155 research outputs found

    Disentangling Prosody Representations with Unsupervised Speech Reconstruction

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    Human speech can be characterized by different components, including semantic content, speaker identity and prosodic information. Significant progress has been made in disentangling representations for semantic content and speaker identity in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and speaker verification tasks respectively. However, it is still an open challenging research question to extract prosodic information because of the intrinsic association of different attributes, such as timbre and rhythm, and because of the need for supervised training schemes to achieve robust large-scale and speaker-independent ASR. The aim of this paper is to address the disentanglement of emotional prosody from speech based on unsupervised reconstruction. Specifically, we identify, design, implement and integrate three crucial components in our proposed speech reconstruction model Prosody2Vec: (1) a unit encoder that transforms speech signals into discrete units for semantic content, (2) a pretrained speaker verification model to generate speaker identity embeddings, and (3) a trainable prosody encoder to learn prosody representations. We first pretrain the Prosody2Vec representations on unlabelled emotional speech corpora, then fine-tune the model on specific datasets to perform Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) and Emotional Voice Conversion (EVC) tasks. Both objective (weighted and unweighted accuracies) and subjective (mean opinion score) evaluations on the EVC task suggest that Prosody2Vec effectively captures general prosodic features that can be smoothly transferred to other emotional speech. In addition, our SER experiments on the IEMOCAP dataset reveal that the prosody features learned by Prosody2Vec are complementary and beneficial for the performance of widely used speech pretraining models and surpass the state-of-the-art methods when combining Prosody2Vec with HuBERT representations.Comment: Accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processin

    Review of Research on Speech Technology: Main Contributions From Spanish Research Groups

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    In the last two decades, there has been an important increase in research on speech technology in Spain, mainly due to a higher level of funding from European, Spanish and local institutions and also due to a growing interest in these technologies for developing new services and applications. This paper provides a review of the main areas of speech technology addressed by research groups in Spain, their main contributions in the recent years and the main focus of interest these days. This description is classified in five main areas: audio processing including speech, speaker characterization, speech and language processing, text to speech conversion and spoken language applications. This paper also introduces the Spanish Network of Speech Technologies (RTTH. Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla) as the research network that includes almost all the researchers working in this area, presenting some figures, its objectives and its main activities developed in the last years

    Voice Quality Modelling for Expressive Speech Synthesis

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    This paper presents the perceptual experiments that were carried out in order to validate the methodology of transforming expressive speech styles using voice quality (VoQ) parameters modelling, along with the well-known prosody (F0, duration, and energy), from a neutral style into a number of expressive ones. The main goal was to validate the usefulness of VoQ in the enhancement of expressive synthetic speech in terms of speech quality and style identification. A harmonic plus noise model (HNM) was used to modify VoQ and prosodic parameters that were extracted from an expressive speech corpus. Perception test results indicated the improvement of obtained expressive speech styles using VoQ modelling along with prosodic characteristics

    Voice Quality Modelling for Expressive Speech Synthesis

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    This paper presents the perceptual experiments that were carried out in order to validate the methodology of transforming expressive speech styles using voice quality (VoQ) parameters modelling, along with the well-known prosody ( 0 , duration, and energy), from a neutral style into a number of expressive ones. The main goal was to validate the usefulness of VoQ in the enhancement of expressive synthetic speech in terms of speech quality and style identification. A harmonic plus noise model (HNM) was used to modify VoQ and prosodic parameters that were extracted from an expressive speech corpus. Perception test results indicated the improvement of obtained expressive speech styles using VoQ modelling along with prosodic characteristics

    Intonation in a text-to-speech conversion system

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    Synthesising prosody with insufficient context

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    Prosody is a key component in human spoken communication, signalling emotion, attitude, information structure, intention, and other communicative functions through perceived variation in intonation, loudness, timing, and voice quality. However, the prosody in text-to-speech (TTS) systems is often monotonous and adds no additional meaning to the text. Synthesising prosody is difficult for several reasons: I focus on three challenges. First, prosody is embedded in the speech signal, making it hard to model with machine learning. Second, there is no clear orthography for prosody, meaning it is underspecified in the input text and making it difficult to directly control. Third, and most importantly, prosody is determined by the context of a speech act, which TTS systems do not, and will never, have complete access to. Without the context, we cannot say if prosody is appropriate or inappropriate. Context is wide ranging, but state-of-the-art TTS acoustic models only have access to phonetic information and limited structural information. Unfortunately, most context is either difficult, expensive, or impos- sible to collect. Thus, fully specified prosodic context will never exist. Given there is insufficient context, prosody synthesis is a one-to-many generative task: it necessitates the ability to produce multiple renditions. To provide this ability, I propose methods for prosody control in TTS, using either explicit prosody features, such as F0 and duration, or learnt prosody representations disentangled from the acoustics. I demonstrate that without control of the prosodic variability in speech, TTS will produce average prosody—i.e. flat and monotonous prosody. This thesis explores different options for operating these control mechanisms. Random sampling of a learnt distribution of prosody produces more varied and realistic prosody. Alternatively, a human-in-the-loop can operate the control mechanism—using their intuition to choose appropriate prosody. To improve the effectiveness of human-driven control, I design two novel approaches to make control mechanisms more human interpretable. Finally, it is important to take advantage of additional context as it becomes available. I present a novel framework that can incorporate arbitrary additional context, and demonstrate my state-of- the-art context-aware model of prosody using a pre-trained and fine-tuned language model. This thesis demonstrates empirically that appropriate prosody can be synthesised with insufficient context by accounting for unexplained prosodic variation

    Assessing the naturalness of Malay emotional voice corpora

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    This research reports the development and evaluation of Malay emotional voice corpora through listening evaluation, and how the numbers of emotion choices offered to evaluators affect the result of the evaluation. The voice corpora comprises of three emotions, namely anger, sadness and happiness being expressed by two male and two female actors. The voice corpora were evaluated in two separate listening tests involving a number of Malay native evaluators balanced for gender, age and profession. In the first listening test, evaluators were given twenty five choices of emotions to choose from. For the second test, the number of emotion choices is only five. Each test was conducted separately with different group of evaluators. The results of the two tests are grossly different with the emotion identification rate of the first test lower than the second test

    Automated Testing of Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation in Telecom Networks

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    Globalisoituvassa maailmassa kyky kommunikoida kielimuurien yli käy yhä tärkeämmäksi. Kielten opiskelu on työlästä ja siksi halutaan kehittää automaattisia konekäännösjärjestelmiä. Ericsson on kehittänyt prototyypin nimeltä Real-Time Interpretation System (RTIS), joka toimii mobiiliverkossa ja kääntää matkailuun liittyviä fraaseja puhemuodossa kahden kielen välillä. Nykyisten konekäännösjärjestelmien suorituskyky on suhteellisen huono ja siksi testauksella on suuri merkitys järjestelmien suunnittelussa. Testauksen tarkoituksena on varmistaa, että järjestelmä säilyttää käännösekvivalenssin sekä puhekäännösjärjestelmän tapauksessa myös riittävän puheenlaadun. Luotettavimmin testaus voidaan suorittaa ihmisten antamiin arviointeihin perustuen, mutta tällaisen testauksen kustannukset ovat suuria ja tulokset subjektiivisia. Tässä työssä suunniteltiin ja analysoitiin automatisoitu testiympäristö Real-Time Interpretation System -käännösprototyypille. Tavoitteina oli tutkia, voidaanko testaus suorittaa automatisoidusti ja pystytäänkö todellinen, käyttäjän havaitsema käännösten laatu mittaamaan automatisoidun testauksen keinoin. Tulokset osoittavat että mobiiliverkoissa puheenlaadun testaukseen käytetyt menetelmät eivät ole optimaalisesti sovellettavissa konekäännösten testaukseen. Nykytuntemuksen mukaan ihmisten suorittama arviointi on ainoa luotettava tapa mitata käännösekvivalenssia ja puheen ymmärrettävyyttä. Konekäännösten testauksen automatisointi vaatii lisää tutkimusta, jota ennen subjektiivinen arviointi tulisi säilyttää ensisijaisena testausmenetelmänä RTIS-testauksessa.In the globalizing world, the ability to communicate over language barriers is increasingly important. Learning languages is laborious, which is why there is a strong desire to develop automatic machine translation applications. Ericsson has developed a speech-to-speech translation prototype called the Real-Time Interpretation System (RTIS). The service runs in a mobile network and translates travel phrases between two languages in speech format. The state-of-the-art machine translation systems suffer from a relatively poor performance and therefore evaluation plays a big role in machine translation development. The purpose of evaluation is to ensure the system preserves the translational equivalence, and in case of a speech-to-speech system, the speech quality. The evaluation is most reliably done by human judges. However, human-conducted evaluation is costly and subjective. In this thesis, a test environment for Ericsson Real-Time Interpretation System prototype is designed and analyzed. The goals are to investigate if the RTIS verification can be conducted automatically, and if the test environment can truthfully measure the end-to-end performance of the system. The results conclude that methods used in end-to-end speech quality verification in mobile networks can not be optimally adapted for machine translation evaluation. With current knowledge, human-conducted evaluation is the only method that can truthfully measure translational equivalence and the speech intelligibility. Automating machine translation evaluation needs further research, until which human-conducted evaluation should remain the preferred method in RTIS verification