1,247 research outputs found

    Metamorphic Code Generation from LLVM IR Bytecode

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    Metamorphic software changes its internal structure across generations with its functionality remaining unchanged. Metamorphism has been employed by malware writers as a means of evading signature detection and other advanced detection strate- gies. However, code morphing also has potential security benefits, since it increases the “genetic diversity” of software. In this research, we have created a metamorphic code generator within the LLVM compiler framework. LLVM is a three-phase compiler that supports multiple source languages and target architectures. It uses a common intermediate representation (IR) bytecode in its optimizer. Consequently, any supported high-level programming language can be transformed to this IR bytecode as part of the LLVM compila- tion process. Our metamorphic generator functions at the IR bytecode level, which provides many advantages over previously developed metamorphic generators. The morphing techniques that we employ include dead code insertion—where the dead code is actually executed within the morphed code—and subroutine permutation. We have tested the effectiveness of our code morphing using hidden Markov model analysis

    Detecting Encrypted Malware Using Hidden Markov Models

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    Encrypted code is often present in some types of advanced malware, while such code virtually never appears in legitimate applications. Hence, the presence of encrypted code within an executable file could serve as a strong heuristic for detecting malware. In this research, we consider the feasibility of detecting encrypted code using hidden Markov models

    Analyzing Social and Stylometric Features to Identify Spear phishing Emails

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    Spear phishing is a complex targeted attack in which, an attacker harvests information about the victim prior to the attack. This information is then used to create sophisticated, genuine-looking attack vectors, drawing the victim to compromise confidential information. What makes spear phishing different, and more powerful than normal phishing, is this contextual information about the victim. Online social media services can be one such source for gathering vital information about an individual. In this paper, we characterize and examine a true positive dataset of spear phishing, spam, and normal phishing emails from Symantec's enterprise email scanning service. We then present a model to detect spear phishing emails sent to employees of 14 international organizations, by using social features extracted from LinkedIn. Our dataset consists of 4,742 targeted attack emails sent to 2,434 victims, and 9,353 non targeted attack emails sent to 5,912 non victims; and publicly available information from their LinkedIn profiles. We applied various machine learning algorithms to this labeled data, and achieved an overall maximum accuracy of 97.76% in identifying spear phishing emails. We used a combination of social features from LinkedIn profiles, and stylometric features extracted from email subjects, bodies, and attachments. However, we achieved a slightly better accuracy of 98.28% without the social features. Our analysis revealed that social features extracted from LinkedIn do not help in identifying spear phishing emails. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first attempts to make use of a combination of stylometric features extracted from emails, and social features extracted from an online social network to detect targeted spear phishing emails.Comment: Detection of spear phishing using social media feature

    Static malware detection Using Stacked BiLSTM and GPT-2

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    In recent years, cyber threats and malicious software attacks have been escalated on various platforms. Therefore, it has become essential to develop automated machine learning methods for defending against malware. In the present study, we propose stacked bidirectional long short-term memory (Stacked BiLSTM) and generative pre-trained transformer based (GPT-2) deep learning language models for detecting malicious code. We developed language models using assembly instructions extracted from .text sections of malicious and benign Portable Executable (PE) files. We treated each instruction as a sentence and each .text section as a document. We also labeled each sentence and document as benign or malicious, according to the file source. We created three datasets from those sentences and documents. The first dataset, composed of documents, was fed into a Document Level Analysis Model (DLAM) based on Stacked BiLSTM. The second dataset, composed of sentences, was used in Sentence Level Analysis Models (SLAMs) based on Stacked BiLSTM and DistilBERT, Domain Specific Language Model GPT-2 (DSLM-GPT2), and General Language Model GPT-2 (GLM-GPT2). Lastly, we merged all assembly instructions without labels for creating the third dataset; then we fed a custom pre-trained model with it. We then compared malware detection performances. The results showed that the pre-trained model improved the DSLM-GPT2 and GLM-GPT2 detection performance. The experiments showed that the DLAM, the SLAM based on DistilBERT, the DSLM-GPT2, and the GLM-GPT2 achieved 98.3%, 70.4%, 86.0%, and 76.2% F1 scores, respectively

    MalDetConv: Automated Behaviour-based Malware Detection Framework Based on Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning Techniques

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    The popularity of Windows attracts the attention of hackers/cyber-attackers, making Windows devices the primary target of malware attacks in recent years. Several sophisticated malware variants and anti-detection methods have been significantly enhanced and as a result, traditional malware detection techniques have become less effective. This work presents MalBehavD-V1, a new behavioural dataset of Windows Application Programming Interface (API) calls extracted from benign and malware executable files using the dynamic analysis approach. In addition, we present MalDetConV, a new automated behaviour-based framework for detecting both existing and zero-day malware attacks. MalDetConv uses a text processing-based encoder to transform features of API calls into a suitable format supported by deep learning models. It then uses a hybrid of convolutional neural network (CNN) and bidirectional gated recurrent unit (CNN-BiGRU) automatic feature extractor to select high-level features of the API Calls which are then fed to a fully connected neural network module for malware classification. MalDetConv also uses an explainable component that reveals features that contributed to the final classification outcome, helping the decision-making process for security analysts. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated using our MalBehavD-V1 dataset and other benchmark datasets. The detection results demonstrate the effectiveness of MalDetConv over the state-of-the-art techniques with detection accuracy of 96.10%, 95.73%, 98.18%, and 99.93% achieved while detecting unseen malware from MalBehavD-V1, Allan and John, Brazilian, and Ki-D datasets, respectively. The experimental results show that MalDetConv is highly accurate in detecting both known and zero-day malware attacks on Windows devices
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