7,144 research outputs found

    Acoustical Ranging Techniques in Embedded Wireless Sensor Networked Devices

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    Location sensing provides endless opportunities for a wide range of applications in GPS-obstructed environments; where, typically, there is a need for higher degree of accuracy. In this article, we focus on robust range estimation, an important prerequisite for fine-grained localization. Motivated by the promise of acoustic in delivering high ranging accuracy, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of acoustic (both ultrasound and audible) ranging systems.We distill the limitations of acoustic ranging; and present efficient signal designs and detection algorithms to overcome the challenges of coverage, range, accuracy/resolution, tolerance to Doppler’s effect, and audible intensity. We evaluate our proposed techniques experimentally on TWEET, a low-power platform purpose-built for acoustic ranging applications. Our experiments demonstrate an operational range of 20 m (outdoor) and an average accuracy 2 cm in the ultrasound domain. Finally, we present the design of an audible-range acoustic tracking service that encompasses the benefits of a near-inaudible acoustic broadband chirp and approximately two times increase in Doppler tolerance to achieve better performance

    A Review of Indoor Millimeter Wave Device-based Localization and Device-free Sensing Technologies and Applications

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    The commercial availability of low-cost millimeter wave (mmWave) communication and radar devices is starting to improve the penetration of such technologies in consumer markets, paving the way for large-scale and dense deployments in fifth-generation (5G)-and-beyond as well as 6G networks. At the same time, pervasive mmWave access will enable device localization and device-free sensing with unprecedented accuracy, especially with respect to sub-6 GHz commercial-grade devices. This paper surveys the state of the art in device-based localization and device-free sensing using mmWave communication and radar devices, with a focus on indoor deployments. We first overview key concepts about mmWave signal propagation and system design. Then, we provide a detailed account of approaches and algorithms for localization and sensing enabled by mmWaves. We consider several dimensions in our analysis, including the main objectives, techniques, and performance of each work, whether each research reached some degree of implementation, and which hardware platforms were used for this purpose. We conclude by discussing that better algorithms for consumer-grade devices, data fusion methods for dense deployments, as well as an educated application of machine learning methods are promising, relevant and timely research directions.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures. Accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (IEEE COMST

    An RF-Based Positioning Method for Tracing a Cluster of Moving Scatterers in Non-Stationary Indoor Environments

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    Author's accepted manuscript© 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This letter presents a novel iterative positioning method for tracing the body segments of a person moving indoors using radio-frequency (RF) signals. The indoor space is equipped with a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication system. The person is modelled by a cluster of moving point scatterers, playing the role of moving body segments. The proposed technique estimates the time-variant (TV) positions of the moving scatterers by fitting the TV channel transfer function (TVCTF) of the channel model as close as possible to the TVCTF of the measured channels. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of this method.acceptedVersio

    Ubiquitous Indoor Fine-Grained Positioning and Tracking: A Channel Response Perspective

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    The future of location-aided applications is shaped by the ubiquity of Internet-of-Things devices. As an increasing amount of commercial off-the-shelf radio devices support channel response collection, it is possible to achieve fine-grained position estimation at a relatively low cost. In this paper, we focus on the channel response-based positioning and tracking for various applications. We first give an overview of the state of the art (SOTA) of channel response-enabled localization, which is further classified into two categories, i.e., device-based and contact-free schemes. A taxonomy for these complementary approaches is provided concerning the involved techniques. Then, we present a micro-benchmark of channel response-based direct positioning and tracking for both device-based and contact-free schemes. Finally, some practical issues for real-world applications and future research opportunities are pointed out.Comment: 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigatio

    Passive acoustic method for aircraft localization

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    The present thesis investigates a passive acoustic method to locate maneuvering aircraft. The method is based on the acoustical Doppler effect, as a particular effect of the signals received by a mesh of spatially distributed microphones. A one-dimensional version of the ambiguity function allows for the calculation of the frequency stretch factor that occurs between the sound signals received by a pair of microphones. The mathematical expression for this frequency stretch is a function of the aircraft position and velocity, both of them being estimated by a genetic algorithm. The method requires only a minimum of seven microphones and the prior knowledge of the aircraft position and velocity at a given time. The advantages of the method are that it is suitable for all kind of aircraft, not only propeller-driven, and is not restricted to low heights above the ground. Its applicability could be, for instance, to supplement aircraft noise monitoring systems or to supervise small airports activities. This doctoral research includes the theoretical background of the method as well as the detailed description of its implementation. To assess the performance of the method, results from computer simulations are discussed. First of all, noise propagation is considered in a lossless medium, thus only geometrical spreading influences the sound emitted by the source traveling to the receivers. The accuracy of each step of the method has been evaluated and the results obtained reveal acceptable performance. Due to the large distances between microphones and the aircraft in flight, the atmospheric attenuation plays a major roll. Therefore, computer simulations have also been carried out under the assumption of an homogeneous but non lossless medium to evaluate the influence of the atmospheric absorption on the aircraft location. Under these conditions, the performance of the method with respect to the microphone distribution is discussed. Moreover, the location method has also been tested for a possible inaccuracy on the microphones synchronization. Finally, an outdoor experimental validation of the acoustic method has been carried out with a radio control airplane. The description of the experimental test is detailed in the present work as well as the results obtained.La tesi desenvolupa, implementa i valida un mètode acústic per a la localització d’aeronaus. El mètode es basa en l’efecte Doppler que es percep en els registres de diferents micròfons distribuïts al voltant d’un aeroport. La versió u-dimensional de la funció d’ambigüitat permet el còmput del factor de compressió o expansió que sorgeix entre els registres freqüencials d’ un parell de micròfons. Aquest factor Freqüencial es pot expressar matemàticament en funció de la posició i velocitat de l’aeronau, que s’estimen en aquesta tesi a partir d’algoritmes genètics. El mètode només requereix de set micròfons i el coneixement previ de la posició de l’avió en un moment donat. Els principals avantatges del mètode són que és un mètode vàlid per qualsevol tipus d’aeronau, no només per avions d’hèlix o helicòpters, i que no restringeix a vols de baixa alçada. La seva aplicació podria ser, per exemple, complementar un sistema de monitorització de soroll aeri o bé supervisar l’activitat dels aeroports petits que no disposen de sistemes de radar. Aquesta investigació inclou el desenvolupament teòric del mètode així com la descripció detallada de la seva implementació. Per tal d’avaluar l’efectivitat del mètode, es presenten i analitzen resultats obtinguts a partir de diverses simulacions. Com a primer cas, es considera que el so es propaga en un medi conservatiu, és a dir, el so que es propaga des de la font fins als receptors només es veu afectat per l’atenuació geomètrica. Sota aquest model senzill de propagació, s’ha analitzat l’accuracy de cada un dels passos del mètode i els resultats obtinguts posen de manifest una bona ... del mètode. Tenint en compte que les distàncies entre els micròfons i l’avió en vol són llargues, l’atenuació atmosfèrica influeix també en la propagació del so emès per l’avió. Per tant, el segon cas de simulacions que s’han dut a terme considera un medi de propagació homogeni i no conservatiu amb l’objectiu d’avaluar la influència de l’atenuació atmosfèrica en la localització acústica de l’aeronau. Sota aquestes condicions, també s’ha analitzat l’eficàcia del mètode en funció de la distribució de micròfons. A més, el mètode de localització s’ha posat a prova sota possibles errors en la sincronització dels set micròfons. Finalment, s’ha dut a terme una validació experimental del mètode amb una avioneta de radio control al Club Aeronàutic Egara. La descripció d’aquest test experimental es detalla en la tesis així com els resultats obtinguts que demostren la validesa satisfactòria del mètode
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