6 research outputs found

    Universal Address Sequence Generator for Memory Built-in Self-test

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    This paper presents the universal ad-dress sequence generator (UASG) for memorybuilt-in-self-test. The studies are based on the proposed universal method for generating address se-quences with the desired properties for multirun march memory tests. As a mathematical model, a modification of the recursive relation for quasi-random sequence generation is used. For this model, a structural diagram of the hardware implementation is given, of which the basis is a storage device for storing so-called direction numbers of the generation matrix. The form of the generation matrix determines the basic properties of the generated ad-dress sequences. The proposed UASG generates a wide spectrum of different address sequences, including the stand-ard ones, such as linear, address com-plement, gray code, worst-case gate delay, 2i, next address, and pseudoran-dom. Examples of the use of the pro-posed methods are considered. The result of the practical implementation of the UASG is presented, and the main characteristics are evaluated

    Learning validation in the european union policy-making: the case of social impact evaluation in the open resources project

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    Il presente elaborato indaga l’evoluzione del progetto pilota “Open RESOURCES” di Treviso analizzata in termini di innovazione sociale nel quadro di regolazione multilivello. Tale progetto rappresenta una risposta ai bisogni emergenti del territorio, coniugando l’esigenza lavorativa e abitativa dei rifugiati con quella dei giovani disoccupati locali che, in cambio di un lavoro di ristrutturazione e di efficientamento energetico nelle abitazioni private, potranno godere di un alloggio nelle stesse a titolo gratuito. In particolare, il fil rouge della tesi è la validazione degli apprendimenti nel policy making dell’Unione Europea. L’obiettivo generale dell’elaborato è quello di affermare che, nell’innovazione sociale, un apprendimento validato, continuo e collettivo, assicura risultati significativi per tutti i beneficiari del progetto, diretti e indiretti, diventando inoltre un’opportunità positiva per il livello di regolazione europeo. L’emersione a livello comunitario della pratica in via di sperimentazione a Treviso garantirebbe una serie di rilevanti vantaggi, quali: favorire l’attrazione di investimenti pubblici e privati; accrescere la scalabilità e la replicabilità dell’esperienza in una strategia solidale, sostenibile e intelligente; collegare top-down e bottom-up nel ciclo di policy; e di rinsaldare i principi di un’Europa Sociale attenta ai bisogni della popolazione. Per favorire tale processo, si offre una proposta di valutazione di impatto sociale incentrata sulla validazione degli apprendimenti. L’elaborazione segue le direttrici metodologiche di due approcci distinti: la Lean Startup di Eric Ries e il Collective Impact di John Kania e Mark Kramer. L’impianto valutativo è inteso divenire linguaggio comune a tutti gli stakeholder volto a conferire una maggiore visibilità e accrescere l’eventuale replicabilità e scalabilità del progetto, attirando possibili ulteriori partner ed aprendolo a forme di finanziamento derivanti dal Quadro Finanziario Pluriennale dell’Unione Europe

    Relationship Between Strategic Dexterity, Absorptive Capacity, and Competitive Advantage

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    Small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) manufacturing executives and managers are concerned with the rapid technological changes involving artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data. To compete in the global landscape, effectively managing digital and artificial intelligence changes among SME manufacturing executives and managers is critical for leaders to compete in 2023 and beyond. Grounded in the dynamic capabilities view theory, the purpose of this quantitative correlation study was to examine the relationship between strategic dexterity, absorptive capacity, and competitive advantage. The participants were 66 executives and managers of SME manufacturing organizations who use big data and analytics daily and agreed to complete the AI Analytics Survey Questionnaire using Wu et al.’s survey. The results of the multiple linear regression were significant F(2, 63) = 54.29, p \u3c .001, R2 = .63. In the final model, both predictors were significant: strategic dexterity (t = 2.48, p = .02, ß = .391) and absorptive capacity (t = 2.61, p = .01, ß = .439). A key recommendation is for SME manufacturing executives and managers to understand how to integrate, build, and orchestrate their strategic digital assets when implementing absorptive capacity strategies within their organization. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide SME manufacturing executives and managers with an understanding of how these technologies can be integrated into the future of data analytics and automation, the support towards a digital economy, and the social effects of artificial intelligence on the underserved and underrepresented groups

    Relationship Between Strategic Dexterity, Absorptive Capacity, and Competitive Advantage

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    Small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) manufacturing executives and managers are concerned with the rapid technological changes involving artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data. To compete in the global landscape, effectively managing digital and artificial intelligence changes among SME manufacturing executives and managers is critical for leaders to compete in 2023 and beyond. Grounded in the dynamic capabilities view theory, the purpose of this quantitative correlation study was to examine the relationship between strategic dexterity, absorptive capacity, and competitive advantage. The participants were 66 executives and managers of SME manufacturing organizations who use big data and analytics daily and agreed to complete the AI Analytics Survey Questionnaire using Wu et al.’s survey. The results of the multiple linear regression were significant F(2, 63) = 54.29, p \u3c .001, R2 = .63. In the final model, both predictors were significant: strategic dexterity (t = 2.48, p = .02, ß = .391) and absorptive capacity (t = 2.61, p = .01, ß = .439). A key recommendation is for SME manufacturing executives and managers to understand how to integrate, build, and orchestrate their strategic digital assets when implementing absorptive capacity strategies within their organization. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide SME manufacturing executives and managers with an understanding of how these technologies can be integrated into the future of data analytics and automation, the support towards a digital economy, and the social effects of artificial intelligence on the underserved and underrepresented groups

    A Malaysian private university's alumni and students' experiential learning process in an outdoor programme

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    The Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education has emphasised the importance of soft skills that higher learning institutions need to include in their curricula to graduate holistic, entrepreneurial and balanced students. Soft skills are usually taught through workshops conducted by instructors delivering the definitions and examples in a classroom setting. In this study “camp” refers to an outdoor experiential process experienced by the research participants. The research participants were selected by purposive sampling determined by their previous involvement as either camp participants and/or camp facilitators. Camp participants were those who had attended the camp without previous experience of this type of camp programme. Camp facilitators were those who had previously been camp participants and then facilitated the same camp programme more than once. The camps were held for a duration of three days and two nights. This study explores a camp programme repeated over the past 5 years utilising the same concepts and location. The main objective of this study was to gauge the camp participants’ and facilitators’ perceptions about their outdoor camp experiences in learning soft skills. The study employed phenomenography as the research methodology. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews. Interviews were carried out until the data reached a saturation point. The study found three variations of learning for how camp participants and facilitators learnt soft skills through the camp. A framework for a future soft skills development camp was created from the elements that emerged from the data. The conclusions and implications aim to contribute to the field of experiential education and its role in students' learning of soft skills in Malaysia and other countries

    Analysis of multibackground memory testing techniques

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    March tests are widely used in the process of RAM testing. This family of tests is very efficient in the case of simple faults such as stuck-at or transition faults. In the case of a complex fault model-such as pattern sensitive faults-their efficiency is not sufficient. Therefore we have to use other techniques to increase fault coverage for complex faults. Multibackground memory testing is one of such techniques. In this case a selected March test is run many times. Each time it is run with new initial conditions. One of the conditions which we can change is the initial memory background. In this paper we compare the efficiency of multibackground tests based on four different algorithms of background generation