3,189 research outputs found

    Upravljanje putanjama vazduhoplova u kontroli letenja na pre-taktičkom i taktičkom nivou

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    Global air traffic demand is continuously increasing, and it is predicted to be tripled by 2050. The need for increasing air traffic capacity motivates a shift of ATM towards Trajectory Based Operations (TBOs). This implies the possibility to design efficient congestion-free aircraft trajectories more in advance (pre-tactical, strategic level) reducing controller’s workload on tactical level. As consequence, controllers will be able to manage more flights. Current flow management practices in air traffic management (ATM) system shows that under the present system settings there are only timid demand management actions taken prior to the day of operation such as: slot allocation and strategic flow rerouting. But the choice of air route for a particular flight is seen as a commercial decision to be taken by airlines, given air traffic control constraints. This thesis investigates the potential of robust trajectory planning (considered as an additional demand management action) at pre-tactical level as a mean to alleviate the en-route congestion in airspace. Robust trajectory planning (RTP) involves generation of congestion-free trajectories with minimum operating cost taking into account uncertainty of trajectory prediction and unforeseen event. Although planned cost could be higher than of conventional models, adding robustness to schedules might reduce cost of disruptions and hopefully lead to reductions in operating cost. The most of existing trajectory planning models consider finding of conflict-free trajectories without taking into account uncertainty of trajectory prediction. It is shown in the thesis that in the case of traffic disturbances, it is better to have a robust solution otherwise newly generated congestion problems would be hard and costly to solve. This thesis introduces a novel approach for route generation (3D trajectory) based on homotopic feature of continuous functions. It is shown that this approach is capable of generating a large number of route shapes with a reasonable number of decision variables. Those shapes are then coupled with time dimension in order to create trajectories (4D)...Globalna potražnja za vazdušnim saobraćajem u stalnom je porastu i prognozira se da će broj letova biti utrostručen do 2050 godine. Potreba za povećanjem kapaciteta sistema vazdušnog saobraćaja motivisala je promene u sistemu upravljanja saobraćajnim tokovima u kome će u budućnosti centralnu ulogu imati putanje vazduhoplova tzv. “trajectory-based” koncept. Takav sistem omogućiće planiranje putanja vazduhoplova koje ne stvaraju zagušenja u sistemu na pre-taktičkom nivou i time smanjiti radno opterećenje kontrolora na taktičkom nivou. Kao posledica, kontrolor će moći da upravlja više letova nego u današnjem sistemu. Današnja praksa upravljanja saobraćajnim tokovima pokazuje da se mali broj upravljačkih akcija primenjuje pre dana obavljanja letova npr.: alokacija slotova poletanja i strateško upravljanje saobraćajnim tokovima. Međutim izbor putanje kojom će se odviti let posmatra se kao komercijalna odluka aviokompanije (uz poštovanje postavljenih ograničenja od strane kontrole letenja) i stoga je ostavljen na izbor avio-kompaniji. Većina, do danas razvijenih, modela upravljanja putanjama vazduhoplova ima za cilj generisanje bez-konfliktnih putanja, ne uzimajući u obzir neizvesnost u poziciji vazduhoplova. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitivano je planiranje robustnih putanja vazduhoplova (RTP) na pre-taktičkom nivou kao sredstvo ublažavanja zagušenja u vazdušnom prostoru . Robustno upravljanje putanjama vazduhoplova podrazumeva izbor putanja vazduhoplova sa minimalnim operativnim troškovima koje ne izazivaju zagušenja u vazdušnom prostoru u uslovima neizvesnosti buduđe pozicije vazduhoplova i nepredviđenih događaja. Iako predviđeni (planirani) operativni troškovi robustnih putanja mogu u startu biti veći od operativnih troškova bez-konfliktnih putanja, robusnost može uticati na smanjenje troškove poremećaja putanja jer ne zahteva dodatnu promenu putanja vazduhplova radi izbegavanja konfliktnih situacija na taktičkom nivou. To na kraju može dovesti i do smanjenja stvarnih operativnih troškova. U tezi je pokazano, da je u slučaju poremećaja saobraćaja bolje imati robustno rešenje (putanje), jer novo-nastali problem zagušenosti vazdušnog prostora je teško i skupo rešiti..

    A chance-constrained programming model for airport ground movement optimisation with taxi time uncertainties

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    Airport ground movement remains a major bottleneck for air traffic management. Existing approaches have developed several routing allocation methods to address this problem, in which the taxi time traversing each segment of the taxiways is fixed. However, taxi time is typically difficult to estimate in advance, since its uncertainties are inherent in the airport ground movement optimisation due to various unmodelled and unpredictable factors. To address the optimisation of taxi time under uncertainty, we introduce a chance-constrained programming model with sample approximation, in which a set of scenarios is generated in accordance with taxi time distributions. A modified sequential quickest path searching algorithm with local heuristic is then designed to minimise the entire taxi time. Working with real-world data at an international airport, we compare our proposed method with the state-of-the-art algorithms. Extensive simulations indicate that our proposed method efficiently allocates routes with smaller taxiing time, as well as fewer aircraft stops during the taxiing process

    Integrated risk/cost planning models for the US Air Traffic system

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    A prototype network planning model for the U.S. Air Traffic control system is described. The model encompasses the dual objectives of managing collision risks and transportation costs where traffic flows can be related to these objectives. The underlying structure is a network graph with nonseparable convex costs; the model is solved efficiently by capitalizing on its intrinsic characteristics. Two specialized algorithms for solving the resulting problems are described: (1) truncated Newton, and (2) simplicial decomposition. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated using data collected from a control center in the Midwest. Computational results with different computer systems are presented, including a vector supercomputer (CRAY-XMP). The risk/cost model has two primary uses: (1) as a strategic planning tool using aggregate flight information, and (2) as an integrated operational system for forecasting congestion and monitoring (controlling) flow throughout the U.S. In the latter case, access to a supercomputer is required due to the model's enormous size

    On green routing and scheduling problem

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    The vehicle routing and scheduling problem has been studied with much interest within the last four decades. In this paper, some of the existing literature dealing with routing and scheduling problems with environmental issues is reviewed, and a description is provided of the problems that have been investigated and how they are treated using combinatorial optimization tools

    Allocation of Ground Handling Resources at Copenhagen Airport

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    Initial Investigation of Operational Concept Elements for NASA's NextGen-Airportal Project Research

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    The NextGen-Airportal Project is organized into three research focus areas: Safe and Efficient Surface Operations, Coordinated Arrival/Departure Operations Management, and Airportal Transition and Integration Management. The content in this document was derived from an examination of constraints and problems at airports for accommodating future increases in air traffic, and from an examination of capabilities envisioned for NextGen. The concepts are organized around categories of constraints and problems and therefore do not precisely match, but generally reflect, the research focus areas. The concepts provide a framework for defining and coordinating research activities that are, and will be, conducted by the NextGen-Airportal Project. The concepts will help the research activities function as an integrated set focused on future needs for airport operations and will aid aligning the research activities with NextGen key capabilities. The concepts are presented as concept elements with more detailed sub-elements under each concept element. For each concept element, the following topics are discussed: constraints and problems being addressed, benefit descriptions, required technology and infrastructure, and an initial list of potential research topics. Concept content will be updated and more detail added as the research progresses. The concepts are focused on enhancing airportal capacity and efficiency in a timeframe 20 to 25 years in the future, which is similar to NextGen's timeframe

    The trade-off between taxi time and fuel consumption in airport ground movement

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    Environmental impact is a very important agenda item in many sectors nowadays, which the air transportation sector is also trying to reduce as much as possible. One area which has remained relatively unexplored in this context is the ground movement problem for aircraft on the airport’s surface. Aircraft have to be routed from a gate to a runway and vice versa and it is still unknown whether fuel burn and environmental impact reductions will best result from purely minimising the taxi times or whether it is also important to avoid multiple acceleration phases. This paper presents a newly developed multi-objective approach for analysing the trade-off between taxi time and fuel consumption during taxiing. The approach consists of a combination of a graph-based routing algorithm and a population adaptive immune algorithm to discover different speed profiles of aircraft. Analysis with data from a European hub airport has highlighted the impressive performance of the new approach. Furthermore, it is shown that the trade-off between taxi time and fuel consumption is very sensitive to the fuel-related objective function which is used

    Human performance and strategies while solving an aircraft routing and sequencing problem: an experimental approach

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    As airport resources are stretched to meet increasing demand for services, effective use of ground infrastructure is increasingly critical for ensuring operational efficiency. Work in operations research has produced algorithms providing airport tower controllers with guidance on optimal timings and sequences for flight arrivals, departures, and ground movement. While such decision support systems have the potential to improve operational efficiency, they may also affect users’ mental workload, situation awareness, and task performance. This work sought to identify performance outcomes and strategies employed by human decision makers during an experimental airport ground movement control task with the goal of identifying opportunities for enhancing user-centered tower control decision support systems. To address this challenge, thirty novice participants solved a set of vehicle routing problems presented in the format of a game representing the airport ground movement task practiced by runway controllers. The games varied across two independent variables, network map layout (representing task complexity) and gameplay objective (representing task flexibility), and verbal protocol, visual protocol, task performance, workload, and task duration were collected as dependent variables. A logistic regression analysis revealed that gameplay objective and task duration significantly affected the likelihood of a participant identifying the optimal solution to a game, with the likelihood of an optimal solution increasing with longer task duration and in the less flexible objective condition. In addition, workload appeared unaffected by either independent variable, but verbal protocols and visual observations indicated that high-performing participants demonstrated a greater degree of planning and situation awareness. Through identifying human behavior during optimization problem solving, the work of tower control can be better understood, which, in turn, provides insights for developing decision support systems for ground movement management