436 research outputs found

    The cardiorespiratory network in healthy first-degree relatives of schizophrenic patients

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    Impaired heart rate- and respiratory regulatory processes as a sign of an autonomic dysfunction seems to be obviously present in patients suffering from schizophrenia. Since the linear and non-linear couplings within the cardiorespiratory system with respiration as an important homeostatic control mechanism are only partially investigated so far for those subjects, we aimed to characterize instantaneous cardiorespiratory couplings by quantifying the casual interaction between heart rate (HR) and respiration (RESP). Therefore, we investigated causal linear and non-linear cardiorespiratory couplings of 23 patients suffering from schizophrenia (SZO), 20 healthy first-degree relatives (REL) and 23 healthy subjects, who were age-gender matched (CON). From all participants’ heart rate (HR) and respirations (respiratory frequency, RESP) were investigated for 30 min under resting conditions. The results revealed highly significant increased HR, reduced HR variability, increased respiration rates and impaired cardiorespiratory couplings in SZO in comparison to CON. SZO were revealed bidirectional couplings, with respiration as the driver (RESP → HR), and with weaker linear and non-linear coupling strengths when RESP influencing HR (RESP → HR) and with stronger linear and non-linear coupling strengths when HR influencing RESP (HR → RESP). For REL we found only significant increased HR and only slightly reduced cardiorespiratory couplings compared to CON. These findings clearly pointing to an underlying disease-inherent genetic component of the cardiac system for SZO and REL, and those respiratory alterations are only clearly present in SZO seem to be connected to their mental emotional states

    Multivariate assessment of linear and non-linear causal coupling pathways within the central-autonomic-network in patients suffering from schizophrenia

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    Im Bereich der Zeitreihenanalyse richtet sich das Interesse zunehmend darauf, wie Einblicke in die Interaktions- und Regulationsprozesse von pathophysiologischen- und physiologischen Zuständen erlangt werden können. Neuste Fortschritte in der nichtlinearen Dynamik, der Informationstheorie und der Netzwerktheorie liefern dabei fundiertes Wissen über Kopplungswege innerhalb (patho)physiologischer (Sub)Systeme. Kopplungsanalysen zielen darauf ab, ein besseres Verständnis dafür zu erlangen, wie die verschiedenen integrierten regulatorischen (Sub)Systeme mit ihren komplexen Strukturen und Regulationsmechanismen das globale Verhalten und die unterschiedlichen physiologischen Funktionen auf der Ebene des Organismus beschreiben. Insbesondere die Erfassung und Quantifizierung der Kopplungsstärke und -richtung sind wesentliche Aspekte für ein detaillierteres Verständnis physiologischer Regulationsprozesse. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Charakterisierung kurzfristiger unmittelbarer zentral-autonomer Kopplungspfade (top-to-bottom und bottom to top) durch die Kopplungsanalysen der Herzfrequenz, des systolischen Blutdrucks, der Atmung und zentraler Aktivität (EEG) bei schizophrenen Patienten und Gesunden. Dafür wurden in dieser Arbeit neue multivariate kausale und nicht-kausale, lineare und nicht-lineare Kopplungsanalyseverfahren (HRJSD, mHRJSD, NSTPDC) entwickelt, die in der Lage sind, die Kopplungsstärke und -richtung, sowie deterministische regulatorische Kopplungsmuster innerhalb des zentralen-autonomen Netzwerks zu quantifizieren und zu klassifizieren. Diese Kopplungsanalyseverfahren haben ihre eigenen Besonderheiten, die sie einzigartig machen, auch im Vergleich zu etablierten Kopplungsverfahren. Sie erweitern das Spektrum neuartiger Kopplungsansätze für die Biosignalanalyse und tragen auf ihre Weise zur Gewinnung detaillierter Informationen und damit zu einer verbesserten Diagnostik/Therapie bei. Die Hauptergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen signifikant schwächere nichtlineare zentral-kardiovaskuläre und zentral-kardiorespiratorische Kopplungswege und einen signifikant stärkeren linearen zentralen Informationsfluss in Richtung des Herzkreislaufsystems auf, sowie einen signifikant stärkeren linearen respiratorischen Informationsfluss in Richtung des zentralen Nervensystems in der Schizophrenie im Vergleich zu Gesunden. Die detaillierten Erkenntnisse darüber, wie die verschiedenen zentral-autonomen Netzwerke mit paranoider Schizophrenie assoziiert sind, können zu einem besseren Verständnis darüber führen, wie zentrale Aktivierung und autonome Reaktionen und/oder Aktivierung in physiologischen Netzwerken unter pathophysiologischen Bedingungen zusammenhängen.In the field of time series analysis, increasing interest focuses on insights gained how the coupling pathways of regulatory mechanisms work in healthy and ill states. Recent advances in non-linear dynamics, information theory and network theory lead to a new sophisticated body of knowledge about coupling pathways within (patho)physiological (sub)systems. Coupling analyses aim to provide a better understanding of how the different integrated physiological (sub)systems, with their complex structures and regulatory mechanisms, describe the global behaviour and distinct physiological functions at the organism level. In particular, the detection and quantification of the coupling strength and direction are important aspects for a more detailed understanding of physiological regulatory processes. This thesis aimed to characterize short-term instantaneous central-autonomic-network coupling pathways (top-to-bottom and bottom to top) by analysing the coupling of heart rate, systolic blood pressure, respiration and central activity (EEG) in schizophrenic patients and healthy participants. Therefore, new multivariate causal and non-causal linear and non-linear coupling approaches (HRJSD, mHRJSD, NSTPDC) that are able to determine the coupling strength and direction were developed. Whereby, the HRJSD and mHRJSD approaches allow the quantification and classification of deterministic regulatory coupling patterns within and between the cardiovascular- the cardiorespiratory system and the central-autonomic-network were developed. These coupling approaches have their own unique features, even as compared to well-established coupling approaches. They expand the spectrum of novel coupling approaches for biosignal analysis and thus contribute in their own way to detailed information obtained, and thereby contribute to improved diagnostics/therapy. The main findings of this thesis revealed significantly weaker non-linear central-cardiovascular and central-cardiorespiratory coupling pathways, and significantly stronger linear central information flow in the direction of the cardiac- and vascular system, and a significantly stronger linear respiratory information transfer towards the central nervous system in schizophrenia in comparison to healthy participants. This thesis provides an enhanced understanding of the interrelationship of central and autonomic regulatory mechanisms in schizophrenia. The detailed findings on how variously-pronounced, central-autonomic-network pathways are associated with paranoid schizophrenia may enable a better understanding on how central activation and autonomic responses and/or activation are connected in physiology networks under pathophysiological conditions

    Altered causal coupling pathways within the central-autonomic-network in patients suffering from schizophrenia

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    The multivariate analysis of coupling pathways within physiological (sub)systems focusing on identifying healthy and diseased conditions. In this study, we investigated a part of the central-autonomic-network (CAN) in 17 patients suffering from schizophrenia (SZO) compared to 17 age–gender matched healthy controls (CON) applying linear and nonlinear causal coupling approaches (normalized short time partial directed coherence, multivariate transfer entropy). Therefore, from all subjects continuous heart rate (successive beat-to-beat intervals, BBI), synchronized maximum successive systolic blood pressure amplitudes (SYS), synchronized calibrated respiratory inductive plethysmography signal (respiratory frequency, RESP), and the power PEEG of frontal EEG activity were investigated for 15 min under resting conditions. The CAN revealed a bidirectional coupling structure, with central driving towards blood pressure (SYS), and respiratory driving towards PEEG. The central-cardiac, central-vascular, and central-respiratory couplings are more dominated by linear regulatory mechanisms than nonlinear ones. The CAN showed significantly weaker nonlinear central-cardiovascular and central-cardiorespiratory coupling pathways, and significantly stronger linear central influence on the vascular system, and on the other hand significantly stronger linear respiratory and cardiac influences on central activity in SZO compared to CON, and thus, providing better understanding of the interrelationship of central and autonomic regulatory mechanisms in schizophrenia might be useful as a biomarker of this diseas

    The Phrenic Component of Acute Schizophrenia – A Name and Its Physiological Reality

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    Decreased heart rate variability (HRV) was shown for unmedicated patients with schizophrenia and their first-degree relatives, implying genetic associations. This is known to be an important risk factor for increased cardiac mortality in other diseases. The interaction of cardio-respiratory function and respiratory physiology has never been investigated in the disease although it might be closely related to the pattern of autonomic dysfunction. We hypothesized that increased breathing rates and reduced cardio-respiratory coupling in patients with acute schizophrenia would be associated with low vagal function. We assessed variability of breathing rates and depth, HRV and cardio-respiratory coupling in patients, their first-degree relatives and controls at rest. Control subjects were investigated a second time by means of a stress task to identify stress-related changes of cardio-respiratory function. A total of 73 subjects were investigated, consisting of 23 unmedicated patients, 20 healthy, first-degree relatives and 30 control subjects matched for age, gender, smoking and physical fitness. The LifeShirt®, a multi-function ambulatory device, was used for data recording (30 minutes). Patients breathe significantly faster (p<.001) and shallower (p<.001) than controls most pronouncedly during exhalation. Patients' breathing is characterized by a significantly increased amount of middle- (p<.001), high- (p<.001), and very high frequency fluctuations (p<.001). These measures correlated positively with positive symptoms as assessed by the PANSS scale (e.g., middle frequency: r = 521; p<.01). Cardio-respiratory coupling was reduced in patients only, while HRV was decreased in patients and healthy relatives in comparison to controls. Respiratory alterations might reflect arousal in acutely ill patients, which is supported by comparable physiological changes in healthy subjects during stress. Future research needs to further investigate these findings with respect to their physiological consequences for patients. These results are invaluable for researchers studying changes of biological signals prone to the influence of breathing rate and rhythm (e.g., functional imaging)

    Joint symbolic dynamics for the assessment of cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory interactions

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    Beat-to-beat variations in heart period provide information on cardiovascular control and are closely linked to variations in arterial pressure and respiration. Joint symbolic analysis of heart period, systolic arterial pressure and respiration allows for a simple description of their shared short-term dynamics that are governed by cardiac baroreflex control and cardiorespiratory coupling. In this review, we discuss methodology and research applications. Studies suggest that analysis of joint symbolic dynamics provides a powerful tool for identifying physiological and pathophysiological changes in cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory control.Mathias Baumert, Michal Javorka and Muammar Kabi

    Autonomic nervous system biomarkers from multi-modal and model-based signal processing in mental health and illness

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    Esta tesis se centra en técnicas de procesado multimodal y basado en modelos de señales para derivar parámetros fisiológicos, es decir, biomarcadores, relacionados con el sistema nervioso autónomo (ANS). El desarrollo de nuevos métodos para derivar biomarcadores de ANS no invasivos en la salud y la enfermedad mental ofrece la posibilidad de mejorar la evaluación del estrés y la monitorización de la depresión. Para este fin, el presente documento se estructura en tres partes principales. En la Parte I, se proporciona unaintroducción a la salud y la enfermedad mental (Cap. 1). Además, se presenta un marco teórico para investigar la etiología de los trastornos mentales y el papel del estrés en la enfermedad mental (Cap. 2). También se destaca la importancia de los biomarcadores no invasivos para la evaluación del ANS, prestando especial atención en la depresión clínica (Cap. 3, 4). En la Parte II, se proporciona el marco metodológico para derivar biomarcadores del ANS. Las técnicas de procesado de señales incluyen el análisis conjunto de la variabilidad del rítmo cardíaco (HRV) y la señal respiratoria (Cap. 6), técnicas novedosas para derivar la señal respiratoria del electrocardiograma (ECG) (Cap. 7) y un análisis robusto que se basa en modelar la forma de ondas del pulso del fotopletismograma (PPG) (Ch. 8). En la Parte III, los biomarcadores del ANS se evalúan en la quantificacióndel estrés (Cap. 9) y en la monitorización de la depresión (Ch. 10).Parte I: La salud mental no solo está relacionada con ese estado positivo de bienestar, en el que un individuo puede enfrentar a las situaciones estresantes de la vida, sino también con la ausencia de enfermedad mental. La enfermedad o trastorno mental se puede definir como un trastorno emocional, cognitivo o conductual que causa un deterioro funcional sustancial en una o más actividades importantes de la vida. Los trastornos mentales más comunes, que muchas veces coexisten, son la ansiedad y el trastorno depresivo mayor (MDD). La enfermedad mental tiene un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida, ya que se asocia con pérdidas considerables en la salud y el funcionamiento, y aumenta ignificativamente el riesgo de una persona de padecer enfermedades ardiovasculares.Un instigador común que subyace a la comorbilidad entre el MDD, la patologíacardiovascular y la ansiedad es el estrés mental. El estrés es común en nuestra vida de rítmo rapido e influye en nuestra salud mental. A corto plazo, ANS controla la respuesta cardiovascular a estímulos estresantes. La regulación de parámetros fisiológicos, como el rítmo cardíaco, la frecuencia respiratoria y la presión arterial, permite que el organismo responda a cambios repentinos en el entorno. Sin embargo, la adaptación fisiológica a un fenómeno ambiental que ocurre regularmente altera los sistemas biológicos involucrados en la respuesta al estrés. Las alteraciones neurobiológicas en el cerebro pueden alterar lafunción del ANS. La disfunción del ANS y los cambios cerebrales estructurales tienen un impacto negativo en los procesos cognitivos, emocionales y conductuales, lo que conduce al desarrollo de una enfermedad mental.Parte II: El desarrollo de métodos novedosos para derivar biomarcadores del ANS no invasivos ofrece la posibilidad de mejorar la evaluacón del estrés en individuos sanos y la disfunción del ANS en pacientes con MDD. El análisis conjunto de varias bioseñales (enfoquemultimodal) permite la cuantificación de interacciones entre sistemas biológicos asociados con ANS, mientras que el modelado de bioseãles y el análisis posterior de los parámetros del modelo (enfoque basado en modelos) permite la cuantificación robusta de cambios en mecanismos fisiológicos relacionados con el ANS. Un método novedoso, quetiene en cuenta los fenómenos de acoplo de fase y frecuencia entre la respiración y las señales de HRV para evaluar el acoplo cardiorrespiratorio no lineal cuadrático se propone en el Cap. 6.3. En el Cap. 7 se proponen nuevas técnicas paramejorar lamonitorización de la respiración. En el Cap. 8, para aumentar la robustez de algunas medidas morfológicas que reflejan cambios en el tonno arterial, se considera el modelado del pulso PPG como una onda principal superpuesta con varias ondas reflejadas.Parte III: Los biomarcadores del ANS se evalúan en la cuantificación de diferentes tipos de estrés, ya sea fisiológico o psicológico, en individuos sanos, y luego, en la monitorización de la depresión. En presencia de estrés mental (Cap. 9.1), inducido por tareas cognitivas, los sujetos sanos muestran un incremento en la frecuencia respiratoria y un mayor número de interacciones no lineales entre la respiración y la seãl de HRV. Esto podría estar asociado con una activación simpática, pero también con una respiración menos regular. En presencia de estrés hemodinámico (Cap. 9.2), inducido por un cambio postural, los sujetos sanos muestran una reducción en el acoplo cardiorrespiratoriono lineal cuadrático, que podría estar relacionado con una retracción vagal. En presencia de estrés térmico (Cap. 9.3), inducido por la exposición a emperaturas ambientales elevadas, los sujetos sanos muestran un aumento del equilibrio simpatovagal. Esto demuestra que los biomarcadores ANS son capaces de evaluar diferentes tipos de estrés y pueden explorarse más en el contexto de la monitorización de la depresión. En el Cap. 10, se evalúan las diferencias en la función del ANS entre elMDD y los sujetos sanos durante un protocolo de estrés mental, no solo con los valores brutos de los biomarcadores del ANS, sino también con los índices de reactividad autónoma, que reflejan la capacidad deun individuo para afrontar con una situación desafiante. Los resultados muestran que la depresión se asocia con un desequilibrio autonómico, que se caracteriza por una mayor actividad simpática y una reducción de la distensibilidad arterial. Los índices de reactividad autónoma cuantificados por cambios, entre etapas de estrés y de recuperación, en los sustitutos de la rigidez arterial, como la pérdida de amplitud de PPG en las ondas reflejadas, muestran el mejor rendimiento en términos de correlación con el grado de la depresión, con un coeficiente de correlación r = −0.5. La correlación negativa implicaque un mayor grado de depresión se asocia con una disminución de la reactividadautónoma. El poder discriminativo de los biomarcadores del ANS se aprecia también por su alto rendimiento diagnóstico para clasificar a los sujetos como MDD o sanos, con una precisión de 80.0%. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que los biomarcadores del ANS pueden usarse para evaluar el estrés y que la distensibilidad arterial deteriorada podría constituir un biomarcador de salud mental útil en el seguimiento de la depresión.This dissertation is focused on multi-modal and model-based signal processing techniques for deriving physiological parameters, i.e. biomarkers, related to the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The development of novel approaches for deriving noninvasive ANS biomarkers in mental health and illness offers the possibility to improve the assessment of stress and the monitoring of depression. For this purpose, the present document is structured in three main parts. In Part I, an introduction to mental health and illness is provided (Ch. 1). Moreover, a theoretical framework for investigating the etiology of mental disorders and the role of stress in mental illness is presented (Ch. 2). The importance of noninvasive biomarkers for ANS assessment, paying particular attention in clinical depression, is also highlighted (Ch. 3, 4). In Part II, themethodological framework for deriving ANS biomarkers is provided. Signal processing techniques include the joint analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) and respiratory signals (Ch. 6), novel techniques for deriving the respiratory signal from electrocardiogram (ECG) (Ch. 7), and a robust photoplethysmogram(PPG)waveform analysis based on amodel-based approach (Ch. 8). In Part III, ANS biomarkers are evaluated in stress assessment (Ch. 9) and in the monitoring of depression (Ch. 10). Part I:Mental health is not only related to that positive state ofwell-being, inwhich an individual can cope with the normal stresses of life, but also to the absence of mental illness. Mental illness or disorder can be defined as an emotional, cognitive, or behavioural disturbance that causes substantial functional impairment in one or more major life activities. The most common mental disorders, which are often co-occurring, are anxiety and major depressive disorder (MDD). Mental illness has a negative impact on the quality of life, since it is associated with considerable losses in health and functioning, and increases significantly a person’s risk for cardiovascular diseases. A common instigator underlying the co-morbidity between MDD, cardiovascular pathology, and anxiety is mental stress. Stress is common in our fast-paced society and strongly influences our mental health. In the short term, ANS controls the cardiovascular response to stressful stimuli. Regulation of physiological parameters, such as heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, allows the organism to respond to sudden changes in the environment. However, physiological adaptation to a regularly occurring environmental phenomenon alters biological systems involved in stress response. Neurobiological alterations in the brain can disrupt the function of the ANS. ANS dysfunction and structural brain changes have a negative impact on cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes, thereby leading to development of mental illness. Part II: The development of novel approaches for deriving noninvasive ANS biomarkers offers the possibility to improve the assessment of stress in healthy individuals and ANS dysfunction in MDD patients. Joint analysis of various biosignals (multi-modal approach) allows for the quantification of interactions among biological systems associated with ANS, while the modeling of biosignals and subsequent analysis of the model’s parameters (model-based approach) allows for the robust quantification of changes in physiological mechanisms related to the ANS. A novel method, which takes into account both phase and frequency locking phenomena between respiration and HRV signals, for assessing quadratic nonlinear cardiorespiratory coupling is proposed in Ch. 6.3. Novel techniques for improving the monitoring of respiration are proposed in Ch. 7. In Ch. 8, to increase the robustness for some morphological measurements reflecting arterial tone changes, the modeling of the PPG pulse as amain wave superposed with several reflected waves is considered. Part III: ANS biomarkers are evaluated in the assessment of different types of stress, either physiological or psychological, in healthy individuals, and then, in the monitoring of depression. In the presence of mental stress (Ch. 9.1), induced by cognitive tasks, healthy subjects show an increment in the respiratory rate and higher number of nonlinear interactions between respiration and HRV signal, which might be associated with a sympathetic activation, but also with a less regular breathing. In the presence of hemodynamic stress (Ch. 9.2), induced by a postural change, healthy subjects show a reduction in strength of the quadratic nonlinear cardiorespiratory coupling, whichmight be related to a vagal withdrawal. In the presence of heat stress (Ch. 9.3), induced by exposure to elevated environmental temperatures, healthy subjects show an increased sympathovagal balance. This demonstrates that ANS biomarkers are able to assess different types of stress and they can be further explored in the context of depression monitoring. In Ch. 10, differences in ANS function between MDD and healthy subjects during a mental stress protocol are assessed, not only with the raw values of ANS biomarkers but also with autonomic reactivity indices, which reflect the ability of an individual to copewith a challenging situation. Results show that depression is associated with autonomic imbalance, characterized by increased sympathetic activity and reduced arterial compliance. Autonomic reactivity indices quantified by changes, from stress to recovery, in arterial stiffness surrogates, such as the PPG amplitude loss in wave reflections, show the best performance in terms of correlation with depression severity, yielding to correlation coefficient r = −0.5. The negative correlation implies that a higher degree of depression is associated with a decreased autonomic reactivity. The discriminative power of ANS biomarkers is supported by their high diagnostic performance for classifying subjects as having MDD or not, yielding to accuracy of 80.0%. Therefore, it can be concluded that ANS biomarkers can be used for assessing stress and that impaired arterial compliance might constitute a biomarker of mental health useful in the monitoring of depression.<br /

    Cardiorespiratory Coupling Analysis Based on Entropy and Cross-Entropy in Distinguishing Different Depression Stages

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    AimsThis study used entropy- and cross entropy-based methods to explore the cardiorespiratory coupling of depressive patients, and thus to assess the values of those entropy methods for identifying depression patients with different disease severities.MethodsElectrocardiogram (ECG) and respiration signals from 69 depression patients were recorded simultaneously for 5 min. Patients were classified into three groups according to the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) scores: group Non-De (HDRS 0–7), Mid-De (HDRS 8–17), and Con-De (HDRS &gt;17). Sample entropy (SEn), fuzzy measure entropy (FMEn) and high-frequency power (HF) were computed on the original RR interval time series and breath-to-breath interval time series. Cross sample entropy (CSEn) and cross fuzzy measure entropy (CFMEn) were computed on interval time series resampled at 2 Hz and 4 Hz, respectively. The difference among three patient groups and correlation between entropy values and HDRS scores were analyzed by statistical analysis. Surrogate data were also employed to confirm the validation of entropy measures in this study.ResultsA consistent increasing trend has been found among most entropy measures from Non-De, to Mid-De, and to Con-De groups, and a significant (p &lt; 0.05) difference in FMEn of RR intervals exists between Non-De and Mid-De or Con-De groups. Significant differences have been also found in all cross entropies, between Non-De and Con-De groups and between Mid-De and Con-De groups. Furthermore, significant correlations also exist between HDRS scores and FMEn of RR intervals (R = 0.24, p &lt; 0.05), CSEn at 4 Hz (R = 0.26, p &lt; 0.05) or 2 Hz (R = 0.28, p &lt; 0.05) resampling, and CFMEn at 4 Hz (R = 0.31, p &lt; 0.01) or 2 Hz (R = 0.30, p &lt; 0.05) resampling. A significant difference of cardiorespiratory coupling parameters between different depression stages and significant correlations between entropy measures and depression severity both indicate central autonomic dysregulation in depression patients and reflect varying degrees of vagal modulation reduction among different depression levels. Analysis based on surrogate data confirms that the non-linear properties of the physiological signals played a major role in depression recognition.ConclusionThe current study demonstrates the potential of cardiorespiratory coupling in the auxiliary diagnosis of depression based on the entropy method

    Characterization and interpretation of cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory dynamics in cardiomyopathy patients

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 20/5/2022The main objective of this thesis was to study the variability of the cardiac, respiratory and vascular systems through electrocardiographic (ECG), respiratory flow (FLW) and blood pressure (BP) signals, in patients with idiopathic (IDC), dilated (DCM), or ischemic (ICM) disease. The aim of this work was to introduce new indices that could contribute to characterizing these diseases. With these new indices, we propose methods to classify cardiomyopathy patients (CMP) according to their cardiovascular risk or etiology. In addition, a new tool was proposed to reconstruct artifacts in biomedical signals. From the ECG, BP and FLW signals, different data series were extracted: beat to beat intervals (BBI - ECG), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP - BP), and breathing duration (TT - FLW). -Firstly, we propose a novel artifact reconstruction method applied to biomedical signals. The reconstruction process makes use of information from neighboring events while maintaining the dynamics of the original signal. The method is based on detecting the cycles and artifacts, identifying the number of cycles to reconstruct, and predicting the cycles used to replace the artifact segments. The reconstruction results showed that most of the artifacts were correctly detected, and physiological cycles were incorrectly detected as artifacts in fewer than 1% of the cases. The second part is related to the cardiac death risk stratification of patients based on their left ventricular ejection (LVEF), using the Poincaré plot analysis, and classified as low (LVEF > 35%) or high (LVEF = 35%) risk. The BBI, SBP, and IT series of 46 CMP patients were applied. The linear discriminant analysis and support vector machines (SVM) classification methods were used. When comparing low risk vs high risk, an accuracy of 98 12% was obtained. Our results suggest that a dysfunction in the vagal activity could prevent the body from correctly maintaining circulatory homeostasis Next, we studied cardio-vascular couplings based on heart rate (HRV) and blood pressure (BPV) variability analyses in order to introduce new indices for noninvasive risk stratification in IDC patients. The ECG and BP signals of 91 IDC patients, and 49 healthy subjects were used. The patients were stratified by their sudden cardiac death risk as: high risk (IDCHR), when after two years the subject either died or suffered complications, or low risk (IDCLR) otherwise. Several indices were extracted from the BBI and SBP, and analyzed using the segmented Poincaré plot analysis, the high-resolution joint symbolic dynamics, and the normalized short time partial directed coherence methods. SVM models were built to classify these patients based on their sudden cardiac death risk. The SVM IDCLR vs IDCHR model achieved 98 9% accuracy with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.96. Our results suggest that IDCHR patients have decreased HRV and increased BPV compared to both the IDCLR patients and the control subjects, suggesting a decrease in their vagal activity and the compensation of sympathetic activity. Lastly, we analyzed the cardiorespiratory interaction associated with the systems related to ICM and DCM disease. We propose an analysis based on vascular activity as the input and output of the baroreflex response. The aim was to analyze the suitability of cardiorespiratory and vascular interactions for the classification of ICM and DCM patients. We studied 41 CMP patients and 39 healthy subjects. Three new sub-spaces were defined: 'up' for increasing values, 'down' for decreasing values, and 'no change' otherwise, and a three-dimensional representation was created for each sub-space that was characterized statistically and morphologically. The resulting indices were used to classify the patients by their etiology through SVM models achieving 92.7% accuracy for ICM vs DCM patients comparison. The results reflected a more pronounced deterioration of the autonomous regulation in DCM patients.El objetivo de esta tesis fue estudiar la variabilidad de los sistemas cardíaco, respiratorio y vascular a través de señales electrocardiográficas (ECG), de flujo respiratorio (FLW) y de presión arterial (BP), en pacientes con cardiopatía idiopática (IDC). dilatada (DCM) o isquémica (ICM). El objetivo de este trabajo fue introducir nuevos indices que contribuyan a caracterizar estas enfermedades. Proponemos métodos para clasificar pacientes con cardiomiopatía (CMP) de acuerdo con su riesgo cardiovascular o etiología. Además, se propuso una nueva herramienta para reconstruir artefactos en señales biomédicas. De las señales de ECG, BP y FLW, se extrajeron diferentes series temporales: intervalos latido-a-latido (BBI - ECG), presión arterial sistólica y diastólica (SBP y DBP - BP) y la duración de la respiración (TT - FLW). En primer lugar, proponemos un método de reconstrucción de artefactos aplicado a señales biomédicas. El proceso de reconstrucción usa la información de eventos vecinos manteniendo la dinámica de la señal. El método se basa en detectar ciclos y artefactos, en identificar el número de ciclos a reconstruir y en predecir los ciclos utilizados para reemplazar los artefactos. La mayoría de los artefactos probados fueron detectados y reconstruidos correctamente y los ciclos fisiológicos fueron detectados incorrectamente como artefactos en menos del 1% de los casos, La segunda parte está relacionada con la estratificación de riesgo de muerte cardiovascular en función de la fracción de eyección ventricular izquierda (FEVI), mediante el análisis de Poincaré, en bajo (FEVI > 35%) y alto riesgo (FEVI 5 35%). Se utilizaron las series BBI, SBP y TT de 46 pacientes con CMP. Se utilizaron para la clasificación el análisis discriminante lineal y las máquinas de soporte vectorial (SVM). Al comparar los pacientes de bajo y alto riesgo, se obtuvo una exactitud del 98%. Los resultados sugieren la disfunción de la actividad vagal en pacientes de alto riesgo. A continuación, estudiamos los acoplamientos cardiovasculares basados en el análisis de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (HRV) y la presión arterial (BPV) para introducir nuevos índices de estratificación de riesgo en pacientes con IDC. Se utilizaron las señales de ECG y BP de 91 pacientes con IDC y 49 sujetos sanos. Los pacientes fueron estratificados por su riesgo cardíaco como: alto riesgo (IDCHR), cuando después de dos años el sujeto murió, o bajo riesgo (IDCLR) en otro caso. Se extrajeron indices utilizando el análisis de Poincaré segmentado, la dinámica simbólica articulada de alta resolución y la coherencia parcial dirigida a corto plazo normalizada. Se construyeron modelos SVM para clasificar a estos pacientes en función de su riesgo cardiovascular. El modelo IDCLR vs IDCHR logró una exactitud del 98% con un área bajo la curva de 0.96. Los resultados sugieren que los pacientes IDCHR tienen sus HRV y BPV disminuidos en comparación con los pacientes IDCLR, lo que sugiere una disminución en su actividad vagal y la compensación de la actividad simpática. Finalmente, analizamos la interacción cardiorrespiratoria asociada con los sistemas relacionados con ICM y DCM. Proponemos un análisis basado en la actividad vascular como entrada y salida de la respuesta baroreflectora. El objetivo fue analizar la capacidad de las interacciones cardiorrespiratorias y vasculares para la clasificación de pacientes con ICM y DCM. Estudiamos 41 pacientes con CMP y 39 sujetos sanos. Se definieron tres sub-espacios: 'up' para valores crecientes, 'down' para los decrecientes, y 'no-change' en otro caso, y se creó una representación tridimensional que se caracterizó estadística y morfológicamente. Los indices resultantes se usaron para clasificar a los pacientes por su etiología con modelos SVM que lograron una exactitud de 92% cuando los pacientes ICM y DCM fueron comparados. Los resultados reflejaron un deterioro más pronunciado de la regulación autónoma en pacientes con DCM.Postprint (published version

    Altered autonomic function in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis

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    Introduction: Alterations in autonomic functioning in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia are well-documented. Yet, it is currently unclear whether these dysfunctions extend into the clinical high-risk state. Thus, we investigated resting heart rate (RHR) and heart rate variability (HRV) indices in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis (CHR-P). Methods: We recruited 117 CHR-P participants, 38 participants with affective disorders and substance abuse (CHR-N) as well as a group of 49 healthy controls. CHR-P status was assessed with the Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States (CAARMS) and the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument, Adult Version (SPI-A). We obtained 5 min, eyes-open resting-state MEG data, which was used for the extraction of cardiac field-related inter-beat-interval data and from which heart-rate and heart-rate variability measures were computed. Results: Compared to both CHR-N and healthy controls, CHR-P participants were characterized by an increased RHR, which was not explained by differences in psychopathological comorbidity and medication status. Increased RHR correlated with the presence of subthreshold psychotic symptoms and associated distress. No differences between groups were found for heart-rate variability measures, however. Furthermore, there was an association between motor-performance and psychophysiological measures. Conclusion: The current study provides evidence of alterations in autonomic functioning as disclosed by increased RHR in CHR-P participants. Future studies are needed to further evaluate this characteristic feature of CHR-P individuals and its potential predictive value for psychosis development
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