8,269 research outputs found

    Complexity and Dynamics of Semi-Arid Vegetation Structure, Function and Diversity Across Spatial Scales from Full Waveform Lidar

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    Semi-arid ecosystems cover approximately 40% of the earth’s terrestrial landscape and show high dynamicity in ecosystem structure and function. These ecosystems play a critical role in global carbon dynamics, productivity, and habitat quality. Semi-arid ecosystems experience a high degree of disturbance that can severely alter ecosystem services and processes. Understanding the structure-function relationships across spatial extents are critical in order to assess their demography, response to disturbance, and for conservation management. In this research, using state-of-the-art full waveform lidar (airborne and spaceborne) and field observations, I developed a framework to assess the complexity and dynamics of vegetation structure, function and diversity across spatial scales in a semi-arid ecosystem. Difficulty in differentiating low stature vegetation from bare ground is the key remote sensing challenge in semi-arid ecosystems. In this study, I developed a workflow to differentiate key plant functional types (PFTs) using both structural and biophysical variables derived from the full waveform lidar and an ensemble random forest technique. The results revealed that waveform lidar pulse width can clearly distinguish shrubs from bare ground. The models showed PFT classification accuracy of 0.81–0.86% and 0.60–0.70% at 10 m and 1 m spatial resolutions, respectively. I found that structural variables were more important than the biophysical variables to differentiate the PFTs in this study area. The study further revealed an overlap between the structural features of different PFTs (e.g. shrubs from trees). Using structural features, I derived three main functional traits (canopy height, plant area index and foliage height diversity) of shrubs and trees that describe canopy architecture and light use efficiency of the ecosystem. I evaluated the trends and patterns of functional diversity and their relationship with non-climatic abiotic factors and fire disturbance. In addition to the fine resolution airborne lidar, I used simulated large footprint spaceborne lidar representing the newly launched Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation system (GEDI, a lidar sensor on the International Space Station) to evaluate the potential of capturing functional diversity trends of semi-arid ecosystems at global scales. The consistency of diversity trends between the airborne lidar and GEDI confirmed GEDI’s potential to capture functional diversity. I found that the functional diversity in this ecosystem is mainly governed by the local elevation gradient, soil type, and slope. All three functional diversity indices (functional richness, functional evenness and functional divergence) showed a diversity breakpoint near elevations of 1500 m – 1700 m. Functional diversity of fire-disturbed areas revealed that the fires in our study area resulted in a more even and less divergent ecosystem state. Finally, I quantified aboveground biomass using the structural features derived from both the airborne lidar and GEDI data. Regional estimates of biomass can indicate whether an ecosystem is a net carbon sink or source as well as the ecosystem’s health (e.g. biodiversity). Further, the potential of large footprint lidar data to estimate biomass in semi-arid ecosystems are not yet fully explored due to the inherent overlapping vegetation responses in the ground signals that can be affected by the ground slope. With a correction to the slope effect, I found that large footprint lidar can explain 42% of variance of biomass with a RMSE of 351 kg/ha (16% RMSE). The model estimated 82% of the study area with less than 50% uncertainty in biomass estimates. The cultivated areas and the areas with high functional richness showed the highest uncertainties. Overall, this dissertation establishes a novel framework to assess the complexity and dynamics of vegetation structure and function of a semi-arid ecosystem from space. This work enhances our understanding of the present state of an ecosystem and provides a foundation for using full waveform lidar to understand the impact of these changes to ecosystem productivity, biodiversity and habitat quality in the coming decades. The methods and algorithms in this dissertation can be directly applied to similar ecosystems with relevant corrections for the appropriate sensor. In addition, this study provides insights to related NASA missions such as ICESat-2 and future NASA missions such as NISAR for deriving vegetation structure and dynamics related to disturbance

    Ground Filtering Algorithms for Airborne LiDAR Data: A Review of Critical Issues

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    This paper reviews LiDAR ground filtering algorithms used in the process of creating Digital Elevation Models. We discuss critical issues for the development and application of LiDAR ground filtering algorithms, including filtering procedures for different feature types, and criteria for study site selection, accuracy assessment, and algorithm classification. This review highlights three feature types for which current ground filtering algorithms are suboptimal, and which can be improved upon in future studies: surfaces with rough terrain or discontinuous slope, dense forest areas that laser beams cannot penetrate, and regions with low vegetation that is often ignored by ground filters

    Development of a bi-national Great Lakes coastal wetland and land use map using three-season PALSAR and landsat imagery

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    Methods using extensive field data and three-season Landsat TM and PALSAR imagery were developed to map wetland type and identify potential wetland stressors (i.e., adjacent land use) for the United States and Canadian Laurentian coastal Great Lakes. The mapped area included the coastline to 10 km inland to capture the region hydrologically connected to the Great Lakes. Maps were developed in cooperation with the overarching Great Lakes Consortium plan to provide a comprehensive regional baseline map suitable for coastal wetland assessment and management by agencies at the local, tribal, state, and federal levels. The goal was to provide not only land use and land cover (LULC) baseline data at moderate spatial resolution (20–30 m), but a repeatable methodology to monitor change into the future. The prime focus was on mapping wetland ecosystem types, such as emergent wetland and forested wetland, as well as to delineate wetland monocultures (Typha, Phragmites, Schoenoplectus) and differentiate peatlands (fens and bogs) from other wetland types. The overall accuracy for the coastal Great Lakes map of all five lake basins was 94%, with a range of 86% to 96% by individual lake basin (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior)

    New Computational Methods for Automated Large-Scale Archaeological Site Detection

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta una sèrie d'enfocaments, fluxos de treball i models innovadors en el camp de l'arqueologia computacional per a la detecció automatitzada a gran escala de jaciments arqueològics. S'introdueixen nous conceptes, enfocaments i estratègies, com ara lidar multitemporal, aprenentatge automàtic híbrid, refinament, curriculum learning i blob analysis; així com diferents mètodes d'augment de dades aplicats per primera vegada en el camp de l'arqueologia. S'utilitzen múltiples fonts, com ara imatges de satèl·lits multiespectrals, fotografies RGB de plataformes VANT, mapes històrics i diverses combinacions de sensors, dades i fonts. Els mètodes creats durant el desenvolupament d'aquest doctorat s'han avaluat en projectes en curs: Urbanització a Hispània i la Gàl·lia Mediterrània en el primer mil·lenni aC, detecció de monticles funeraris utilitzant algorismes d'aprenentatge automàtic al nord-oest de la Península Ibèrica, prospecció arqueològica intel·ligent basada en drons (DIASur), i cartografiat del patrimoni arqueològic al sud d'Àsia (MAHSA), per a la qual s'han dissenyat fluxos de treball adaptats als reptes específics del projecte. Aquests nous mètodes han aconseguit proporcionar solucions als problemes comuns d'estudis arqueològics presents en estudis similars, com la baixa precisió en detecció i les poques dades d'entrenament. Els mètodes validats i presentats com a part de la tesi doctoral s'han publicat en accés obert amb el codi disponible perquè puguin implementar-se en altres estudis arqueològics.Esta tesis doctoral presenta una serie de enfoques, flujos de trabajo y modelos innovadores en el campo de la arqueología computacional para la detección automatizada a gran escala de yacimientos arqueológicos. Se introducen nuevos conceptos, enfoques y estrategias, como lidar multitemporal, aprendizaje automático híbrido, refinamiento, curriculum learning y blob analysis; así como diferentes métodos de aumento de datos aplicados por primera vez en el campo de la arqueología. Se utilizan múltiples fuentes, como lidar, imágenes satelitales multiespectrales, fotografías RGB de plataformas VANT, mapas históricos y varias combinaciones de sensores, datos y fuentes. Los métodos creados durante el desarrollo de este doctorado han sido evaluados en proyectos en curso: Urbanización en Iberia y la Galia Mediterránea en el Primer Milenio a. C., Detección de túmulos mediante algoritmos de aprendizaje automático en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica, Prospección Arqueológica Inteligente basada en Drones (DIASur), y cartografiado del Patrimonio del Sur de Asia (MAHSA), para los que se han diseñado flujos de trabajo adaptados a los retos específicos del proyecto. Estos nuevos métodos han logrado proporcionar soluciones a problemas comunes de la prospección arqueológica presentes en estudios similares, como la baja precisión en detección y los pocos datos de entrenamiento. Los métodos validados y presentados como parte de la tesis doctoral se han publicado en acceso abierto con su código disponible para que puedan implementarse en otros estudios arqueológicos.This doctoral thesis presents a series of innovative approaches, workflows and models in the field of computational archaeology for the automated large-scale detection of archaeological sites. New concepts, approaches and strategies are introduced such as multitemporal lidar, hybrid machine learning, refinement, curriculum learning and blob analysis; as well as different data augmentation methods applied for the first time in the field of archaeology. Multiple sources are used, such as lidar, multispectral satellite imagery, RGB photographs from UAV platform, historical maps, and several combinations of sensors, data, and sources. The methods created during the development of this PhD have been evaluated in ongoing projects: Urbanization in Iberia and Mediterranean Gaul in the First Millennium BC, Detection of burial mounds using machine learning algorithms in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, Drone-based Intelligent Archaeological Survey (DIASur), and Mapping Archaeological Heritage in South Asia (MAHSA), for which workflows adapted to the project’ s specific challenges have been designed. These new methods have managed to provide solutions to common archaeological survey problems, presented in similar large-scale site detection studies, such as the low precision in previous detection studies and how to handle problems with few training data. The validated approaches for site detection presented as part of the PhD have been published as open access papers with freely available code so can be implemented in other archaeological studies

    Investigating the potential for detecting Oak Decline using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing

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    This PhD project develops methods for the assessment of forest condition utilising modern remote sensing technologies, in particular optical imagery from unmanned aerial systems and with Structure from Motion photogrammetry. The research focuses on health threats to the UK’s native oak trees, specifically, Chronic Oak Decline (COD) and Acute Oak Decline (AOD). The data requirements and methods to identify these complex diseases are investigatedusing RGB and multispectral imagery with very high spatial resolution, as well as crown textural information. These image data are produced photogrammetrically from multitemporal unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flights, collected during different seasons to assess the influence of phenology on the ability to detect oak decline. Particular attention is given to the identification of declined oak health within the context of semi-natural forests and heterogenous stands. Semi-natural forest environments pose challenges regarding naturally occurring variability. The studies investigate the potential and practical implications of UAV remote sensing approaches for detection of oak decline under these conditions. COD is studied at Speculation Cannop, a section in the Forest of Dean, dominated by 200-year-old oaks, where decline symptoms have been present for the last decade. Monks Wood, a semi-natural woodland in Cambridgeshire, is the study site for AOD, where trees exhibit active decline symptoms. Field surveys at these sites are designed and carried out to produce highly-accurate differential GNSS positional information of symptomatic and control oak trees. This allows the UAV data to be related to COD or AOD symptoms and the validation of model predictions. Random Forest modelling is used to determine the explanatory value of remote sensing-derived metrics to distinguish trees affected by COD or AOD from control trees. Spectral and textural variables are extracted from the remote sensing data using an object-based approach, adopting circular plots around crown centres at individual tree level. Furthermore, acquired UAV imagery is applied to generate a species distribution map, improving on the number of detectable species and spatial resolution from a previous classification using multispectral data from a piloted aircraft. In the production of the map, parameters relevant for classification accuracy, and identification of oak in particular, are assessed. The effect of plot size, sample size and data combinations are studied. With optimised parameters for species classification, the updated species map is subsequently employed to perform a wall-to-wall prediction of individual oak tree condition, evaluating the potential of a full inventory detection of declined health. UAV-acquired data showed potential for discrimination of control trees and declined trees, in the case of COD and AOD. The greatest potential for detecting declined oak condition was demonstrated with narrowband multispectral imagery. Broadband RGB imagery was determined to be unsuitable for a robust distinction between declined and control trees. The greatest explanatory power was found in remotely-sensed spectra related to photosynthetic activity, indicated by the high feature importance of nearinfrared spectra and the vegetation indices NDRE and NDVI. High feature importance was also produced by texture metrics, that describe structural variations within the crown. The findings indicate that the remotely sensed explanatory variables hold significant information regarding changes in leaf chemistry and crown morphology that relate to chlorosis, defoliation and dieback occurring in the course of the decline. In the case of COD, a distinction of symptomatic from control trees was achieved with 75 % accuracy. Models developed for AOD detection yielded AUC scores up to 0.98,when validated on independent sample data. Classification of oak presence was achieved with a User’s accuracy of 97 % and the produced species map generated 95 % overall accuracy across the eight species within the study area in the north-east of Monks Wood. Despite these encouraging results, it was shown that the generalisation of models is unfeasible at this stage and many challenges remain. A wall-to-wall prediction of decline status confirmed the inability to generalise, yielding unrealistic results, with a high number of declined trees predicted. Identified weaknesses of the developed models indicate complexity related to the natural variability of heterogenous forests combined with the diverse symptoms of oak decline. Specific to the presented studies, additional limitations were attributed to limited ground truth, consequent overfitting,the binary classification of oak health status and uncertainty in UAV-acquired reflectance values. Suggestions for future work are given and involve the extension of field sampling with a non-binary dependent variable to reflect the severity of oak decline induced stress. Further technical research on the quality and reliability of UAV remote sensing data is also required

    Calibration of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data for 3D object segmentation

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    Phd ThesisAirborne Laser Scanning (ALS) is a fully commercial technology, which has seen rapid uptake from the photogrammetry and remote sensing community to classify surface features and enhance automatic object recognition and extraction processes. 3D object segmentation is considered as one of the major research topics in the field of laser scanning for feature recognition and object extraction applications. The demand for automatic segmentation has significantly increased with the emergence of full-waveform (FWF) ALS, which potentially offers an unlimited number of return echoes. FWF has shown potential to improve available segmentation and classification techniques through exploiting the additional physical observables which are provided alongside the standard geometric information. However, use of the FWF additional information is not recommended without prior radiometric calibration, taking into consideration all the parameters affecting the backscattered energy. The main focus of this research is to calibrate the additional information from FWF to develop the potential of point clouds for segmentation algorithms. Echo amplitude normalisation as a function of local incidence angle was identified as a particularly critical aspect, and a novel echo amplitude normalisation approach, termed the Robust Surface Normal (RSN) method, has been developed. Following the radar equation, a comprehensive radiometric calibration routine is introduced to account for all variables affecting the backscattered laser signal. Thereafter, a segmentation algorithm is developed, which utilises the raw 3D point clouds to estimate the normal for individual echoes based on the RSN method. The segmentation criterion is selected as the normal vector augmented by the calibrated backscatter signals. The developed segmentation routine aims to fully integrate FWF data to improve feature recognition and 3D object segmentation applications. The routine was tested over various feature types from two datasets with different properties to assess its potential. The results are compared to those delivered through utilizing only geometric information, without the additional FWF radiometric information, to assess performance over existing methods. The results approved the potential of the FWF additional observables to improve segmentation algorithms. The new approach was validated against manual segmentation results, revealing a successful automatic implementation and achieving an accuracy of 82%
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