2 research outputs found

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modi铿乪d our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the 铿乪ld of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Mac-Phy Cross-Layer analysis and design of Mimo-Ofdm Wlans based on fast link adaptation

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    The latestWLAN standard, known as IEEE 802.11n, has notably increased the network capacity with respect to its predecessors thanks to the incorporation of the multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) technology. Nonetheless, the new amendment, as its previous ones, does not specify how crucial configuration mechanisms, most notably the adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) algorithm should be implemented. The AMC process has proved essential to fully exploit the system resources in light of varying channel conditions. In this dissertation, a closed-loop AMC technique, referred to as fast link adaption (FLA) algorithm, that effectively selects themodulation and coding scheme (MCS) for multicarriermultiantennaWLAN networks is proposed. The FLA algorithm determines the MCS that maximizes the throughput while satisfying a quality of service (QoS) constraint, usually defined in the form of an objective packet error rate (PER). To this end, FLA uses a packet/bit error rate prediction methodology based on the exponential effective SNRmetric (EESM). The FLA algorithm performance has been evaluated under IEEE 802.11n systems that thanks to the incorporation of a feedbackmechanismare able to implement closed- loop AMC mechanisms. Initially, this AMC technique relies only on physical layer information but it is subsequently extended to also take into account themediumaccess control (MAC) sublayer performance. At the physical layer, the FLA algorithm has demonstrated its effectivity by performing very close to optimality in terms of throughput, while satisfying a prescribed PER constraint. The FLA algorithm has also been evaluated using imperfect channel information. It has been observed that the proposed FLA technique is rather robust against imperfect channel information, and only in highly-frequency selective channels, imperfect channel knowledge causes a noticeable degradation in throughput. At the MAC sublayer, the FLA algorithm has been complemented with a timeout strategy that weighs down the influence of the available channel information as this becomes outdated. This channel information outdate is caused by the MAC sublayer whose user multiplexing policy potentially results in large delays between acquiring the instant in which the channel state information is acquired and that in which the channel is accessed. Results demonstrate the superiority of FLA when compared to open-loop algorithms under saturated and non-saturated conditions and irrespective of the packet length, number of users, protocol (CSMA/CA or CDMA/E2CA) and access scheme (Basic Access or RTS/CTS). Additionally, several analytical models have been developed to estimate the system performance at the MAC sublayer. These models account for all operational details of the IEEE 802.11n MAC sublayer, such as finite number of retries, anomalous slot or channel errors. In particular, a semi-analytical model that assesses the MAC layer throughput under saturated conditions, considering the AMC performance is first introduced. Then, an analytical model that allows the evaluation of the QoS performance under non-saturated conditions is presented. This model focuses on single MCS and it is able to accurately predict very important system performance metrics such as blocking probability, delay, probability of discard or goodput thanks to the consideration of the finite queues on each station. Finally, the previous non-saturated analytical approach is used to define a semi-analytical model in order to estimate the system performance when considering AMC algorithms (i.e. whenmultiple MCSs are available)La darrera versi贸 de l鈥檈st脿ndard deWLAN, anomenada IEEE 802.11n, ha augmentat la seva capacitat notablement en relaci贸 als sistemes anteriors gr脿cies a la incorporaci贸 de la tecnologia de m煤ltiples antenes en transmissi贸 i recepci贸 (MIMO). No obstant aix貌, la nova proposta, al igual que les anteriors, segueix sense especificar com s鈥檋an d鈥檌mplementar elsmecanismes de configuraci贸m茅s crucials, un dels quals 茅s l鈥檃lgoritme de codificaci贸 imodulaci贸 adaptativa (AMC). Aquests algoritmes ja han demostrat la seva import脿ncia a l鈥檋ora demaximitzar el rendiment del sistema tenint en compte les condicions canviants del canal. En aquesta tesis s鈥檋a proposat un algoritme AMC de lla莽 tancat, anomenat adaptaci贸 r脿pida de l鈥檈nlla莽 (FLA), que selecciona eficientment l鈥檈squema demodulaci贸 i codificaci贸 adaptativa per xarxes WLAN basades en arquitectures multiportadora multiantena. L鈥檃lgoritme FLA determina el mode de transmissi贸 capa莽 de maximitzar el throughput per les condicions de canal actuals, mentre satisf脿 un requisit de qualitat de servei en forma de taxa d鈥檈rror per paquet (PER). FLA utilitza una metodologia de predicci贸 de PER basada en l鈥檈stimaci贸 de la relaci贸 senyal renou (SNR) efectiva exponencial (EESM). El rendiment de l鈥檃lgoritme FLA ha estat avaluat en sistemes IEEE 802.11n, ja que aquests, gr脿cies a la incorporaci贸 d鈥檜nmecanisme de realimentaci贸 demodes de transmissi贸, poden adoptar solucions AMC de lla莽 tancat. En una primera part, l鈥檈studi s鈥檋a centrat a la capa f铆sica i despr茅s s鈥檋a est猫s a la subcapa MAC. A la capa f铆sica s鈥檋a demostrat l鈥檈fectivitat de l鈥檃lgoritme FLA aconseguint un rendiment molt proper al que ens proporcionaria un esquema AMC 貌ptim en termes de throughput, alhora que es satisfan els requisits de PER objectiu. L鈥檃lgoritme FLA tamb茅 ha estat avaluat utilitzant informaci贸 imperfecte del canal. S鈥檋a vist que l鈥檃lgoritme FLA proposat 茅s robust en front dels efectes d鈥檈stimaci贸 imperfecte del canal, i nom茅s en canals altament selectius en freq眉猫ncia, la informaci贸 imperfecte del canal provoca una davallada en el rendiment en termes de throughput. A la subcapa MAC, l鈥檃lgoritme FLA ha estat complementat amb una estrat猫gia de temps d鈥檈spera que disminueix la depend猫ncia amb la informaci贸 de canal disponible a mesura que aquesta va quedant desfassada respecte de l鈥檈stat actual. Aquesta informaci贸 de canal desfassada 茅s conseq眉猫ncia de la subcapa MAC que degut a la multiplexaci贸 d鈥檜suaris introdueix grans retards entre que es determina el mode de transmissi贸 m茅s adequat i la seva utilitzaci贸 per a l鈥檃cc茅s al canal. Els resultats obtinguts han demostrat la superioritat de FLA respecte d鈥檃ltres algoritmes de lla莽 obert en condicions de saturaci贸 i de no saturaci贸, i independentment de la longitud de paquet, nombre d鈥檜suaris, protocol (CSMA/CA i CSMA/E2CA) i esquema d鈥檃cc茅s (Basic Access i RTS/CTS). Am茅s, s鈥檋an desenvolupat diversosmodels anal铆tics per tal d鈥檈stimar el rendiment del sistema a la subcapa MAC. Aquests models consideren tots els detalls de funcionament de la subcapaMAC del 802.11n, comper exemple un nombre finit de retransmissions de cada paquet, l鈥檚lot an貌mal o els errors introdu茂ts pel canal. Inicialment s鈥檋a proposat unmodel semi-anal铆tic que determina el throughtput en condicions de saturaci贸, considerant el rendiment dels algoritmes AMC. Despr茅s s鈥檋a presentat un model anal铆tic que estima el rendiment del sistema per condicions de no saturaci贸, mitjan莽at elmodelat de cues finites a cada estaci贸. Aquestmodel consideramodes de transmissi贸 fixes i 茅s capa莽 de determinar de manera molt precisa m猫triques de rendimentmolt importants coms贸n la probabilitat de bloqueig de cada estaci贸, el retard mitj脿 del paquets, la probabilitat de descart o la mesura del goodput. Finalment, el model anal铆tic de no saturaci贸 s鈥檋a utilitzat per definir un model semi-anal铆tic per tal d鈥檈stimar el rendiment del sistema quan es considera l鈥櫭簊 d鈥檃lgoritmes AMC