36,985 research outputs found

    Smell's puzzling discrepancy: Gifted discrimination, yet pitiful identification

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    Mind &Language, Volume 35, Issue 1, Page 90-114, February 2020

    Information Extraction, Data Integration, and Uncertain Data Management: The State of The Art

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    Information Extraction, data Integration, and uncertain data management are different areas of research that got vast focus in the last two decades. Many researches tackled those areas of research individually. However, information extraction systems should have integrated with data integration methods to make use of the extracted information. Handling uncertainty in extraction and integration process is an important issue to enhance the quality of the data in such integrated systems. This article presents the state of the art of the mentioned areas of research and shows the common grounds and how to integrate information extraction and data integration under uncertainty management cover

    Verb similarity: comparing corpus and psycholinguistic data

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    Similarity, which plays a key role in fields like cognitive science, psycholinguistics and natural language processing, is a broad and multifaceted concept. In this work we analyse how two approaches that belong to different perspectives, the corpus view and the psycholinguistic view, articulate similarity between verb senses in Spanish. Specifically, we compare the similarity between verb senses based on their argument structure, which is captured through semantic roles, with their similarity defined by word associations. We address the question of whether verb argument structure, which reflects the expression of the events, and word associations, which are related to the speakers' organization of the mental lexicon, shape similarity between verbs in a congruent manner, a topic which has not been explored previously. While we find significant correlations between verb sense similarities obtained from these two approaches, our findings also highlight some discrepancies between them and the importance of the degree of abstraction of the corpus annotation and psycholinguistic representations.La similitud, que desempeña un papel clave en campos como la ciencia cognitiva, la psicolingĂŒĂ­stica y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural, es un concepto amplio y multifacĂ©tico. En este trabajo analizamos cĂłmo dos enfoques que pertenecen a diferentes perspectivas, la visiĂłn del corpus y la visiĂłn psicolingĂŒĂ­stica, articulan la semejanza entre los sentidos verbales en español. EspecĂ­ficamente, comparamos la similitud entre los sentidos verbales basados en su estructura argumental, que se capta a travĂ©s de roles semĂĄnticos, con su similitud definida por las asociaciones de palabras. Abordamos la cuestiĂłn de si la estructura del argumento verbal, que refleja la expresiĂłn de los acontecimientos, y las asociaciones de palabras, que estĂĄn relacionadas con la organizaciĂłn de los hablantes del lĂ©xico mental, forman similitud entre los verbos de una manera congruente, un tema que no ha sido explorado previamente. Mientras que encontramos correlaciones significativas entre las similitudes de los sentidos verbales obtenidas de estos dos enfoques, nuestros hallazgos tambiĂ©n resaltan algunas discrepancias entre ellos y la importancia del grado de abstracciĂłn de la anotaciĂłn del corpus y las representaciones psicolingĂŒĂ­sticas.La similitud, que exerceix un paper clau en camps com la ciĂšncia cognitiva, la psicolingĂŒĂ­stica i el processament del llenguatge natural, Ă©s un concepte ampli i multifacĂštic. En aquest treball analitzem com dos enfocaments que pertanyen a diferents perspectives, la visiĂł del corpus i la visiĂł psicolingĂŒĂ­stica, articulen la semblança entre els sentits verbals en espanyol. EspecĂ­ficament, comparem la similitud entre els sentits verbals basats en la seva estructura argumental, que es capta a travĂ©s de rols semĂ ntics, amb la seva similitud definida per les associacions de paraules. Abordem la qĂŒestiĂł de si l'estructura de l'argument verbal, que reflecteix l'expressiĂł dels esdeveniments, i les associacions de paraules, que estan relacionades amb l'organitzaciĂł dels parlants del lĂšxic mental, formen similitud entre els verbs d'una manera congruent, un tema que no ha estat explorat prĂšviament. Mentre que trobem correlacions significatives entre les similituds dels sentits verbals obtingudes d'aquests dos enfocaments, les nostres troballes tambĂ© ressalten algunes discrepĂ ncies entre ells i la importĂ ncia del grau d'abstracciĂł de l'anotaciĂł del corpus i les representacions psicolingĂŒĂ­stiques

    LAF-Fabric: a data analysis tool for Linguistic Annotation Framework with an application to the Hebrew Bible

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    The Linguistic Annotation Framework (LAF) provides a general, extensible stand-off markup system for corpora. This paper discusses LAF-Fabric, a new tool to analyse LAF resources in general with an extension to process the Hebrew Bible in particular. We first walk through the history of the Hebrew Bible as text database in decennium-wide steps. Then we describe how LAF-Fabric may serve as an analysis tool for this corpus. Finally, we describe three analytic projects/workflows that benefit from the new LAF representation: 1) the study of linguistic variation: extract cooccurrence data of common nouns between the books of the Bible (Martijn Naaijer); 2) the study of the grammar of Hebrew poetry in the Psalms: extract clause typology (Gino Kalkman); 3) construction of a parser of classical Hebrew by Data Oriented Parsing: generate tree structures from the database (Andreas van Cranenburgh)

    Lexical Flexibility, Natural Language, and Ontology

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    The Realist that investigates questions of ontology by appeal to the quantificational structure of language assumes that the semantics for the privileged language of ontology is externalist. I argue that such a language cannot be (some variant of) a natural language, as some Realists propose. The flexibility exhibited by natural language expressions noted by Chomsky and others cannot obviously be characterized by the rigid models available to the externalist. If natural languages are hostile to externalist treatments, then the meanings of natural language expressions serve as poor guides for ontological investigation, insofar as their meanings will fail to determine the referents of their constituents. This undermines the Realist’s use of natural languages to settle disputes in metaphysics

    Graphene: Semantically-Linked Propositions in Open Information Extraction

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    We present an Open Information Extraction (IE) approach that uses a two-layered transformation stage consisting of a clausal disembedding layer and a phrasal disembedding layer, together with rhetorical relation identification. In that way, we convert sentences that present a complex linguistic structure into simplified, syntactically sound sentences, from which we can extract propositions that are represented in a two-layered hierarchy in the form of core relational tuples and accompanying contextual information which are semantically linked via rhetorical relations. In a comparative evaluation, we demonstrate that our reference implementation Graphene outperforms state-of-the-art Open IE systems in the construction of correct n-ary predicate-argument structures. Moreover, we show that existing Open IE approaches can benefit from the transformation process of our framework.Comment: 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018

    "Implicature-Laden" Elicitations in Talk Radio Shows

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    Indirect elicitations in talk radio programmes on BBC Radio are not uncommon, notwithstanding, misunderstanding between the host and his conversational partner is not frequent. Investigating some of the reasons this paper focuses on how the socio-cultural and cognitive factors of the context interweave in discourse. The author suggests that valid interpretation and appropriate response to inferred elicitations can be best explained within the framework of Relevance Theory, and more specifically, with the presumption of accessibility of schemas obtained from the cognitive environment of the discourse partners. Through examples of empirical research the paper aims to reveal how the mutual knowledge of the participants controls discourse via the mental processes occurring in the interaction of two minds

    Generative grammar

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    Generative Grammar is the label of the most influential research program in linguistics and related fields in the second half of the 20. century. Initiated by a short book, Noam Chomsky's Syntactic Structures (1957), it became one of the driving forces among the disciplines jointly called the cognitive sciences. The term generative grammar refers to an explicit, formal characterization of the (largely implicit) knowledge determining the formal aspect of all kinds of language behavior. The program had a strong mentalist orientation right from the beginning, documented e.g. in a fundamental critique of Skinner's Verbal behavior (1957) by Chomsky (1959), arguing that behaviorist stimulus-response-theories could in no way account for the complexities of ordinary language use. The "Generative Enterprise", as the program was called in 1982, went through a number of stages, each of which was accompanied by discussions of specific problems and consequences within the narrower domain of linguistics as well as the wider range of related fields, such as ontogenetic development, psychology of language use, or biological evolution. Four stages of the Generative Enterprise can be marked off for expository purposes
