661 research outputs found

    An Overview of the Slovenian Spoken Dialog System

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    In the paper we present the modules of the Slovenian spoken dialog system, developed within the joint project in multilingual speech recognition and understanding “Spoken Queries in European Languages” (SQEL-Copernicus-1634). The system can handle spontaneous speech and provide the user with correct information in the domain of air flight information retrieval. The major modules of the system perform word recognition, linguistic analysis, dialog management and speech synthesis. Some results with respect to word accuracy, semantic accuracy and dialog success rate are given, too


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    This paper addresses the semantic analysis problem in a spoken dialog system developed for the domain of weather forecasts. The main goal of semantic analysis is to extract the meaning from the spoken utterances and to transform it into a domain database format. In this work a semantic database for the domain of weather forecasts is represented using the F-logic formalism. Semantic knowledge is captured through semantic categories a semantic dictionary using phrases and output templates. Procedures for semantic analysis of Croatian weather data combine parsing techniques for Croatian language and slot filling approach. Semantic analysis is conducted in three phases. In the first phase the main semantic category for the input utterance is determined. The lattices are used for hierarchical semantic relation representation and main category derivation. In the second phase semantic units are analyzed and knowledge slots in the database are filled. Since some slot values of input data are missing in the third phase, incomplete data is updated with missing values. All rules for semantic analysis are defined in the F-logic and implemented using the FLORA-2 system. The results of semantic analysis evaluation in terms of frame and slot error rates are presented

    The Slovenian Language, Literature and Teaching of Slovenian Language Research Project

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    Raziskovalni projekt Slovenski jezik, literatura in poučevanje slovenščine predstavlja položaj slovenskega jezika v matičnem slovenskem prostoru in v stiku s sosedskimi jeziki. Gre za diahroni in sinhroni pogled na slovenski jezik v regiji, ki ji jezikovno stičnost določata podonavski in alpsko-jadranski prostor, primerjalno tudi za slovenščino v stiku z globalnim angleškim jezikom. The Slovenian language, literature and teaching of Slovenian language research project explores the role of Slovenian both in its native Slovenia and in contact with the neighbouring languages. It combines diachronic and synchronic approaches to the study of Slovenian in contact with other languages in the Danube and the Alps-Adriatic regions. In addition, it examines its contact with Global English

    A generic template for the evaluation of dialogue management systems

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    We present a generic template for spoken dialogue systems integrating speech recognition and synthesis with 'higher-level' natural language dialogue modelling components. The generic model is abstracted from a number of real application systems targetted at very different domains. Our research aim in developing this generic template is to investigate a new approach to the evaluation of Dialogue Management Systems. Rather than attempting to measure accuracy/speed of output, we propose principles for the evaluation of the underlying theoretical linguistic model of Dialogue Management in a given system, in terms of how well it fits our generic template for Dialogue Management Systems. This is a measure of 'genericness' or 'application-independence' of a given system, which can be used to moderate accuracy/speed scores in comparisons of very unlike DMSs serving different domains. This relates to (but is orthogonal to) Dialogue Management Systems evaluation in terms of naturalness and like measurable metrics (eg. Dybkjaer et al 1995, Vilnat 1996, EAGLES 1994, Fraser 1995); it follows more closely emerging qualitative evaluation techniques for NL grammatical parsing schemes (Leech et al 1996, Atwell 1996)

    Analysis and Assessment of AvID: Multi-Modal Emotional Database

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