203 research outputs found

    Pixel-level Image Fusion Algorithms for Multi-camera Imaging System

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    This thesis work is motivated by the potential and promise of image fusion technologies in the multi sensor image fusion system and applications. With specific focus on pixel level image fusion, the process after the image registration is processed, we develop graphic user interface for multi-sensor image fusion software using Microsoft visual studio and Microsoft Foundation Class library. In this thesis, we proposed and presented some image fusion algorithms with low computational cost, based upon spatial mixture analysis. The segment weighted average image fusion combines several low spatial resolution data source from different sensors to create high resolution and large size of fused image. This research includes developing a segment-based step, based upon stepwise divide and combine process. In the second stage of the process, the linear interpolation optimization is used to sharpen the image resolution. Implementation of these image fusion algorithms are completed based on the graphic user interface we developed. Multiple sensor image fusion is easily accommodated by the algorithm, and the results are demonstrated at multiple scales. By using quantitative estimation such as mutual information, we obtain the experiment quantifiable results. We also use the image morphing technique to generate fused image sequence, to simulate the results of image fusion. While deploying our pixel level image fusion algorithm approaches, we observe several challenges from the popular image fusion methods. While high computational cost and complex processing steps of image fusion algorithms provide accurate fused results, they also makes it hard to become deployed in system and applications that require real-time feedback, high flexibility and low computation abilit

    Efficient Algorithms for Large-Scale Image Analysis

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    This work develops highly efficient algorithms for analyzing large images. Applications include object-based change detection and screening. The algorithms are 10-100 times as fast as existing software, sometimes even outperforming FGPA/GPU hardware, because they are designed to suit the computer architecture. This thesis describes the implementation details and the underlying algorithm engineering methodology, so that both may also be applied to other applications

    Modeling and Simulation in Engineering

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    This book provides an open platform to establish and share knowledge developed by scholars, scientists, and engineers from all over the world, about various applications of the modeling and simulation in the design process of products, in various engineering fields. The book consists of 12 chapters arranged in two sections (3D Modeling and Virtual Prototyping), reflecting the multidimensionality of applications related to modeling and simulation. Some of the most recent modeling and simulation techniques, as well as some of the most accurate and sophisticated software in treating complex systems, are applied. All the original contributions in this book are jointed by the basic principle of a successful modeling and simulation process: as complex as necessary, and as simple as possible. The idea is to manipulate the simplifying assumptions in a way that reduces the complexity of the model (in order to make a real-time simulation), but without altering the precision of the results

    Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Resource-Constrained Applications with Lightweight Neural Networks

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    This thesis focuses on developing lightweight semantic segmentation models tailored for resource-constrained applications, effectively balancing accuracy and computational efficiency. It introduces several novel concepts, including knowledge sharing, dense bottleneck, and feature re-usability, which enhance the feature hierarchy by capturing fine-grained details, long-range dependencies, and diverse geometrical objects within the scene. To achieve precise object localization and improved semantic representations in real-time environments, the thesis introduces multi-stage feature aggregation, feature scaling, and hybrid-path attention methods

    Variational image fusion

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    The main goal of this work is the fusion of multiple images to a single composite that offers more information than the individual input images. We approach those fusion tasks within a variational framework. First, we present iterative schemes that are well-suited for such variational problems and related tasks. They lead to efficient algorithms that are simple to implement and well-parallelisable. Next, we design a general fusion technique that aims for an image with optimal local contrast. This is the key for a versatile method that performs well in many application areas such as multispectral imaging, decolourisation, and exposure fusion. To handle motion within an exposure set, we present the following two-step approach: First, we introduce the complete rank transform to design an optic flow approach that is robust against severe illumination changes. Second, we eliminate remaining misalignments by means of brightness transfer functions that relate the brightness values between frames. Additional knowledge about the exposure set enables us to propose the first fully coupled method that jointly computes an aligned high dynamic range image and dense displacement fields. Finally, we present a technique that infers depth information from differently focused images. In this context, we additionally introduce a novel second order regulariser that adapts to the image structure in an anisotropic way.Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Fusion mehrerer Bilder zu einem Einzelbild, das mehr Informationen bietet als die einzelnen Eingangsbilder. Wir verwirklichen diese Fusionsaufgaben in einem variationellen Rahmen. ZunĂ€chst prĂ€sentieren wir iterative Schemata, die sich gut fĂŒr solche variationellen Probleme und verwandte Aufgaben eignen. Danach entwerfen wir eine Fusionstechnik, die ein Bild mit optimalem lokalen Kontrast anstrebt. Dies ist der SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr eine vielseitige Methode, die gute Ergebnisse fĂŒr zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche wie Multispektralaufnahmen, BildentfĂ€rbung oder Belichtungsreihenfusion liefert. Um Bewegungen in einer Belichtungsreihe zu handhaben, prĂ€sentieren wir folgenden Zweischrittansatz: Zuerst stellen wir die komplette Rangtransformation vor, um eine optische Flussmethode zu entwerfen, die robust gegenĂŒber starken BeleuchtungsĂ€nderungen ist. Dann eliminieren wir verbleibende Registrierungsfehler mit der Helligkeitstransferfunktion, welche die Helligkeitswerte zwischen Bildern in Beziehung setzt. ZusĂ€tzliches Wissen ĂŒber die Belichtungsreihe ermöglicht uns, die erste vollstĂ€ndig gekoppelte Methode vorzustellen, die gemeinsam ein registriertes Hochkontrastbild sowie dichte Bewegungsfelder berechnet. Final prĂ€sentieren wir eine Technik, die von unterschiedlich fokussierten Bildern Tiefeninformation ableitet. In diesem Kontext stellen wir zusĂ€tzlich einen neuen Regularisierer zweiter Ordnung vor, der sich der Bildstruktur anisotrop anpasst

    Variational image fusion

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    The main goal of this work is the fusion of multiple images to a single composite that offers more information than the individual input images. We approach those fusion tasks within a variational framework. First, we present iterative schemes that are well-suited for such variational problems and related tasks. They lead to efficient algorithms that are simple to implement and well-parallelisable. Next, we design a general fusion technique that aims for an image with optimal local contrast. This is the key for a versatile method that performs well in many application areas such as multispectral imaging, decolourisation, and exposure fusion. To handle motion within an exposure set, we present the following two-step approach: First, we introduce the complete rank transform to design an optic flow approach that is robust against severe illumination changes. Second, we eliminate remaining misalignments by means of brightness transfer functions that relate the brightness values between frames. Additional knowledge about the exposure set enables us to propose the first fully coupled method that jointly computes an aligned high dynamic range image and dense displacement fields. Finally, we present a technique that infers depth information from differently focused images. In this context, we additionally introduce a novel second order regulariser that adapts to the image structure in an anisotropic way.Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Fusion mehrerer Bilder zu einem Einzelbild, das mehr Informationen bietet als die einzelnen Eingangsbilder. Wir verwirklichen diese Fusionsaufgaben in einem variationellen Rahmen. ZunĂ€chst prĂ€sentieren wir iterative Schemata, die sich gut fĂŒr solche variationellen Probleme und verwandte Aufgaben eignen. Danach entwerfen wir eine Fusionstechnik, die ein Bild mit optimalem lokalen Kontrast anstrebt. Dies ist der SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr eine vielseitige Methode, die gute Ergebnisse fĂŒr zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche wie Multispektralaufnahmen, BildentfĂ€rbung oder Belichtungsreihenfusion liefert. Um Bewegungen in einer Belichtungsreihe zu handhaben, prĂ€sentieren wir folgenden Zweischrittansatz: Zuerst stellen wir die komplette Rangtransformation vor, um eine optische Flussmethode zu entwerfen, die robust gegenĂŒber starken BeleuchtungsĂ€nderungen ist. Dann eliminieren wir verbleibende Registrierungsfehler mit der Helligkeitstransferfunktion, welche die Helligkeitswerte zwischen Bildern in Beziehung setzt. ZusĂ€tzliches Wissen ĂŒber die Belichtungsreihe ermöglicht uns, die erste vollstĂ€ndig gekoppelte Methode vorzustellen, die gemeinsam ein registriertes Hochkontrastbild sowie dichte Bewegungsfelder berechnet. Final prĂ€sentieren wir eine Technik, die von unterschiedlich fokussierten Bildern Tiefeninformation ableitet. In diesem Kontext stellen wir zusĂ€tzlich einen neuen Regularisierer zweiter Ordnung vor, der sich der Bildstruktur anisotrop anpasst

    Toward Flare-Free Images: A Survey

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    Lens flare is a common image artifact that can significantly degrade image quality and affect the performance of computer vision systems due to a strong light source pointing at the camera. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted domain of lens flare, encompassing its underlying physics, influencing factors, types, and characteristics. It delves into the complex optics of flare formation, arising from factors like internal reflection, scattering, diffraction, and dispersion within the camera lens system. The diverse categories of flare are explored, including scattering, reflective, glare, orb, and starburst types. Key properties such as shape, color, and localization are analyzed. The numerous factors impacting flare appearance are discussed, spanning light source attributes, lens features, camera settings, and scene content. The survey extensively covers the wide range of methods proposed for flare removal, including hardware optimization strategies, classical image processing techniques, and learning-based methods using deep learning. It not only describes pioneering flare datasets created for training and evaluation purposes but also how they were created. Commonly employed performance metrics such as PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS are explored. Challenges posed by flare's complex and data-dependent characteristics are highlighted. The survey provides insights into best practices, limitations, and promising future directions for flare removal research. Reviewing the state-of-the-art enables an in-depth understanding of the inherent complexities of the flare phenomenon and the capabilities of existing solutions. This can inform and inspire new innovations for handling lens flare artifacts and improving visual quality across various applications
