13 research outputs found

    Wind Energy and Multicriteria Analysis in Making Decisions on the Location of Wind Farms: A Case Study in the North-Eastern of Poland

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    This chapter presents an investigation of different methods of multicriteria analysis and different rules of proceedings that have to be taken into account for making decision about location of a wind farm with application in the north-eastern (NE) Poland. Ten multicriteria analyses were discussed taking into account the main criteria on which they are based on utility functions (MAUT, AHP, and DEMATEL), relationship outranking (ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, and ARROW-RAYNAUD), distances (TOPSIS), and decision support (BORDA ranking methods and their modified and COPELAND). Taking into account of nine criteria that should be met by the location of 15 wind turbines in Krynki and Szudzialowo communities, the main three criteria (C3, C8, and C9) were found to differentiate location of eight wind turbines (T-6–T-13), according to two variants (I and II). The Borda ranking method proved that from among the two variants considered, the more suitable location of wind turbines is second variant W II than first variant W I. Variant W II had a higher altitude of the terrain (C3) and less risk of impact on birds (C8) and bats species (C9) than variant W I

    Using CSW weight’s in UTASTAR method

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    Several researchers have considered similarities between Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), as tools for solving decision making problems. As the preferences of decision- maker (DM) on alternatives are not considered in classical DEA, some researchers have tried to consider it in DEA. The UTA-STAR method is one of the techniques widely used in Multi Criteria Decision Analysis. In this technique, the preferences of decision maker on alternatives are considered and UTA-STAR tries to compute the most suitable weights for criteria and alternatives to obtain a utility function having a minimum deviation from the preferences. The goal of this paper is interpreting decision maker’s preferences in UTA-STAR method, in a new manner, using the common set of weights (CSW) in DEA

    Interes za učenje valutnega trgovanja

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    Background and purpose: This paper analyzes the interest of potential users for learning in the field of currency trading or foreign exchange (forex, FX). The purpose of our article is a) to present currency trading, b) to present different options, methods and learning approaches to educating in forex, c) to present the research results discovering the interest of potential users for learning in the field of currency trading. Methodology: For gathering data, an online questionnaire was used. It was distributed so that the survey sample covers socio-demographic variables (gender, age, working status, relationship status, financial status of credit and educational level). Interest in learning in the field of currency trading was assessed. Descriptive statistics, t-test, paired samples test, homogeny test of variances, and ANOVA were used. Results: It was determined that people are interested in learning about currency trading, especially younger ones (< 30 years), who prefer e-learning as their learning approach. Obtaining and possessing the right information is the strongest motivation factor and fearing not having enough necessary prior knowledge is the strongest discouraging factor for learning about currency trading. Conclusion: Education of users in the field of currency trading is becoming increasingly popular with the development of e-learning.Ozadje in namen: V znanstvenem prispevku analiziramo interes potencialnih uporabnikov za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja (forex, FX). Namen članka je a) predstaviti valutno trgovanje, b) predstaviti različne možnosti, metode in pristope k učenju za izobraževanje valutnega trgovanja, c) predstaviti rezultate raziskave, ki izraža interes potencialnih uporabnikov za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja. Metodologija: Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili spletni vprašalnik. Vzorec, ki smo ga zajeli v raziskavi vsebuje socialno-demografske spremenljivke (spol, starost, delovni status, odnos status, finančno stanje kreditnih in stopnjo izobrazbe). S pomočjo opisne statistike, t-testov, testa homogenosti varianc in testa ANOVA smo ocenili interes ljudi za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da obstaja interes za učenje iz valutnega trgovanja, predvsem pri mlajših ljudeh ( < 30 let), katerih najljubši učni pristop je e-izobraževanje. Pridobivanje in posedovanje pravih informacij je najmočnejši motivacijski dejavnik za učenje med uporabniki valutnega trgovanja, medtem ko je najmočnejši odvračajoči dejavnik, slabo predznanje o samem trgovanju. Zaključek: z razvojem e-izobraževanja, izobraževanje uporabnikov na področju valutnega trgovanja postaja vse bolj razširjeno in priljubljeno

    Eficiencia en investigación y desarrollo en países latinoamericanos

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    La I+D se define como el trabajo creativo llevado a cabo de forma sistemática para incrementar el volumen de los conocimientos humanos, culturales y sociales, y el uso de esos conocimientos para derivar nuevas aplicaciones. Comprende la investigación básica, la investigación aplicada y el desarrollo experimental. En los últimos años, es cada vez más frecuente oír hablar sobre investigación y desarrollo, es innegable que la mejora en la competitividad y productividad de los países pasa por el hecho de que se destinen más recursos y esfuerzos a las actividades de I+D. Tal es el caso de la Unión Europea, que ha destacado el papel del conocimiento y la innovación como motores para el crecimiento sostenible, especificando la necesidad de avanzar a un ritmo superior en la creación de un Espacio Europeo del Conocimiento y mantener el objetivo global para Europa de poseer una sólida capacidad científica y de investigación y una aceleración de la inversión en I+D en sectores público y privado (Consejo de Bruselas 2005). No obstante y a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados, en la Unión Europea persiste un importante desequilibrio en la distribución geográfica de las actividades en ciencia y tecnología, lo que repercute en el desarrollo sostenible de la región en su conjunto. En Latinoamérica, si bien no existe un pronunciamiento explícito en este sentido, es indudable que será necesario realizar una decidida apuesta por el conocimiento, y consecuentemente, por las actividades de I+D como forma de asegurar el crecimiento y desarrollo económico de la región. Para ello, un factor importante será reducir el desequilibrio entre los países en lo que a las actividades de ciencia y tecnología se refiere, en otras palabras, a mayor homogeneidad relativa, mayor posibilidad de éxito en el desarrollo de la región. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar para diversos países de la región, el efecto de los distintos niveles de esfuerzo en materia de gasto público en I+D sobre la capacidad de innovar, medida a través de las patentes, publicaciones y coeficiente de invención. Para lo cual, se propone utilizar y comparar resultados de tres tipos de metodologías: TOPSIS, DEA y Mapas Auto-Organizados.Fil: Alberto, Catalina Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Passoni, Lucía Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Argentina.Fil: Carignano, Claudia Etna. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Delgado Fernández, Mercedes. Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría. Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial; Cuba.Matemática Aplicad

    Hayat Dışı Sigorta Şirketlerinin Finansal Performans Analizinde Topsis ve Mabac Yöntemlerinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Performans değerlendirmesi, tüm sektörlerde olduğu gibi sigorta sektöründe faaliyet gösteren şirketlerin de hedeflerinin değerlendirilmesini esas almaktadır. Bu değerlendirmelerde sıklıkla istatistiksel ve ekonometrik modeller ile çok kriterli karar verme teknikleri kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, hayat dışı sigorta şirketlerinin finansal performans değerlendirilmesinde optimal yöntemin belirlenmesi ve yöntemin seçimi hususunda karar noktası oluşturmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Critic ile ağırlıklandırılmış Topsis ve Mabac yöntemleri ile hayat dışı sigorta şirketlerinin 2014-2020 dönemi itibarıyla performans analizi yapılmış, korelasyon analizi ile yöntem sonuçları arasındaki ilişki incelenerek optimal yöntem belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, Türkiye'deki hayat dışı sigorta şirketlerinde sermaye yeterliliği, karlılık, faaliyet riski ve aktif kalitesini temsil eden oranlardan oluşan kriterler ile elde edilen Topsis ve Mabac finansal performans sıralamaları arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardır. Sektörel analiz yapanların performans değerlendirilmesinde optimal yöntemin belirlenmesi noktasında dikkate almaları gereken temel çıkarım, yöntemlerin benzer sonuçlar ortaya çıkarmakta olmasıdır

    Peramalan Kurs Eur/Usd Pada Pasar Forex Online Menggunakan Support Vector Regression Yang Dioptimasi Dengan Algoritma Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Pasar forex online merupakan pasar uang yang memiliki tingkat likuiditas yang tinggi. Hal ini menyebabkan harga kurs EUR/USD pada pasar forex online bergerak fluktuatif. Para pelaku pasar forex memanfaatkan hal ini untuk mendpatkan keuntungan dengan cara melakukan posisi jual pada saat harga naik dan posisi beli pada saat harga turun. Untuk memudahkan trader dalam mengambil keputusan jual dan beli dibutuhkan peramalan data harga kurs EUR/USD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi arah pergerakan harga harian perdagangan forex dengan menggunakan support vector regression (SVR). Parameter pada SVR di optimasi dengan menggunakan algoritma particle swarm optimization (PSO) sehingga didapatkan hasil peramalan yang baik. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil peramalan dengan nilai MAPE = 0.1895% yang dihasilkan dengan memasukkan nilai parameter optimal penalty dari SVR (C) = 102.2522 dan parameter kernel RBF ( = 1.9724. ================================================================================================= The forex market is an online money market that has high liquidity. This led to the exchange rates EUR / USD on the online forex market moving to fluctuate. The forex market participants use this to get benefit by doing sell positions when price rises and buy positions when price fall. To facilitate traders take buy and sell decisions then forecasting of data exchange rates EUR / USD is required. Forecasting is one of mathematics branch that can be used as a tool. This study has purpose to predict the direction of daily forex price movement using support vector regression (SVR). Parameter on SVR is optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to obtain a good prediction. This study has results of forecasting with MAPE= 0.1895% which is produced by inserting the optimal parameter penalty from SVR (C) = 102.2522 and parameter kernel RBF (σ) = 1.9724

    Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Wind Farms and Hybrid Systems

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    The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a major governmental goal worldwide. The main target, hopefully by 2050, is to move away from fossil fuels in the electricity sector and then switch to clean power to fuel transportation, buildings and industry. This book discusses important issues in the expanding field of wind farm modeling and simulation as well as the optimization of hybrid and micro-grid systems. Section I deals with modeling and simulation of wind farms for efficient, reliable and cost-effective optimal solutions. Section II tackles the optimization of hybrid wind/PV and renewable energy-based smart micro-grid systems

    Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Wind Farms and Hybrid Systems

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    The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a major governmental goal worldwide. The main target, hopefully by 2050, is to move away from fossil fuels in the electricity sector and then switch to clean power to fuel transportation, buildings and industry. This book discusses important issues in the expanding field of wind farm modeling and simulation as well as the optimization of hybrid and micro-grid systems. Section I deals with modeling and simulation of wind farms for efficient, reliable and cost-effective optimal solutions. Section II tackles the optimization of hybrid wind/PV and renewable energy-based smart micro-grid systems

    Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Wind Farms and Hybrid Systems

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    The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a major governmental goal worldwide. The main target, hopefully by 2050, is to move away from fossil fuels in the electricity sector and then switch to clean power to fuel transportation, buildings and industry. This book discusses important issues in the expanding field of wind farm modeling and simulation as well as the optimization of hybrid and micro-grid systems. Section I deals with modeling and simulation of wind farms for efficient, reliable and cost-effective optimal solutions. Section II tackles the optimization of hybrid wind/PV and renewable energy-based smart micro-grid systems