214 research outputs found

    Set-up of surgical instruments during emergency Cesarean section

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    Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Operasjonssykepleiere har ansvar for instrumentene under kirurgiske inngrep. Mister man kontrollen over instrumentene kan det ha negative konsekvenser for pasienten og det kirurgiske teamet. Noen sykehus bruker standardisert oppdekking av assistansebordet på kirurgiske inngrep, blant annet keisersnitt. Hensikt: Å undersøke operasjonssykepleieres erfaringer og holdninger til en standardisert oppdekking av assistansebordet ved akutt keisersnitt. Problemstilling: Hva er fordelene og ulempene ved å bruke en standardisert oppdekking av assistansebordet til akutt keisersnitt? Metode: Vi samlet data gjennom 12 kvalitative, semi-strukturerte dybdeintervjuer med operasjonssykepleiere. Data ble analysert ved hjelp av Malterud’s systematiske tekstkondensering. Resultater: Analysen viste 4 resultatkategorier og 12 underkategorier. Det viktigste for deltakerne var å ha kontroll over instrumentene. Standardisert oppdekking viste seg spesielt nyttig for uerfarne operasjonssykepleiere, i akutte situasjoner, i samarbeidet med gynekologene og ved samtidighetskonflikter. Noen ulemper kom fram, som at overgangen til å innføre en standard kan skape utfordringer, spesielt for erfarne operasjonssykepleiere, og at standarden ikke passer alle ergonomiske behov og situasjoner. Det var noen uenigheter om individuelle tilpasninger i oppdekkingen ble sett på som en fordel eller en ulempe. Det ble understreket at standardisert oppdekking aldri måtte erstatte tellekontrollen. Konklusjon: En standardisert oppdekking kan sørge for å kvalitetssikre optimalt samarbeid og gjøre at operasjonssykepleiere kan føle seg trygge, uavhengig av erfaringsgrad. Bruk av en standard gir allikevel ikke nødvendigvis det beste resultatet i alle situasjoner og kan være utfordrende, spesielt i implementeringsfasen. Nøkkelord: Operasjonssykepleier, assistansebord, standard oppdekking, organisering, sikkerhet, erfaring, akutt keisersnitt

    Coordination in software agent systems

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    Building knowledge around complex objects using InforBright Data Warehousing technology

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    There are considerable challenges in analysing and reporting on word-based data. Infobright data warehousing technology was used to build knowledge around qualitative data that are subject to human interpretation. Infobright was chosen as a system for implementing the data set because its rough set based intelligence appears to be extensible with moderate effort to implement the data warehousing requirements for automatic interpretation of word based data. An example of social sciences research data was used for illustration

    Fostering thinking skills by implementing Marzano s high yield strategy in the english classroom

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    This research aimed at exploring the role critical thinking skills in the English class has when being fostered through a high yield strategy and conscious awareness in a group of forty students of eighth grade at a public school in Bogotá. These students were exposed to several activities where specific analysis skills were worked. In this sense the teacher-researcher implemented 6 lesson plans where she could explore the target students? performance and perspectives to continuously adapt the intervention features. For this matter, the researcher previously considered different literature, where Marzano?s New taxonomy of Educational Objectives, his nine-high-yield strategy and the five dimensions of learning described by him are high-lighted

    The role and use of sketchpad as a modeling tool in secondary schools.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Durban-Westville, 2004.Over the last decade or two, there has been a discernible move to include modeling in the mathematics curricula in schools. This has come as the result of the demand that society is making on educational institutions to provide workers that are capable of relating theoretical knowledge to that of the real world. Successful industries are those that are able to effectively overcome the complexities of real world problems they encounter on a daily basis. This research study focused, to some extent, on the different definitions of modeling and some of the processes involved. Various examples are given to illustrate some of the methods employed in the process of modeling. More importantly, this work attempted to build on existing research and tested some of these ideas in a teaching environment. This was done in order to investigate the feasibility of introducing mathematical concepts within the context of dynamic geometry. Learners, who had not been introduced to specific concepts, such as concurrency, equidistant, and so on, were interviewed using Sketchpad and their responses were analyzed. The research focused on a few aspects. It attempted to determine whether learners were able to use modeling to solve a given real world problem. It also attempted to establish whether learners developed a better understanding when using Sketchpad. Several useful implications have evolved from this work that may influence both the teaching and learning of geometry in school. Initially these learners showed that, to a large extent, they could not relate mathematics to the real world and vice versa. But a pertinent finding of this research showed that, with guidance, these learners could apply themselves creatively. Furthermore it reaffirmed the idea that learners can be taught from the general to the more specific, enabling them to develop a better understanding of concepts being taught. Perhaps the findings and suggestions may be useful to pre-service and in-service educators, as well as curriculum developers

    It Is Not If, But When: Organizational and Leadership Recommendations for The Upcoming Demand for Expanded Dl Programs and Their Articulation

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    Within a policy climate that is permissive to Dual Language (DL) programs in California and within the social context of the ongoing gentrification of those programs, this case study explored the leadership and organizational structures required to expand DL programs beyond the elementary years. We asked: (1) What organizational arrangements may favor educational success in expanded K-12 pathways? (2) What leadership moves promote the development of cohesion and coherence within and across DL programs? Data collection included interviews, focus groups, and classroom observations with administrators, teachers, parents and students across all 8 DL schools in a large urban school district in California. The primary organizational issues that impacted the program's success were a lack of articulation, a problematic DL middle school experience, weak relational trust, and an absence of professional learning and collaboration opportunities. In anticipation of an increased DL program demand, recommendations based on social justice and programmatic coherence are offered and discussed
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