6,205 research outputs found

    An Information-Theoretic Framework for Consistency Maintenance in Distributed Interactive Applications

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    Distributed Interactive Applications (DIAs) enable geographically dispersed users to interact with each other in a virtual environment. A key factor to the success of a DIA is the maintenance of a consistent view of the shared virtual world for all the participants. However, maintaining consistent states in DIAs is difficult under real networks. State changes communicated by messages over such networks suffer latency leading to inconsistency across the application. Predictive Contract Mechanisms (PCMs) combat this problem through reducing the number of messages transmitted in return for perceptually tolerable inconsistency. This thesis examines the operation of PCMs using concepts and methods derived from information theory. This information theory perspective results in a novel information model of PCMs that quantifies and analyzes the efficiency of such methods in communicating the reduced state information, and a new adaptive multiple-model-based framework for improving consistency in DIAs. The first part of this thesis introduces information measurements of user behavior in DIAs and formalizes the information model for PCM operation. In presenting the information model, the statistical dependence in the entity state, which makes using extrapolation models to predict future user behavior possible, is evaluated. The efficiency of a PCM to exploit such predictability to reduce the amount of network resources required to maintain consistency is also investigated. It is demonstrated that from the information theory perspective, PCMs can be interpreted as a form of information reduction and compression. The second part of this thesis proposes an Information-Based Dynamic Extrapolation Model for dynamically selecting between extrapolation algorithms based on information evaluation and inferred network conditions. This model adapts PCM configurations to both user behavior and network conditions, and makes the most information-efficient use of the available network resources. In doing so, it improves PCM performance and consistency in DIAs

    A latency-aware max-min algorithm for resource allocation in cloud

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    Cloud computing is an emerging distributed computing paradigm. However, it requires certain initiatives that need to be tailored for the cloud environment such as the provision of an on-the-fly mechanism for providing resource availability based on the rapidly changing demands of the customers. Although, resource allocation is an important problem and has been widely studied, there are certain criteria that need to be considered. These criteria include meeting user’s quality of service (QoS) requirements. High QoS can be guaranteed only if resources are allocated in an optimal manner. This paper proposes a latency-aware max-min algorithm (LAM) for allocation of resources in cloud infrastructures. The proposed algorithm was designed to address challenges associated with resource allocation such as variations in user demands and on-demand access to unlimited resources. It is capable of allocating resources in a cloud-based environment with the target of enhancing infrastructure-level performance and maximization of profits with the optimum allocation of resources. A priority value is also associated with each user, which is calculated by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results validate the superiority for LAM due to better performance in comparison to other state-of-the-art algorithms with flexibility in resource allocation for fluctuating resource demand patterns

    Terrestrial monitoring of a radio telescope reference point using comprehensive uncertainty budgeting

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    During the 15-day-long global very long baseline interferometry campaign CONT14, a terrestrial monitoring campaign was carried out at the Onsala Space Observatory. The goal of these efforts was to monitor the reference point of the Onsala 20 m radio telescope during normal telescope operations. Parts of the local site network as well as a number of reflectors that were mounted on the 20 m radio telescope were observed in an automated and continual way using the in-house-developed software package HEIMDALL. The analysis of the observed data was performed using a new concept for a coordinate-based network adjustment to allow the full adjustment process in a true Cartesian global reference frame. The Akaike Information Criterion was used to select the preferable functional model for the network adjustment. The comprehensive stochastic model of this network adjustment process considers over 25 parameters, and, to describe the persistence of the observations performed during the monitoring with a very high measurement frequency, includes also time-dependent covariances. In total 15 individual solutions for the radio telescope reference point were derived, based on monitoring observations during the normal operation of the radio telescope. Since the radio telescope was moving continually, the influence of timing errors was studied and considered in the adjustment process. Finally, recursive filter techniques were introduced to combine the 15 individual solutions. Accuracies at the sub-millimeter level could be achieved for the radio telescope reference point. Thus, the presented monitoring concept fulfills the requirement proposed by the global geodetic observing system

    Dynamic data placement and discovery in wide-area networks

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    The workloads of online services and applications such as social networks, sensor data platforms and web search engines have become increasingly global and dynamic, setting new challenges to providing users with low latency access to data. To achieve this, these services typically leverage a multi-site wide-area networked infrastructure. Data access latency in such an infrastructure depends on the network paths between users and data, which is determined by the data placement and discovery strategies. Current strategies are static, which offer low latencies upon deployment but worse performance under a dynamic workload. We propose dynamic data placement and discovery strategies for wide-area networked infrastructures, which adapt to the data access workload. We achieve this with data activity correlation (DAC), an application-agnostic approach for determining the correlations between data items based on access pattern similarities. By dynamically clustering data according to DAC, network traffic in clusters is kept local. We utilise DAC as a key component in reducing access latencies for two application scenarios, emphasising different aspects of the problem: The first scenario assumes the fixed placement of data at sites, and thus focusses on data discovery. This is the case for a global sensor discovery platform, which aims to provide low latency discovery of sensor metadata. We present a self-organising hierarchical infrastructure consisting of multiple DAC clusters, maintained with an online and distributed split-and-merge algorithm. This reduces the number of sites visited, and thus latency, during discovery for a variety of workloads. The second scenario focusses on data placement. This is the case for global online services that leverage a multi-data centre deployment to provide users with low latency access to data. We present a geo-dynamic partitioning middleware, which maintains DAC clusters with an online elastic partition algorithm. It supports the geo-aware placement of partitions across data centres according to the workload. This provides globally distributed users with low latency access to data for static and dynamic workloads.Open Acces

    Designing Scalable Mechanisms for Geo-Distributed Platform Services in the Presence of Client Mobility

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    Situation-awareness applications require low-latency response and high network bandwidth, hence benefiting from geo-distributed Edge infrastructures. The developers of these applications typically rely on several platform services, such as Kubernetes, Apache Cassandra and Pulsar, for managing their compute and data components across the geo-distributed Edge infrastructure. Situation-awareness applications impose peculiar requirements on the compute and data placement policies of the platform services. Firstly, the processing logic of these applications is closely tied to the physical environment that it is interacting with. Hence, the access pattern to compute and data exhibits strong spatial affinity. Secondly, the network topology of Edge infrastructure is heterogeneous, wherein communication latency forms a significant portion of the end-to-end compute and data access latency. Therefore, the placement of compute and data components has to be cognizant of the spatial affinity and latency requirements of the applications. However, clients of situation-awareness applications, such as vehicles and drones, are typically mobile – making the compute and data access pattern dynamic and complicating the management of data and compute components. Constant changes in the network connectivity and spatial locality of clients due to client mobility results in making the current placement of compute and data components unsuitable for meeting the latency and spatial affinity requirements of the application. Constant client mobility necessitates that client location and latency offered by the platform services be continuously monitored to detect when application requirements are violated and to adapt the compute and data placement. The control and monitoring modules of off-the-shelf platform services do not have the necessary primitives to incorporate spatial affinity and network topology awareness into their compute and data placement policies. The spatial location of clients is not considered as an input for decision- making in their control modules. Furthermore, they do not perform fine-grained end-to-end monitoring of observed latency to detect and adapt to performance degradations due to client mobility. This dissertation presents three mechanisms that inform the compute and data placement policies of platform services, so that application requirements can be met. M1: Dynamic Spatial Context Management for system entities – clients and data and compute components – to ensure spatial affinity requirements are satisfied. M2: Network Proximity Estimation to provide topology-awareness to the data and compute placement policies of platform services. M3: End-to-End Latency Monitoring to enable collection, aggregation and analysis of per-application metrics in a geo-distributed manner to provide end-to-end insights into application performance. The thesis of our work is that the aforementioned mechanisms are fundamental building blocks for the compute and data management policies of platform services, and that by incorporating them, platform services can meet application requirements at the Edge. Furthermore, the proposed mechanisms can be implemented in a way that offers high scalability to handle high levels of client activity. We demonstrate by construction the efficacy and scalability of the proposed mechanisms for building dynamic compute and data orchestration policies by incorporating them in the control and monitoring modules of three different platform services. Specifically, we incorporate these mechanisms into a topic-based publish-subscribe system (ePulsar), an application orchestration platform (OneEdge), and a key-value store (FogStore). We conduct extensive performance evaluation of these enhanced platform services to showcase how the new mechanisms aid in dynamically adapting the compute/data orchestration decisions to satisfy performance requirements of applicationsPh.D

    Mobiilse värkvõrgu protsessihaldus

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    Värkvõrk, ehk Asjade Internet (Internet of Things, lüh IoT) edendab lahendusi nagu nn tark linn, kus meid igapäevaselt ümbritsevad objektid on ühendatud infosüsteemidega ja ka üksteisega. Selliseks näiteks võib olla teekatete seisukorra monitoorimissüsteem. Võrku ühendatud sõidukitelt (nt bussidelt) kogutakse videomaterjali, mida seejärel töödeldakse, et tuvastada löökauke või lume kogunemist. Tavaliselt hõlmab selline lahendus keeruka tsentraalse süsteemi ehitamist. Otsuste langetamiseks (nt milliseid sõidukeid parasjagu protsessi kaasata) vajab keskne süsteem pidevat ühendust kõigi IoT seadmetega. Seadmete hulga kasvades võib keskne lahendus aga muutuda pudelikaelaks. Selliste protsesside disaini, haldust, automatiseerimist ja seiret hõlbustavad märkimisväärselt äriprotsesside halduse (Business Process Management, lüh BPM) valdkonna standardid ja tööriistad. Paraku ei ole BPM tehnoloogiad koheselt kasutatavad uute paradigmadega nagu Udu- ja Servaarvutus, mis tuleviku värkvõrgu jaoks vajalikud on. Nende puhul liigub suur osa otsustustest ja arvutustest üksikutest andmekeskustest servavõrgu seadmetele, mis asuvad lõppkasutajatele ja IoT seadmetele lähemal. Videotöötlust võiks teostada mini-andmekeskustes, mis on paigaldatud üle linna, näiteks bussipeatustesse. Arvestades IoT seadmete üha suurenevat hulka, vähendab selline koormuse jaotamine vähendab riski, et tsentraalne andmekeskust ülekoormamist. Doktoritöö uurib, kuidas mobiilsusega seonduvaid IoT protsesse taoliselt ümber korraldada, kohanedes pidevalt muutlikule, liikuvate seadmetega täidetud servavõrgule. Nimelt on ühendused katkendlikud, mistõttu otsuste langetus ja planeerimine peavad arvestama muuhulgas mobiilseadmete liikumistrajektoore. Töö raames valminud prototüüpe testiti Android seadmetel ja simulatsioonides. Lisaks valmis tööriistakomplekt STEP-ONE, mis võimaldab teadlastel hõlpsalt simuleerida ja analüüsida taolisi probleeme erinevais realistlikes stsenaariumites nagu seda on tark linn.The Internet of Things (IoT) promotes solutions such as a smart city, where everyday objects connect with info systems and each other. One example is a road condition monitoring system, where connected vehicles, such as buses, capture video, which is then processed to detect potholes and snow build-up. Building such a solution typically involves establishing a complex centralised system. The centralised approach may become a bottleneck as the number of IoT devices keeps growing. It relies on constant connectivity to all involved devices to make decisions, such as which vehicles to involve in the process. Designing, automating, managing, and monitoring such processes can greatly be supported using the standards and software systems provided by the field of Business Process Management (BPM). However, BPM techniques are not directly applicable to new computing paradigms, such as Fog Computing and Edge Computing, on which the future of IoT relies. Here, a lot of decision-making and processing is moved from central data-centers to devices in the network edge, near the end-users and IoT sensors. For example, video could be processed in mini-datacenters deployed throughout the city, e.g., at bus stops. This load distribution reduces the risk of the ever-growing number of IoT devices overloading the data center. This thesis studies how to reorganise the process execution in this decentralised fashion, where processes must dynamically adapt to the volatile edge environment filled with moving devices. Namely, connectivity is intermittent, so decision-making and planning need to involve factors such as the movement trajectories of mobile devices. We examined this issue in simulations and with a prototype for Android smartphones. We also showcase the STEP-ONE toolset, allowing researchers to conveniently simulate and analyse these issues in different realistic scenarios, such as those in a smart city.  https://www.ester.ee/record=b552551