1,742 research outputs found

    From discretization to regularization of composite discontinuous functions

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    Discontinuities between distinct regions, described by different equation sets, cause difficulties for PDE/ODE solvers. We present a new algorithm that eliminates integrator discontinuities through regularizing discontinuities. First, the algorithm determines the optimum switch point between two functions spanning adjacent or overlapping domains. The optimum switch point is determined by searching for a “jump point” that minimizes a discontinuity between adjacent/overlapping functions. Then, discontinuity is resolved using an interpolating polynomial that joins the two discontinuous functions. This approach eliminates the need for conventional integrators to either discretize and then link discontinuities through generating interpolating polynomials based on state variables or to reinitialize state variables when discontinuities are detected in an ODE/DAE system. In contrast to conventional approaches that handle discontinuities at the state variable level only, the new approach tackles discontinuity at both state variable and the constitutive equations level. Thus, this approach eliminates errors associated with interpolating polynomials generated at a state variable level for discontinuities occurring in the constitutive equations. Computer memory space requirements for this approach exponentially increase with the dimension of the discontinuous function hence there will be limitations for functions with relatively high dimensions. Memory availability continues to increase with price decreasing so this is not expected to be a major limitation

    A non-invasive technique for burn area measurement

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    The need for a reliable and accurate method for assessing the surface area of burn wounds currently exists in the branch of medicine involved with burn care and treatment. The percentage of the surface area is of critical importance in evaluating fluid replacement amounts and nutritional support during the 24 hours of postburn therapy. A noninvasive technique has been developed which facilitates the measurement of burn area. The method we shall describe is an inexpensive technique to measure the burn areas accurately. Our imaging system is based on a technique known as structured light. Most structured light computer imaging systems, including ours, use triangulation to determine the location of points in three dimensions as the intersection of two lines: a ray of light originating from the structured light projector and the line of sight determined by the location of the image point in the camera plane. The geometry used to determine 3D location by triangulation is identical to the geometry of other stereo-based vision system, including the human vision system. Our system projects a square grid pattern from 35mm slide onto the patient. The grid on the slide is composed of uniformly spaced orthogonal stripes which may be indexed by row and column. Each slide also has square markers placed in between time lines of the grid in both the horizontal and vertical directions in the center of the slide. Our system locates intersections of the projected grid stripes in the camera image and determines the 3D location of the corresponding points on the body by triangulation. Four steps are necessary in order to reconstruct 3D locations of points on the surface of the skin: camera and projector calibration; image processing to locate the grid intersections in the camera image; grid labeling to establish the correspondence between projected and imaged intersections; and triangulation to determine three-dimensional position. Three steps are required to segment burned portion in image: edge detection to get the strongest edges of the region; edge following to form a closed boundary; and region filling to identify the burn region. After combining the reconstructed 3D locations and segmented image, numerical analysis and geometric modeling techniques are used to calculate the burn area. We use cubic spline interpolation, bicubic surface patches and Gaussian quadrature double integration to calculate the burn wound area. The accuracy of this technique is demonstrated The benefits and advantages of this technique are, first, that we don’t have to make any assumptions about the shape of the human body and second, there is no need for either the Rule-of-Nines, or the weight and height of the patient. This technique can be used for human body shape, regardless of weight proportion, size, sex or skin pigmentation. The low cost, intuitive method, and demonstrated efficiency of this computer imaging technique makes it a desirable alternative to current methods and provides the burn care specialist with a sterile, safe, and effective diagnostic tool in assessing and investigating burn areas

    A hybrid hair model using three dimensional fuzzy textures

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Human hair modeling and rendering have always been a challenging topic in computer graphics. The techniques for human hair modeling consist of explicit geometric models as well as volume density models. Recently, hybrid cluster models have also been successful in this subject. In this study, we present a novel three dimensional texture model called 3D Fuzzy Textures and algorithms to generate them. Then, we use the developed model along with a cluster model to give human hair complex hairstyles such as curly and wavy styles. Our model requires little user effort to model curly and wavy hair styles. With this study, we aim at eliminating the drawbacks of the volume density model and the cluster hair model with 3D fuzzy textures. A three dimensional cylindrical texture mapping function is introduced for mapping purposes. Current generation graphics hardware is utilized in the design of rendering system enabling high performance rendering.Aran, Medeni ErolM.S

    Infinite Procedural Infrastructured World Generation

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    KĂ€esolev magistritöö kirjeldab uudset algoritmi lĂ”pmatu deterministliku maailma genereerimiseks koos ĂŒldlevinud tehislike ja looduslike struktuuridega, mis leiduvad parasvöötme asustatud piirkondades. Kuna lĂ”pmatuid maailmu tuleb genereerida jupikaupa ning ilma ĂŒhegi naabruses oleva tĂŒki olemasoluta, on genereeritavate struktuuride jĂ€rjepidev ja deterministlik genereerimine keeruline. Kirjeldatav algoritm kasutab eksponentsiaalse genereerimise metoodikat, mis vĂ”imaldab genereerida erineva suurusega struktuure alates liiklusmĂ€rkidest kuni pikkade jĂ”gedeni. Algoritm genereerib erinevat tĂŒĂŒpi lĂ”pmatuid teede vĂ”rgustikke, nimedega linnu ja kĂŒlasid, elektriliine ja levinumaid liiklusmĂ€rke nagu kiiruspiirangud ja suunamĂ€rgid. Asulatest vĂ€ljaspool olev maastik genereeritakse kolme ĂŒldlevinud maakasutuse kategooria vahel – metsandus, viljakasvatus ning looduskaitsealad. Lisaks kirjeldatavale algoritmile antakse ĂŒlevaade eelnevast teadustööst lĂ”pmatu protseduurilise maailma genereerimise valdkonnas ning kirjeldatakse edasiarendusvĂ”imalusi lĂ”pmatute asustatud maailmade genereerimiseks.This Master's thesis describes and provides an implementation of a novel algorithm for generating infinite deterministic worlds with both man-made and natural features commonly found in the civilized regions of the temperate climate zone. Considering that infinite worlds have to be generated in a piecewise manner without any of the neighbouring pieces necessarily existing, ensuring continuity and deterministic results for the generation of such features can be challenging. The algorithm uses an exponential generation technique, which enables the generation of varying sized features from traffic signs to rivers. The algorithm generates infinite road networks of different tiers, named cities and villages, power lines between them and common traffic signs like speed limits and navigation signs. Rural areas are generated based on three types of land usage – forestry, cultivation of crops and untouched nature reserves. The thesis also gives an overview of the previous work in the field of procedural world generation and proposes multiple new ideas for further expansion of infinite infrastructured terrain generation

    Stochastic Behavior Analysis of the Gaussian Kernel Least-Mean-Square Algorithm

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    The kernel least-mean-square (KLMS) algorithm is a popular algorithm in nonlinear adaptive filtering due to its simplicity and robustness. In kernel adaptive filters, the statistics of the input to the linear filter depends on the parameters of the kernel employed. Moreover, practical implementations require a finite nonlinearity model order. A Gaussian KLMS has two design parameters, the step size and the Gaussian kernel bandwidth. Thus, its design requires analytical models for the algorithm behavior as a function of these two parameters. This paper studies the steady-state behavior and the transient behavior of the Gaussian KLMS algorithm for Gaussian inputs and a finite order nonlinearity model. In particular, we derive recursive expressions for the mean-weight-error vector and the mean-square-error. The model predictions show excellent agreement with Monte Carlo simulations in transient and steady state. This allows the explicit analytical determination of stability limits, and gives opportunity to choose the algorithm parameters a priori in order to achieve prescribed convergence speed and quality of the estimate. Design examples are presented which validate the theoretical analysis and illustrates its application

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationVolumetric parameterization is an emerging field in computer graphics, where volumetric representations that have a semi-regular tensor-product structure are desired in applications such as three-dimensional (3D) texture mapping and physically-based simulation. At the same time, volumetric parameterization is also needed in the Isogeometric Analysis (IA) paradigm, which uses the same parametric space for representing geometry, simulation attributes and solutions. One of the main advantages of the IA framework is that the user gets feedback directly as attributes of the NURBS model representation, which can represent geometry exactly, avoiding both the need to generate a finite element mesh and the need to reverse engineer the simulation results from the finite element mesh back into the model. Research in this area has largely been concerned with issues of the quality of the analysis and simulation results assuming the existence of a high quality volumetric NURBS model that is appropriate for simulation. However, there are currently no generally applicable approaches to generating such a model or visualizing the higher order smooth isosurfaces of the simulation attributes, either as a part of current Computer Aided Design or Reverse Engineering systems and methodologies. Furthermore, even though the mesh generation pipeline is circumvented in the concept of IA, the quality of the model still significantly influences the analysis result. This work presents a pipeline to create, analyze and visualize NURBS geometries. Based on the concept of analysis-aware modeling, this work focusses in particular on methodologies to decompose a volumetric domain into simpler pieces based on appropriate midstructures by respecting other relevant interior material attributes. The domain is decomposed such that a tensor-product style parameterization can be established on the subvolumes, where the parameterization matches along subvolume boundaries. The volumetric parameterization is optimized using gradient-based nonlinear optimization algorithms and datafitting methods are introduced to fit trivariate B-splines to the parameterized subvolumes with guaranteed order of accuracy. Then, a visualization method is proposed allowing to directly inspect isosurfaces of attributes, such as the results of analysis, embedded in the NURBS geometry. Finally, the various methodologies proposed in this work are demonstrated on complex representations arising in practice and research
