21,807 research outputs found

    Analysing Online Platform Usersā€™ Attitudes Toward Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is an increasingly important technology. Understanding the attitudes toward IoT may provide insights into the future development and management of IoT and the management of online platforms. In this paper, we examine online platform usersā€™ attitudes toward IoT, by analysing Twitter data. We analyse the backgrounds of Twitter users associated with different attitudes, including the frequency of using Twitter and the geographical location of posts (i.e., called ā€œtweetsā€). The research findings suggest that most tweets reflect positive attitudes toward IoT and concentrate on information technologies. Some users expressed concerns with security and privacy issues. Most Twitter users surveyed come from coastal areas of the USA

    Control responsibility : the discursive construction of privacy, teens, and Facebook in Flemish newspapers

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    This study explores the discursive construction of online privacy through a critical discourse analysis of Flemish newspapers' coverage of privacy, teens, and Facebook between 2007 and 2018 to determine what representation of (young) users the papers articulate. A privacy-as-control discourse is dominant and complemented by two other discourses: that of the unconcerned and reckless teenager and that of the promise of media literacy. Combined, these discourses form an authoritative language on privacy that we call "control responsibility." Control responsibility presents privacy as an individual responsibility that can be controlled and needs to be learned by young users. We argue that the discourses contribute to a neoliberal rationality and have a disciplinary effect that strengthens various forms of responsibilization

    Consumer Intentions to Accept and Use Mobile Advertising

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    Mobilne naprave se vse bolj vključujejo v življenja ljudi. S tem so oglaÅ”evalci pridobili nove priložnosti za komuniciranje s svojimi strankami, podjetja pa možnosti za oglaÅ”evanje svojih produktov in storitev na personaliziran način. Mobilno oglaÅ”evanje je tako pritegnilo pozornost oglaÅ”evalcev in raziskovalcev. Kljub dejstvu, da potroÅ”niki že dolgo za svojimi mobilnimi napravami preživijo veliko časa, pa tržniki Å”e vedno iŔčejo načine, kako bi v celoti izkoristili vse prednosti tega medija. Raziskovalci so v zadnjem času izvedli več Å”tudij na področju presoje in napovedovanja odnosa potroÅ”nikov do mobilnega oglaÅ”evanja, toda nekatere nejasnosti Å”e vedno obstajajo. Slednje Å”e posebej velja za Pakistan, kjer je bilo opravljenih zelo malo raziskav na področju mobilnega oglaÅ”evanja. Pričujoča disertacija zato teoretsko obravnava presojo namer potroÅ”nikov o sprejetju in uporabi mobilnega oglaÅ”evanja in vključuje empirično Å”tudijo v Pakistanu. Tema je relativno mlada in Å”e premalo raziskana, zato prinaÅ”a Å”tevilne priložnosti za razvoj novih in razÅ”iritev obstoječih teorij. Pričujoča disertacija želi razÅ”iriti obstoječo teorijo, to je Združeno teorijo o tehnoloÅ”kem sprejetju in uporabi. Za to je bil oblikovan meÅ”an raziskovalni pristop (ang. Mixed Methods Approach), v katerem se rezultati ustvarijo s kvantitativno in kvalitativno analizo podatkov, z namenom identifikacije ključnih dejavnikov, ki lahko vplivajo na namero potroÅ”nikov o sprejetju mobilnega oglaÅ”evanja. Cilj disertacije je premostiti vrzel v znanju na področju presoje namere potroÅ”nikov in njihovega odnosa do uporabe mobilnega oglaÅ”evanja. Teoretski in empirični rezultati so izpostavili nekaj ključnih dejavnikov (kot na primer pričakovan trud, pričakovani učinek, zaznan užitek, zaznana nadležnost in personalizacija), ki vplivajo na namero potroÅ”nikov o sprejetju mobilnega oglaÅ”evanja. Poleg tega so rezultati razkrili tudi odnos med potroÅ”nikovo namero sprejetja in sprejetjem mobilnega oglaÅ”evanja.The world has witnessed a high level of mobile device penetration in peopleā€™s lives. This has not only created an opportunity for marketers to communicate with their customers but has also enabled companies to advertise their products and services in personalized way. Due to this, mobile advertising has got the attention of both marketers and researchers. However, marketers have been struggling to fully exploit the benefits of this medium, even though consumers spend a considerable amount of their time on mobile devices. Recently, researchers have conducted various studies into ways to assess and predict consumer attitudes towards mobile advertising, but there is still ambiguity in this area. This is particularly the case in Pakistan, where very little research has been conducted in the area of mobile advertising. The current thesis is targeted towards assessing consumer intentions to accept and use mobile advertising. This under-researched topic is still in its infancy and there are lots of opportunities to not only come up with new theories but also extend the existing ones. The current thesis attempts to extend the existing unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). To do this, a mixed methodological approach was adopted where both quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques were applied to the data in order to uncover crucial factors that can affect consumer intentions to accept and use mobile advertising. The goal of the current thesis is to bridge the knowledge gap by assessing consumer intentions and actual behaviour towards mobile advertising. The results highlight some of the crucial factors (such as effort expectancy, performance expectancy, perceived enjoyment, perceived irritation, and personalization) that can affect consumer intentions to accept and use mobile advertising. In addition to this, the results also highlight the relationship between consumer intentions to accept and use mobile advertising
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