117 research outputs found

    A Power-Gated 8-Transistor Physically Unclonable Function Accelerates Evaluation Speeds

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    \ua9 2023 by the authors.The proposed 8-Transistor (8T) Physically Unclonable Function (PUF), in conjunction with the power gating technique, can significantly accelerate a single evaluation cycle more than 100,000 times faster than a 6-Transistor (6T) Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) PUF. The 8T PUF is built to swiftly eliminate data remanence and maximise physical mismatch. Moreover, a two-phase power gating module is devised to provide controllable power on/off cycles for the chosen PUF clusters in order to facilitate fast statistical measurements and curb the in-rush current. The architecture and hardware implementation of the power-gated PUF are developed to accommodate fast multiple evaluations of PUF Responses. The fast speed enables a new data processing method, which coordinates Dark-bit masking and Multiple Temporal Majority Voting (TMV) in different Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) corners or during field usage, hence greatly reducing the Bit Error Rate (BER) and the hardware penalty for error correction. The designs are based on the UMC 65 nm technology and aim to tape out an Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) chip. Post-layout Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are performed with Cadence, and the extracted PUF Responses are processed with Matlab to evaluate the 8T PUF performance and statistical metrics for subsequent inclusion in PUF Responses, which comprise the novelty of this approach

    A Novel variation-tolerant 9T SRAM design for nanoscale CMOS

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    As the feature sizes decrease, understanding manufacturing variations becomes essential to effectively design robust circuits. Manufacturing variations occur when process parameters deviate from their ideal or expected values, resulting in variations in device characteristics. Variations in the device characteristics cause the circuit to deviate from its expected behavior resulting in circuit instability, performance degradation, and yield loss. Both from an economic and performance standpoint, the yield and performance of Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are of great importance to the modern System-on-Chip designs. SRAM bitcells typically employ well-matched, minimum-sized transistors which make them highly sensitive to process variations. To overcome these challenges, researchers have proposed different topologies for SRAMs with 8T and 10T SRAM designs. These designs improve the cell stability but suffer from bitline-leakage noise, placing constraints on the number of cells shared by each bitline. These designs also have substantial area overhead when compared to the traditional 6T design. In this work, the published SRAM designs are characterized using commercial CMOS 65 nm models and are compared based on critical SRAM parameters like read stability, write stability, bitline leakage and the impact of process variations. Furthermore, a single-ended 9T SRAM design is proposed that enhances data stability and simultaneously addresses the bitline leakage problem. The proposed design also satisfies the yield criterion to achieve 90% yield for a 1Mb SRAM array in the presence of process variations

    Near-Threshold Computing

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    Valmistustekniikoiden kehittyessä IC-piireille saadaan mahtumaan yhä enemmän transistoreja. Monimutkaisemmat piirit mahdollistavat suurempien laskutoimitusmäärien suorittamisen aikayksikössä. Piirien aktiivisuuden lisääntyessä myös niiden energiankulutus lisääntyy, ja tämä puolestaan lisää piirin lämmöntuotantoa. Liiallinen lämpö rajoittaa piirien toimintaa. Tämän takia tarvitaan tekniikoita, joilla piirien energiankulutusta saadaan pienennettyä. Uudeksi tutkimuskohteeksi ovat tulleet pienet laitteet, jotka seuraavat esimerkiksi ihmiskehon toimintaa, rakennuksia tai siltoja. Tällaisten laitteiden on oltava energiankulutukseltaan pieniä, jotta ne voivat toimia pitkiä aikoja ilman akkujen lataamista. Near-Threshold Computing on tekniikka, jolla pyritään pienentämään integroitujen piirien energiankulutusta. Periaatteena on käyttää piireillä pienempää käyttöjännitettä kuin piirivalmistaja on niille alunperin suunnitellut. Tämä hidastaa ja haittaa piirin toimintaa. Jos kuitenkin laitteen toiminnassa pystyään hyväksymään huonompi laskentateho ja pienentynyt toimintavarmuus, voidaan saavuttaa säästöä energiankulutuksessa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikkaa eri näkökulmista: aluksi perustuen kirjallisuudesta löytyviin aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, ja myöhemmin tutkimalla Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikan soveltamista kahden tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Tapaustutkimuksissa tarkastellaan FO4-invertteriä sekä 6T SRAM -solua piirisimulaatioiden avulla. Näiden komponenttien käyttäytymisen Near-Threshold Computing –jännitteillä voidaan tulkita antavan kattavan kuvan suuresta osasta tavanomaisen IC-piirin pinta-alaa ja energiankulusta. Tapaustutkimuksissa käytetään 130 nm teknologiaa, ja niissä mallinnetaan todellisia piirivalmistusprosessin tuotteita ajamalla useita Monte Carlo -simulaatioita. Tämä valmistuskustannuksiltaan huokea teknologia yhdistettynä Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikkaan mahdollistaa matalan energiankulutuksen piirien valmistaminen järkevään hintaan. Tämän diplomityön tulokset näyttävät, että Near-Threshold Computing pienentää piirien energiankulutusta merkittävästi. Toisaalta, piirien nopeus heikkenee, ja yleisesti käytetty 6T SRAM -muistisolu muuttuu epäluotettavaksi. Pidemmät polut logiikkapiireissä sekä transistorien kasvattaminen muistisoluissa osoitetaan tehokkaiksi vastatoimiksi Near- Threshold Computing -tekniikan huonoja puolia vastaan. Tulokset antavat perusteita matalan energiankulutuksen IC-piirien suunnittelussa sille, kannattaako käyttää normaalia käyttöjännitettä, vai laskea sitä, jolloin piirin hidastuminen ja epävarmempi käyttäytyminen pitää ottaa huomioon.Siirretty Doriast

    A Review on Enhancement of SRAM Memory Cell

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    In this field research paper explores the design and analysis of Static Random Access Memory (SRAMs) that focuses on optimizing delay and power. CMOS SRAM cell consumes very little power and has less read and write time. Higher cell ratios will decrease the read and write time and improve stability. PMOS semiconductor unit with fewer dimensions reduces the ability consumption. During this paper, 6T SRAM cell is implemented with reduced power and performance is good according to read and write time, delay and power consumption. It's been noticed typically that increased memory capability will increase the bit-line parasitic capacitance that successively slows down voltage sensing, to avoid this drawback use optimized scaling techniques and more, get improve performance of the design. Memories are a core part of most of the electronic systems. Performance in terms of speed and power dissipation is the major area of concern in today's memory technology. During this paper SRAM cells supported 6T, 9T, and 8T configurations are compared based on performance for reading and write operations. During this paper completely different static random access memory is designed to satisfy low power, high-performance circuit and also the extensive survey on options of various static random access memory (SRAM) designs were reported. Improve performance static random access memory based on designing a low power SRAM cell structure with optimum write access power

    Ultra-low Power FinFET SRAM Cell with improved stability suitable for low power applications

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    In this paper, a new 11T SRAM cell using FinFET technology has been proposed, the basic component of the cell is the 6T SRAM cell with 4 NMOS access transistors to improve the stability and also makes it a dual port memory cell. The proposed cell uses a header scheme in which one extra PMOS transistor is used which is biased at different voltages to improve the read and write stability thus, helps in reducing the leakage power and active power. The cell shows improvement in RSNM (Read Static Noise Margin) with LP8T by 2.39x at sub-threshold voltage 2.68x with D6T SRAM cell, 5.5x with TG8T. The WSNM (Write Static Noise Margin) and HM (Hold Margin) of the SRAM cell at 0.9V is 306mV and 384mV. At sub-threshold operation also it shows improvement. The Leakage power reduced by 0.125x with LP8T, 0.022x with D6T SRAM cell, TG8T and SE8T. Also, impact of process variation on cell stability is discussed

    Static random-access memory designs based on different FinFET at lower technology node (7nm)

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed January 15, 2020Thesis advisor: Masud H ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (page 50-57)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2019The Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) has a significant performance impact on current nanoelectronics systems. To improve SRAM efficiency, it is important to utilize emerging technologies to overcome short-channel effects (SCE) of conventional CMOS. FinFET devices are promising emerging devices that can be utilized to improve the performance of SRAM designs at lower technology nodes. In this thesis, I present detail analysis of SRAM cells using different types of FinFET devices at 7nm technology. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the performance of both 6T and 8T SRAM designs are improved. 6T SRAM achieves a 44.97% improvement in the read energy compared to 8T SRAM. However, 6T SRAM write energy degraded by 3.16% compared to 8T SRAM. Read stability and write ability of SRAM cells are determined using Static Noise Margin and N- curve methods. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulations are performed on the SRAM cells to evaluate process variations. Simulations were done in HSPICE using 7nm Asymmetrical Underlap FinFET technology. The quasiplanar FinFET structure gained considerable attention because of the ease of the fabrication process [1] – [4]. Scaling of technology have degraded the performance of CMOS designs because of the short channel effects (SCEs) [5], [6]. Therefore, there has been upsurge in demand for FinFET devices for emerging market segments including artificial intelligence and cloud computing (AI) [8], [9], Internet of Things (IoT) [10] – [13] and biomedical [17] –[18] which have their own exclusive style of design. In recent years, many Underlapped FinFET devices were proposed to have better control of the SCEs in the sub-nanometer technologies [3], [4], [19] – [33]. Underlap on either side of the gate increases effective channel length as seen by the charge carriers. Consequently, the source-to-drain tunneling probability is improved. Moreover, edge direct tunneling leakage components can be reduced by controlling the electric field at the gate-drain junction . There is a limitation on the extent of underlap on drain or source sides because the ION is lower for larger underlap. Additionally, FinFET based designs have major width quantization issue. The width of a FinFET device increases only in quanta of silicon fin height (HFIN) [4]. The width quantization issue becomes critical for ratioed designs like SRAMs, where proper sizing of the transistors is essential for fault-free operation. FinFETs based on Design/Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO_F) approach can overcome these issues [38]. DTCO_F follows special design rules, which provides the specifications for the standard SRAM cells with special spacing rules and low leakages. The performances of 6T SRAM designs implemented by different FinFET devices are compared for different pull-up, pull down and pass gate transistor (PU: PD:PG) ratios to identify the best FinFET device for high speed and low power SRAM applications. Underlapped FinFETs (UF) and Design/Technology Co-Optimized FinFETs (DTCO_F) are used for the design and analysis. It is observed that with the PU: PD:PG ratios of 1:1:1 and 1:5:2 for the UF-SRAMs the read energy has degraded by 3.31% and 48.72% compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs, respectively. However, the read energy with 2:5:2 ratio has improved by 32.71% in the UF-SRAM compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs. The write energy with 1:1:1 configuration has improved by 642.27% in the UF-SRAM compared to the DTCO_F-SRAM. On the other hand, the write energy with 1:5:2 and 2:5:2 configurations have degraded by 86.26% and 96% in the UF-SRAMs compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs. The stability and reliability of different SRAMs are also evaluated for 500mV supply. From the analysis, it can be concluded that Asymmetrical Underlapped FinFET is better for high-speed applications and DTCO FinFET for low power applications.Introduction -- Next generation high performance device: FinFET -- FinFET based SRAM bitcell designs -- Benchmarking of UF-SRAMs and DTCO-F-SRAMS -- Collaborative project -- Internship experience at INTEL and Marvell Semiconductor -- Conclusion and future wor

    Embracing Visual Experience and Data Knowledge: Efficient Embedded Memory Design for Big Videos and Deep Learning

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    Energy efficient memory designs are becoming increasingly important, especially for applications related to mobile video technology and machine learning. The growing popularity of smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices has created an exponential demand for video applications in today?s society. When mobile devices display video, the embedded video memory within the device consumes a large amount of the total system power. This issue has created the need to introduce power-quality tradeoff techniques for enabling good quality video output, while simultaneously enabling power consumption reduction. Similarly, power efficiency issues have arisen within the area of machine learning, especially with applications requiring large and fast computation, such as neural networks. Using the accumulated data knowledge from various machine learning applications, there is now the potential to create more intelligent memory with the capability for optimized trade-off between energy efficiency, area overhead, and classification accuracy on the learning systems. In this dissertation, a review of recently completed works involving video and machine learning memories will be covered. Based on the collected results from a variety of different methods, including: subjective trials, discovered data-mining patterns, software simulations, and hardware power and performance tests, the presented memories provide novel ways to significantly enhance power efficiency for future memory devices. An overview of related works, especially the relevant state-of-the-art research, will be referenced for comparison in order to produce memory design methodologies that exhibit optimal quality, low implementation overhead, and maximum power efficiency.National Science FoundationND EPSCoRCenter for Computationally Assisted Science and Technology (CCAST

    Design and analysis of SRAMs for energy harvesting systems

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    PhD ThesisAt present, the battery is employed as a power source for wide varieties of microelectronic systems ranging from biomedical implants and sensor net-works to portable devices. However, the battery has several limitations and incurs many challenges for the majority of these systems. For instance, the design considerations of implantable devices concern about the battery from two aspects, the toxic materials it contains and its lifetime since replacing the battery means a surgical operation. Another challenge appears in wire-less sensor networks, where hundreds or thousands of nodes are scattered around the monitored environment and the battery of each node should be maintained and replaced regularly, nonetheless, the batteries in these nodes do not all run out at the same time. Since the introduction of portable systems, the area of low power designs has witnessed extensive research, driven by the industrial needs, towards the aim of extending the lives of batteries. Coincidentally, the continuing innovations in the field of micro-generators made their outputs in the same range of several portable applications. This overlap creates a clear oppor-tunity to develop new generations of electronic systems that can be powered, or at least augmented, by energy harvesters. Such self-powered systems benefit applications where maintaining and replacing batteries are impossi-ble, inconvenient, costly, or hazardous, in addition to decreasing the adverse effects the battery has on the environment. The main goal of this research study is to investigate energy harvesting aware design techniques for computational logic in order to enable the capa- II bility of working under non-deterministic energy sources. As a case study, the research concentrates on a vital part of all computational loads, SRAM, which occupies more than 90% of the chip area according to the ITRS re-ports. Essentially, this research conducted experiments to find out the design met-ric of an SRAM that is the most vulnerable to unpredictable energy sources, which has been confirmed to be the timing. Accordingly, the study proposed a truly self-timed SRAM that is realized based on complete handshaking protocols in the 6T bit-cell regulated by a fully Speed Independent (SI) tim-ing circuitry. The study proved the functionality of the proposed design in real silicon. Finally, the project enhanced other performance metrics of the self-timed SRAM concentrating on the bit-line length and the minimum operational voltage by employing several additional design techniques.Umm Al-Qura University, the Ministry of Higher Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi Cultural Burea

    Voltage stacking for near/sub-threshold operation

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    Low-power and high-performance SRAM design in high variability advanced CMOS technology

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    As process technologies shrink, the size and number of memories on a chip are exponentially increasing. Embedded SRAMs are a critical component in modern digital systems, and they strongly impact the overall power, performance, and area. To promote memory-related research in academia, this dissertation introduces OpenRAM, a flexible, portable and open-source memory compiler and characterization methodology for generating and verifying memory designs across different technologies.In addition, SRAM designs, focusing on improving power consumption, access time and bitcell stability are explored in high variability advanced CMOS technologies. To have a stable read/write operation for SRAM in high variability process nodes, a differential-ended single-port 8T bitcell is proposed that improves the read noise margin, write noise margin and readout bitcell current by 45%, 48% and 21%, respectively, compared to a conventional 6T bitcell. Also, a differential-ended single-port 12T bitcell for subthreshold operation is proposed that solves the half-select disturbance and allows efficient bit-interleaving. 12T bitcell has a leakage control mechanism which helps to reduce the power consumption and provides operation down to 0.3 V. Both 8T and 12T bitcells are analyzed in a 64 kb SRAM array using 32 nm technology. Besides, to further improve the access time and power consumption, two tracking circuits (multi replica bitline delay and reconfigurable replica bitline delay techniques) are proposed to aid the generation of accurate and optimum sense amplifier set time.An error tolerant SRAM architecture suitable for low voltage video application with dynamic power-quality management is also proposed in this dissertation. This memory uses three power supplies to improve the SRAM stability in low voltages. The proposed triple-supply approach achieves 63% improvement in image quality and 69% reduction in power consumption compared to a single-supply 64 kb SRAM array at 0.70 V