5 research outputs found

    Measurements in 1149.4 environments - correcting the infrastructure switches influence

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    Measuring the values of discrete components frequently takes place during the test or debug phase of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). This operation requires tools that are based on some access type. The shrinking geometries constrain the straightforward use of tools based on physical access. One of the aims of the IEEE1149.4 Std. is to facilitate those on-board measurements. This infrastructure relies on electronic access that includes high quality analog buses and a set of electronic switches, which enable to completely isolate a component under characterization, e.g. by injecting a known current and measuring the voltage across it. During this process, the infrastructure switches have a negative impact in the measurement accuracy. This paper analyses the measurement of one resistor in two situations: connected between a pin and ground and between two pins. The infrastructure switches that affect the measurement quality are identified and the upper limit of its systematic error is characterized. When the systematic error is completely defined then it is possible to remove its negative effect from the final result

    Apoio à depuração e teste de circuitos mistos compatíveis com a norma IEEE1149.4

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto, Instituto Superior de Engenharia. Instituto Politécnico do Porto. 200

    Desenvolvimento de um Controlador de Boundary Scan (Ieee 1149.1)

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Área de Especialização em Automação e SistemasO Boundary Scan consiste numa infra-estrutura de teste por varrimento periférico, com o objectivo de garantir a controlabilidade e observabilidade dos principais inputs e outputs dos vários circuitos integrados que compõem uma placa de circuito impresso. Esta metodologia está, desde 1990, normalizada pelo Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers como o IEEE 1149.1, que permite a implementação facilitada de sistemas de teste integrados em placas de circuitos digitais. O presente trabalho incide no estudo da tecnologia, abordando-se a sua motivação, importante presença na indústria para a aplicação de testes estruturais, descrição técnica detalhada, e metodologias para o seu controlo; e o desenvolvimento de um controlador compatível capaz de actuar as infra-estruturas de Boundary Scan. O controlador de Boundary Scan, aliado ao software desenvolvido, deverá possibilitar o teste de placas que suportem a tecnologia, garantindo a sua observação e controlo, estando adequado a uma utilização numa vertente didáctica. Outras funcionalidades com o intuito de melhor explorarem as capacidades do teste ou controlo por Boundary Scan, ou melhorar a sua utilidade como ferramenta no ensino de electrónica, foram também consideradas. A adaptação do sistema ao presente contexto tecnológico foi garantida pela análise de produtos comerciais e de distribuição livres, actualmente disponíveis. O sistema desenvolvido é composto por três componentes: O controlador de Boundary Scan e o seu firmware; a biblioteca dinâmica para o seu controlo; e a aplicação gráfica que serve de interface com o utilizador. Esta modularidade do sistema permite que o controlador e biblioteca de controlo possam ser facilmente integrados em outros projectos, com outro software desenvolvido para o seu controlo. A aplicação gráfica criada disponibiliza um conjunto de ferramentas genéricas que tiram partido da tecnologia de Boundary Scan, destacando-se: Controlo e monitorização dos pinos físicos dos componentes alvo; Pesquisa e identificação automática dos componentes do circuito alvo; Programação de microcontroladores Atmel ATmega; Execução de código de descrição de testes segundo os standards Serial Vector Format (SVF) e Xilinx Serial Vector Format (XSVF); Aplicação automática ou manual de instruções de teste; entre outras. O suporte à linguagem Serial Vector Format permite que o controlador seja eficientemente utilizado para o teste de circuitos, ou em parceria com um grande número de softwares de desenvolvimento, na execução de tarefas por Boundary Scan (utilizando os ficheiros Serial Vector Format que estes criam). O protótipo funcional desenvolvido foi testado com recurso a uma placa de teste desenhada para o efeito, composta por um conjunto de componentes que dispõem de infra-estrutura de testes em conformidade com a norma IEEE 1149.1, que serve de alvo para o controlador. O teste ao sistema permitiu validar o correcto funcionamento das funcionalidades implementadas e optimizar o seu desempenho. Considera-se que o controlador proposto respondeu às expectativas tanto no que respeita à sua funcionalidade, que excedeu os objectivos inicialmente traçados, de controlo e observação das placas alvo; como relativamente ao seu desempenho, que, pelo menos, enquadrado numa utilização didáctica, se entende muito satisfatório.The Boundary Scan is a test architecture with the aim of granting access to the input and output pins of the various components of an electric digital circuit, allowing for its observability and controllability. This technology was standardized, in the year 1990, by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, as IEEE 1149.1, which describes the implementation of the boundary scan as an integrated test system used for testing and debugging printed circuit boards. The present work focus on the study the IEEE 1149.1 standard; understanding its motivation and important role in the industry in the structural testing of electronic products; describing a detailed technical overview including its control methods; and the development of a compatible controller for testing and debugging of circuit boards through the boundary scan interface. The designed Boundary Scan controller, with its control software, should be able to test circuits with Boundary Scan capabilities, assuring its controllability and observability, while being suitable for use in a didactic environment. Other functionalities in order to better explore the Boundary Scan technology, or enhance its use as a tool for electronic teaching, were also considered. To better suit the developed controller to the current technology context, other commercially or freely available controllers were researched and taken in consideration. The designed system has three main components: The boundary scan controller and its firmware, which links the computer to the target circuit board; a dynamic library for easier control; and the computer application that serves as the graphic user interface. This system modularity allows for an easy integration of the controller and library in other projects. The graphic application, as it was developed, has a number of generic applications that take advantage of Boundary Scan technology: Control and monitoring of the physical inputs/outputs pins of the target components; Automatic search and identification of the individual components of the target circuitry; Programming of Atmel Atmega microcontrollers; Execution of test descriptive languages according to Serial Vector Format (SVF) and Xilinx Serial Vector Format (XSVF) specification; Manual or automatic application of test instructions; among others. The Serial Vector Format support enables the controller to be efficiently used for circuit testing, or to work in conjunction with a great number of development software, executing boundary scan operations by interpreting their Serial Vector Format files. The assembled functional prototype of the controller was tested with a test board created for that purpose, which integrate a number of integrated circuit components compatible with the IEEE 1149.1, to be used as the target during the system testing. The conducted tests validated the correct functioning of the implemented functionalities and allowed to optimize its performance. Considering the initial objectives of the project, the proposed controller responded well to both expectations regarding to its functionality, which far surpassed the initially proposed set, for controlling and observing the target boards; and with respect to its performance, that, at least as far as a didactic use is concerned, is considered very satisfactory

    DOAS spectroscopy onboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft – trace gas concentration, and flux measurement of localized sources

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    This thesis deals with the remote sensing and the flux calculation of atmospheric trace gases, using Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS). Since 2010, within the CARIBIC project (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container), a new DOAS instrument is installed in the cargo compartment of a passenger aircraft once per month as part of a fully automated measurement container. With this instrument, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfphur dioxide (SO2), bromine oxide (BrO), nitrous acid (HONO), formaldehyde (HCHO) and ozone (O3) are measured. The results of these measurements are presented with focus on SO2 and NO2, which were observed in the downwind plumes of large industrial plants and cities. Using flux calculations, the emission of SO2 from a nickel smelter in Norilsk (Siberia) and the NO2 emission of the city of Paris are estimated. Thereby, the uncertainty factors are discussed and comparison with satellite data are performed. The question is dealt with, whether such calculations can be used to quantify further emission sources using similar instruments onboard additional passenger aircraft

    Analog Boundary-Scan Description Language (ABSDL) for Mixed-Signal Board Test

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    The IEEE Standard 1149.4 has been ratified and available for some time, now. However, describing the architectural content of an analog boundary-scan register has not yet been standardized. The work of the IEEE Std 1149.4 Working Group over the past several years has been to define and codify an extension to IEEE Std 1149.1’s BSDL. In this paper, a language to describe the boundary-scan implementation in a mixed-signal device is proposed. The language is called Analog Boundary-Scan Description Language (ABSDL) and it is compatible with the existin