264 research outputs found

    Iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls and soft time windows

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    The vehicle routing problem with backhauls and soft time windows contains two disjoint sets of customers: those that receive goods from the depot, who are called linehauls, and those that send goods to the depot, named backhauls. To each customer is associated an interval of time (time window), during which each one should be served. If a time window can be violated it is called soft, but this violation implies an additional cost. In this paper, only the upper limit of the interval can be exceeded. For solving this problem we created deterministic iterated local search algorithm, which was tested using a large set of benchmark problems taken from the literature. These computational tests have proven that this algorithm competes with best known algorithms in terms of the quality of the solutions andcomputing time. So far as we know, there is no published paper for this problem dealing with soft time windows, and, therefore, this comparison is only with the algorithms that do not allow time windows violation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the use of biased-randomized algorithms for solving non-smooth optimization problems

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    Soft constraints are quite common in real-life applications. For example, in freight transportation, the fleet size can be enlarged by outsourcing part of the distribution service and some deliveries to customers can be postponed as well; in inventory management, it is possible to consider stock-outs generated by unexpected demands; and in manufacturing processes and project management, it is frequent that some deadlines cannot be met due to delays in critical steps of the supply chain. However, capacity-, size-, and time-related limitations are included in many optimization problems as hard constraints, while it would be usually more realistic to consider them as soft ones, i.e., they can be violated to some extent by incurring a penalty cost. Most of the times, this penalty cost will be nonlinear and even noncontinuous, which might transform the objective function into a non-smooth one. Despite its many practical applications, non-smooth optimization problems are quite challenging, especially when the underlying optimization problem is NP-hard in nature. In this paper, we propose the use of biased-randomized algorithms as an effective methodology to cope with NP-hard and non-smooth optimization problems in many practical applications. Biased-randomized algorithms extend constructive heuristics by introducing a nonuniform randomization pattern into them. Hence, they can be used to explore promising areas of the solution space without the limitations of gradient-based approaches, which assume the existence of smooth objective functions. Moreover, biased-randomized algorithms can be easily parallelized, thus employing short computing times while exploring a large number of promising regions. This paper discusses these concepts in detail, reviews existing work in different application areas, and highlights current trends and open research lines

    A Hybrid Heuristic for a Broad Class of Vehicle Routing Problems with Heterogeneous Fleet

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    We consider a family of Rich Vehicle Routing Problems (RVRP) which have the particularity to combine a heterogeneous fleet with other attributes, such as backhauls, multiple depots, split deliveries, site dependency, open routes, duration limits, and time windows. To efficiently solve these problems, we propose a hybrid metaheuristic which combines an iterated local search with variable neighborhood descent, for solution improvement, and a set partitioning formulation, to exploit the memory of the past search. Moreover, we investigate a class of combined neighborhoods which jointly modify the sequences of visits and perform either heuristic or optimal reassignments of vehicles to routes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first unified approach for a large class of heterogeneous fleet RVRPs, capable of solving more than 12 problem variants. The efficiency of the algorithm is evaluated on 643 well-known benchmark instances, and 71.70\% of the best known solutions are either retrieved or improved. Moreover, the proposed metaheuristic, which can be considered as a matheuristic, produces high quality solutions with low standard deviation in comparison with previous methods. Finally, we observe that the use of combined neighborhoods does not lead to significant quality gains. Contrary to intuition, the computational effort seems better spent on more intensive route optimization rather than on more intelligent and frequent fleet re-assignments

    A Tabu Search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with discrete split deliveries and pickups

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Deliveries and Pickups is a variant of the Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Deliveries and Pickups, in which customers’ demands are discrete in terms of batches (or orders). It exists in the practice of logistics distribution and consists of designing a least cost set of routes to serve a given set of customers while respecting constraints on the vehicles’ capacities. In this paper, its features are analyzed. A mathematical model and Tabu Search algorithm with specially designed batch combination and item creation operation are proposed. The batch combination operation is designed to avoid unnecessary travel costs, while the item creation operation effectively speeds up the search and enhances the algorithmic search ability. Computational results are provided and compared with other methods in the literature, which indicate that in most cases the proposed algorithm can find better solutions than those in the literature

    Thirty years of heterogeneous vehicle routing

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    It has been around thirty years since the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem was introduced, and significant progress has since been made on this problem and its variants. The aim of this survey paper is to classify and review the literature on heterogeneous vehicle routing problems. The paper also presents a comparative analysis of the metaheuristic algorithms that have been proposed for these problems

    Applications of biased-randomized algorithms and simheuristics in integrated logistics

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    Transportation and logistics (T&L) activities play a vital role in the development of many businesses from different industries. With the increasing number of people living in urban areas, the expansion of on-demand economy and e-commerce activities, the number of services from transportation and delivery has considerably increased. Consequently, several urban problems have been potentialized, such as traffic congestion and pollution. Several related problems can be formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem (COP). Since most of them are NP-Hard, the finding of optimal solutions through exact solution methods is often impractical in a reasonable amount of time. In realistic settings, the increasing need for 'instant' decision-making further refutes their use in real life. Under these circumstances, this thesis aims at: (i) identifying realistic COPs from different industries; (ii) developing different classes of approximate solution approaches to solve the identified T&L problems; (iii) conducting a series of computational experiments to validate and measure the performance of the developed approaches. The novel concept of 'agile optimization' is introduced, which refers to the combination of biased-randomized heuristics with parallel computing to deal with real-time decision-making.Las actividades de transporte y logística (T&L) juegan un papel vital en el desarrollo de muchas empresas de diferentes industrias. Con el creciente número de personas que viven en áreas urbanas, la expansión de la economía a lacarta y las actividades de comercio electrónico, el número de servicios de transporte y entrega ha aumentado considerablemente. En consecuencia, se han potencializado varios problemas urbanos, como la congestión del tráfico y la contaminación. Varios problemas relacionados pueden formularse como un problema de optimización combinatoria (COP). Dado que la mayoría de ellos son NP-Hard, la búsqueda de soluciones óptimas a través de métodos de solución exactos a menudo no es práctico en un período de tiempo razonable. En entornos realistas, la creciente necesidad de una toma de decisiones "instantánea" refuta aún más su uso en la vida real. En estas circunstancias, esta tesis tiene como objetivo: (i) identificar COP realistas de diferentes industrias; (ii) desarrollar diferentes clases de enfoques de solución aproximada para resolver los problemas de T&L identificados; (iii) realizar una serie de experimentos computacionales para validar y medir el desempeño de los enfoques desarrollados. Se introduce el nuevo concepto de optimización ágil, que se refiere a la combinación de heurísticas aleatorias sesgadas con computación paralela para hacer frente a la toma de decisiones en tiempo real.Les activitats de transport i logística (T&L) tenen un paper vital en el desenvolupament de moltes empreses de diferents indústries. Amb l'augment del nombre de persones que viuen a les zones urbanes, l'expansió de l'economia a la carta i les activitats de comerç electrònic, el nombre de serveis del transport i el lliurament ha augmentat considerablement. En conseqüència, s'han potencialitzat diversos problemes urbans, com ara la congestió del trànsit i la contaminació. Es poden formular diversos problemes relacionats com a problema d'optimització combinatòria (COP). Com que la majoria són NP-Hard, la recerca de solucions òptimes mitjançant mètodes de solució exactes sovint no és pràctica en un temps raonable. En entorns realistes, la creixent necessitat de prendre decisions "instantànies" refuta encara més el seu ús a la vida real. En aquestes circumstàncies, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu: (i) identificar COP realistes de diferents indústries; (ii) desenvolupar diferents classes d'aproximacions aproximades a la solució per resoldre els problemes identificats de T&L; (iii) la realització d'una sèrie d'experiments computacionals per validar i mesurar el rendiment dels enfocaments desenvolupats. S'introdueix el nou concepte d'optimització àgil, que fa referència a la combinació d'heurístiques esbiaixades i aleatòries amb informàtica paral·lela per fer front a la presa de decisions en temps real.Tecnologies de la informació i de xarxe

    Investigating the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery in Multi-Product Distribution: An Optimization Approach

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    This study addresses a method to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery (VRPSPD), which carries multi-products in multiple compartments within a single-vehicle. The unique characteristics of the study is on the route determination of the vehicle from the depot to customers because not only does it consider the vehicle’s capacity but also the compartment capacity of each product as a limitation We calculate the set of instances using two customer grouping methods namely smallest maximum load (SML) and largest maximum load (LML). The solution obtained by the cheapest insertion method can be improved by the Tabu Search algorithm. Finally, the computational result is reported from the test instance