322,726 research outputs found

    Analysis of eBusiness Models for Digital Media Content

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    The digitalization of media content and the development of new communication and distribution channels change the media sector and the business environment worldwide. Over the last ten years, technical advances have enabled the consumers to digitize, store, share and modify the content quickly and cheaply on a mass scale. Presently there are lots of file sharing tools and peer-to-peer networks with which the consumers can illegally copy and share content for free. Consequently, companies have implemented internet-based business models for digital content. At the moment, only a limited number of these e-business models are really successful and realize profits. In this context, the following core questions arise: What kind of e-business models are suitable to manage digital media content? What are the key requirements for companies to be successful in the economical utilization of copyrighted media content, especially in the internet? How do the present e-business models fulfil these requirements? The target of this paper is the analysis of e-business models for digital content. In this context the authors examine different aspects with regard to the management of rights on digital content, the consumption of digital content, and the organization of internal processes and structures. The analysis is focussed on e-business models for digital media content in the German music market. The results of this analysis will show that the presented e-business models do not fulfil all requirements. Hence, the attractiveness of these e-business models is lower than peer-to-peer networks and the illegal download because of the restricted usage of digital media content

    O branded content como estratĂ©gia de financiamento no webjornalismo: uma anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo do estĂșdio Folha

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    With the emergence and expansion of the internet, new forms of financing and business models have been adopted by the media in order to survive and remain in the web environment. Digital media brought changes not only in the way of doing journalism, but also structural and economic transformations. In this way, this research intends to analyze the Branded Content of EstĂșdio Folha, as a new business model that aims to offer content “tailor-made for brands, on different platforms”. For this, the content analysis of four digital publications of different years (2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020) was carried out, sponsored by the brands Nespresso, St. Marche, Unopar and Cofen. The categories of analysis considered were a) journalistic principles; b) news reporting criteria; c) journalistic language; d) textual construction techniques and e) product structure (media elements). From the content analysis, it was identified that EstĂșdio Folha uses the tools, techniques and discursive narrative of journalism to give visibility to brands. It also appropriates the journalistic space to disseminate private interest. Although the articles are identified with the “sponsored content” seal, the material is not transparent in relation to the content writer, in addition to the disproportion in relation to the quality of one content compared to the other. Latin American media codes of ethics guide the media to make a clear division between what is news and what is advertising, in addition to the composition of the team being independent of the newsroom. It is suggested that the branded content be produced by the press offices / communication of the brands, leaving the vehicle the space for disclosure and, in this case, the material should be signed by the journalist who produced it or with the signature of the adviser. It is concluded that the media needs to identify business models that fit their profile, in order to diversify the revenue entry and produce quality content with financial viability.Com o surgimento e a expansĂŁo da internet, surgem novas formas de financiamento e modelos de negĂłcio adotados pelos veĂ­culos de comunicação a fim de sobreviverem e permanecerem no ambiente da web. As mĂ­dias digitais trouxeram mudanças nĂŁo somente no modo de se fazer jornalismo, como tambĂ©m transformaçÔes estruturais e econĂŽmicas. Desta forma, esta pesquisa pretende analisar o branded content do EstĂșdio Folha, como um novo modelo de negĂłcio que visa oferecer conteĂșdo “feito sob medida para marcas, em diferentes plataformas”. Para isso, foi realizada a anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo de quatro publicaçÔes digitais de diferentes anos (2017, 2018, 2019 e 2020), patrocinadas pelas marcas Nespresso, St. Marche, Unopar e Cofen. As categorias de anĂĄlise consideradas foram a) princĂ­pios jornalĂ­sticos; b) critĂ©rios de noticiabilidade; c) linguagem jornalĂ­stica; d) tĂ©cnicas de construção textual e e) estrutura do produto (elementos de mĂ­dia). Da anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo, identificou-se que o EstĂșdio Folha utiliza das ferramentas, tĂ©cnicas e narrativa discursiva do jornalismo para dar visibilidade Ă s marcas. Apropria tambĂ©m do espaço jornalĂ­stico para disseminar o interesse privado. Apesar das matĂ©rias serem identificadas com o selo “conteĂșdo patrocinado”, o material nĂŁo Ă© transparente em relação ao redator do conteĂșdo, alĂ©m da desproporção em relação Ă  qualidade de um conteĂșdo em comparação ao outro. Os cĂłdigos de Ă©tica das mĂ­dias da AmĂ©rica Latina orientam os veĂ­culos a realizarem uma clara divisĂŁo entre o que Ă© notĂ­cia e o que Ă© publicidade, alĂ©m da composição da equipe ser independente da redação. Sugere-se que o branded content seja produzido pelas assessorias de imprensa/comunicação das marcas, cabendo ao veĂ­culo o espaço de divulgação e, nesse caso, o material venha assinado pelo jornalista que o produziu ou com a assinatura da assessoria. Conclui-se que a mĂ­dia precisa identificar modelos de negĂłcio que se ajustem ao seu perfil, para assim, diversificar a entrada de receitas e produzir conteĂșdo de qualidade com viabilidade financeira

    Sustentabilidade financeira de meios jornalĂ­sticos nativos digitais no Brasil: um estudo a partir do Mapa do Jornalismo Independente

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e ExpressĂŁo, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Jornalismo, FlorianĂłpolis, 2021.Esta investigação tem como objeto de estudo formas de financiamento que possibilitam a sustentabilidade de meios jornalĂ­sticos nativos digitais no Brasil. O debate proposto fundamenta-se em conceitos como o de modelo de negĂłcio, inovação midiĂĄtica, jornalismo digital, redes sociais e jornalismo, jornalismo independente, jornalismo alternativo e jornalismo nativo digital. Trabalha-se com objeto empĂ­rico composto: o Mapa do Jornalismo Independente, publicado em 2016 pela agĂȘncia PĂșblica, com atualmente 217 iniciativas nativas digitais, e o conteĂșdo das respostas a questionĂĄrios aplicados junto aos responsĂĄveis por estes projetos de mĂ­dia. O objetivo da pesquisa Ă© discutir, com base nos modelos de negĂłcios de meios jornalĂ­sticos nativos digitais existentes, propostas de valor, formas de financiamento e relacionamento com o pĂșblico que podem se relacionar Ă  sustentabilidade financeira dos projetos mapeados. Esta Ă© uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa de natureza exploratĂłria, cujas açÔes metodolĂłgicas se dividem entre o estudo do Mapa e a aplicação de questionĂĄrio junto aos responsĂĄveis pelas iniciativas mapeadas. Duas hipĂłteses orientam a anĂĄlise desses materiais: 1) a de que muitas das iniciativas de jornalismo digital independente sĂŁo encerradas ou encontram-se inativas pela dificuldade de se pensar e efetivamente implementar formas de financiamento que possibilitem a sustentação do projeto; e 2) a de que as iniciativas ativas (em funcionamento) que conseguiram estabelecer sua sustentabilidade financeira o fizeram a partir da diversificação de suas formas de financiamento para pelo menos trĂȘs fontes de receita. Apresenta-se, ao final, alĂ©m da atualização do Mapa do Jornalismo Independente, a proposição de um quadro de referĂȘncias dos modelos de negĂłcios de meios jornalĂ­sticos nativos digitais brasileiros, observando os elementos: a) proposta de valor, b) fontes de receita e c) relacionamento com clientes.Abstract: This investigation has as its object of study forms of financing that enable the sustainability of digital native news media in Brazil. The proposed debate is based on concepts such as business model, entrepreneurship, media innovation, digital journalism, social media and journalism, independent journalism, alternative journalism and digital native journalism. The research has a composed empirical object: the Map of Independent Journalism, published in 2016 by the ?agĂȘncia PĂșblica?, with currently 217 native digital initiatives, and the content of the answers to questionnaires applied to those responsible for these media projects. The objective of the research is to discuss, based on the business models of existing digital native news media, value propositions, revenue streams and customer relationship that can be related to the financial sustainability of the mapped projects. This exploratory research has both a qualitative and quantitative approach and the methodology is divided between the study of the map and the application of questionnaires with those responsible for the mapped initiatives. Two hypotheses guide the analysis of these materials: 1) that many of the independent digital journalism initiatives are ended or are inactive due to the difficulty of thinking about and effectively implementing forms of financing that enable the project to be sustained; and 2) that the active initiatives (in operation) that managed to establish their financial sustainability did so from the diversification of their forms of financing for at least three sources of income. At the end, in addition to updating the Map of Independent Journalism, the proposal for a framework of business models for Brazilian digital native journalistic media is presented, observing the elements: a) value propositions, b) revenue streams and c) customer relantionship

    Digital Marketing for Sustainable Growth: Business Models and Online Campaigns Using Sustainable Strategies

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    t: In recent years, digital marketing has transformed the way in which companies communicate with their customers around the world. The increase in the use of social networks and how users communicate with companies on the Internet has given rise to new business models based on the bidirectionality of communication between companies and Internet users. Digital marketing, new business models, online advertising campaigns, and other digital strategies have gathered user opinions and comments through this new online channel. In this way, companies have started to see the digital ecosystem as not only their present, but also as their future. From this long-term perspective, companies are concerned about sustainability and the growth of their business models. There are new business models on the Internet that support social causes, new platforms aimed at supporting social and sustainable projects, and digital advertising campaigns promoting sustainability. The overarching aim of this Special Issue was to analyze the development of these new strategies as well as their influence on the sustainability of digital marketing strategies. Therefore, we aimed to analyze how companies adopt these new technologies in a digital environment that is increasingly concerned with the sustainability of business models and actions on the Internet

    (De)convergence in TV: a comparative analysis of the development of Smart TV

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    Against the backdrop of media convergence, Smart TVs are developing rapidly in large parts of the world. Smart TV refers to the integration of broadband Internet and social media features into TV sets. From a media business perspective, the proliferation of Smart TV services may put pressure on the market structure of the TV landscape, and urge for new business models in order to capture the dynamics of media convergence. By means of a comparative analysis in four European markets (Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom), the development of Smart TV is sketched in terms of viewing patterns, business models and standardization. The conclusion is that national TV markets are evolving quite differently, so that service providers must adapt their marketing strategies to reflect local market conditions. Hence, the success of Smart TV ultimately depends on the local package of value-added services and the amount of strategic partnerships with content owners, TV broadcasters and pay-TV operators

    A comparison of social media marketing between B2B, B2C and mixed business models

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    This paper explores the implicit assumption in the growing body of literature that social media usage is fundamentally different in business-to-business (B2B) companies than in the extant business-to-consumer (B2C) literature. Sashi’s (2012) customer engagement cycle is utilized to compare B2B, B2C, Mixed B2B/B2C and B2B2C business model organizational practices in relation to social media usage, importance, and its perceived effectiveness as a communication channel. Utilizing 449 responses to an exploratory panel based survey instrument, we clearly identify differences in social media marketing usage and its perceived importance as a communications channel. In particular we identify distinct differences in the relationship between social media importance and the perceived effectiveness of social media marketing across business models. Our results indicate that B2B social media usage is distinct from B2C, Mixed and B2B2C business model approaches. Specifically B2B organizational members perceive social media to have a lower overall effectiveness as a channel and identify it as less important for relationship oriented usage than other business models

    ‘Where else is the money? A study of innovation in online business models at newspapers in Britain’s 66 cities’

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    Much like their counterparts in the United States and elsewhere, British newspaper publishers have seen a sharp decline in revenues from traditional sources—print advertising and copy sales—and many are intensifying efforts to generate new income by expanding their online offerings. A study of the largest circulation newspapers in the 66 cities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland showed that while only a small minority did not have companion websites, many of the publishers who do have an online presence have transferred familiar revenue models. It has also been recognised that income from these sources is not enough to sustain current operations and innovative publishers have diversified into additional broad categories of Web business models. Significantly, this study did not only compare the approaches of various news publishers with each other, but it also considered how active newspaper publishers were in taking advantage of the variety of business models generally being employed on the Web—and which opportunities were ignored

    The Industry and Policy Context for Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion:Market Analysis, Future Prospects and Key Challenges in Videogames, Serious Games and Gamification

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    The effective use of digital games for empowerment and social inclusion (DGEI) of people and communities at risk of exclusion will be shaped by, and may influence the development of a range of sectors that supply products, services, technology and research. The principal industries that would appear to be implicated are the 'videogames' industry, and an emerging 'serious games' industry. The videogames industry is an ecosystem of developers, publishers and other service providers drawn from the interactive media, software and broader ICT industry that services the mainstream leisure market in games, The 'serious games' industry is a rather fragmented and growing network of firms, users, research and policy makers from a variety of sectors. This emerging industry is are trying to develop knowledge, products, services and a market for the use of digital games, and products inspired by digital games, for a range of non-leisure applications. This report provides a summary of the state of play of these industries, their trajectories and the challenges they face. It also analyses the contribution they could make to exploiting digital games for empowerment and social inclusion. Finally, it explores existing policy towards activities in these industries and markets, and draws conclusions as to the future policy relevance of engaging with them to support innovation and uptake of effective digital game-based approaches to empowerment and social inclusion.JRC.J.3-Information Societ
