24 research outputs found

    Anonymous ID Based Signcryption Scheme for Multiple Receivers

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    Anonymous signcryption is synonyms of ring signcryption which provides anonymity of the sender along with the advantages of signcryption. Multi receiver signcryption is suited for situation where a sender wants to send a message to multiple receivers in the confidential and authenticated way. This paper proposes an identity based anonymous signcryption scheme in multi-receiver setting. It also provides proofs of provable security of the proposed scheme under some computationally difficult problems

    Contributions to secret sharing and other distributed cryptosystems

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    The present thesis deals with primitives related to the eld of distributed cryptography. First, we study signcryption schemes, which provide at the same time the functionalities of encryption and signature, where the unsigncryption operation is distributed. We consider this primitive from a theoretical point of view and set a security framework for it. Then, we present two signcryption schemes with threshold unsigncryption, with di erent properties. Furthermore, we use their authenticity property to apply them in the development of a di erent primitive: digital signatures with distributed veri cation. The second block of the thesis deals with the primitive of multi-secret sharing schemes. After stating some e ciency limitations of multi-secret sharing schemes in an information-theoretic scenario, we present several multi-secret sharing schemes with provable computational security. Finally, we use the results in multi-secret sharing schemes to generalize the traditional framework of distributed cryptography (with a single policy of authorized subsets) into a multipolicy setting, and we present both a multi-policy distributed decryption scheme and a multi-policy distributed signature scheme. Additionally, we give a short outlook on how to apply the presented multi-secret sharing schemes in the design of other multi-policy cryptosystems, like the signcryption schemes considered in this thesis. For all the schemes proposed throughout the thesis, we follow the same formal structure. After de ning the protocols of the primitive and the corresponding security model, we propose the new scheme and formally prove its security, by showing a reduction to some computationally hard mathematical problem.Avui en dia les persones estan implicades cada dia més en diferents activitats digitals tant en la seva vida professional com en el seu temps lliure. Molts articles de paper, com diners i tiquets, estan sent reemplaçats més i més per objectes digitals. La criptografia juga un paper crucial en aquesta transformació, perquè proporciona seguretat en la comunicació entre els diferents participants que utilitzen un canal digital. Depenent de la situació específica, alguns requisits de seguretat en la comunicació poden incloure privacitat (o confidencialitat), autenticitat, integritat o no-repudi. En algunes situacions, repartir l'operació secreta entre un grup de participants fa el procés més segur i fiable que quan la informació secreta està centralitzada en un únic participant; la criptografia distribuïda és l’àrea de la criptografia que estudia aquestes situacions. Aquesta tesi tracta de primitives relacionades amb el camp de la criptografia distribuïda. Primer, estudiem esquemes “signcryption”, que ofereixen a la vegada les funcionalitats de xifrat i signatura, on l'operació de “unsigncryption” està distribuïda. Considerem aquesta primitiva des d’un punt de vista teòric i establim un marc de seguretat per ella. Llavors, presentem dos esquemes “signcryption” amb operació de “unsigncryption” determinada per una estructura llindar, cada un amb diferents propietats. A més, utilitzem la seva propietat d’autenticitat per desenvolupar una nova primitiva: signatures digitals amb verificació distribuïda. El segon bloc de la tesi tracta la primitiva dels esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets. Després de demostrar algunes limitacions en l’eficiència dels esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets en un escenari de teoria de la informació, presentem diversos esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets amb seguretat computacional demostrable. Finalment, utilitzem els resultats obtinguts en els esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets per generalitzar el paradigma tradicional de la criptografia distribuïda (amb una única política de subconjunts autoritzats) a un marc multi-política, i presentem un esquema de desxifrat distribuït amb multi-política i un esquema de signatura distribuïda amb multi-política. A més, donem indicacions de com es poden aplicar els nostres esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets en el disseny d’altres criptosistemes amb multi-política, com per exemple els esquemes “signcryption” considerats en aquesta tesi. Per tots els esquemes proposats al llarg d’aquesta tesi, seguim la mateixa estructura formal. Després de definir els protocols de la primitiva primitius i el model de seguretat corresponent, proposem el nou esquema i demostrem formalment la seva seguretat, mitjançant una reducció a algun problema matemàtic computacionalment difícil

    Studies on the Security of Selected Advanced Asymmetric Cryptographic Primitives

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    The main goal of asymmetric cryptography is to provide confidential communication, which allows two parties to communicate securely even in the presence of adversaries. Ever since its invention in the seventies, asymmetric cryptography has been improved and developed further, and a formal security framework has been established around it. This framework includes different security goals, attack models, and security notions. As progress was made in the field, more advanced asymmetric cryptographic primitives were proposed, with other properties in addition to confidentiality. These new primitives also have their own definitions and notions of security. This thesis consists of two parts, where the first relates to the security of fully homomorphic encryption and related primitives. The second part presents a novel cryptographic primitive, and defines what security goals the primitive should achieve. The first part of the thesis consists of Article I, II, and III, which all pertain to the security of homomorphic encryption schemes in one respect or another. Article I demonstrates that a particular fully homomorphic encryption scheme is insecure in the sense that an adversary with access only to the public material can recover the secret key. It is also shown that this insecurity mainly stems from the operations necessary to make the scheme fully homomorphic. Article II presents an adaptive key recovery attack on a leveled homomorphic encryption scheme. The scheme in question claimed to withstand precisely such attacks, and was the only scheme of its kind to do so at the time. This part of the thesis culminates with Article III, which is an overview article on the IND-CCA1 security of all acknowledged homomorphic encryption schemes. The second part of the thesis consists of Article IV, which presents Vetted Encryption (VE), a novel asymmetric cryptographic primitive. The primitive is designed to allow a recipient to vet who may send them messages, by setting up a public filter with a public verification key, and providing each vetted sender with their own encryption key. There are three different variants of VE, based on whether the sender is identifiable to the filter and/or the recipient. Security definitions, general constructions and comparisons to already existing cryptographic primitives are provided for all three variants.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    ieee access special section editorial recent advances on radio access and security methods in 5g networks

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    Serviceability is the ability of a network to serve user equipments (UEs) within desired requirements (e.g., throughput, delay, and packet loss). High serviceability is considered as one of the key foundational criteria towards a successful fog radio access infrastructure satisfying the Internet of Things paradigm in the 5G era. In the article by Dao et al. , "Adaptive resource balancing for serviceability maximization in fog radio access networks," the authors propose an adaptive resource balancing (ARB) scheme for serviceability maximization in fog radio access networks wherein the resource block (RB) utilization among remote radio heads (RRHs) is balanced using the backpressure algorithm with respect to a time-varying network topology issued by potential RRH motilities. The optimal UE selection for service migration from a high-RB-utilization RRH to its neighboring low RB-utilization RRHs is determined by the Hungarian method to minimize RB occupation after moving the service. Analytical results reveal that the proposed ARB scheme provides substantial gains compared to the standalone capacity-aware, max-rate, and cache-aware UE association approaches in terms of serviceability, availability, and throughput

    Anonymous, Secure and Efficient Vehicular Communications

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    Vehicular communication networking is a promising approach for facilitating road safety, traffic management, and infotainment dissemination for drivers and passengers. However, it is subject to various malicious abuses and security attacks which hinder it from practical implementation. In this study, we propose a novel security protocol called GSIS based on group signature and identity-based signature schemes to meet the unique requirements of vehicular communication networks. The proposed protocol not only guarantees security and anonymity, but also provides easy traceability when the identity of the sender of a message has to be revealed by the authority. However, the cryptographic operations introduced in GSIS as well as the existing public key based message authentication protocols incur some computation and communication overhead which affect the system performance. Simulation results show that the GSIS security protocol is only applicable under light traffic conditions in terms of the message end to end delay and message loss ratio. Both the GSIS protocol and the existing public key based security protocols have to sign and verify all the received messages with asymmetric algorithms. The PKI based approach also has to attach a public key certificate in each packet. Therefore, to enhance the system performance and mitigate the message overhead without compromising the security requirement, this study further proposes an enhanced TESLA based Secure Vehicular Communication (TSVC) protocol. In TSVC, the communication overhead can be significantly reduced due to the MAC tag attached in each packet and only a fast hash operation is required to verify each packet. Simulation results show that TSVC maintains acceptable message latency, using a much smaller packet size, and significantly reduces the message loss ratio as compared to GSIS and existing PKI based protocols, especially when the traffic is denser. We conclude that the proposed approach could serve as good candidate for future vehicular communication networks

    Protocolos para la seguridad de la información en eHealth: Criptografía en entornos mHeath

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    Abstract. The advance of technology has brought with it the evolution of tools in various fields, among which the medical field stands out. Today’s medicine has tools that 30 years ago were unthinkable making its functioning completely different. Thanks to this fusion of medicine and technology new terms concerning this symbiosis, such as eHealth or mHealth, may be found in our daily lives. Both users and all the areas that work in the protection and performance of health and safety benefit from it. In this doctoral thesis we have worked in several lines with the aim of improving information security in several mHealth systems trying to make the proposed solutions extrapolable to other environments. Firstly, a tool, supported by an expert system and using identity-based encryption for the protection of patient information, for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of children with attention deficit disorder is proposed. Second, a solution focused on geared towards enhancing solutions for two of the fundamental problems of medical data information security: the secure management of patient information and the identification of patients within the hospital environment, is included. The solution proposed for the identification problem is based on the use of NFC bracelets that store an identifier associated with the patient and is generated through an HMAC function. In the third work, the problem of identification is again analyzed, but this time in emergency environments where no stable communication networks are present. It also proposes a system for the classification of victims whose objective is to improve the management of health resources in these scenarios. The fourth contribution is a system for improving the traceability and management of small emergencies and everyday events based on the use of blockchains. To conclude with the contributions of this thesis, a cryptographic scheme which improves security in healthcare devices with little computing capacity is presented. The general aim of this thesis is providing improvements in current medicine through mHealth systems, paying special attention to information security. Specifically, measures for the protection of data integrity, identification, authentication and nonrepudiation of information are included. The completion of this doctoral thesis has been funded through a pre-doctoral FPI grant from the Canary Islands Government.El avance de la tecnología ha traído consigo la evolución de herramientas en diversos ámbitos, entre ellos destaca el de la medicina. La medicina actual posee unas herramientas que hace 30 años eran impensables, lo que hace que su funcionamiento sea completamente diferente. Gracias a esta fusión de medicina y tecnología encontramos en nuestro día a día nuevos términos, como eHealth o mHealth, que hacen referencia a esta simbiosis, en la que se benefician tanto los usuarios, como todas las áreas que trabajan en la protección y actuación de la salud y seguridad de las mismas. En esta tesis doctoral se ha trabajado en varias líneas con el objetivo de mejorar la seguridad de la información en varios sistemas mHealth intentando que las soluciones propuestas sean extrapolables a otros entornos. En primer lugar se propone una herramienta destinada al diagnóstico, tratamiento y monitorización de niños con trastorno de déficit de atención que se apoya en un sistema experto y usa cifrado basado en identidad para la protección de la información de los pacientes. En segundo lugar, se incluye una solución centrada en aportar mejoras en dos de los problemas fundamentales de la seguridad de la información de los datos médicos: la gestión segura de la información de los pacientes y la identificación de los mismos dentro del entorno hospitalario. La solución planteada para el problema de identificación se basa en la utilización de pulseras NFC que almacenan un identificador asociado al paciente y que es generado a través de una función HMAC. En el tercer trabajo se analiza de nuevo el problema de identificación de las personas pero esta vez en entornos de emergencia en los que no se cuenta con redes de comunicaciones estables. Además se propone un sistema de clasificación de víctimas en dichos entornos cuyo objetivo es mejorar la gestión de recursos sanitarios en estos escenarios. Como cuarta aportación se presenta un sistema de mejora de la trazabilidad y de la gestión de pequeñas emergencias y eventos cotidianos basada en el uso de blockchain. Para terminar con las aportaciones de esta tesis, se presenta un esquema criptográfico que mejora los esquemas actuales de seguridad utilizados para dispositivos del entorno sanitario que poseen poca capacidad computacional. La finalidad general perseguida en esta tesis es aportar mejoras al uso de la medicina actual a través de sistemas mHealth en los que se presta especial atención a la seguridad de la información. Concretamente se incluyen medidas para la protección de la integridad de los datos, identificación de personas, autenticación y no repudio de la información. La realización de esta tesis doctoral ha contando con financiación del Gobierno de Canarias a través de una beca predoctoral FPI

    Contributions to Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption and Its Anonymity

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    Broadcast encryption was introduced to improve the efficiency of encryption when a message should be sent to or shared with a group of users. Only the legitimate users chosen in the encryption phase are able to retrieve the message. The primary challenge in construction a broadcast encryption scheme is to achieve collusion resistance such that the unchosen users learn nothing about the content of the encrypted message even they collude

    Multi-Designated Receiver Signed Public Key Encryption

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    This paper introduces a new type of public-key encryption scheme, called Multi-Designated Receiver Signed Public Key Encryption (MDRS-PKE), which allows a sender to select a set of designated receivers and both encrypt and sign a message that only these receivers will be able to read and authenticate (confidentiality and authenticity). An MDRS-PKE scheme provides several additional security properties which allow for a fundamentally new type of communication not considered before. Namely, it satisfies consistency---a dishonest sender cannot make different receivers receive different messages---off-the-record---a dishonest receiver cannot convince a third party of what message was sent (e.g., by selling their secret key), because dishonest receivers have the ability to forge signatures---and anonymity---parties that are not in the set of designated receivers cannot identify who the sender and designated receivers are. We give a construction of an MDRS-PKE scheme from standard assumptions. At the core of our construction lies yet another new type of public-key encryption scheme, which is of independent interest: Public Key Encryption for Broadcast (PKEBC) which provides all the security guarantees of MDRS-PKE schemes, except authenticity. We note that MDRS-PKE schemes give strictly more guarantees than Multi-Designated Verifier Signatures (MDVS) schemes with privacy of identities. This in particular means that our MDRS-PKE construction yields the first MDVS scheme with privacy of identities from standard assumptions. The only prior construction of such schemes was based on Verifiable Functional Encryption for general circuits (Damgård et al., TCC \u2720)

    Reputation systems and secure communication in vehicular networks

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    A thorough review of the state of the art will reveal that most VANET applications rely on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which uses user certificates managed by a Certification Authority (CA) to handle security. By doing so, they constrain the ad-hoc nature of the VANET imposing a frequent connection to the CA to retrieve the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and requiring some degree of roadside infrastructure to achieve that connection. Other solutions propose the usage of group signatures where users organize in groups and elect a group manager. The group manager will need to ensure that group members do not misbehave, i.e., do not spread false information, and if they do punish them, evict them from the group and report them to the CA; thus suffering from the same CRL retrieval problem. In this thesis we present a fourfold contribution to improve security in VANETs. First and foremost, Chains of Trust describes a reputation system where users disseminate Points of Interest (POIs) information over the network while their privacy remains protected. It uses asymmetric cryptography and users are responsible for the generation of their own pair of public and private keys. There is no central entity which stores the information users input into the system; instead, that information is kept distributed among the vehicles that make up the network. On top of that, this system requires no roadside infrastructure. Precisely, our main objective with Chains of Trust was to show that just by relying on people¿s driving habits and the sporadic nature of their encounters with other drivers a successful reputation system could be built. The second contribution of this thesis is the application simulator poiSim. Many¿s the time a new VANET application is presented and its authors back their findings using simulation results from renowned networks simulators like ns-2. The major issue with network simulators is that they were not designed with that purpose in mind and handling simulations with hundreds of nodes requires a massive processing power. As a result, authors run small simulations (between 50 and 100 nodes) with vehicles that move randomly in a squared area instead of using real maps, which rend unrealistic results. We show that by building tailored application simulators we can obtain more realistic results. The application simulator poiSim processes a realistic mobility trace produced by a Multi-agent Microscopic Traffic Simulator developed at ETH Zurich, which accurately describes the mobility patterns of 259,977 vehicles over regional maps of Switzerland for 24 hours. This simulation runs on a desktop PC and lasts approximately 120 minutes. In our third contribution we took Chains of Trust one step further in the protection of user privacy to develop Anonymous Chains of Trust. In this system users can temporarily exchange their identity with other users they trust, thus making it impossible for an attacker to know in all certainty who input a particular piece of information into the system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time this technique has been used in a reputation system. Finally, in our last contribution we explore a different form of communication for VANETs. The vast majority of VANET applications rely on the IEEE 802.11p/Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) standard or some other form of radio communication. This poses a security risk if we consider how vulnerable radio transmission is to intentional jamming and natural interferences: an attacker could easily block all radio communication in a certain area if his transmitter is powerful enough. Visual Light Communication (VLC), on the other hand, is resilient to jamming over a wide area because it relies on visible light to transmit information and ,unlike WAVE, it has no scalability problems. In this thesis we show that VLC is a secure and valuable form of communication in VANETs