42 research outputs found

    Task-Driven Dictionary Learning

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    Modeling data with linear combinations of a few elements from a learned dictionary has been the focus of much recent research in machine learning, neuroscience and signal processing. For signals such as natural images that admit such sparse representations, it is now well established that these models are well suited to restoration tasks. In this context, learning the dictionary amounts to solving a large-scale matrix factorization problem, which can be done efficiently with classical optimization tools. The same approach has also been used for learning features from data for other purposes, e.g., image classification, but tuning the dictionary in a supervised way for these tasks has proven to be more difficult. In this paper, we present a general formulation for supervised dictionary learning adapted to a wide variety of tasks, and present an efficient algorithm for solving the corresponding optimization problem. Experiments on handwritten digit classification, digital art identification, nonlinear inverse image problems, and compressed sensing demonstrate that our approach is effective in large-scale settings, and is well suited to supervised and semi-supervised classification, as well as regression tasks for data that admit sparse representations.Comment: final draft post-refereein

    Layer Decomposition Learning Based on Gaussian Convolution Model and Residual Deblurring for Inverse Halftoning

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    Layer decomposition to separate an input image into base and detail layers has been steadily used for image restoration. Existing residual networks based on an additive model require residual layers with a small output range for fast convergence and visual quality improvement. However, in inverse halftoning, homogenous dot patterns hinder a small output range from the residual layers. Therefore, a new layer decomposition network based on the Gaussian convolution model (GCM) and structure-aware deblurring strategy is presented to achieve residual learning for both the base and detail layers. For the base layer, a new GCM-based residual subnetwork is presented. The GCM utilizes a statistical distribution, in which the image difference between a blurred continuous-tone image and a blurred halftoned image with a Gaussian filter can result in a narrow output range. Subsequently, the GCM-based residual subnetwork uses a Gaussian-filtered halftoned image as input and outputs the image difference as residual, thereby generating the base layer, i.e., the Gaussian-blurred continuous-tone image. For the detail layer, a new structure-aware residual deblurring subnetwork (SARDS) is presented. To remove the Gaussian blurring of the base layer, the SARDS uses the predicted base layer as input and outputs the deblurred version. To more effectively restore image structures such as lines and texts, a new image structure map predictor is incorporated into the deblurring network to induce structure-adaptive learning. This paper provides a method to realize the residual learning of both the base and detail layers based on the GCM and SARDS. In addition, it is verified that the proposed method surpasses state-of-the-art methods based on U-Net, direct deblurring networks, and progressively residual networks

    Scalable multi-class sampling via filtered sliced optimal transport

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    We propose a multi-class point optimization formulation based on continuous Wasserstein barycenters. Our formulation is designed to handle hundreds to thousands of optimization objectives and comes with a practical optimization scheme. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on various sampling applications like stippling, object placement, and Monte-Carlo integration. We a derive multi-class error bound for perceptual rendering error which can be minimized using our optimization. We provide source code at https://github.com/iribis/filtered-sliced-optimal-transport.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, ACM Trans. Graph., Vol. 41, No. 6, Article 261. Publication date: December 202

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    Compression, pose tracking, and halftoning

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    In this thesis, we discuss image compression, pose tracking, and halftoning. Although these areas seem to be unrelated at first glance, they can be connected through video coding as application scenario. Our first contribution is an image compression algorithm based on a rectangular subdivision scheme which stores only a small subsets of the image points. From these points, the remained of the image is reconstructed using partial differential equations. Afterwards, we present a pose tracking algorithm that is able to follow the 3-D position and orientation of multiple objects simultaneously. The algorithm can deal with noisy sequences, and naturally handles both occlusions between different objects, as well as occlusions occurring in kinematic chains. Our third contribution is a halftoning algorithm based on electrostatic principles, which can easily be adjusted to different settings through a number of extensions. Examples include modifications to handle varying dot sizes or hatching. In the final part of the thesis, we show how to combine our image compression, pose tracking, and halftoning algorithms to novel video compression codecs. In each of these four topics, our algorithms yield excellent results that outperform those of other state-of-the-art algorithms.In dieser Arbeit werden die auf den ersten Blick vollkommen voneinander unabhängig erscheinenden Bereiche Bildkompression, 3D-Posenschätzung und Halbtonverfahren behandelt und im Bereich der Videokompression sinnvoll zusammengeführt. Unser erster Beitrag ist ein Bildkompressionsalgorithmus, der auf einem rechteckigen Unterteilungsschema basiert. Dieser Algorithmus speichert nur eine kleine Teilmenge der im Bild vorhandenen Punkte, während die restlichen Punkte mittels partieller Differentialgleichungen rekonstruiert werden. Danach stellen wir ein Posenschätzverfahren vor, welches die 3D-Position und Ausrichtung von mehreren Objekten anhand von Bilddaten gleichzeitig verfolgen kann. Unser Verfahren funktioniert bei verrauschten Videos und im Falle von Objektüberlagerungen. Auch Verdeckungen innerhalb einer kinematischen Kette werden natürlich behandelt. Unser dritter Beitrag ist ein Halbtonverfahren, das auf elektrostatischen Prinzipien beruht. Durch eine Reihe von Erweiterungen kann dieses Verfahren flexibel an verschiedene Szenarien angepasst werden. So ist es beispielsweise möglich, verschiedene Punktgrößen zu verwenden oder Schraffuren zu erzeugen. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit zeigt, wie man unseren Bildkompressionsalgorithmus, unser Posenschätzverfahren und unser Halbtonverfahren zu neuen Videokompressionsalgorithmen kombinieren kann. Die für jeden der vier Themenbereiche entwickelten Verfahren erzielen hervorragende Resultate, welche die Ergebnisse anderer moderner Verfahren übertreffen


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    In the first part of this dissertation, we address the problem of representing 2D and 3D shapes. In particular, we introduce a novel implicit shape representation based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) theory. Each shape is represented by an analytic decision function obtained by training an SVM, with a Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel, so that the interior shape points are given higher values. This empowers support vector shape (SVS) with multifold advantages. First, the representation uses a sparse subset of feature points determined by the support vectors, which significantly improves the discriminative power against noise, fragmentation and other artifacts that often come with the data. Second, the use of the RBF kernel provides scale, rotation, and translation invariant features, and allows a shape to be represented accurately regardless of its complexity. Finally, the decision function can be used to select reliable feature points. These features are described using gradients computed from highly consistent decision functions instead of conventional edges. Our experiments on 2D and 3D shapes demonstrate promising results. The availability of inexpensive 3D sensors like Kinect necessitates the design of new representation for this type of data. We present a 3D feature descriptor that represents local topologies within a set of folded concentric rings by distances from local points to a projection plane. This feature, called as Concentric Ring Signature (CORS), possesses similar computational advantages to point signatures yet provides more accurate matches. CORS produces compact and discriminative descriptors, which makes it more robust to noise and occlusions. It is also well-known to computer vision researchers that there is no universal representation that is optimal for all types of data or tasks. Sparsity has proved to be a good criterion for working with natural images. This motivates us to develop efficient sparse and non-linear learning techniques for automatically extracting useful information from visual data. Specifically, we present dictionary learning methods for sparse and redundant representations in a high-dimensional feature space. Using the kernel method, we describe how the well-known dictionary learning approaches such as the method of optimal directions and KSVD can be made non-linear. We analyse their kernel constructions and demonstrate their effectiveness through several experiments on classification problems. It is shown that non-linear dictionary learning approaches can provide significantly better discrimination compared to their linear counterparts and kernel PCA, especially when the data is corrupted by different types of degradations. Visual descriptors are often high dimensional. This results in high computational complexity for sparse learning algorithms. Motivated by this observation, we introduce a novel framework, called sparse embedding (SE), for simultaneous dimensionality reduction and dictionary learning. We formulate an optimization problem for learning a transformation from the original signal domain to a lower-dimensional one in a way that preserves the sparse structure of data. We propose an efficient optimization algorithm and present its non-linear extension based on the kernel methods. One of the key features of our method is that it is computationally efficient as the learning is done in the lower-dimensional space and it discards the irrelevant part of the signal that derails the dictionary learning process. Various experiments show that our method is able to capture the meaningful structure of data and can perform significantly better than many competitive algorithms on signal recovery and object classification tasks. In many practical applications, we are often confronted with the situation where the data that we use to train our models are different from that presented during the testing. In the final part of this dissertation, we present a novel framework for domain adaptation using a sparse and hierarchical network (DASH-N), which makes use of the old data to improve the performance of a system operating on a new domain. Our network jointly learns a hierarchy of features together with transformations that rectify the mismatch between different domains. The building block of DASH-N is the latent sparse representation. It employs a dimensionality reduction step that can prevent the data dimension from increasing too fast as traversing deeper into the hierarchy. Experimental results show that our method consistently outperforms the current state-of-the-art by a significant margin. Moreover, we found that a multi-layer {DASH-N} has an edge over the single-layer DASH-N

    Connected Attribute Filtering Based on Contour Smoothness

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