9,048 research outputs found

    Evolving a software development methodology for commercial ICTD projects

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    This article discusses the evolution of a “DistRibuted Agile Methodology Addressing Technical Ictd in Commercial Settings” (DRAMATICS) that was developed in a global software corporation to support ICTD projects from initial team setup through ICT system design, development, and prototyping, to scaling up and transitioning, to sustainable commercial models. We developed the methodology using an iterative Action Research approach in a series of commercial ICTD projects over a period of more than six years. Our learning is reflected in distinctive methodology features that support the development of contextually adapted ICT systems, collaboration with local partners, involvement of end users in design, and the transition from research prototypes to scalable, long-term solutions. We offer DRAMATICS as an approach that others can appropriate and adapt to their particular project contexts. We report on the methodology evolution and provide evidence of its effectiveness in the projects where it has been used

    Structures and Technologies for Stepwise Implementation of Adaptive Supply Chain

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    Falling margins, globalization, and accelerating innovation cycles are forcing businesses to switch from traditional (linear and sequential) supply chains to adaptive supply chain that possess the flexibility needed to respond to the environment in real time. As adaptive supply chains are large and complex, they are built step-wise using structures; structures are a well-defined portion of the system, with carefully defined inputs, outputs, and functions. In addition, the structures must follow common standards, based on common architecture for seamless integration with the rest of the components. In this paper, first, we present the problem of implementing a new iterative-based distribution chain that has four distinctive modules. Second, we present a survey of commonly used structures in some of the wellknown modern supply chain solutions (e.g. stages in SAP, layers in HP Real Time Supply Chain, modules in i2 Six/IBM) is presented. Third, by going through the structures, we present an optimal solution for implementation of the adaptive distribution chain

    A requirements engineering framework for integrated systems development for the construction industry

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    Computer Integrated Construction (CIC) systems are computer environments through which collaborative working can be undertaken. Although many CIC systems have been developed to demonstrate the communication and collaboration within the construction projects, the uptake of CICs by the industry is still inadequate. This is mainly due to the fact that research methodologies of the CIC development projects are incomplete to bridge the technology transfer gap. Therefore, defining comprehensive methodologies for the development of these systems and their effective implementation on real construction projects is vital. Requirements Engineering (RE) can contribute to the effective uptake of these systems because it drives the systems development for the targeted audience. This paper proposes a requirements engineering approach for industry driven CIC systems development. While some CIC systems are investigated to build a broad and deep contextual knowledge in the area, the EU funded research project, DIVERCITY (Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry), is analysed as the main case study project because its requirements engineering approach has the potential to determine a framework for the adaptation of requirements engineering in order to contribute towards the uptake of CIC systems

    Value Creation with Extended Reality Technologies - A Methodological Approach for Holistic Deployments

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    Mit zunehmender Rechenkapazität und Übertragungsleistung von Informationstechnologien wächst die Anzahl möglicher Anwendungs-szenarien für Extended Reality (XR)-Technologien in Unternehmen. XR-Technologien sind Hardwaresysteme, Softwaretools und Methoden zur Erstellung von Inhalten, um Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality und Mixed Reality zu erzeugen. Mit der Möglichkeit, Nutzern Inhalte auf immersive, interaktive und intelligente Weise zu vermitteln, können XR-Technologien die Produktivität in Unternehmen steigern und Wachstumschancen eröffnen. Obwohl XR-Anwendungen in der Industrie seit mehr als 25 Jahren wissenschaftlich erforscht werden, gelten nach wie vor als unausgereift. Die Hauptgründe dafür sind die zugrundeliegende Komplexität, die Fokussierung der Forschung auf die Untersuchung spezifische Anwendungsszenarien, die unzu-reichende Wirtschaftlichkeit von Einsatzszenarien und das Fehlen von geeigneten Implementierungsmodellen für XR-Technologien. Grundsätzlich wird der Mehrwert von Technologien durch deren Integration in die Wertschöpfungsarchitektur von Geschäftsmodellen freigesetzt. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit eine Methodik für den Einsatz von XR-Technologien in der Wertschöpfung vorgestellt. Das Hauptziel der Methodik ist es, die Identifikation geeigneter Einsatzszenarien zu ermöglichen und mit einem strukturierten Ablauf die Komplexität der Umsetzung zu beherrschen. Um eine ganzheitliche Anwendbarkeit zu ermöglichen, basiert die Methodik auf einem branchen- und ge-schäftsprozessunabhängigen Wertschöpfungsreferenzmodell. Dar-über hinaus bezieht sie sich auf eine ganzheitliche Morphologie von XR-Technologien und folgt einer iterativen Einführungssequenz. Das Wertschöpfungsmodell wird durch ein vorliegendes Potential, eine Wertschöpfungskette, ein Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk, physische und digitale Ressourcen sowie einen durch den Einsatz von XR-Technologien realisierten Mehrwert repräsentiert. XR-Technologien werden durch eine morphologische Struktur mit Anwendungsmerk-malen und erforderlichen technologischen Ressourcen repräsentiert. Die Umsetzung erfolgt in einer iterativen Sequenz, die für den zu-grundeliegenden Kontext anwendbare Methoden der agilen Soft-wareentwicklung beschreibt und relevante Stakeholder berücksich-tigt. Der Schwerpunkt der Methodik liegt auf einem systematischen Ansatz, der universell anwendbar ist und den Endnutzer und das Ökosystem der betrachteten Wertschöpfung berücksichtigt. Um die Methodik zu validieren, wird der Einsatz von XR-Technologien in zwei industriellen Anwendungsfällen unter realen wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen durchgeführt. Die Anwendungsfälle stammen aus unterschiedlichen Branchen, mit unterschiedlichen XR-Technologiemerkmalen sowie unterschiedlichen Formen von Wert-schöpfungsketten, um die universelle Anwendbarkeit der Methodik zu demonstrieren und relevante Herausforderungen bei der Durch-führung eines XR-Technologieeinsatzes aufzuzeigen. Mit Hilfe der vorgestellten Methodik können Unternehmen XR-Technologien zielgerichtet in ihrer Wertschöpfung einsetzen. Sie ermöglicht eine detaillierte Planung der Umsetzung, eine fundierte Auswahl von Anwendungsszenarien, die Bewertung möglicher Her-ausforderungen und Hindernisse sowie die gezielte Einbindung der relevanten Stakeholder. Im Ergebnis wird die Wertschöpfung mit wirtschaftlichem Mehrwert durch XR-Technologien optimiert

    Is project management the new management 2.0?

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    This paper considers the evolving nature of project management (PM) and offers a comparison with the evolving nature of management generally. Specifically, we identify a number of management trends that are drawn from a paper that documents a proposed ‘Management 2.0’ model, and we compare those trends to the way in which PM is maturing to embrace the challenges of modern organizational progress.Some theoretical frameworks are offered that assist in explaining the shift from the historically accepted ‘tools and techniques’ model to a more nuanced and behaviorally driven paradigm that is arguably more appropriate to manage change in today’s flexible and progressive organizations, and which provide a more coherent response, both in PM and traditional management, to McDonald’s forces. In addition, we offer a number of examples to robustly support our assertions, based around the development of innovative products from Apple Inc. In using this metaphor to demonstrate the evolution of project-based work, we link PM with innovation and new product development.

    Digital Design of Intralogistics Systems: Flexible and Agile Solution to Short-Cyclic Fluctuations

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    In times of fast-paced, fluctuating and individual markets, intralogistics systems, such as warehouses, have to adapt to the resulting volatile performance demands dynamically. Hybrid systems, in which humans and machines work together efficiently and communicate in socio-technical networks, can be the answer to manage these high-frequency markets. Hybrid systems of the future need to adapt frequently and permanent change becomes the “new normal”. A one-time planning of warehousing systems upon first installation becomes obsolete. This results in the question of how to design and implement processes for future logistics systems in an agile way in order to exploit the flexibility potential of hybrid services, which represent an interface between man, machine and organization. As part of the Innovation Lab Hybrid Services in Logistics in Dortmund, Germany, a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, this research proposes a new concept for digital design of intralogistics systems that is meeting the requirements of a continuous, short-cycle adjustment following the Industry 4.0 development path

    Streamlining Cross-Organizational Aircraft Development: Results from the AGILE Project

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    The research and innovation AGILE project developed the next generation of aircraft Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization processes, which target significant reductions in aircraft development costs and time to market, leading to more cost-effective and greener aircraft solutions. The high level objective is the reduction of the lead time of 40% with respect to the current state-of-the-art. 19 industry, research and academia partners from Europe, Canada and Russia developed solutions to cope with the challenges of collaborative design and optimization of complex products. In order to accelerate the deployment of large-scale, collaborative multidisciplinary design and optimization (MDO), a novel methodology, the so-called AGILE Paradigm, has been developed. Furthermore, the AGILE project has developed and released a set of open technologies enabling the implementation of the AGILE Paradigm approach. The collection of all the technologies constitutes AGILE Framework, which has been deployed for the design and the optimization of multiple aircraft configurations. This paper focuses on the application of the AGILE Paradigm on seven novel aircraft configurations, proving the achievement of the project’s objectives

    A Consumer-Centric Open Innovation Framework for Food and Packaging Manufacturing

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    This article has been archived following written permission from IGI Global.Closed innovation approaches have been employed for many years in the food industry. But, this sector recently perceives its end-user to be wary of radically new products and changes in consumption patterns. However, new product development involves not only the product itself but also the entire manufacturing and distribution network. In this paper, we present a new ICT based framework that embraces open innovation to place customers in the product development loop but at the same time assesses and eventually coordinates the entire manufacturing and supply chain. The aim is to design new food products that consumers will buy and at the same time ensure that these products will reach the consumer in time and at adequate quantity. On the product development side, our framework enables new food products that offer an integrated sensory experience of food and packaging, which encompass customization, healthy eating, and sustainability