338 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of a Sub-THz Ultra-Wideband Phased-Array Transmitter

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    This thesis investigates circuits and systems for broadband high datarate transmitter systems in the millimeter-wave (mm-wave) spectrum. During the course of this dissertation, the design process and characterization of a power efficient and wideband binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) transmitter integrated circuit (IC) with local oscillator (LO) frequency multiplication and 360° phase control for beam steering is studied. All required circuit blocks are designed based on the theoretical analysis of the underlying principles, optimized, fabricated and characterized in the research laboratory targeting low power consumption, high efficiency and broadband operation. The phase-controlled push-push (PCPP) architecture enabling frequency multiplication by four in a single stage is analytically studied and characterized finding an optimum between output power and second harmonic suppression depending on the input amplitude. A PCPP based LO chain is designed. A circuit is fabricated establishing the feasibility of this architecture for operation at more than 200 GHz. Building on this, a second circuit is designed, which produces among the highest saturated output powers at 2 dBm. At less than 100 mW of direct current (DC) power consumption, this results in a power-added efficiency (PAE) of 1.6 % improving the state of the art by almost 30 %. Phase-delayed and time-delayed approaches to beam steering are analyzed, identifying and discussing design challenges like area consumption, signal attenuation and beam squint. A 60 GHz active vector-sum phase-shifter with high gain of 11.3 dB and output power of 5 dBm, improving the PAE of the state of the art by a factor of 30 achieving 6.29 %, is designed. The high gain is possible due to an optimization of the orthogonal signal creation stage enabled by studying and comparing different architectures leading to a trade off of lower signal attenuation for higher area consumption in the chosen electromagnetic coupler. By combining this with a frequency quadrupler, a phase steering enabled LO chain for operation at 220 GHz is created and characterized, confirming the preceding analysis of the phase-frequency relation during multiplication. It achieves a power gain of 21 dB, outperforming comparable designs by 25 dB. This allows the combination of phase control, frequency multiplication and pre-amplification. The radio frequency (RF) efficiency is increased 40-fold to 0.99 %, with a total power consumption of 105 mW. Motivated by the distorting effect of beam squint in phase-delayed broadband array systems, a novel analog hybrid beam steering architecture is devised, combining phase-delayed and time-delayed steering with the goal of reducing the beam squint of phase-delayed systems and large area consumption of time-delayed circuits. An analytical design procedure is presented leading to the research finding of a beam squint reduction potential of more than 83 % in an ideal system. Here, the increase in area consumption is outweighed by the reduction in beam squint. An IC with a low power consumption of 4.3 mW has been fabricated and characterized featuring the first time delay circuit operating at above 200 GHz. By producing most of the beam direction by means of time delay the beam squinting can be reduced by more than 75 % in measurements while the subsequent phase shifter ensures continuous beam direction control. Together, the required silicon area can be reduced to 43 % compared to timedelayed systems in the same frequency range. Based on studies of the optimum signal feeding and input matching of a Gilbert cell, an ultra-wideband, low-power mixer was designed. A bandwidth of more than 100 GHz was achieved exceeding the state of the art by 23 %. With a conversion gain of –13 dB, this enables datarates of more than 100 Gbps in BPSK operation. The findings are consolidated in an integrated transmitter operating around 246 GHz doubling the highest published measured datarates of transmitters with LO chain and power amplifier in BPSK operation to 56 Gbps. The resulting transmitter efficiency of 7.4 pJ/bit improves the state of the art by 70 % and 50 % over BPSK and quadrature phaseshift keying (QPSK) systems, respectively. Together, the results of this work form the basis for low-power and efficient next-generation wireless applications operating at many times the datarates available today.:Abstract 3 Zusammenfassung 5 List of Symbols 11 List of Acronyms 17 Prior Publications 19 1. Introduction 21 1.1. Motivation........................... 21 1.2. Objective of this Thesis ................... 25 1.3. Structure of this Thesis ................... 27 2. Overview of Employed Technologies and Techniques 29 2.1. IntegratedCircuitTechnology................ 29 2.2. Transmission Lines and Passive Structures . . . . . . . . 35 2.3. DigitalModulation ...................... 41 3. Frequency Quadrupler 45 3.1. Theoretical Analysis of Frequency Multiplication Circuits 45 3.2. Phase-Controlled Push-Push Principle for Frequency Quadrupling.......................... 49 3.3. Stand-alone Phase-Controlled Push-Push Quadrupler . 60 3.4. Phase-Controlled Push-Push Quadrupler based LO-chain with High Output Power ............... 72 9 4. Array Systems and Dynamic Beam Steering 91 4.1. Theoretical Analysis of BeamSteering. . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.2. Local Oscillator Phase Shifting with Vector-Modulator PhaseShifters......................... 107 4.3. Hybrid True-Time and Phase-Delayed Beam Steering . 131 5. Ultra-Wide Band Modulator for BPSK Operation 155 6. Broadband BPSK Transmitter System for Datarates up to 56 Gbps 167 6.1. System Architecture ..................... 168 6.2. Measurement Technique and Results . . . . . . . . . . . 171 6.3. Summary and performance comparison . . . . . . . . . 185 7. Conclusion and Outlook 189 A. Appendix 195 Bibliography 199 List of Figures 227 Note of Thanks 239 Curriculum Vitae 241Diese Dissertation untersucht Schaltungen und Systeme für breitbandige Transmittersysteme mit hoher Datenrate im Millimeterwellen (mm-wave) Spektrum. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden der Entwurfsprozess und die Charakterisierung eines leistungseffizienten und breitbandigen integrierten Senders basierend auf binärer Phasenumtastung (BPSK) mit Frequenzvervielfachung des Lokaloszillatorsignals und 360°-Phasenkontrolle zur Strahlsteuerung untersucht. Alle erforderlichen Schaltungsblöcke werden auf Grundlage von theoretischen Analysen der zugrundeliegenden Prinzipien entworfen, optimiert, hergestellt und im Forschungslabor charakterisiert, mit den Zielen einer niedrigen Leistungsaufnahme, eines hohen Wirkungsgrades und einer möglichst großen Bandbreite. Die phasengesteuerte Push-Push (PCPP)-Architektur, welche eine Frequenzvervierfachung in einer einzigen Stufe ermöglicht, wird analytisch untersucht und charakterisiert. Dabei wird ein Optimum zwischen Ausgangsleistung und Unterdrückung der zweiten Harmonischen des Eingangssignals in Abhängigkeit von der Eingangsamplitude gefunden. Es wird eine LO-Kette auf PCPP-Basis entworfen. Eine Schaltung wird präsentiert, die die Machbarkeit dieser Architektur für den Betrieb bei mehr als 200 GHz nachweist. Darauf aufbauend wird eine zweite Schaltung entworfen, die mit 2 dBm eine der höchsten publizierten gesättigten Ausgangsleistungen erzeugt. Mit einer Leistungsaufnahme von weniger als 100mW ergibt sich ein Leistungswirkungsgrad (PAE) von 1.6 %, was den Stand der Technik um fast 30 % verbessert. Es werden phasenverzögerte und zeitverzögerte Ansätze zur Steuerung der Strahlrichtung analysiert, wobei Entwicklungsherausforderungen wie Flächenverbrauch, Signaldämpfung und Strahlschielen identifiziert und diskutiert werden. Ein aktiver Vektorsummen-Phasenschieber mit hoher Verstärkung von 11.3 dB und einer Ausgangsleistung von 5 dBm, der mit einer PAE von 6.29 % den Stand der Technik um den Faktor 30 verbessert, wird entworfen. Die hohe Verstärkung ist zum Teil auf eine Optimierung der orthogonalen Signalerzeugungsstufe zurückzuführen, die durch die Untersuchung und den Vergleich verschiedener Architekturen ermöglicht wird. Bei der Entscheidung für einen elektromagnetischen Koppler rechtfertigt die geringere Signaldämpfung einen höheren Flächenverbrauch. Durch die Kombination mit einem Frequenzvervierfacher wird eine LO-Kette mit Phasensteuerung für den Betrieb bei 220 GHz geschaffen und charakterisiert, was die vorangegangene Analyse der Phasen-FrequenzBeziehung während der Multiplikation bestätigt. Sie erreicht einen Leistungsgewinn von 21 dB und übertrifft damit vergleichbare Designs um 25dB. Dies ermöglicht die Kombination von Phasensteuerung, Frequenzvervielfachung und Vorverstärkung. Der HochfrequenzWirkungsgrad wird um das 40-fache auf 0.99 % bei einer Gesamtleistungsaufnahme von 105 mW gesteigert. Motiviert durch den verzerrenden Effekt des Strahlenschielens in phasengesteuerten Breitbandarraysystemen, wird eine neuartige analoge hybride Strahlsteuerungsarchitektur untersucht, die phasenverzögerte und zeitverzögerte Steuerung kombiniert. Damit wird sowohl das Strahlenschielen phasenverzögerter Systeme als auch der große Flächenverbrauch zeitverzögerter Schaltungen reduziert. Es wird ein analytisches Entwurfsverfahren vorgestellt, das zu dem Forschungsergebnis führt, dass in einem idealen System ein Potenzial zur Reduktion des Strahlenschielens von mehr als 83 % besteht. Dabei wird die Zunahme des Flächenverbrauchs durch die Verringerung des Strahlenschielens aufgewogen. Es wird ein IC mit einer geringen Leistungsaufnahme von 4.3mW hergestellt und charakterisiert. Dabei wird die erste Zeitverzögerungsschaltung entworfen, die bei über 200 GHz arbeitet. Durch die Erzeugung eines Großteils der Strahlrichtung mittels Zeitverzögerung kann das Schielen des Strahls bei Messungen um mehr als 75% reduziert werden, während der nachfolgende Phasenschieber eine kontinuierliche Steuerung der Strahlrichtung gewährleistet. Insgesamt kann die benötigte Siliziumfläche im Vergleich zu zeitverzögerten Systemen im gleichen Frequenzbereich auf 43 % reduziert werden. Auf der Grundlage von Studien zur optimalen Signaleinspeisung und Eingangsanpassung einer Gilbert-Zelle wird ein Ultrabreitband-Mischer mit geringem Stromverbrauch entworfen. Dieser erreicht eine Ausgangsbandbreite von mehr als 100 GHz, die den Stand der Technik um 23% übertrifft. Bei einer Wandlungsverstärkung von –13dB ermöglicht dies Datenraten von mehr als 100 Gbps im BPSK-Betrieb. Die Erkenntnisse werden in einem integrierten, breitbandigen Sender konsolidiert, der um 246 GHz arbeitet und die höchsten veröffentlichten gemessenen Datenraten für Sender mit LO-Signalkette und Leistungsverstärker im BPSK-Betrieb auf 56 Gbps verdoppelt. Die daraus resultierende Transmitter-Effizienz von 7.4 pJ/bit verbessert den Stand der Technik um 70 % bzw. 50 % gegenüber BPSKund Quadratur Phasenumtastung (QPSK)-Systemen. Zusammen bilden die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit die Grundlage für stromsparende, effiziente, mobile Funkanwendungen der nächsten Generation mit einem Vielfachen der heute verfügbaren Datenraten.:Abstract 3 Zusammenfassung 5 List of Symbols 11 List of Acronyms 17 Prior Publications 19 1. Introduction 21 1.1. Motivation........................... 21 1.2. Objective of this Thesis ................... 25 1.3. Structure of this Thesis ................... 27 2. Overview of Employed Technologies and Techniques 29 2.1. IntegratedCircuitTechnology................ 29 2.2. Transmission Lines and Passive Structures . . . . . . . . 35 2.3. DigitalModulation ...................... 41 3. Frequency Quadrupler 45 3.1. Theoretical Analysis of Frequency Multiplication Circuits 45 3.2. Phase-Controlled Push-Push Principle for Frequency Quadrupling.......................... 49 3.3. Stand-alone Phase-Controlled Push-Push Quadrupler . 60 3.4. Phase-Controlled Push-Push Quadrupler based LO-chain with High Output Power ............... 72 9 4. Array Systems and Dynamic Beam Steering 91 4.1. Theoretical Analysis of BeamSteering. . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.2. Local Oscillator Phase Shifting with Vector-Modulator PhaseShifters......................... 107 4.3. Hybrid True-Time and Phase-Delayed Beam Steering . 131 5. Ultra-Wide Band Modulator for BPSK Operation 155 6. Broadband BPSK Transmitter System for Datarates up to 56 Gbps 167 6.1. System Architecture ..................... 168 6.2. Measurement Technique and Results . . . . . . . . . . . 171 6.3. Summary and performance comparison . . . . . . . . . 185 7. Conclusion and Outlook 189 A. Appendix 195 Bibliography 199 List of Figures 227 Note of Thanks 239 Curriculum Vitae 24

    Microwave Photonic Signal Processing with Dynamic Reconfigurability

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    An optical beamforming network that uses an uncooled Fabry-Perot laser is demonstrated. This is achieved by using a fast-scanning, high-resolution optical spectrum analyzer to track the frequency and power shift of the uncooled laser, and then reconfiguring a programmable Fourier-domain optical processor to provide compensation. In this way, the need for temperature control of the laser is eliminated, and the number of optical sources is reduced by using the output spectral lines of the laser. The system realizes six wideband microwave photonic phase shifters, and the resulting magnitude and phase responses vary within a 2σ deviation of 6.1dB and 14.8°, respectively, even when the laser current is changed during measurement. A microwave photonic filter is presented based on a feedback structure, which uses a Fourier-domain optical processor as the control element and the fast-scanning optical spectrum analyzer as the feedback component. This system provides low-pass RF response. Experimental results demonstrate a 6-tap microwave photonic filter with a free spectral range of 2.5GHz. The power fluctuation of the first-order passband in RF response is within ±1dB over 20 minutes. A novel tunable all-optical microwave photonic mixer is presented based on serial phase modulation and an on-chip notch filter. The notch filter breaks the out-of-phase symmetry between the upper and lower sidebands generated from phase modulation, resulting in bandpass response of frequency selection. This system is achieved through an all-optical approach, which does not require electrical components, thus increasing the operation bandwidth of the system. The tunability of frequency selection is achieved through adjusting the wavelength of the optical source. Experimental results verify the technique with a 3rd-order SFDR of 91.7dBm/Hz2/3

    Four-element phased-array beamformers and a self-interference canceling full-duplex transciver in 130-nm SiGe for 5G applications at 26 GHz

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    This thesis is on the design of radio-frequency (RF) integrated front-end circuits for next generation 5G communication systems. The demand for higher data rates and lower latency in 5G networks can only be met using several new technologies including, but not limited to, mm-waves, massive-MIMO, and full-duplex. Use of mm-waves provides more bandwidth that is necessary for high data rates at the cost of increased attenuation in air. Massive-MIMO arrays are required to compensate for this increased path loss by providing beam steering and array gain. Furthermore, full duplex operation is desirable for improved spectrum efficiency and reduced latency. The difficulty of full duplex operation is the self-interference (SI) between transmit (TX) and receive (RX) paths. Conventional methods to suppress this interference utilize either bulky circulators, isolators, couplers or two separate antennas. These methods are not suitable for fully-integrated full-duplex massive-MIMO arrays. This thesis presents circuit and system level solutions to the issues summarized above, in the form of SiGe integrated circuits for 5G applications at 26 GHz. First, a full-duplex RF front-end architecture is proposed that is scalable to massive-MIMO arrays. It is based on blind, RF self-interference cancellation that is applicable to single/shared antenna front-ends. A high resolution RF vector modulator is developed, which is the key building block that empowers the full-duplex frontend architecture by achieving better than state-of-the-art 10-b monotonic phase control. This vector modulator is combined with linear-in-dB variable gain amplifiers and attenuators to realize a precision self-interference cancellation circuitry. Further, adaptive control of this SI canceler is made possible by including an on-chip low-power IQ downconverter. It correlates copies of transmitted and received signals and provides baseband/dc outputs that can be used to adaptively control the SI canceler. The solution comes at the cost of minimal additional circuitry, yet significantly eases linearity requirements of critical receiver blocks at RF/IF such as mixers and ADCs. Second, to complement the proposed full-duplex front-end architecture and to provide a more complete solution, high-performance beamformer ICs with 5-/6- b phase and 3-/4-b amplitude control capabilities are designed. Single-channel, separate transmitter and receiver beamformers are implemented targeting massive- MIMO mode of operation, and their four-channel versions are developed for phasedarray communication systems. Better than state-of-the-art noise performance is obtained in the RX beamformer channel, with a full-channel noise figure of 3.3 d

    Slow Light Effects in Photonic Integrated Circuits with Application to Microwave Photonics

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    Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo el diseño y la implementación de dispositivos ópticos novedosos capaces de realizar tareas de procesado de señales de rediofrecuencia, concretamente en las bandas de microondas y milimétricas, explotando para ello efectos de luz lenta que tienen lugar sobre algunos medios físicos que presentan características especiales. Con este propósito, se han investigado estructuras basadas en tecnología de semiconductor en guiaonda, además de estructuras de naturaleza resonante sobre circuitos en silicio y compuestos híbridos fabricados con materiales activos pertenecientes a los grupos III-V sobre silicio. En concreto, se han prouestos diferentes circuitos ópticos capaces de desarrollar tareas propias de desfasador y retardadeo verdadero de banda ancha para señales de radiofrecuncia. El comportamiento de dichos circuitos ópticos bajo estudio se ha caracterizado mediante modelado teórico, quedando éstos adecuadamente validados a través de resultados experimentales. En primer lugar, se han llevado a cabo estudios concernientes a la degradación producida por ruido en estructuras desfasadores formadas por amplificadores ópticos de semiconductor. Como resultado, se ha propuesto una nueva estructura que ha revertido en un rendimiento optimizado en términos de ruido sin que ello suponga una alteración en su funcionnalidad básica como desfasador. Esta estructura desfasadora ha sido el elemento clave en el ensamblado de un filtro elimina banda sintonizable. En segundo lugar, se han utilizado diferentes configuraciones basadas en anillos de silicio con dimensiones micrométricas para el desarrollo e implementación de diferentes procesadores de señal, tales como filtros reconfigurables y sintonizables y retardadores multicanal. Concretamente, se ha introducido un nuevo concepto inspirado en la técnica conocida como SCT, cuyo beneficio redunda en un aumento considerable del ancho de banda útil de las señales de radiofrecuencia a procesar gracias aLloret Soler, JA. (2012). Slow Light Effects in Photonic Integrated Circuits with Application to Microwave Photonics [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16472Palanci

    Design of an S-band power combiner system with two parallel power amplifiers and phase shifters

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2011.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2011.Includes bibliographical references leaves 70-72.RF power amplifiers are important blocks in a wireless communication system that play a vital role in determining the level of overall performance. In some situations, more power than a single power amplifier can alone provide is required in applications such as a radar or a space communication system. In such cases, power combiners that can surpass the maximum output power level of a single power amplifier should be used. In this thesis, we study the performance of a power combiner built in classical binary structure. The combiner operates at 3 GHz (S-band) and comprises two power amplifiers which can supply up to 38 dBm of saturated power. Wilkinson power dividers/combiners are utilized at the input/output respectively in order to divide and combine the input and output signals. While building a power combiner, one should also note that the phases of the amplified signals should be matched at the output or else the level of combining loss can reach significant levels. At a phase difference of 180◦ , the signals will be completely out of phase and will combine destructively at the output. Therefore, in our study, in order to be able to control the phases at each arm of the power combiner, two tunable microwave phase shifters are placed before the active devices. The phase shift generated by these shifters are controlled via voltage, hence a desired level of phase shift can be obtained. By this, we demonstrate that phase shifters are also important structures for a power combiner that are instrumental in accomplishing a phase balance between the two arms. The idea behind the work displayed here can be extended to applications requiring much higher power levels or operating at higher frequencies.Özbey, BurakM.S

    Antenna pattern shaping, sensing, and steering study Final report

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    Design of steerable satellite antenna with beam pattern sensing syste

    Goddard range and range rate system Design evaluation report

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    Tracking and telemetry data at VHF and S band frequencies from spacecraft for GRARR syste

    Integrated Filters and Couplers for Next Generation Wireless Tranceivers

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    The main focus of this thesis is to investigate the critical nonlinear distortion issues affecting RF/Microwave components such as power amplifiers (PA) and develop new and improved solutions that will improve efficiency and linearity of next generation RF/Microwave mobile wireless communication systems. This research involves evaluating the nonlinear distortions in PA for different analog and digital signals which have been a major concern. The second harmonic injection technique is explored and used to effectively suppress nonlinear distortions. This method consists of simultaneously feeding back the second harmonics at the output of the power amplifier (PA) into the input of the PA. Simulated and measured results show improved linearity results. However, for increasing frequency bandwidth, the suppression abilities reduced which is a limitation for 4G LTE and 5G networks that require larger bandwidth (above 5 MHz). This thesis explores creative ways to deal with this major drawback. The injection technique was modified with the aid of a well-designed band-stop filter. The compact narrowband notch filter designed was able to suppress nonlinear distortions very effectively when used before the PA. The notch filter is also integrated in the injection technique for LTE carrier aggregation (CA) with multiple carriers and significant improvement in nonlinear distortion performance was observed. This thesis also considers maximizing efficiency alongside with improved linearity performance. To improve on the efficiency performance of the PA, the balanced PA configuration was investigated. However, another major challenge was that the couplers used in this configuration are very large in size at the desired operating frequency. In this thesis, this problem was solved by designing a compact branch line coupler. The novel coupler was simulated, fabricated and measured with performance comparable to its conventional equivalent and the coupler achieved substantial size reduction over others. The coupler is implemented in the balanced PA configuration giving improved input and output matching abilities. The proposed balanced PA is also implemented in 4G LTE and 5G wireless transmitters. This thesis provides simulation and measured results for all balanced PA cases with substantial efficiency and linearity improvements observed even for higher bandwidths (above 5 MHz). Additionally, the coupler is successfully integrated with rectifiers for improved energy harvesting performance and gave improved RF-dc conversion efficienc

    Low-Cost Integrated Waveguide Antenna Front-End Solutions for Fifth Generation Cellular Systems and Beyond

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    RÉSUMÉ : À ondes millimétriques (ou simplement mm - ondes) réseaux d'antennes avec un seul polarisation linéaire (LP ) , double polarisation linéaire ( DLP ) et double polarisation circulaire ( DCP) caractéristiques sont largement utilisés pour de nombreuses applications , il y compris la communication de données sans fil , capteurs radar , passive imagerie , la récupération d'énergie et les systèmes de radiocommunication cognitifs . Parmi les différents types de structure d'alimentation , guide d'ondes présente un excellent candidat pour mettre en oeuvre des réseaux d'alimentation à faible perte et gain élevé réseaux d'antennes sur la plage de fréquence à ondes millimétriques . Ces antennes à base de guide d'ondes - ont été présentant d'excellentes caractéristiques de rayonnement , mais ils ne sont pas faciles à intégrer avec des composants actifs . A la fréquence à ondes millimétriques , SIW ( substrat de guide d'ondes intégré ) est un candidat exceptionnel émergents à mettre en oeuvre une faible perte et des réseaux d'alimentation à faible coût. Antenne SIW - alimenté est capable de produire l'efficacité de rayonnement à haute et le comportement d'impédance à large bande . Dans cette thèse , la technologie de transmission alimentation SIW est choisi pour mettre en oeuvre des réseaux électriques et de phase de distribution pour réaliser une grande efficacité antenne extrémités avant. Les principales contributions scientifiques et techniques peuvent être résumées en deux parties .Dans la première partie , des solutions pour les ouvertures rayonnantes efficacement ont été proposés tels que gain élevé réseaux d'antennes LP , DLP réseaux d'antennes et DCP réseaux d'antennes . Le choix de l'élément rayonnant avec d'excellentes caractéristiques de rayonnement est vital dans la réalisation de gain élevé réseau d'antennes et réseaux phasés, électroniquement orientables . Dans la deuxième partie , de nouvelles techniques ont été proposées pour diriger le faisceau fixe dans des directions multiples en élévation et azimut en utilisant le réseau de décalage de phase passive.----------ABSTRACT Millimeter-wave (or simply mm-wave) antenna arrays with single linear polarization (LP), dual linear polarization (DLP) and dual circular polarization (DCP) characteristics are widely being used for numerous applications including wireless data communication, radar sensors, passive imaging, energy harvesting and cognitive radio systems. Among different types of feeding structure, waveguide presents an excellent candidate to implement low-loss feeding networks and high-gain antenna arrays over mm-wave frequency range. Those waveguide-based antennas have been exhibiting excellent radiation characteristics, but they are not easy to integrate with active components. At mm-wave frequency, SIW (substrate integrated waveguide) is an emerging outstanding candidate to implement low loss and low cost feeding networks. SIW-fed antenna is able to yield high radiation efficiency and broadband impedance behavior. In this thesis, SIW feeding transmission technology is chosen to implement power and phase distributing networks for realizing high efficiency antenna front ends. The main scientific and technical contributions can be summarized into two parts. In the first part, solutions for efficiently radiating apertures have been proposed such as high gain LP antenna arrays, DLP antenna arrays and DCP antenna arrays. The radiating element choice with excellent radiation characteristics is vital in realising high gain antenna array and electronically steerable phased arrays. In the second part, new techniques have been proposed to steer the fixed beam into multiple directions in elevation and azimuth utilizing passive phase shifting network. At 60 GHz frequency, dielectric rod antenna is selected for linearly polarized radiation and cavity backed metallic circular patch antenna is selected to obtain circular polarization radiation. Single rod antenna element is experimentally characterized to validate the proposed concept. In the next stage, high gain antenna array with 45o linear polarization utilizing rod antenna radiating element is demonstrated and feeding implemented in three dimensional (3-D) architecture is integrated along with the 4 x 4 antenna array. The data handling capability of single polarization antenna array is increased up to two fold by integrating two orthogonal polarized antenna arrays with an aperture area of one single polarized array