14 research outputs found

    A Holistic Method for Finding Out Critical Features of Industry Maintenance Services

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    The purpose of this case study is to create a competitive operative management system for efficiency and quality performance for a company running maintenance service business for globally competitive forest industry production. Furthermore the research aim is to find out and eliminate obstacles affecting efficiency by identifying the factors that can cause problems in the near future in the service process. This evidently means efforts to create and implement new “eWorld suitable sense and respond” methods to measure, follow and improve performance of the service production. The theoretical framework was drawn up to summarize the major findings about up-to-date topics on industrial production related services having high competence and competitiveness requirements, and to act as a guideline for the empirical pilot research. A qualitative research method with multicriteria decision making process was created and utilised in order to collect data through in-depth expert interviews. The performance measurement and improvement system developed has been piloted in two small scale production maintenance service processes with encouraging experiences, and have already been implemented into everyday use

    Implementing sustainable competitive advantage for proactive operations in global turbulent business environments

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    The competitive priorities affecting energy production investments : wind power in Finland as a special issue

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    The Logistic Principles for Fast Flexible Strategy Design of the Company in Crisis Time

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    The article deals with design of the logistic principles enabling an enterprise to create a strategy flexible in terms of business and marketing and stable and steady in terms of manufacturing. In order to create a strategy model the following principles can be applied: shortening the period of capacity planning combined with flexible planning, SYNCRO – MRP (Material Required Planning) principle, the application of forecasting in capacity planning, creation with partners of one of the cooperation forms such as supply chain, demand chain, lean supply chain, agile supply chain, leagile supply chain, and using the DBR (Drum Buffer Rope), APS (Advanced Planning System) and SCP (Supply Chain Planning) systems. The article describes application of this principle for model design of the flexible strategy for Chemosvit fólie a. s. company, and the results of this application in the crisis time 2009–2011.SYANCRO-MRP, capacity planning, forecasting, supply chain, demand chain

    Which one to choose multi focus or trade-off among competitive priorities? Evidence from finnish SMEs

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    This paper examines the relationship between business environment, competitiveness and firm performance considering a survey data from three consecutive years: 2013–2015. The comparative analysis showed that over these years business environment, competitiveness and firm performance of Finnish SMEs are slowly deteriorating. Results from correlation analysis revealed that business environment, competitiveness and firm performance are positively correlated. However, the relationships between these variables are not consistent in respect to competitive priorities indicating a dynamic nature of cost, quality, time, and flexibility dimensions. Besides these findings our analysis acknowledged that to improve firm performance, irrespective to the choice of competitive priority, SMEs should pay more attention to their competitiveness rather than blaming the business environment. The paper concludes that simultaneous use of competitive priority dimensions might be more favorable as a source of competitiveness and competitive advantage to improve firm performance. However, the managers are encouraged to compare the results, findings and concepts presented in this paper among themselves and comprehend the specific answer to the question posed in the title.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Improving operational performance within social housing

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    Islantilaisten valmistusyrityksien operatiivisen kilpailukyvyn arviointi

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    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitkä eri tekijät vaikuttavat Islantilaisten valmistusyrityksien operatiiviseen kilpailukykyyn ja miten valmistusstrategiat ja muuntava johtaminen voidaan yhdistää keskenään operatiivista kilpailukykyä arvioitaessa. Nykypäivän dynaamisilla markkinoilla ei pystytä keskittymään vain yhteen osaan liiketoimintastrategiasta ja muuttuvilla markkinoilla pärjätäkseen, yritykset tarvitsevat kauaskantoisia strategisia suuntauksia ja sopivaa strategioiden yhdistelmiä. Operatiivisen kilpailukyvyn arvioimisessa otetaan huomioon valmistusstrategiat ja muuntavan johtamisen elementit. Tulokset saadaan vastaamalla AHP -menetelmällä tehtyihin kahteen kyselyyn, joissa pareittaisvertailulla on saatu aikaan numeerisia arvoja. Kyselyistä ensimmäinen antaa tämän hetkistä johtamista kuvaavan johtamisprofiilin ja toisen kysely selvittää kilpailukykyiset valmistusstrategiat. Islantilaisia valmistusyrityksiä on verrattu Kiinan, Suomen, Slovakian ja Espanjan valmistusyrityksiin. Jokaiselle maalle on laskettu kolmen eri organisaatioiden käyttäytymismallin kilpailukyvyt ja selvitetty missä ryhmässä kukin maa on kilpailukykyisin. Nämä ryhmät ovat nimeltään edelläkävijät, analysoijat ja puolustajat ja ne edustavat erilaisia organisaation käyttäytymismalleja. Tuloksien perusteella voimme tarkastella yrityksien operatiiviseen kilpailukykyyn vaikuttavien tekijöiden yksittäisiä arvoja ja keskinäisiä suhteita ja riippuvuuksia. Islantilaiset yritykset ovat kilpailukykyisimpiä edelläkävijät ryhmässä niin valmistusstrategia vertailussa kuin valmistusstrategia indeksin ja kokonaisjohtajuuden indeksin vertailussakin. Islantilaiset johtajat ovat kokonaisjohtajuus indeksillä mitattuna verrattavan aineiston keskiluokkaa ja heidän vahvuudet ovat kommunikaatiokyvyssä, ihmisten motivoinnissa ja kannustamisessa sekä valmennustaidossa. Johtajuuden lopputuloksen suunnilla on huomattava vaikutus valmistusstrategioihin. Muuntavalla johtamisella on valmistusstrategioita merkittävämpi vaikutus kokonaiskilpailukyvyn parantamisessa ja se on keskeinen asia talouskriisistä toipumisessa.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    The logistic principles for fast flexible strategy design of the company in crisis time

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    The article deals with design of the logistic principles enabling an enterprise to create a strategy flexible in terms of business and marketing and stable and steady in terms of manufacturing. In order to create a strategy model the following principles can be applied: shortening the period of capacity planning combined with flexible planning, syncro -mrp (Material Required Planning) principle, the application of forecasting in capacity planning, creation with partners of one of the cooperation forms such as supply chain, demand chain, lean supply chain, agile supply chain, leagile supply chain, and using the dbr (Drum Buffer Rope), aps (Advanced Planning System) and scp (Supply Chain Planning) systems. The article describes application of this principle for model design of the flexible strategy for Chemosvit fólie a. s. company, and the results of this application in the crisis time 2009-2011

    Risks and Prospects of Smart Electric Grids Systems measured with Real Options

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