis. However, the influence of each component in the mechanisms of arrhythmia initiation and maintenance is still not completely understood. In the first section of this doctoral thesis, we focus on the optimization of CRT during its application in a heart suffering from HF and LBBB. For this purpose, we modified the O'Hara action potential (AP) model to simulate a realistic conduction velocity both in healthy and pathological conditions. In addition, a His-Purkinje system (HPS) was generated and incorporated into a 3D human biventricular/torso model to simulate realistic LBBB. A set of computational simulations were performed for different CRT configurations to determine the optimal pacing leads location and delay values leading to the shortest QRS duration. Subsequently, results were compared with other optimization criteria. The main findings of this study showed the need of better or complementary optimization criteria, such as an index based on the time to reach the 90% of the QRS area suggested in this work, to reach the best ventricular electrical synchrony during the CRT application. In addition, our results also show that the upper septum close to the outflow tract is an alternative site for the right ventricle (RV) stimulation, which avoids the perforation problems of the RV apical wall during the typical CRT procedure. Finally, protocols of left ventricle endocardial pacing should be considered to obtain better CRT results. In the second section of this thesis, we investigated the effects of the three main components of ischemia on the vulnerability to reentry, as well as the role of the HPS and its mechanisms of action in the generation and maintenance of ventricular arrhythmias. In order to achieve our goal, we first modified the ventricular AP model to realistically simulate the major alterations caused by acute myocardial ischemia. Simulations were performed in a 3D human biventricular model, embedded in a virtual torso, which includes a realistic geometry of the central and border ischemic zones, as well as a detailed HPS. Four scenarios of ischemic severity corresponding to different minutes after coronary artery occlusion were simulated to evaluate the effects of the evolution of ischemia over time. Then, the individual influence of hyperkalemia, hypoxia and acidosis in the width of the vulnerable window (VW) for reentry was assessed during seven scenarios of acute ischemia. Finally, this last set of ischemic simulations was repeated using the anatomical model without the HPS to evaluate the effect of the latter in the VW. Results show that a moderate ischemic condition is the worst scenario for reentry generation. Hypoxia is the ischemic component with the most significant effect on the width of the VW. Furthermore, the retrograde current flow from the myocardium to the HPS in the ischemic region, conduction blocks in discrete sections of the HPS, and the degree of hyperkalemia affecting the Purkinje cells, are suggested as HPS mechanisms that could favor the triggering of ventricular arrhythmias.[CA] Una millor comprensió dels mecanismes subjacents a les arrítmies ventriculars, així com una millora de les teràpies elèctriques i farmacològiques associades, són un factor clau per a previndre la mort sobtada cardíaca en pacients amb cardiopaties estructurals i elèctriques. Una miocardiopatia important que pot provocar arrítmies ventriculars potencialment mortals és la insuficiència cardíaca (HF). Els pacients amb HF sovint pateixen també de bloqueig de branca esquerra (LBBB) que deteriora la seua condició. Actualment, el tractament més eficaç per a aquests pacients és la teràpia de resincronització cardíaca (CRT). No obstant això, no s'aconsegueix una resposta positiva en tots els casos, per la qual cosa és necessari un major estudi per a millorar aquest tractament. Una segona patologia cardíaca que també produeix arrítmies letals és la isquèmia miocàrdica. Evidència experimental ha demostrat que les alteracions electrofisiològiques en el miocardi ventricular constitueixen un substrat per a la generació d'arrítmies durant la fase aguda d'isquèmia. Aquestes alteracions són induïdes pels tres components isquèmics principals: hipercalèmia, hipòxia i acidosi. No obstant això, la influència de cada component en els mecanismes d'inici i manteniment de les arrítmies no es comprén encara amb claredat. Una primera part d'aquesta tesi doctoral, se centra en l'optimització de la CRT durant la seua aplicació en un cor que pateix HF i LBBB. Per a això, es va modificar el model de potencial d'acció (AP) de O'Hara per a simular una velocitat de conducció realista tant en condicions sanes com patològiques. A més, es va estimar i es va incorporar un sistema de His-Purkinje (HPS) dins d'un model biventricular/tors humà 3D per a simular un LBBB realista. A continuació, es va desenvolupar un conjunt de simulacions computacionals per a diferents configuracions de la CRT a fi de determinar la posició i l'instant d'estimulació òptim que condueixen a la duració més curta del QRS. Posteriorment, els resultats es van comparar amb altres criteris d'optimització. Les principals troballes d'aquest estudi van mostrar la necessitat de definir millors o complementaris criteris d'optimització, com un índex basat en el temps fins a aconseguir el 90% de l'àrea del QRS suggerida en aquest treball, per a aconseguir la millor sincronia elèctrica ventricular durant l'aplicació de la CRT. A més, els nostres resultats també mostren que el septe superior pròxim al tracte d'eixida és un lloc alternatiu per a l'estimulació del ventricle dret, la cual cosa evita els problemes de perforació de la paret apical durant el procediment típic de la CRT. Finalment, per a obtindre millors resultats de la CRT s'han de considerar protocols d'estimulació endocárdica en el ventricle esquerre. En la segona part d'aquesta tesi es va investigar els efectes dels tres components principals de la isquèmia sobre la vulnerabilitat a una reentrada, així com el paper del HPS i els seus mecanismes d'acció en la generació i manteniment d'arrítmies ventriculars. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu, en primer lloc es va modificar el model AP ventricular per a simular de manera realista les principals alteracions provocades per la isquèmia miocàrdica aguda. Les simulacions es van realitzar en un model biventricular humà 3D, acoblat en un tors virtual, que inclou una geometria realista de les zones isquèmiques central i de vora, així com un HPS detallat. Es van simular quatre escenaris de severitat isquèmica corresponents a diferents minuts d'oclusió de l'artèria coronària per a avaluar els efectes de l'evolució de la isquèmia en el temps. Després, es va avaluar la influència individual de la hipercalèmia, hipòxia i acidosi en l'ample de la finestra vulnerable (VW) a reentradas durant set escenaris d'isquèmia aguda. Finalment, es va repetir aquest últim conjunt de simulacions isquèmiques utilitzant el model anatòmic sense el HPS per a avaluar l'efecte d'aquest últim en la VW. Els resultats mostren que una condició isquèmica moderada és el pitjor escenari per a la generació d'una reentrada. La hipòxia és el component isquèmic amb l'efecte més significatiu en l'ample de la VW. A més, el flux de corrent retrògrad des del miocardi cap al HPS a la regió isquèmica, els bloquejos de conducció en seccions discretes del HPS i el grau d'hiperkalèmia que afecta les cèl·lules de Purkinje, són suggerits com a mecanismes que podrien afavorir l'aparició d'arrítmies ventriculars.Carpio Garay, EF. (2021). Contribution to the improvement of electrical therapies and to the comprehension of electrophysiological mechanisms in heart failure and acute ischemia using computational simulation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/163041TESI

    Video Kinematic Evaluation: new insights on the cardiac mechanical function

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    The cardiac mechanical function plays a critical role in governing and regulating its performance under both normal and pathological conditions. The left ventricle has historically received more attention in both congenital and acquired heart diseases and was considered as the mainstay of normal hemodynamics. However, over the past few decades, there has been increasing recognition of the pivotal role of the right ventricle in determining functional performance status and prognosis in multiple conditions. Nonetheless, the ventricles should not be considered separately as they share the septum, are encircled with common myocardial fibers and are surrounded by the pericardium. Thus, changes in the filling of one ventricle may alter the mechanical function of its counterpart. This ventricular interdependence remains even after the removal of the pericardium because of constrictive pericarditis or during open chest surgery. Interestingly, during open chest surgery, only the right ventricle mechanical activity is visually checked by the surgeon and cardiologist due to the absence of an intraoperative imaging technique able to evaluate its complex function. Noteworthy, most of the imaging techniques available to clinicians are established for the assessment of the left ventricle, with the ejection fraction being the most used parameter. However, this value is a measure of global systolic function which comes short in identifying regional myocardial impairment and the mechanical contraction. Therefore, new approaches are needed to deeply investigate the mechanics of both ventricles and correctly assess the cardiac mechanical performance. In this thesis, I studied the mechanical function of the left ventricle through different modalities of cardiac magnetic resonance and employed an innovative imaging technique for the assessment of the right ventricle mechanical function during open chest surgery

    The Application of Computer Techniques to ECG Interpretation

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    This book presents some of the latest available information on automated ECG analysis written by many of the leading researchers in the field. It contains a historical introduction, an outline of the latest international standards for signal processing and communications and then an exciting variety of studies on electrophysiological modelling, ECG Imaging, artificial intelligence applied to resting and ambulatory ECGs, body surface mapping, big data in ECG based prediction, enhanced reliability of patient monitoring, and atrial abnormalities on the ECG. It provides an extremely valuable contribution to the field

    Left ventricular mechanics in advanced heart failure patients

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    The general introduction of the thesis outlines the role of cardiac mechanics assessment in the evaluation and risk stratification of HF patients. Part I This part of the thesis summarizes current imaging techniques to assess various aspects of LV mechanics in HF patients (Chapter 2), differentiating between ischemic and non-ischemic HF (Chapter 3) and investigating its role in the selection of HF patients who are candidates to CRT (Chapters 4-6). Furthermore, the role of imaging techniques to optimize the results of CRT is summarized in Chapter 7. Part II The final part focuses on long-term prognosis of advanced HF patients. Novel echocardiographic techniques provide several parameters that have incremental prognostic value over well-recognized echocardiographic and clinical parameters (Chapters 8-11). CONCLUSIONS The study of cardiac mechanics is crucial in advanced HF patients. Particularly, using imagine techniques as speckle-tracking echocardiography, important information on the effects of CRT in heart failure patients may be derived. Moreover, studying LV mechanics may be helpful for understanding the differences in pathophysiological mechanisms of different HF aetiologies. Finally, the role of non-invasive imaging techniques for the study of LV mechanics may be paramount for the definition of long-term prognosis in advanced HF patients.UBL - phd migration 201

    Fluid-electro-mechanical model of the human heart for supercomputers

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    The heart is a complex system. From the transmembrane cell activity to the spatial organization in helicoidal fibers, it includes several spatial and temporal scales. The heart muscle is surrounded by two main tissues that modulate how it deforms: the pericardium and the blood. The former constrains the epicardial surface and the latter exerts a force in the endocardium. The main function of this peculiar muscle is to pump blood to the pulmonary and systemic circulations. In this way, solid dynamics of the heart is as important as the induced fluid dynamics. Despite the work done in computational research of multiphysics heart modelling, there is no reference of a tightly-coupled scheme that includes electrophysiology, solid and fluid mechanics in a whole human heart. In this work, we propose, develop and test a fluid-electro-mechanical model of the human heart. To start, the heartbeat phenomenon is disassembled in the different composing problems. The first building block is the electrical activity of the myocytes, that induces the mechanical deformation of the myocardium. The contraction of the muscle reduces the intracavitary space, that pushes out the contained blood. At the same time, the inertia, pressure and viscous stresses in this fluid exerts a force on the solid wall. In this way, we can understand the heart as a fluid-electro-mechanical problem. All the models are implemented in Alya, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center simulation software. A multi-code approach is used, splitting the problem in a solid and a fluid domain. In the former, electrophysiology coupled with solid mechanics are solved. In the later, fluid dynamics in an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian domain are computed. The equations are spatially discretized using the finite element method and temporally discretized using finite differences. Facilitated by the multi-code approach, a novel high performance quasi-Newton method is developed to deal with the intrinsic issues of fluid-structure interaction problems in iomechanics. All the schemes are optimized to run in massively parallel computers. A wide range of experiments are shown to validate, test and tune the numerical model. The different hypothesis proposed — as the critical effect of the atrium or the presence of pericardium — are also tested in these experiments. Finally, a normal heartbeat is simulated and deeply analyzed. This healthy computational heart is first diseased with a left bundle branch block. After this, its function is restored simulating a cardiac resynchronization therapy. Then, a third grade atrioventricular block is simulated in the healthy heart. In this case, the pathologic model is treated with a minimally invasive leadless intracardiac pacemaker. This requires to include the device in the geometrical description of the problem, solve the structural problem with the tissue, and the fluid-structure interaction problem with the blood. As final experiment, we test the parallel performance of the coupled solver. In the cases mentioned above, the results are qualitatively compared against experimental measurements, when possible. Finally, a first glance in a coupled fluid-electro-mechanical cardiovascular system is shown. This model is build adding a one dimensional model of the arterial network created by the Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica in Petropolis, Brasil. Despite the artificial geometries used, the outflow curves are comparable with physiological observations. The model presented in this thesis is a step towards the virtual human heart. In a near future computational models like the presented in this thesis will change how pathologies are understood and treated, and the way biomedical devices are designed.El corazón es un sistema complejo. Desde la actividad celular hasta la organización espacial en fibras helicoidales, incluye gran cantidad de escalas espaciales y temporales. El corazón está rodeado principalmente por dos tejidos que modulan su deformación: el pericardio y la sangre. El primero restringe el movimiento del epicardio, mientras el segundo ejerce fuerza sobre el endocardio. La función principal de este músculo es bombear sangre a la circulación sistémica y a la pulmonar. Así, la deformación del miocardio es tan importante como la fluidodinámica inducida. Al día de hoy, solo se han propuesto modelos parciales del corazón. Ninguno de los modelos publicados resuelve electrofisiología, mecánica del sólido, y dinámica de fluidos en una geometría completa del corazón. En esta tesis, proponemos, desarrollamos y probamos un modelo fluido -electro -mecánico del corazón. Primero, el problema del latido cardíaco es descompuesto en los distintos subproblemas. El primer bloque componente es la actividad eléctrica de los miocitos, que inducen la deformación mecánica del miocardio. La contratación de este músculo, reduce el espacio intracavitario, que empuja la sangre contenida. Al mismo tiempo, la inercia, presión y fuerzas viscosas del fluido inducen una presión sobre la pared del sólido. De esta manera, podemos entender el latido cardíaco como un problema fluido-electro-mecánico. Los modelos son implementados en Alya, el software de simulación del Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Se utiliza un diseño multi-código, separando el problema según el dominio en sólido y fluido. En el primero, se resuelve electrofisiología acoplado con mecánica del sólido. En el segundo, fluido dinámica en un dominio arbitrario Lagrangiano-Euleriano. Las ecuaciones son discretizadas espacial y temporalmente utilizando elementos finitos y diferencias finitas respectivamente. Facilitado por el diseño multi-codigo, se desarrolló un novedoso método quasi-Newton de alta performance, pensado específicamente para lidiar con los problemas intrínsecos de interacción fluido-estructura en biomecánica. Todos los esquemas fueron optimizados para correr en ordenadores masivamente paralelos.Se presenta un amplio espectro de experimentos con el fin de validar, probar y ajustar el modelo numérico. Las diferentes hipótesis propuestas tales como el efecto producido por la presencia de las aurículas o el pericardio son también demostradas en estos experimentos. Finalmente un latido normal es simulado y sus resultados son analizados con profundidad. El corazón computacional sano es, primeramente enfermado de un bloqueo de rama izquierda. Posteriormente se restaura la función normal mediante la terapia de resincronización cardíaca. Luego se afecta al corazón de un bloqueo atrioventricular de tercer grado. Esta patología es tratada mediante la implantación de un marcapasos intracardíaco. Para esto, se requiere incluir el dispositivo en la descripción geométrica, resolver el problema estructural con el tejido y la interacción fluido-estructura con la sangre. Como experimento numérico final, se prueba el desempeño paralelo del modelo acoplado.Finalmente, se muestran resultados preliminares para un modelo fluido-electro-mecánico del sistema cardiovascular. Este modelo se construye agregando un modelo unidimensional del árbol arterial. A pesar de las geometrías artificiales usadas, la curva de flujo en la raíz aórtica es comparable con observaciones experimentales. El modelo presentado aquí representa un avance hacia el humano virtual. En un futuro, modelos similares, cambiarán la forma en la que se entienden y tratan las enfermedades y la forma en la que los dispositivos biomédicos son diseñados

    Incremental value of advanced cardiac imaging modalities for diagnosis and patient management : focus on real-time three-dimensional echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Advanced cardiac imaging modalities play a crucial role in the diagnostic process and clinical management of patients with different cardiac diseases, including heart failure, valvular heart disease, myocardial infarction and atrial fibrillation. RT3DE has made an important transition from a research tool to a clinically applicable imaging technique and has been demonstrated to provide important advantages over conventional 2D echocardiography, such as a more accurate quantification of cardiac chamber size and function and the possibility of unlimited image plane orientations for better understanding of valvular heart diseases. Contrast-enhanced echocardiography should be performed in every patient with suboptimal acoustic window, especially with RT3DE. Importantly, in patients underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention, perfusion analysis can provide an accurate estimate of myocardial infarction size, which is crucial information for the patient management, together with more sophisticated assessment of LV mechanics. Myocardial deformation imaging has witnessed an enormous development in the last years and is now considered an accurate tool for a more sensitive assessment of LV regional and global function and for a more detailed assessment of LV mechanics and dyssynchrony. CMR represents the reference imaging modality for the quantification of LV volumes and function and for the identification of myocardial scar/fibrosis. It should be therefore considered for a comprehensive evaluation of heart failure patients, including more novel and sophisticated assessments of transvalvular flow and LV dyssynchrony. Advanced cardiac imaging modalities can be applied in heart failure patients referred for CRT to explore novel physiopathological aspects, such as the effect on LV rotation mechanics, on functional mitral regurgitation and cerebral blood flow.Philips Healthcare, Meda Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim, Roche, Servier, Biotronik, Boston Scientific Nederland BV and ServierUBL - phd migration 201

    Current Issues and Recent Advances in Pacemaker Therapy

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    Patients with implanted pacemakers or defibrillators are frequently encountered in various healthcare settings. As these devices may be responsible for, or contribute to a variety of clinically significant issues, familiarity with their function and potential complications facilitates patient management. This book reviews several clinically relevant issues and recent advances of pacemaker therapy: implantation, device follow-up and management of complications. Innovations and research on the frontiers of this technology are also discussed as they may have wider utilization in the future. The book should provide useful information for clinicians involved in the management of patients with implanted antiarrhythmia devices and researchers working in the field of cardiac implants

    Cellular and genetic approaches to myocardial regeneration

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    Injection of (stem) cells into the damaged heart has a positive effect on cardiac function. In this thesis two strategies for improving myocardial regeneration over classical cell therapy were investigated. The first is to induce cardiomyogenic differentiation by genetically engineering cells to express the transcription factor myocardin (a regulator of cardiomyocyte differentiation). We found that overexpression of myocardin induces a large part of the cardiac muscle gene expression program in various non-muscle cells. Forced expression of myocardin enables cardiac infarction scar fibroblasts to conduct a cardiac action potential, and injection of myocardin-transduced MSCs resulted in greater preservation of cardiac function and reduced detrimental remodeling compared to untreated MSCs in a mouse model of myocardial infarction. Indicating that overexpression of myocardin endows cells with several beneficial properties of cardiomyocytes. We hypothesized that myocardial regeneration might be enhanced by including novel cell types with supportive functions in cell therapy strategies. We found that the mesothelial cells of the human epicardium, like embryonic epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) can form fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. Indicating that EPDCs from human adults recapitulate at least part of the differentiation potential of their embryonic counterparts, which form various essential supportive cell types during heart development.UBL - phd migration 201