42 research outputs found

    Ring-oscillator with multiple transconductors for linear analog-to-digital conversion

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    This paper proposes a new circuit-based approach to mitigate nonlinearity in open-loop ring-oscillator-based analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The approach consists of driving a current-controlled oscillator (CCO) with several transconductors connected in parallel with different bias conditions. The current injected into the oscillator can then be properly sized to linearize the oscillator, performing the inverse current-to-frequency function. To evaluate the approach, a circuit example has been designed in a 65-nm CMOS process, leading to a more than 3-ENOB enhancement in simulation for a high-swing differential input voltage signal of 800-mVpp, with considerable less complex design and lower power and expected area in comparison to state-of-the-art circuit based solutions. The architecture has also been checked against PVT and mismatch variations, proving to be highly robust, requiring only very simple calibration techniques. The solution is especially suitable for high-bandwidth (tens of MHz) medium-resolution applications (10–12 ENOBs), such as 5G or Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.This research was funded by Project TEC2017-82653-R, Spain

    Reconfigurable Receiver Front-Ends for Advanced Telecommunication Technologies

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    The exponential growth of converging technologies, including augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, machine-to-machine and machine-to-human interactions, biomedical and environmental sensory systems, and artificial intelligence, is driving the need for robust infrastructural systems capable of handling vast data volumes between end users and service providers. This demand has prompted a significant evolution in wireless communication, with 5G and subsequent generations requiring exponentially improved spectral and energy efficiency compared to their predecessors. Achieving this entails intricate strategies such as advanced digital modulations, broader channel bandwidths, complex spectrum sharing, and carrier aggregation scenarios. A particularly challenging aspect arises in the form of non-contiguous aggregation of up to six carrier components across the frequency range 1 (FR1). This necessitates receiver front-ends to effectively reject out-of-band (OOB) interferences while maintaining high-performance in-band (IB) operation. Reconfigurability becomes pivotal in such dynamic environments, where frequency resource allocation, signal strength, and interference levels continuously change. Software-defined radios (SDRs) and cognitive radios (CRs) emerge as solutions, with direct RF-sampling receivers offering a suitable architecture in which the frequency translation is entirely performed in digital domain to avoid analog mixing issues. Moreover, direct RF- sampling receivers facilitate spectrum observation, which is crucial to identify free zones, and detect interferences. Acoustic and distributed filters offer impressive dynamic range and sharp roll off characteristics, but their bulkiness and lack of electronic adjustment capabilities limit their practicality. Active filters, on the other hand, present opportunities for integration in advanced CMOS technology, addressing size constraints and providing versatile programmability. However, concerns about power consumption, noise generation, and linearity in active filters require careful consideration.This thesis primarily focuses on the design and implementation of a low-voltage, low-power RFFE tailored for direct sampling receivers in 5G FR1 applications. The RFFE consists of a balun low-noise amplifier (LNA), a Q-enhanced filter, and a programmable gain amplifier (PGA). The balun-LNA employs noise cancellation, current reuse, and gm boosting for wideband gain and input impedance matching. Leveraging FD-SOI technology allows for programmable gain and linearity via body biasing. The LNA's operational state ranges between high-performance and high-tolerance modes, which are apt for sensitivityand blocking tests, respectively. The Q-enhanced filter adopts noise-cancelling, current-reuse, and programmable Gm-cells to realize a fourth-order response using two resonators. The fourth-order filter response is achieved by subtracting the individual response of these resonators. Compared to cascaded and magnetically coupled fourth-order filters, this technique maintains the large dynamic range of second-order resonators. Fabricated in 22-nm FD-SOI technology, the RFFE achieves 1%-40% fractional bandwidth (FBW) adjustability from 1.7 GHz to 6.4 GHz, 4.6 dB noise figure (NF) and an OOB third-order intermodulation intercept point (IIP3) of 22 dBm. Furthermore, concerning the implementation uncertainties and potential variations of temperature and supply voltage, design margins have been considered and a hybrid calibration scheme is introduced. A combination of on-chip and off-chip calibration based on noise response is employed to effectively adjust the quality factors, Gm-cells, and resonance frequencies, ensuring desired bandpass response. To optimize and accelerate the calibration process, a reinforcement learning (RL) agent is used.Anticipating future trends, the concept of the Q-enhanced filter extends to a multiple-mode filter for 6G upper mid-band applications. Covering the frequency range from 8 to 20 GHz, this RFFE can be configured as a fourth-order dual-band filter, two bandpass filters (BPFs) with an OOB notch, or a BPF with an IB notch. In cognitive radios, the filter’s transmission zeros can be positioned with respect to the carrier frequencies of interfering signals to yield over 50 dB blocker rejection

    Compensation numérique pour convertisseur large bande hautement parallélisé.

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    Time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (TIADC) seem to be the holy grail of analog-to-digital conversion. Theoretically, their sampling speed can be increased, very simply, by duplicating the sub-converters. The real world is different because mismatches between the converters strongly reduce the TIADC performance, especially when trying to push forward the sampling speed, or the resolution of the converter. Using background digital mismatch calibration can alleviate this limitation. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to studying the sources and effects of mismatches in a TIADC. Performance metrics such as the SNDR and the SFDR are derived as a function of the mismatch levels. In the second part, new background digital mismatch calibration techniques are presented. They are able to reduce the offset, gain, skew and bandwidth mismatch errors. The mismatches are estimated by using the statistical properties of the input signal and digital filters are used to reconstruct the correct output samples. In the third part, a 1.6 GS/s TIADC circuit, implementing offset, gain and skew mismatch calibration, demonstrates a reduction of the mismatch spurs down to a level of -70 dBFS, up to an input frequency of 750 MHz. The circuit achieves the lowest level of mismatches among TIADCs in the same frequency range, with a reasonable power and area, in spite of the overhead caused by the calibration.Les convertisseurs analogique-numérique à entrelacement temporel (TIADC) semblent être une solution prometteuse dans le monde de la conversion analogique-numérique. Leur fréquence d’échantillonnage peut théoriquement être augmentée en augmentant le nombre de convertisseurs en parallèle. En réalité, des désappariements entre les convertisseurs peuvent fortement dégrader les performances, particulièrement à haute fréquence d’échantillonnage ou à haute résolution. Ces défauts d’appariement peuvent être réduits en utilisant des techniques de calibration en arrière-plan. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des sources et effets des différents types de désappariements dans un TIADC. Des indicateurs de performance tels que le SNDR ou la SFDR sont exprimés en fonction du niveau des désappariements. Dans la deuxième partie, des nouvelles techniques de calibration sont proposées. Ces techniques permettent de réduire les effets des désappariements d’offset, de gain, d’instant d’échantillonnage et de bande passante. Les désappariements sont estimés en se basant sur des propriétés statistiques du signal et la reconstruction des échantillons de sortie se fait en utilisant des filtres numériques. La troisième partie démontre les performance d’un TIADC fonctionnant a une fréquence d’échantillonnage de 1.6 GE/s et comprenant les calibration d’offset, de gain et d’instant d’échantillonnage proposées. Les raies fréquentielles dues aux désappariements sont réduites à un niveau de -70dBc jusqu’à une fréquence d’entrée de 750 MHz. Ce circuit démontre une meilleure correction de désappariements que des circuits similaires récemment publiés, et ce avec une augmentation de puissance consommée et de surface relativement faible

    Implementation of a 200 MSps 12-bit SAR ADC

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    Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with high conversion frequency, often based on pipelined architectures, are used for measuring instruments, wireless communication and video applications. Successive approximation register (SAR) converters offer a compact and power efficient alternative but the conversion speed is typically designed for lower frequencies. In this thesis a low-power 12-bit 200 MSps SAR ADC based on charge redistribution was designed for a 28 nm CMOS technology. The proposed design uses an efficient SAR algorithm (merged capacitor switching procedure) to reduce power consumption due to capacitor charging by 88 % compared to a conventional design, as well as reducing the total capacitor area by half. Sampling switches were bootstrapped for increased linearity compared to simple transmission gates. Another feature of the low power design is a fully-dynamic comparator which does not require a preamplifier. Pre-layout simulations of the SAR ADC with 800 MHz input frequency shows an SNDR of 64.8 dB, corresponding to an ENOB of 10.5, and an SFDR of 75.3 dB. The total power consumption is 1.77 mW with an estimated value of 500 W for the unimplemented digital logic. Calculation of the Schreier figure-of-merit was done with an input signal at the Nyquist frequency. The simulated SNDR, SFDR and power equals 69.5 dB, 77.3 dB and 1.9 mW respectively, corresponding to a figure-of merit of 176.6 dB.Från analogt till digitalt - snabba och strömsnåla omvandlare Dagens digitala samhälle ställer höga krav på prestanda och effektivitet. I samarbete med Ericsson i Lund har en krets för signalomvandling utvecklats. Genom smart design uppnås hög hastighet och låg strömförbrukning som ligger i forskningens framkant. Från analogt till digitalt Ett viktigt byggblock för telekommunikation och videoapplikationer är så kallade A/D-omvandlare, som översätter mellan analoga signaler (till exempel ljud) och digitala signaler bestående av ettor och nollor. En väldigt effektiv metod för A/D-omvandling bygger på så kallad successiv approximation. Metoden innebär att signalen som ska omvandlas jämförs med en referensnivå, som stegvis justeras för att närma sig signalens värde. Till slut har man en tillräckligt god uppskattning av värdet som ska mätas. Just en sådan omvandlare har utvecklats med höga krav på hastighet och energiförbrukning. Detta gjordes genom datorsimuleringar av modeller som beskriver kretsen. Referensnivån skapas ofta genom att styra ett nätverk som lagrar elektrisk laddning. Omvandlingens noggrannhet, eller upplösning, beror på hur många nivåer som finns tillgängliga det vill säga hur nära signalens värde man kan komma. I den designade kretsen finns hela 4096 nivåer! Det finns många källor till osäkerhet i systemet, bland annat hur exakta referensnivåerna är och hur bra jämförelsen med insignalen kan göras. Eftersom dessa eventuellt kan leda till en försämring av omvandlingens noggrannhet måste alla delar i kretsen utformas med detta i åtanke. Höga hastigheter Eftersom det krävs många steg för referensnivån att närma sig signalens värde är den maximala omvandlingshastigheten ofta begränsad. Med teknikens utveckling öppnas nya möjligheter i takt med att mikrochippens enskilda komponenter blir snabbare. Modern forskning visar att omvandlare baserade på successiv approximation kan uppnå hastigheter på flera miljoner mätvärden varje sekund, vilket även den utvecklade kretsen klarar av. Effektiv design Nya metoder för successiv approximation möjliggör stora besparingar när det gäller effektförbrukning, till exempel genom att effektivisera upp- och urladdningen av nätverket. Genom små ändringar kunde nätverkets energiförbrukning minskas med över 90 % samtidigt som dess area halverades. Eftersom produktionskostnaden för integrerade kretsar är hög medför varje minskning av kretsens area att kostnaden sjunker

    CMOS Data Converters for Closed-Loop mmWave Transmitters

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    With the increased amount of data consumed in mobile communication systems, new solutions for the infrastructure are needed. Massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) is seen as a key enabler for providing this increased capacity. With the use of a large number of transmitters, the cost of each transmitter must be low. Closed-loop transmitters, featuring high-speed data converters is a promising option for achieving this reduced unit cost.In this thesis, both digital-to-analog (D/A) and analog-to-digital (A/D) converters suitable for wideband operation in millimeter wave (mmWave) massive MIMO transmitters are demonstrated. A 2 76 bit radio frequency digital-to-analog converter (RF-DAC)-based in-phase quadrature (IQ) modulator is demonstrated as a compact building block, that to a large extent realizes the transmit path in a closed-loop mmWave transmitter. The evaluation of an successive-approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is also presented in this thesis. Methods for connecting simulated and measured performance has been studied in order to achieve a better understanding about the alternating comparator topology.These contributions show great potential for enabling closed-loop mmWave transmitters for massive MIMO transmitter realizations

    Sub-Picosecond Jitter Clock Generation for Time Interleaved Analog to Digital Converter

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    Nowadays, Multi-GHz analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are becoming more and more popular in radar systems, software-defined radio (SDR) and wideband communications, because they can realize much higher operation speed through using many interleaved sub-ADCs to relax ADC sampling rates. Although the time interleaved ADC has some issues such as gain mismatch, offset mismatch and timing skew between each ADC channel, these deterministic errors can be solved by previous works such as digital calibration technique. However, time-interleaved ADCs require a precise sample clock to achieve an acceptable effective-numberof-bits (ENOB) which can be degraded by jitter in the sample clock. The clock generation circuits presented in this work achieves sub-picosecond jitter performance in 180nm CMOS which is suitable for time-interleaved ADC. Two different test chips were fabricated in 180nm CMOS to investigate the low jitter design technique. The low jitter delay line in two chips were designed in two different ways, but both of them utilized the low jitter design technique. In first test chip, the measured RMS jitter is 0.1061ps for each delay stage. The second chip uses the proposed low jitter Delay-Locked Loop can work from 80MHz to 120MHz, which means it can provide the time interleaved ADC with 2.4GHz to 3.6GHz low jitter sample clock, the measured delay stage jitter performance in second test chip is 0.1085ps

    High-Bandwidth Voltage-Controlled Oscillator based architectures for Analog-to-Digital Conversion

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    The purpose of this thesis is the proposal and implementation of data conversion open-loop architectures based on voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) built with ring oscillators (RO-based ADCs), suitable for highly digital designs, scalable to the newest complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) nodes. The scaling of the design technologies into the nanometer range imposes the reduction of the supply voltage towards small and power-efficient architectures, leading to lower voltage overhead of the transistors. Additionally, phenomena like a lower intrinsic gain, inherent noise, and parasitic effects (mismatch between devices and PVT variations) make the design of classic structures for ADCs more challenging. In recent years, time-encoded A/D conversion has gained relevant popularity due to the possibility of being implemented with mostly digital structures. Within this trend, VCOs designed with ring oscillator based topologies have emerged as promising candidates for the conception of new digitization techniques. RO-based data converters show excellent scalability and sensitivity, apart from some other desirable properties, such as inherent quantization noise shaping and implicit anti-aliasing filtering. However, their nonlinearity and the limited time delay achievable in a simple NOT gate drastically limits the resolution of the converter, especially if we focus on wide-band A/D conversion. This thesis proposes new ways to alleviate these issues. Firstly, circuit-based techniques to compensate for the nonlinearity of the ring oscillator are proposed and compared to equivalent state-of-the-art solutions. The proposals are designed and simulated in a 65-nm CMOS node for open-loop RO-based ADC architectures. One of the techniques is also validated experimentally through a prototype. Secondly, new ways to artificially increase the effective oscillation frequency are introduced and validated by simulations. Finally, new approaches to shape the quantization noise and filter the output spectrum of a RO-based ADC are proposed theoretically. In particular, a quadrature RO-based band-pass ADC and a power-efficient Nyquist A/D converter are proposed and validated by simulations. All the techniques proposed in this work are especially devoted for highbandwidth applications, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) nodes or maximally digital radio receivers. Nevertheless, their field of application is not restricted to them, and could be extended to others like biomedical instrumentation or sensing.El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es la propuesta y la implementación de arquitecturas de conversión de datos basadas en osciladores en anillos, compatibles con diseños mayoritariamente digitales, escalables en los procesos CMOS de fabricación más modernos donde las estructuras digitales se ven favorecidas. La miniaturización de las tecnologías CMOS de diseño lleva consigo la reducción de la tensión de alimentación para el desarrollo de arquitecturas pequeñas y eficientes en potencia. Esto reduce significativamente la disponibilidad de tensión para saturar transistores, lo que añadido a una ganancia cada vez menor de los mismos, ruido y efectos parásitos como el “mismatch” y las variaciones de proceso, tensión y temperatura han llevado a que sea cada vez más complejo el diseño de estructuras analógicas eficientes. Durante los últimos años la conversión A/D basada en codificación temporal ha ganado gran popularidad dado que permite la implementación de estructuras mayoritariamente digitales. Como parte de esta evolución, los osciladores controlados por tensión diseñados con topologías de oscilador en anillo han surgido como un candidato prometedor para la concepción de nuevas técnicas de digitalización. Los convertidores de datos basados en osciladores en anillo son extremadamente sensibles (variación de frecuencia con respecto a la señal de entrada) así como escalables, además de otras propiedades muy atractivas, como el conformado espectral de ruido de cuantificación y el filtrado “anti-aliasing”. Sin embargo, su respuesta no lineal y el limitado tiempo de retraso alcanzable por una compuerta NOT restringen la resolución del conversor, especialmente para conversión A/D en aplicaciones de elevado ancho de banda. Esta tesis doctoral propone nuevas técnicas para aliviar este tipo de problemas. En primer lugar, se proponen técnicas basadas en circuito para compensar el efecto de la no linealidad en los osciladores en anillo, y se comparan con soluciones equivalentes ya publicadas. Las propuestas se diseñan y simulan en tecnología CMOS de 65 nm para arquitecturas en lazo abierto. Una de estas técnicas presentadas es también validada experimentalmente a través de un prototipo. En segundo lugar, se introducen y validan por simulación varias formas de incrementar artificialmente la frecuencia de oscilación efectiva. Para finalizar, se proponen teóricamente dos enfoques para configurar nuevas formas de conformación del ruido de cuantificación y filtrado del espectro de salida de los datos digitales. En particular, son propuestos y validados por simulación un ADC pasobanda en cuadratura de fase y un ADC de Nyquist de gran eficiencia en potencia. Todas las técnicas propuestas en este trabajo están destinadas especialmente para aplicaciones de alto ancho de banda, tales como módulos para el Internet de las cosas o receptores de radiofrecuencia mayoritariamente digitales. A pesar de ello, son extrapolables también a otros campos como el de la instrumentación biomédica o el de la medición de señales mediante sensores.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Juan Pablo Alegre Pérez.- Secretario: Celia López Ongil.- Vocal: Fernando Cardes Garcí