47,446 research outputs found

    Many-to-Many Graph Matching: a Continuous Relaxation Approach

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    Graphs provide an efficient tool for object representation in various computer vision applications. Once graph-based representations are constructed, an important question is how to compare graphs. This problem is often formulated as a graph matching problem where one seeks a mapping between vertices of two graphs which optimally aligns their structure. In the classical formulation of graph matching, only one-to-one correspondences between vertices are considered. However, in many applications, graphs cannot be matched perfectly and it is more interesting to consider many-to-many correspondences where clusters of vertices in one graph are matched to clusters of vertices in the other graph. In this paper, we formulate the many-to-many graph matching problem as a discrete optimization problem and propose an approximate algorithm based on a continuous relaxation of the combinatorial problem. We compare our method with other existing methods on several benchmark computer vision datasets.Comment: 1

    Graph edit distance from spectral seriation

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    This paper is concerned with computing graph edit distance. One of the criticisms that can be leveled at existing methods for computing graph edit distance is that they lack some of the formality and rigor of the computation of string edit distance. Hence, our aim is to convert graphs to string sequences so that string matching techniques can be used. To do this, we use a graph spectral seriation method to convert the adjacency matrix into a string or sequence order. We show how the serial ordering can be established using the leading eigenvector of the graph adjacency matrix. We pose the problem of graph-matching as a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) alignment of the seriation sequences for pairs of graphs. This treatment leads to an expression in which the edit cost is the negative logarithm of the a posteriori sequence alignment probability. We compute the edit distance by finding the sequence of string edit operations which minimizes the cost of the path traversing the edit lattice. The edit costs are determined by the components of the leading eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix and by the edge densities of the graphs being matched. We demonstrate the utility of the edit distance on a number of graph clustering problems

    The computational magic of the ventral stream

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    I argue that the sample complexity of (biological, feedforward) object recognition is mostly due to geometric image transformations and conjecture that a main goal of the ventral stream – V1, V2, V4 and IT – is to learn-and-discount image transformations.

In the first part of the paper I describe a class of simple and biologically plausible memory-based modules that learn transformations from unsupervised visual experience. The main theorems show that these modules provide (for every object) a signature which is invariant to local affine transformations and approximately invariant for other transformations. I also prove that,
in a broad class of hierarchical architectures, signatures remain invariant from layer to layer. The identification of these memory-based modules with complex (and simple) cells in visual areas leads to a theory of invariant recognition for the ventral stream.

In the second part, I outline a theory about hierarchical architectures that can learn invariance to transformations. I show that the memory complexity of learning affine transformations is drastically reduced in a hierarchical architecture that factorizes transformations in terms of the subgroup of translations and the subgroups of rotations and scalings. I then show how translations are automatically selected as the only learnable transformations during development by enforcing small apertures – eg small receptive fields – in the first layer.

In a third part I show that the transformations represented in each area can be optimized in terms of storage and robustness, as a consequence determining the tuning of the neurons in the area, rather independently (under normal conditions) of the statistics of natural images. I describe a model of learning that can be proved to have this property, linking in an elegant way the spectral properties of the signatures with the tuning of receptive fields in different areas. A surprising implication of these theoretical results is that the computational goals and some of the tuning properties of cells in the ventral stream may follow from symmetry properties (in the sense of physics) of the visual world through a process of unsupervised correlational learning, based on Hebbian synapses. In particular, simple and complex cells do not directly care about oriented bars: their tuning is a side effect of their role in translation invariance. Across the whole ventral stream the preferred features reported for neurons in different areas are only a symptom of the invariances computed and represented.

The results of each of the three parts stand on their own independently of each other. Together this theory-in-fieri makes several broad predictions, some of which are:

-invariance to small transformations in early areas (eg translations in V1) may underly stability of visual perception (suggested by Stu Geman);

-each cell’s tuning properties are shaped by visual experience of image transformations during developmental and adult plasticity;

-simple cells are likely to be the same population as complex cells, arising from different convergence of the Hebbian learning rule. The input to complex “complex” cells are dendritic branches with simple cell properties;

-class-specific transformations are learned and represented at the top of the ventral stream hierarchy; thus class-specific modules such as faces, places and possibly body areas should exist in IT;

-the type of transformations that are learned from visual experience depend on the size of the receptive fields and thus on the area (layer in the models) – assuming that the size increases with layers;

-the mix of transformations learned in each area influences the tuning properties of the cells oriented bars in V1+V2, radial and spiral patterns in V4 up to class specific tuning in AIT (eg face tuned cells);

-features must be discriminative and invariant: invariance to transformations is the primary determinant of the tuning of cortical neurons rather than statistics of natural images.

The theory is broadly consistent with the current version of HMAX. It explains it and extend it in terms of unsupervised learning, a broader class of transformation invariance and higher level modules. The goal of this paper is to sketch a comprehensive theory with little regard for mathematical niceties. If the theory turns out to be useful there will be scope for deep mathematics, ranging from group representation tools to wavelet theory to dynamics of learning

    Basic research planning in mathematical pattern recognition and image analysis

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    Fundamental problems encountered while attempting to develop automated techniques for applications of remote sensing are discussed under the following categories: (1) geometric and radiometric preprocessing; (2) spatial, spectral, temporal, syntactic, and ancillary digital image representation; (3) image partitioning, proportion estimation, and error models in object scene interference; (4) parallel processing and image data structures; and (5) continuing studies in polarization; computer architectures and parallel processing; and the applicability of "expert systems" to interactive analysis

    Structural graph matching using the EM algorithm and singular value decomposition

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    This paper describes an efficient algorithm for inexact graph matching. The method is purely structural, that is, it uses only the edge or connectivity structure of the graph and does not draw on node or edge attributes. We make two contributions: 1) commencing from a probability distribution for matching errors, we show how the problem of graph matching can be posed as maximum-likelihood estimation using the apparatus of the EM algorithm; and 2) we cast the recovery of correspondence matches between the graph nodes in a matrix framework. This allows one to efficiently recover correspondence matches using the singular value decomposition. We experiment with the method on both real-world and synthetic data. Here, we demonstrate that the method offers comparable performance to more computationally demanding method

    The Computational Magic of the Ventral Stream: Towards a Theory

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    I conjecture that the sample complexity of object recognition is mostly due to geometric image transformations and that a main goal of the ventral stream – V1, V2, V4 and IT – is to learn-and-discount image transformations. The most surprising implication of the theory emerging from these assumptions is that the computational goals and detailed properties of cells in the ventral stream follow from symmetry properties of the visual world through a process of unsupervised correlational learning.

From the assumption of a hierarchy of areas with receptive fields of increasing size the theory predicts that the size of the receptive fields determines which transformations are learned during development and then factored out during normal processing; that the transformation represented in each area determines the tuning of the neurons in the aerea, independently of the statistics of natural images; and that class-specific transformations are learned and represented at the top of the ventral stream hierarchy.

Some of the main predictions of this theory-in-fieri are:
1. the type of transformation that are learned from visual experience depend on the size (measured in terms of wavelength) and thus on the area (layer in the models) – assuming that the aperture size increases with layers;
2. the mix of transformations learned determine the properties of the receptive fields – oriented bars in V1+V2, radial and spiral patterns in V4 up to class specific tuning in AIT (eg face tuned cells);
3. invariance to small translations in V1 may underly stability of visual perception
4. class-specific modules – such as faces, places and possibly body areas – should exist in IT to process images of object classes