116,081 research outputs found

    The Culture Based Political Programs: Impact of Talk Show on the Audience

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    Most of the research in these fields focuses on the structural or entertainment dimensions and / or on audience research, but there are only a few research projects concerned with the culture based political programs in Spain. Richardson and Meinhof (1999) contributed to filling the gap with a series of comparative case studies on satellite television programs proposed by news channels addressing a global audience (News Corp‘s Sky News and Germany‘s n.tv), local TV channels in Germany and Britain, and the European TV experience (ARTE, Euro-News), drawing on discourse analysis, applied linguistics, and social semiotics but there is a big gap in investigation of Spanish political talk show and its impact on the audience. Cultural diversity is the central issue of our times although with different emphases on MEDIA context. Media and communication studies have begun to draw on work in TV programs with the retrospect of political talk shows to understand how diversity is experienced across Spanish culture. Analyses are required as for the transnational entities of the European Unity, in our case culture in Spain. The topic is of the increasing importance because of the talk show impact on the audience as emotionally as individual nation and region face the challenge of globalization and the propaganda of media content. The essay draws on cultural and media policy analyses. In short, late night entertainment talk shows or other soft news programs afford politicians one of their best opportunities to reach a large group of potentially persuadable voters in a relatively sympathetic venue. The increasing frequency of presidential candidate appearances on daytime and late night talk shows (Baum 2003a, 2005; Gold 2007) strongly suggests they believe such appearances are politically beneficial. The previous discussion illustrates the importance of drawing clear distinctions between different types of media outlets and content aimed at distinct audiences. Most research into the effects of soft news on public opinion finds any such effects to be contingent on media venue, topic, and audience characteristics. Such venues vary in the sophistication of their content and hence the likely learning effects among different types of viewers, while some issues are more easily framed in accessible terms than others. Moreover, different types of viewers differ in their propensity to learn about politics via such outlets. Scholars have only partially disentangled these distinctions. Much of the research in this area thus suffers from imprecise definitions of the independent (soft news exposure) and / or dependent (public opinion) variables. The study investigates the awareness level of public through TV talk shows (political)

    Studying soap operas

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    This present issue of Communication Research Trends will focus on research about soap operas published in the last 15 years, that is, from the year 2000 to the present. This more recent research shows one key difference: the interest in soap opera has become worldwide. This appears in the programs that people listen to or watch and in communication researchers who themselves come from different countries

    Television program avoidance and personality

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    Recent communication research indicates that approach and avoidance constitute two separate yet co-existing processes during media exposure. While many studies address TV approach behavior, little is known about TV avoidance behavior. Furthermore, personality has yet to be linked to avoidance behavior. This study analyzes the influence of personality on TV program avoidance. Data show that the "Big Five" personality characteristics (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness) and Risk and Fight Willingness influence program avoidance, albeit to varying degrees. While the specific correlations are discussed in the paper, the results generally reveal that the combination of personality and avoidance has added value in terms of understanding of TV using behavior compared to the frequently analyzed link between personality and approach. For nearly all personality characteristics, data show that the avoidance perspective is more than the inversion of the approach perspective. The findings are discussed with reference to gratification and selectivity research

    The Local TV News Experience: How to Win Viewers by Focusing on Engagement

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    Offers television stations insights to help them engage their audiences, stimulate strategic thinking about their position and role in the market, and connect with viewers in ways that could lead to improved civic involvement

    Attracted but Unsatisfied: The Effects of Arousing Content on Television Consumption Choices

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    This paper investigates experimentally the effects of arousing content on viewing choices and satisfaction in television consumption. We test the hypothesis that the portrayal of arousing content combines high attraction and low satisfaction and is thus responsible for suboptimal choices. In our experiment, subjects can choose among three programs during a viewing session. In the experimental condition, one of the three programs portrays a violent verbal conflict, whereas in the control condition the same program portrays a calm debate. A post-experimental questionnaire is used to assess subjects' satisfaction with the programs and the overall viewing experience. The results support the hypothesis: the presence of arousing content causes sub- jects to watch more of a given program, although they experience lower content-specific and overall satisfaction. Arousing contents also significantly increase the discrepancy between actual and desired viewing.Rational Choice, Audience, Television, Satisfaction, Arousing content, Laboratory Experiments.


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    Mata Najwa is one of the most popular talk shows in Metro TV. It is lead by Najwa Shihab, a senior journalist who has been recognized as the best journalist in Metro TV. In Mata Najwa special episode ‘Habibie Hari Ini, she invited BJ Habibie, the third President of Indonesia to talk about democracy between past and now. This research is aimed to know what and how the negative politeness applied by Najwa Shihab. Thus, it is also aimed to find out why she applied those strategies. The data were taken by making transcription and analyzed with Brown and Levinson politeness theory especially for the negative politeness. The result showed that there were only nine strategies applied by Najwa Shihab. The reasons why she applied those strategies were to fit the formal talk show to imply as this talk show has more quality. The other reason, Najwa wanted to give some respect to BJ Habibie

    Analisis Faktor Keberhasilan Program Talkshow Kick Andy di Metro TV (Studi pada Anggota Group Kick Andy The Show di Facebook)

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    ABSTRAK Setiap stasiun televisi memiliki ciri khas dan segmentasi tersendiri dalam program acara yang ditayangkannya seperti stasiun Metro TV yang mayoritas program acaranya adalah talkshow salah satunya adalah talkshow Kick Andy. Selama enam tahun lebih talkshow Kick Andy sudah banyak mendapatkan penghargaan dan dianggap sebuah program yang berhasil. Semua program yang berhasil/ sukses pastinya memiliki elemen-elemen keberhasilan program yaitu konflik, kesukaan, konsistensi, timing, durasi, energy dan tren. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program talkshow Kick Andy di Metro TV. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah member pada group Kick Andy The Show di jejaring sosial Facebook. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik convinience sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis faktor. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang diberikan kepada150 member yang tergabung di group facebook Kick Andy The show dengan menggunakan google.docs. Setelah melakukan analisis faktor terhadap tujuh variabel keberhasilan program maka didapatkan empat faktor yang menlandasi keberhasilan program talkshow Kick Andy di metro TV Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor kualitas acara, kemampuan komunikasi presenter, penayangan yang tepat dan intrepretasi penonton adalah faktor yang melandasi elemen keberhasilan program Kick Andy. Dari keempat faktor yang terbentuk faktor yang paling mendominasi adalah faktor kualitas acara dan yang paling tidak mendominasi adalah faktor intrepretasi penonton Kata Kunci : Program Televisi, Keberhasilan Program ABSTRACT Every television station has its own characteristics and different segments, such as Metro TV, one of the program which is a talk show Kick Andy. For a six years Kick Andy talkshow been awarded many accolades and is considered a successful program. All successful programs have an element of the success of programs such as conflict, joy, consistency, time, duration, energy and trends. The purpose of this research is the factors that influence the success Kick Andy talkshow on Metro TV. The population in this study were members of the group The Kick Andy Show in social network Facebook. sampling using convenience sampling. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis of factors. This study used questionnaires given kepada150 members who join the facebook group The Kick Andy show using google.docs. After the analysis of seven variables then there are four factors that affect the success of Kick Andy talkshow on Metro TV The results showed that the quality factor of the show, presenters communication skills, proper exposure and interpretation of the audience are elements of the factors that influence the success of Kick Andy. Of the four factors that make up the most dominant factor is the quality factor of the event and the most dominating factor is the interpretation of the audience Keywords: Television Program, Program Succes

    Scripted Stereotypes In Reality TV

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    Diversity, or lack thereof, has always been an issue in both television and film for years. But another great issue that ties in with the lack of diversity is misrepresentation, or a substantial presence of stereotypes in media. While stereotypes often are commonplace in scripted television and film, the possibility of stereotypes appearing in a program that claims to be based on reality seems unfitting. It is commonly known that reality television is not completely “unscripted” and is actually molded by producers and editors. While reality television should not consist of stereotypes, they have curiously made their way onto the screen and into our homes. Through content analysis this thesis focuses on Latina/Hispanic-American and Asian-American contestants on ABCs’ The Bachelor and whether they present stereotypes typically found in scripted programming