60,101 research outputs found

    Relasi antara Prinsip Visual Barat dan Fengshui pada Desain Logo

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    Nowadays, the integrations between Western principles of visual art with principles of Feng Shui in logo designs can easily be found in Indonesia. Principles of Feng Shui, often called as Feng Sui or Hong Sui, is an ancient Chinese way of thinking that emphasize in environment organization. Principles of Feng Shui's four key points are to produce a positive Qi energy, to maintain stability among Yin and Yang, to produce a productive cycle Wu Xing (Five Elements), and to represent the symbolism from Chinese culture. The purpose of this research is to establish an understanding on the relationship between Western principles of visual art and principles of Feng Shui in logo designs, like the similarities on the way of reading logo as well as the differences. Logo designs were analyzed, described, and explained using Western principles of visual art and principles of Feng Shui's four key points into three sections, which are visual elements, logo composition, and logo interpretation. This research used the qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data were collected through several methods, such as interviews and literature reviews. The four stages of analysis procedure are description, formal analysis, interpretation, and evaluation or judgement. Upon completion, there are three findings. First, the way of reading a logo design using the Western principles of visual art is simpler and straightforward than the principles of Feng Shui. Second, several relationships among the two principles were found in visual elements, logo composition, and logo interpretation. Third, the integrations between Western principles of visual art with principles of Feng Shui in a logo design represents its ideologies as well as the 'shield' to protect the company from any harm

    Kajian Gaya Hipster dalam Logo

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    Hipster logo is popular through online interaction among designers. The theme hipster which refers to modernizing old stuffs is becoming a trending logo design style in 2012. Through structural analysis on 12 confirmed logos as hipster logo, this study will depict the significant graphic elements of hipster logo. This study is conducted to identify what makes a logo called hipster logo. This study will also explain the reasons of certain graphic elements works as iconic visual elements of hipster logo. Through structural analysis, this study finds that circular shape, X symbol or X composition of icons, monogram colors, and sans serif type lettermarks are the basic ingredients in making hipster logo. Those graphic elements then added with certain icons such as triangle, 'estimated' or similar texts, and several images which represent activities or things in 1800s will create a perfect hipster logo. But in the end, it is not the trend or style hype which makes a logo will be remembered, but the shared value between company and its logo is


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    Abstract‘The Visual Element Analysis of Chiki Snack Packaging’. Packaging designgraphic elements that differ between products allegedly have differentmarketing purposes. It is interesting authors to analyze graphical elements onthe packaging chiki. Analysis includes elements that differ in packaging design.Designed packaging there are several elements that influence consumers to takeaction that is expected by manufacturers such as color, shape, brand or logo,illustration, typography, and layout. With the election of good packaging designelements and according to the nature of the product can affect potentialcustomers in choosing what products they will buy. In this paper there is anexplanation of packaging design factors, and some examples of good packagingcriteria, and therefore I took the theme "visual Elements Analysis Of PackagingChiki Snack".Abstrak‘Analisis Elemen Visual Kemasan Chiki Snack’. Elemen grafis desainkemasan yang berbeda antara produk disinyalir mempunyai tujuanpemasaran yang berbeda pula. Hal ini menarik penulis untukmenganalisa elemen-elemen grafis pada kemasan chiki. Analisameliputi elemen apa saja yang berbeda dalam desain kemasan. Didesainkemasan terdapat beberapa unsur yang mempengaruhi konsumenuntuk melakukan tindakan yang diharapkan oleh produsen, sepertiwarna, bentuk, merek atau logo, ilustrasi, tipografi, dan tata letak.Dengan adanya pemilihan unsur desain kemasan yang baik dan sesuaidengan sifat produk tersebut dapat mempengaruhi para calonkonsumen dalam memilih produk apa yang mereka akan beli. Dalamjurnal ini terdapat penjelasan faktor-faktor desain kemasan, danbeberapa contoh kriteria kemasan yang baik, maka dari itu sayamengambil tema “Analisis Elemen Visual Kemasan Chiki Snack”

    Logo sebagai Media Komunikasi Teknologi Analisis Semiotika pada Logo Meta

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    The Meta logo as a social media company icon has its own uniqueness, namely a two-dimensional and three-dimensional format in one object that seems to move. The Meta logo becomes an interesting object to be studied in a semiotic manner because it is an indirect communication medium. This study uses interpretive qualitative methods by utilizing data collection techniques through documentation, and data analysis through visual and semiotic analysis. The result is that the Meta logo applies several design elements, namely elements of color, line, shape, and chroma. This logo has an implicit meaning in some of its elements. The conclusion is that denotatively the Meta logo still uses the initial color element, namely blue as its trademark. In the line element, this logo is formed from two types of lines, namely straight lines formed diagonally and curved lines. The interesting thing about this Meta logo is the application of shape elements that are symbolic, numbers, and alphabetical. The chroma contained in the color of this logo is formed from the same two-color pigments with different lighting intensities, namely the intensity of the strong blue color and the intensity of the weak blue color. Connotatively, the Meta logo means calm, trust, loyalty, communication, technology, firmness, flexibility, and sustainability.Logo Meta sebagai ikon perusahaan media sosial memiliki keunikan tersendiri, yaitu format dua dimensi dan tiga dimensi dalam satu objek yang terkesan bergerak. Logo Meta menjadi objek yang menarik untuk dikaji secara simeotik karena menjadi media komunikasi secara tidak langsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif interpretatif dengan memanfaatkan teknik pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi, dan analisis data melalui analisis visual dan semiotika. Hasilnya adalah logo Meta menerapkan beberapa unsur desain yaitu unsur warna, garis, shape, dan khroma. Logo ini memiliki makna secara implisit pada beberapa unsurnya. Kesimpulannya adalah secara denotatif logo Meta tetap menggunakan unsur warna awal yaitu warna biru sebagai ciri khasnya. Pada unsur garis, logo ini terbentuk dari dua jenis garis yaitu garis lurus yang dibentuk secara diagonal dan garis lengkung. Hal yang menarik dari logo Meta ini adalah penerapan unsur shape yang bersifat simbolis, nomor, dan alphabetical. Khroma yang terdapat pada warna logo ini terbentuk dari pigmen dua jenis warna yang sama dengan intessitas pencahayaan yang berbeda yaitu intensitas warna biru kuat dan intensitas warna biru lemah. Secara konotatif logo Meta mengandung makna tenang, kepercayaan, loyalitas, komunikatif, teknologi, ketegasan, fleksibelitas, dan keberlanjutan

    The role of logo design in creating brand emotion: A semiotic comparison of the Apple and IBM logos

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Industrial Design, Izmir, 2006Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 111-122)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishix, 117 leavesThis thesis explains the role of logo design in creating brand emotion as a comparative analysis of Apple and IBM using the semiotic theory of Charles Morris.These research reports the results of the comparisons, and in the light of the results reaches conclusions about the emotional value of a logo to a company and the way it affects their consumers. The visual sign elements of IBM.s monochromatic, straight, striped-block letters versus Apple.s rainbow coloured, rounded, and partially bitten apple have been compared syntactically, semantically, and pragmatically. A well designed emotional logo becomes a visual shorthand for the meanings attached to it, and therefore it influences consumers to be receptive to the brand message and effects consumers emotionally, making them exhibit extreme loyalty to the brand. They invoke emotion and brand not only the company, but the customer as well. This thesis, using semiotics, shows the importance of designing logos to create an emotional, even subconscious, connection with consumers

    Perceived Aesthetics Visual Design Elements Of A Packaging Design: A Preliminary Study

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    In this paper, an introduction to review of literatures on aesthetics that concern on the visual design elements. Several aspects are discussed: the visual design elements and the aesthetics values through product aesthetic evaluation. In a theoretical approach, qualitative method has been applied at this preliminary stage. Prior to previous studies, this paper implements the method of reviewing content analysis, interviews and actual survey and observations, whereas stimuli are in the consideration for future analysis. A set of survey items have been identified for evaluation purposes for future recordings. Referring to previous studies, it has evidently presented that packaging attributes and aesthetic design elements have a great influence towards the consumers. Identification of the visual design elements are incorporating best to ensemble the cultural values such as graphics and sizes, the shape, colors, illustration, logo and brand name, typography, pattern, decorations and other product facts. An evaluation towards aesthetic upon those elements resulting as a symbolic value inclusive of the packaging features such as shape and materials which have been found out to be informative (Becker, van Rompay, Schifferstein, & Galetzka, 2011). However, understanding between the theory and aesthetic judgment may progress to new findings in which are applicable in designing a packaging design prototype and would be seen as new design directions for SMEs food packaging in particularly in Malaysia. According to Desmet & Hekkert (2007), being an integrated discipline that requires aesthetic, marketing, ergonomic and engineering skills, which occur within type of multidisciplinary; it projects design research as a special subject. New concepts have been introduced in addition to adopting new concepts from other disciplines of design research in which may stimulate new design direction

    Visual identity and information transfer

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    U radu se obrađuje uloga vizualnog identiteta u procesu prijenosa informacija putem medija. Sadržaj rada obuhvaća analizu uloge vizualnog identiteta u komunikaciji s promatračima i potrošačima. Posebno su obrađeni sastavni elementi vizualnog identiteta - logo, boja i tipografija. Kroz primjere, pokazuje se utjecaj kvalitetnog dizajna, ali i zastarjelog dizajna, utjecaj boje na percepciju i na tisak te utjecaj tipografije na sveopći dojam vizualnog identiteta. U projektnom radu izrađen je logo Odsjeka za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti sastavljen od navedenih elemenata koji se korist za izradu dizajna vizualnog identiteta za Odsjek za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Logo je integriran u predloške posjetnice, memoranduma i koverte tako da sastavni elementi prenose informacije o Odsjeku u cjelini.This thesis deals with the process of transferring information through visual identity media. The content of the work encompasses the visual identity and its role in communicating with observers and consumers, the analysis of elements of visual identity, which include logo, color, and typography as three basic components. Through examples, the influence of highquality design, but also obsolete design, the influence of color on perception and printing, and the influence of typography on the overall impression of visual identity are shown. In the end, these elements are used for the visual identity design that would belong to the Department of Information and Communication Science, and the way in which these elements transmit information about the department when they are merged is considered

    The Impact of Logo Design Towards Customer’s Brand Image Perception: A Research of Logo Shapes And Colors in The Hotel Industry

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    Brand image is how a brand perceived by the customer. The brand image perception shaped by certain attributes of the company that has been delivered through Corporate Visual Identity (CVI). CVI is a visible elements of a brand, often regarded as one aspect that creates company’s image through logo or symbol. The purpose of this research was to determine the significant impact between shapes and colors used in logo design and customers’ brand perception in hotel industry. This research was done with quantitative method where the data was primarily collected through distributing the questionnaires. The data collecting process involves 100 respondents who reside in the Greater Jakarta Area. Multiple regression analysis in SPSS version 21.0 was used to analyze the data. The result of this research showed that both shapes and colors used in the logo have strong impact on how brand image perceived by the customers. Shapes of the logo influence the brand image perception with a percentage of 92.5%, while colors affect the brand image perception with a percentage of 92.4%. Based on the result, it can be concluded that applying certain shapes and colors in the logo design can help hotel industry to enhance the desired brand image and create a strong brand positioning in the market.

    Brand logo and brand gender : how brand logo elements influence brand gender perceptions and affect towards the logo

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    Brands, as humans, may be different when it comes to their personality. Among the several traits building brand personality, brand gender is one of the most critical ones. Brand logos, as the primary design elements of a brand and as a critical communication cues, may significantly influence brand gender perceptions. With this research, we aim to examine how different brand logo design elements, more specifically the naturalness of logo design (organic and cultural designs), logo shape (angular and rounded), logo boldness (heavier and slender) and colour hue (light pink and dark blue) influence brand gender perceptions and, if, ultimately, brand-design-induced gender perceptions lead to positive affect towards the logo. First, an in-depth literature review is presented, where the variables analysed in this study are discussed. Based on this literature reviews, a research model was developed and research hypotheses were formulated. Subsequently, to investigate these topics, a quantitative research was held through an online survey. This relied on a sample of unknown and manipulated logos, used as stimuli for the analysis. This study counted with a total of 357 completed surveys, to a range of 32 manipulated logos. Results suggest that logo design elements significantly evoke brand gender perceptions, when properly combined and that affect towards the logo is enhanced by the congruence between the consumer perceived gender and the logo perceived gender, in the masculine gender perception.À semelhança dos seres humanos, as marcas possuem personalidade, o que as carateriza como únicas. A personalidade da marca é constituída por diversos subconstrutos, sendo o género da marca um dos mais relevantes. Como primordial elemento visual de uma marca, ocupando uma posição de destaque no que diz respondei à estratégia de branding, o logótipo de uma marca possui, segundo a literatura, a capacidade de influenciar as perceções do género da marca. Com este estudo, pretendemos analisar a relação entres alguns elementos fundamentais do design do logótipo e a perceção de género da marca, e verificar se as perceções de género induzidas pelo design do logótipo levam a um afeto mais positivo para com a marca detentora desse logótipo. Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise crítica da revisão da literatura, onde as variáveis do estudo são detalhadamente analisadas. Com base nessa revisão da literatura, é apresentado um modelo de investigação e são formuladas hipóteses. De modo a confirmar essas hipóteses e responder, assim, às questões de investigação, é desenvolvido um estudo quantitativo. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um inquérito online. Um total de 32 logótipos foram utilizados como estímulo e analisados por 357 inquiridos. Os resultados demonstram que combinações adequadas de elementos de design do logótipo invocam, positivamente, perceções de género da marca. Adicionalmente, concluímos que o resultado da congruência entre o género percebido do logótipo e do consumidor se trata de um maior afeto do consumidor para com o logótipo